
世华学校学生处时事通讯CWA Student life Newsletter AY23-24 Vol.2





Health Tips

Prevention knowledge of common diseases in autumn and winter in school

Autumn and winter season due to the morning and evening temperature difference changes, the weather is hot and cold unstable, and the climate is dry, it is easy to cause the occurrence and prevalence of some diseases.


Disease science: influenza, referred to as influenza, is an acute respiratory infectious disease caused by influenza virus infection. The virus is transmitted to other people through the air, mainly through droplets emitted by an infected person who coughs or sneezes, but also through contact with objects contaminated with influenza virus. The main clinical manifestations are high fever, headache, sore limbs, fatigue and accompanied by runny nose, cough and other upper respiratory tract symptoms, the sickly and the elderly are easy to get infected.Present complications such as pneumonia.


Health Tips


Health Tips

预防措施 Preventive measures

1. 我们要做好防寒保暖并养成良好卫生习惯,做到勤洗手,不用污浊的毛巾擦手。
1. We should do a good job of cold and warm and develop good hygiene habits, wash hands frequently, do not use dirty towels to wipe hands.
2. When sneezing or coughing, use handkerchiefs or tissues to cover the mouth and nose to avoid pollution of the environment.
3. Ventilation should be frequent to keep indoor air circulation.
4. Once influenza-like symptoms appear in time to seek medical treatment, influenza patients should do a good job of isolation, isolation time is 2 days after fever.
5. Getting an annual flu vaccine is the most effective way to prevent the flu. Priority vaccination is recommended for children 6 months to 5 years of age, people 60 years of age and older, people with chronic diseases, health care workers, family members and caregivers of infants under 6 months of age, and women who are pregnant or planning to become pregnant during flu season object.

肺炎支原体肺炎(Mycoplasma pneumonia)



Health Tips

肺炎支原体肺炎(Mycoplasma pneumonia)

Disease science: Mycoplasma pneumoniae pneumonia is an acute pulmonary infectious disease caused by mycoplasma pneumoniae, which is the most important community-acquired pneumonia in children aged 5 years and above. The main clinical manifestations are fever, cough, cough is more intense, may be accompanied by headache, runny nose, sore throat, earache and so on. The early signs of the lung are not obvious, and with the progression of the disease, there may be decreased respiratory sound and dry and wet rales. Mycoplasma pneumoniae pneumonia can be prevalent in communities, families or congregations of people, outbreaks are often more in schools, childcare institutions, summer camps and other more closed groups.
Because Mycoplasma pneumoniae has various forms and no cell wall, it is inherently resistant to antibiotics acting on cell wall, such as cephalosporins and penicillins. It is sensitive to general 75% alcohol, chlorine-containing disinfectant, 2.5% Lysol and other disinfectants, and will die in 50 ° C for 30 minutes or 55° C -15 minutes. The incubation period of mycoplasma pneumoniae pneumonia is about 1-3 weeks, and it is contagious until symptoms resolve for several weeks. Patients with mycoplasma pneumoniae pneumonia are the main source of transmission, and mycoplasma infection is mainly transmitted through direct contact and droplets. People of all ages are generally susceptible, and children are the most susceptible group. Early school age and school age are the peak age of the disease.


Health Tips

肺炎支原体肺炎(Mycoplasma pneumonia)

Prevention and control recommendations:
1. At present, there is no targeted vaccine to prevent mycoplasma pneumoniae pneumonia, so strengthening daily protection is the key.
1. Ventilate more. Rooms are often ventilated with Windows to keep the environment hygienic and clean and air circulation. Open the Windows for ventilation 2-3 times a day for 20 minutes each time. During the popular season, try to avoid going to crowded and poorly ventilated public places, and wear a mask when you must go.
2. Wash your hands frequently. Maintain good personal hygiene and hand hygiene. For example, use soap or hand sanitizer to wash under running water for more than 20 seconds after going to the toilet before meals or after going home.
3. Exercise. Insist on physical exercise, ensure adequate sleep, reasonable diet, ensure adequate nutrition, improve the body's immunity and resistance.
4. Pay attention to disinfection. Schools, kindergartens and other places should pay attention to disinfection, do a good job of daily cleaning work to avoid cluster infection.


Health Tips

诺如病毒感染性腹泻(Norovirus diarrhea)

Disease science: Norovirus infectious diarrhea is an acute gastroenteritis caused by norovirus infection, which is more common in autumn and winter. The most common symptoms of the disease are vomiting, diarrhea, nausea, or accompanied by fever, headache and other symptoms, vomiting and nausea are more common in children patients, and diarrhea is more common in adult patients, vomiting is rare. Norovirus has the characteristics of low dose of infection, 18 norovirus can make people sick, in addition to the transmission of many ways, eating food or water contaminated by norovirus, direct contact with patients, contact with norovirus contaminated objects, inhalation of aerosols can cause disease, easy to outbreak in schools, nursery institutions, enterprises, social welfare homes for the elderly and other places.


Health Tips

诺如病毒感染性腹泻(Norovirus diarrhea)

Prevention and control recommendations:
1. Pay attention to develop good personal hygiene habits, wash hands before meals and after using the toilet.
2. Food should be cooked before eating.
3. Nursery institutions, schools and other collective units should strengthen the safety management of food and drinking water, and nursery staff and canteen staff should be immediately transferred from their jobs if they have symptoms such as vomiting and diarrhea.
4. The morning, afternoon and evening examination should be strengthened. If students have symptoms such as vomiting and diarrhea, they should be isolated and treated for medical treatment in time, and their vomit or feces should be immediately disinfected. Patients should not go to school until 72 hours after the symptoms have completely disappeared to avoid transmission to others.


Health Tips


四位FP的同学Frank, Violet, Turbo和Joanna制作的校园杂志不仅记录了校园新闻和丰富多彩的校内活动,还包含了引人入胜的时事新闻报道。这本杂志不仅令人陶醉于校园生活的美好,还使读者紧跟时事动态,充实视野,赋予文学艺术新的意义。
The CWA magazine designed by FP Frank Violet Turbo and Joanna showcases not only campus news and a vibrant array of campus activities but also engaging coverage of current evens. This magazine not only immerses readers in the beauty of campus life but also keeps them informed about the latest happenings, enriching their perspectives and imbuing literature and art with new meaning.

Student activity

FP Cindy同学举办了一个模拟盲人的日常生活体验活动。这次活动帮助大家更深入地了解盲人朋友的挑战和生活,促进了同理心和尊重的培养。
Student FP Cindy organized an activity called being blind. This activity helped everyone gain a deeper understanding of the challenges and lives of blind friends, promoting the development of empathy and respect.


This Sunday marks the CWA Day, and the theme for this year's CWA Day is "Harmony."

Student Council Election

Student council elections are currently in progress, with each candidate creating beautifully designed posters to showcase themselves.

Academic competition

Canadian Senior Mathematics Contests and American Mathematics competition is coming soon.

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