
世华学校学生处时事通讯CWA Student life Newsletter AY23-24 Vol.3



CWA Student life Newsletter AY23-24 Semester 1, Vol.3


周末寄宿 Weekend Boarding

The wonderful life of weekend boarding

Weekend boarding life is an important part of school life, and high-quality boarding life plays a very important role in the growth and maturity of students. This semester, we have prepared a variety of weekend activities for students from sports, volunteer activities, team building, food sharing and other aspects, which truly enhance student's comprehensive ability!

周末寄宿 Weekend Boarding

Weekend boarding is divided into three sections: the study section, the activity section and the free time control section. The following is the specific schedule:
  • 08:30-10:00 早餐,整理房间 Breakfast, tidy up the room
  • 10:00-11:30 自习时间 self-study time
  • 11:30-15:00 午餐,午休时间 Lunch break
  • 15:00-17:00 活动时间 activity time
  • 21:50-22:10 睡前点名时间 Bedtime roll call time
Our study time: A quiet and focused study atmosphere is what Weekend Boarding has always been about.

周末寄宿 Weekend Boarding

On weekends, quality life and activities are a must!
As the student's favorite activity - barbecue, they never absent!

周末寄宿 Weekend Boarding

This semester we have added pickleball to weekend sports, of course, we are also doing other sports.

周末寄宿 Weekend Boarding

To expand the student's knowledge and communication skills, we also prepared a volunteer activity on weekends.

This is our weekend boarding program. In the boarding life, we not only cultivate the students' independent living ability and independent spirit, but also improve the children's cooperation and communication and teamwork skills, improve the students' comprehensive quality, to built a good foundation for the student to study abroad.

Field trip 校外活动日

Field trip 校外活动日

Learning not only happens in the classroom, but also outside of school.

Field trip 校外活动日

Student council 学生会换届

世华学校学生会近日在校长Mr. Aupoix的办公室顺利完成了换届交接。这次交接不仅代表着新一届学生会的正式成立,也象征着学校学生工作的持续发展和进步。感谢上一届学生会成员的无私奉献和辛勤付出。希望新一届学生会成员继承和发扬前辈的精神,勇于担当。期待他们能够继续努力,为世华学校的学生会工作开创更加美好的未来。
The Student Council  recently successfully completed the handover in the office of the principal, Mr. Aupoix. We appreciate the dedication, hard work, and leadership demonstrated by the previous council. They have significantly contributed to our school community. We look forward to a productive and exciting year ahead with our new Student Council members. They will be working diligently to represent your interests and make CWA an even better place for all of us. We wish our newly elected members the best of luck in their roles!

Student Life Office学生处

大家好~我是Jennifer,在CWA很久的老师之一,很高兴加入Student Life这个有爱的大家庭,未来的日子希望可以与大家一起经历更多快乐愉快的时光。
Hello everyone! I'm Jennifer, one of the long-time teachers at CWA. I am delighted to join the loving family of Student Life. In the days ahead, I hope to experience more joyful and pleasant moments with all of you. I enjoy Procreate, jogging, and roller skating (probably the oldest learner at the school). Looking forward to creating wonderful memories together!

The world makes way for the dreamer.

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