





Festival of Hope

 Festival of Hope 是IB倡导的一项活动,旨在赋予年轻人解决全球挑战、激发积极变革的能力。它不仅仅是一场活动;它是一个社区,汇集了年轻人、教育者和全球领导者,共同探讨和探索生活各个方面的希望主题。
The Festival of Hope is an initiative by the International Baccalaureate (IB) that aims to empower young people to tackle global challenges and inspire positive change. The Festival of Hope is more than just an event; it is a community that brings together young people, educators, and global leaders to discuss and explore the theme of hope in various aspects of life.
 Festival of Hope 旨在创造空间,让数百万年轻人大胆发声,分享他们在如何应对当今世界面临的复杂挑战方面的想法、经验和观点。它是一个让年轻人进行批判性反思、创造性行动和勇敢探究的平台,在逆境中培养希望和韧性的意识。
The Festival of Hope is designed to create spaces where millions of young people can speak up and share their ideas, experiences, and perspectives on how to address the complex challenges faced by the world today. It is a platform for young people to engage in critical reflection, creative action, and courageous inquiry, fostering a sense of hope and resilience in the face of adversity.

The initiative is part of the IB's mission to develop lifelong learners who thrive and make a difference. By focusing on international education, the Festival of Hope aims to inspire and empower young people to become globally-minded, balanced, and well-rounded citizens who can navigate the complexities of the world and contribute to positive change.
总之, Festival of Hope 是一项独特而鼓舞人心的倡议,通过国际教育赋予年轻人解决全球挑战、创造积极变革的能力。它是IB致力于培养终身学习者、能够在世界上产生影响的承诺的体现。
In conclusion, the Festival of Hope is a unique and inspiring initiative that empowers young people to tackle global challenges and create positive change through international education. It is a testament to the IB's commitment to developing lifelong learners who can make a difference in the world.
                                                                                      Student Council 

CHina World Academy

Spring infectious disease prevention tips

春季是疾病特别是传染性疾病的多发季节,常见 的传染性疾病包括:流行性感冒、新型冠状病毒、 麻疹、水痘、腮腺炎、风疹、诺如病毒感染、 手足口病等。这些传染病可通过空气、短距离飞沫或 接触呼吸道分泌物等途径传播。预防春季传染病的主要措施有:
Spring is a season of diseases, especially infectious diseases, common infectious diseases include: influenza, COVID-19, measles, chickenpox, mumps, rubella, scarlet fever, norovirus infection, hand, foot and mouth disease. These infections can be spread through the air, by short droplets, or by contact with respiratory secretions. The main measures to prevent spring infectious diseases are:
1.定时开窗自然通风。可有效降低室内空气中微 生物的数量,改善室内空气质量。个人用品毛巾、牙刷、餐具应定期消毒或更换。
Open Windows regularly for natural ventilation. Can effectively reduce the number of organisms in the indoor air, improve indoor air quality.Personal supplies towels, toothbrushes, tableware should be regularly disinfected or replaced.
2.接种疫苗。部分传染病有疫苗,进行计划性人 工自动免疫是预防各类传染病发生的主要环节,预防性疫苗是阻击传染病发生的最佳积极手段。
Get vaccinated. Some infectious diseases have vaccines, and the planned artificial automatic immunization is the main link to prevent the occurrence of various infectious diseases, and preventive vaccines are the best active means to prevent the occurrence of infectious diseases.

3.养成良好的卫生习惯。保持工作、生活场所卫 生;饭前便后以及外出归来一定要按规定程序洗手; 打喷嚏、咳嗽和清洁鼻子应用卫生纸掩盖,用过的卫 生纸不要随地乱扔;勤换、勤洗、勤晒衣服、被褥;不随地吐痰,个人卫生用品切勿混用。
Develop good hygiene habits. Keep working and living places hygienic; Wash your hands before meals, after going to the toilet, and after going out and returning. Cover up sneezing, coughing and nose with toilet paper. Do not leave used toilet paper lying around. Change, wash, and dry clothes and bedding frequently. Do not spit anywhere. Do not mix personal hygiene products.

4.加强锻炼,增强免疫力。春天人体新陈代谢开 始旺盛起来,正是运动锻炼的好时机,积极参加体育运动,经常锻炼增强抵抗力。
Strengthen exercise, enhance immunity. Spring human metabolism begins to flourish, it is a good time to exercise, actively participate in sports, regular exercise to enhance resistance.
Have a regular life. The combination of work and rest, ensuring sleep, is very important to improve their resistance.
6.衣、食细节要注意。春季气候多变,乍暖还寒, 适时增减衣服;合理膳食,宜清淡、高维生素、宜多 食些富含优质蛋白及微量元素的食物。要减少对呼吸道的刺激,要多饮水。
Pay attention to the details of clothing and food. In spring, the climate is changeable, and clothes are increased or decreased when warm and cold return. Reasonable diet, easy light, high vitamin, should eat more foods rich in high-quality protein and trace elements. To reduce the irritation of the respiratory tract, drink more water.
7.切莫讳疾忌医。由于春季传染病初期多有类似 感冒的症状,易被忽视,因此身体有不适应及时就医, 特别是有发热、皮疹症状,应尽早明确诊断,及时治 疗。如有传染病的情况,应立刻采取隔离措施,以免范围扩大。
Don't hide your medical concerns. Because there are many cold-like symptoms in the early stages of spring infectious diseases, it is easy to be ignored, so the body is not adapted to timely medical treatment, especially with fever and rash symptoms, it should be diagnosed as soon as possible and treated in time. If there is any infectious disease, isolation measures should be taken immediately to avoid the expansion of the scope.


We hosted the first LINC Night of the semester, creating a special moment for students to be together. They enjoyed a variety of food options, ranging from tempting cakes to delicious pizzas. In addition to the culinary delights, students participated in various activities such as crafting, creating photo walls, and decorating their dormitories. This evening was filled with laughter and interaction, allowing students to experience the joy of teamwork and socializing.



The significance of residential life cannot be overstated, especially for students preparing to study abroad, where they will live alongside peers from diverse cultural backgrounds and personalities. Residential living provides them with a valuable opportunity to adapt to and integrate into new lifestyles and environments.

Students stayed at the school over the weekend and engaged in painting and engineering construction activities. Despite being away from home, they enjoyed fun activities organized by teachers, which not only brought them closer together but also alleviated any concerns they may have had about living independently away from their parents.

Weekend Boarding


FP Advisory

On the first day of the new semester, FP students held the first FP Advisory session in the library. At this eagerly anticipated gathering, students enthusiastically shared their experiences and insights from the winter break, particularly regarding effective time management.

这次FP 的Advisory不仅是一个开始,更是一个契机。它为学生们提供了一个共同探讨问题、分享经验和建立联系的机会,为他们在新学期里迈出坚实的第一步。期待着在未来的FP的Advisory上,学生们能够继续保持这种积极的参与态度,共同创造更加美好的学习环境和校园生活。
This FP Advisory session is not just a beginning but also an opportunity. It provides students with a chance to discuss issues, share experiences, and build connections, laying a solid foundation for them to take the first steps in the new semester. Looking forward to future FP Advisory sessions, where students can continue to maintain this positive engagement and collectively create a better learning environment and campus life.

CTB全球青年研究创新论坛(简称CTB)源自哈佛大学传统的研究课题展示项目“Harvard Thinks Big”,是世界范围极具影响力的华人青少年跨学科学术研究项目。
The CTB Global Youth Research and Innovation Forum (CTB) originated from Harvard University's traditional research project showcase "Harvard Thinks Big" and is a highly influential interdisciplinary academic research project for Chinese youth worldwide.

Choose to be the change.

Festival of 

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