
2023-2024THISDL ASA 中学第一阶段课程回顾



  • 创造性的艺术和表演
  • STEAM科技
  • 学术及素质能力拓展
  • 体育运动及校队课程


ASA课程回顾 第一阶段





THISDL ASA are designed and carried out based on the THIS DL mission, vision and core values of school. Schools carry out a variety of ASA to provide students with a platform and opportunities to fully explore, participate, contact and understand diverse cultures, and cultivate students' independent thinking ability and team spirit. ASA are mainly divided into the following four directions: academic and quality development, STEAM courses, creative performance and art activities, and sports activities and school sports team.
2023-2024 THISDL middle school has opened 56 activities and clubs for students. This review provides parents with first period of 2023-2024 THISDL after school activity. The text is derived from the phase course summaries submitted by various ASA teachers.





International history bowl team

During this ASA the students and I have been working towards participating in the International History Bowl in Beijing, which will be held on December 16. We have used the lessons to become familiar with the topics and question formats. Several of the students have worked hard on studying and reviewing the materials that I have provided to prepare for the competition. The students have responded well to the game aspect of the history bowl questions and the various academic games we can play to practice for the competition. However, the students do need to spend more time outside of the ASA class preparing the material. For the rest of the semester’s sessions of the ASA we will work on the competition. 
One thing I would want to change going forward is highlighting the importance of English language skills required to compete in the ASA. Some of the students have struggled with the activities due to listening comprehension and speaking skills. I want to keep the ASA open to all students, but I will do a better job in future iterations of the ASA to highlight the importance of high level English. Going forward the ASA will take two paths. If the students do well in the competition, we will prepare for the next stage of competition. Otherwise, we will shift to a general interest history class and create competitions for THISDL students to compete in. I look forward to continue working with these kids and the exploration of history. 



International Business Competition

The Business Competition Club for Middle School of THISDL offers the students the opportunities to extend their learning through the after school activities (ASA) to discover, refine and develop their knowledge on specific business subjects, ideas, presentation and public speaking skills. By participating the many competitions offered such as Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA), the students would be inspired as they are being prepared to become community-minded business leaders in a global society through relevant career preparation and leadership experiences.Usually to prepare the students for the upcoming competition, the students would be mentored and taught how to utilize the materials from the business competition organizing committee, which would provide the students some insight of what is expected of them in terms of completing the questions on the topic matter; learning to research, write and analyze the case study; and practising on their presentation skills so they could deliver their ideas, contents and recommendations confidently.So far this semester, the students enjoyed learning new business marketing concepts in terms of the marketing mixes that consists of 4 Ps’ (product, price, place and promotion). They learned about the different strategies of each marketing mix and how it applies to the business. 
It is always a great pleasure to see the students having fun learning, competing and presenting, while cultivating their leadership and teamwork skills to getting a rewarding experience in the business competition. Win or lose, it is an exciting academic pathway that offers the student an unforgettable experience and exposure to business topics before they further their studies in the college or universities.



Brush Calligraphy

The middle school calligraphy ASA course focuses on the emulation of famous calligraphy works and free creative writing. In the first month, the emphasis is on collective emulation of regular script, with the model being the "Kongzi Temple Tablet" by the Tang Dynasty calligrapher Yu Shinan, aiming to lay a solid foundation for the entire academic year's practice. In the second month, students are introduced to various styles of calligraphy, such as seal script, clerical script, regular script, cursive script, and semi-cursive script, from the Qin and Han dynasties to the Ming and Qing dynasties. They have the opportunity to select their preferred style and work to emulate, which has proven to be quite effective.Next, based on their emulation practice, students will create their own calligraphy works using content of their choice, and they will also work on couplet creations from New Year's Day to the Spring Festival. The hope is that every child can gain knowledge and enjoyment from the calligraphy class, as well as produce exceptional calligraphy pieces.



Fiction writting

The English novel writing course of this semester has been an exciting and inspiring journey for our students. In this course, they have not only learned how to construct engaging storylines but also delved into various elements of fiction writing, such as character development, dialogue, description, and creating atmosphere.At the beginning of the course, we placed a strong emphasis on the theoretical foundation of novel writing, including story structure, conflict, and climax. Students gained an understanding of these concepts through the analysis of classic novels and short stories and began brainstorming their own story frameworks.We also discussed the significance of character development, and students learned how to create vivid characters for their stories. During the course, they explored different methods of character growth, including internal and external motivations and character arcs.Additionally, we focused on honing dialogue skills as dialogue plays a pivotal role in fiction. Students practiced writing natural and engaging dialogue to drive the plot and develop their characters.Furthermore, we emphasized the techniques of creating vibrant settings and emotional atmospheres. Students learned to use imagery, metaphors, and literary devices to enhance their narrative abilities.Throughout the course, students shared their work with each other and provided valuable feedback. This helped them refine their writing skills and fostered collaboration and peer review skills.
Through this first phase of the course, students have embarked on their journey of novel writing. We look forward to witnessing more captivating stories and their growth and progress in the field of novel writing in the upcoming phases.



elected Readings from English Newspapers and Magazines

在过去的几周内,学生们在本节课上学习了来自Chicago Tribune, The Guardian, The Washington Post, China Daily, The Times, BBC Science Focus, MIT Technology Review, Financial Times, The Times, The Wall Street Journal, New Scientist, Discover, BBC Science Focus, 的多篇报刊文章,话题涉及人工智能与人类、人体科学常识、社会历史现象等等。通过学习外刊文章,同学们研读段落中的用词,体会背后的文化观念,也扩宽了知识面。每篇文章后都有单词的积累和练习:词文匹配、词义辨析、新词造句。在谈及疫苗的话题时,同学们阅读完文章后分为两组,进行了有关话题的辩论:“疫苗接种是否应该成为强制性措施”。大家的表现都非常积极,期待同学们在接下来的时间里,继续积累,步履不停。 
In the past few weeks, students in this class have been studying multiple articles from Chicago Tribune, The Guardian, The Washington Post, China Daily, The Times, BBC Science Focus, MIT Technology Review, Financial Times, The Times, The Wall Street Journal, New Scientist, Discover, BBC Science Focus, covering topics related to artificial intelligence and its impact on humans, human body science, social and historical phenomena, and more. Through the study of articles from international publications, students have examined the vocabulary within paragraphs and gained insights into the cultural concepts underlying them, expanding their knowledge base. After each article, there were vocabulary accumulation and exercises, including word-text matching, word meaning differentiation, and creating sentences with new words. When discussing the topic of vaccines, students divided into two groups to engage in a debate on the issue of "whether vaccine mandates should be enforced." Everyone's performance was highly enthusiastic, and we look forward to students continuing to accumulate knowledge and progress in the upcoming sessions.


Botball Competition

This semester's Botball robot programming course provided students with exciting opportunities to learn how to design, program, and compete with autonomous robots. Through challenges and teamwork, they cultivated problem-solving and computer science skills. In this exhilarating term, students not only deepened their understanding of robotics but also strengthened their collaborative and innovative thinking. We look forward to seeing their development in the field of robotics in the future. Through the course, we observed that students' primary interests lie in hardware construction and software development. While the course initially focused on building, it has now shifted towards a combination of building and programming. However, some students remain more enthusiastic about construction, which presents a challenge for skill enhancement.




School Dance Troupe

This semester, the school dance troupe will focus on the basic skills of Chinese jazz and the rehearsal of the work "Pray for God". This dance repertoire is difficult and requires high mobilization of students' core strength and small muscle groups. After the systematic basic skills training, students will finally perform this work in the Christmas performance at the end of this semester. In addition to rehearsing the dance work "Pray for God", we will also conduct certain training on the soft opening of basic skills to assist the perfect presentation of dance works, and enhance students' stage sense, self-confidence and interest.



Entomology and Specimen Preparation

The main content of this course is the preparation of insect specimens. During Quarter 1, students learned about the tools used in specimen preparation (mounting boards, insect pins, etc.), the preparation of common insect specimens, and engaged in practical field collection. In addition to practicing the preparation of Lepidoptera butterfly specimens, which we have been working on weekly, students also attempted the preparation of Coleoptera flower chafers, Hemiptera cicadas, and even ventured to prepare the relatively rare Chinese large flat beetle specimen. In addition to specimen preparation, we learned various collection techniques and conducted a butterfly collection activity right at the school entrance, where students also learned how to make triangular paper packets for specimen collection. Furthermore, we discussed the origin and rules of the binomial nomenclature used in biological taxonomy.



Introduction to the Four Great Classical Novels

In order to gain a deeper understanding of the essence of classical Chinese literature, over the past half of the semester, we have collectively explored the history of ancient Chinese novels. Our exploration has covered a wide range of content, from mythological stories to Wei-Jin supernatural tales, as well as Tang legends and Song-Yuan vernacular stories. This has laid a solid foundation for future readings of classical literary works.
Classical Chinese novels are a treasure of Chinese culture and an integral part of our national literature. Through this course, our goal is to help students understand the development of classical Chinese novels and cultivate an interest and appreciation for Chinese culture. During the pre-Qin period, we explored the emergence of ancient historical records and military treatises, primarily aimed at recording history and guiding military strategy. Over time, these texts evolved to incorporate legendary elements and laid the foundation for the development of the novel.
Through this course, we aim to help students understand the historical development of classical Chinese novels, fostering an interest in and appreciation for Chinese culture. Reading these classical novels will also enhance students' language expression, reading comprehension, and cultural literacy. In their future studies and lives, students will better grasp and admire the charm of classical Chinese novels, and gain a deeper understanding and respect for the diversity of Chinese culture.




我们的“12种语言12个月”课外活动,专注于项目管理,为我们的学生带来了良好的效果。项目管理是一项重要的技能,可以在学生生活的各个方面受益。从组织学校项目到有效管理时间,学习项目管理可以对学生非常有益。通过这个课外活动,学生不仅学习项目管理的理论概念,还通过实际活动和练习获得实际经验。他们学会如何准备文件,如何研究互联网以查找相关信息并了解更广泛的“世界”。这真的开拓了他们的思维。这使他们能够应用他们的知识,更好地理解这一主题。通过积极参与这些活动,学生正在培养重要的团队合作、问题解决和沟通等技能,这对于在任何领域取得成功都至关重要。这个课外活动的一个关键优势是它具有互动性和吸引力,使学生享受到有趣的学习体验。项目管理中使用技术和各种工具还为学习过程增加了创新和创造力的元素。这有助于学生跳出固定思维,提出独特的解决方案,以有效管理他们的项目。此外,这一活动还教给学生时间管理的重要性和如何遵守截止日期 - 这对他们来说仍然很困难 - 也许是我们仍然需要最多工作的薄弱环节之一。这些都是宝贵的技能,不仅可以在他们的学术生活中受益,还可以在未来的职业生涯中受益。通过学会如何规划和优先处理任务,学生正在培养责任感和问责制感,这些是任何领导者必不可少的素质。除了实际技能,这个活动还培养了学生之间的友情和团队合作精神。他们学会一起工作、分派任务,并互相支持以实现共同目标。这种协作学习环境不仅增强了学生的整体学习体验,还为他们在现实世界中做好团队合作的准备,团队合作对于成功至关重要。在这种语言学习纪录片系列开始之前,我们还有8个月的时间 - 学生正在追踪,以在自己眼前看到他们自己的项目蓬勃发展。
Our “12 Languages 12 Months” extra-curricular activity focused on project management is going well for our students. Project management is an important skill that can benefit young minds in various aspects of their lives. From organizing their school projects to managing their time effectively, learning about project management can be incredibly beneficial for students.Through this extra-curricular activity, students are not just learning about the theoretical concepts of project management, but they are also getting hands-on experience through practical activities and exercises. They are learning how to prepare documents, how to research the Internet to find pertinent information and learn about the “World” at large. It really opens up their mind.This allows them to apply their knowledge and gain a better understanding of the subject. By actively participating in the activities, students are developing important skills such as teamwork, problem-solving, and communication, which are crucial for success in any field.One of the key benefits of this extra-curricular activity is that it is interactive and engaging, making it a fun learning experience for students. The use of technology and various tools in project management also adds an element of innovation and creativity to the learning process. This helps students to think outside the box and come up with unique solutions to manage their projects effectively.Moreover, this activity also teaches students the importance of time management and meeting deadlines - this still hard for them - maybe one of the weak areas we still need to work on the most. These are valuable skills that can benefit them not only in their academic life but also in their future careers. By learning how to plan and prioritize tasks, students are developing a sense of responsibility and accountability which are essential qualities in any leader.In addition to the practical skills, this activity also fosters a sense of camaraderie and teamwork among students. They learn to work together, delegate tasks, and support each other to achieve a common goal. This collaborative learning environment not only enhances the students' overall learning experience but also prepares them for the real world where teamwork is essential for success. 
We still have 8 months before this language learning documentary series begins - students are on track to seeing their own project blossom in fron their very eyes.



在我们的iOS课程中,学生沉浸在一个充满活力的学习环境中,这个环境促进了协作和实际经验。值得注意的是,他们在构建Robomasters项目中共同努力的一面,这不仅是一个有趣和引人入胜的项目,还是一个丰富的教育经验。学生们在小组中共同合作,设计和制作这些机器人,磨练了团队合作、沟通和解决问题的技能。他们学会了整合硬件组件并解决可能出现的技术问题。这种实际学习方法不仅加强了他们对电子学和机器人学的理解,还突出了在iOS开发领域有效的团队动力的重要性。这是一个让学生欣赏合作的力量并学会不同的技能和观点如何产生创新和实用解决方案的机会。除了他们的Robomaster项目,学生还通过Swift编程深入探索了iOS开发领域。这个旅程始于Swift Playgrounds的介绍,这是一个多功能平台,允许他们以用户友好和互动的方式尝试编码概念。随着他们开始探索Swift,学生在语言的语法和核心原理方面建立了坚实的基础。他们应对了各种编程挑战,逐渐建立了解决问题、逻辑思维和编码技巧的能力。这种早期接触Swift编程为他们更深入地参与iOS应用程序开发做好了准备,为他们提供了将创意应用点子变为现实所需的知识和信心。这门课程的课程内容将理论知识与实际应用相结合,确保学生不仅理解Swift的复杂性,还能够将他们新获得的技能应用于创造创新的iOS应用程序中。
In our iOS class, students have been immersed in a dynamic learning environment that fosters collaboration and hands-on experience. One notable aspect of their journey is the collective effort they put into building Robomasters, which not only served as a fun and engaging project but also as a rich educational experience. Working together in groups, students honed their teamwork, communication, and problem-solving skills as they designed and constructed these robots. They learned to integrate hardware components and troubleshoot any technical issues that arose. This hands-on approach to learning not only reinforced their understanding of electronics and robotics but also highlighted the importance of effective group dynamics in the field of iOS development. It was an opportunity for students to appreciate the power of collaboration and learn that diverse skill sets and perspectives can result in innovative and functional solutions.In addition to their Robomaster project, students have also delved into the world of iOS development through Swift Programming. This journey commenced with the introduction of Swift Playgrounds, a versatile platform that allows them to experiment with coding concepts in a user-friendly and interactive manner. As they began to explore Swift, students gained a solid foundation in the language's syntax and its core principles. They tackled various programming challenges, gradually building their skills in problem-solving, logical thinking, and coding techniques. This early exposure to Swift Programming is setting the stage for their deeper immersion into iOS app development, equipping them with the knowledge and confidence they need to turn their creative app ideas into reality. The class's curriculum combines theoretical knowledge with practical application, ensuring that students not only understand the intricacies of Swift but can also apply their newfound skills to create innovative iOS applications.

Swift Coding



Magic Performance

The magic ASA over the last nine weeks has been a whirlwind of learning, practice, and personal growth. We began with a clear vision: to instill a deep sense of confidence in our budding magicians and to equip them with the nuanced techniques of sleight-of-hand. Confidence, as we've reiterated in our sessions, is the lifeblood of a successful magic performance. It's the invisible thread that pulls the audience into the world of the magician, making the impossible seem possible. Our students have showcased an admirable level of commitment to this craft. Beyond the scheduled classes, many have been spotted practicing, performing their tricks.
Our class, while initially focused on card magic, evolved to encompass a wider range of techniques such as coins and balls sleight of hand. This ensured that our students had a well-rounded exposure, keeping their curiosity piqued. One of the most rewarding outcomes has been hearing about their impromptu performances for friends, family, and classmates. These moments, where they step into the spotlight and captivate an audience, are clear indicators of not just their technical prowess but also their growing self-assurance. It's a reflection of their journey from novice learners to confident performers, and I couldn't be prouder of their progress. I look forward to their continued commitment and for their skills to grow—to become great magicians.



Future City

This year's Future City project was divided into two teams, closely aligned with this year's theme. Our curriculum covered the origins of urban birth, as well as methods and cutting-edge technologies in urban power generation, transmission, and storage. We started by selecting the geographical location of the future city, delving into the city's geographical features and planning challenges. Then, we collaboratively designed the future city, fully harnessing the potential of each student, ultimately completing the initial version of the city's descriptive paper.
During this process, students actively participated, continuously absorbing knowledge about urban design, gradually gaining insights into the city they were about to create. They boldly ventured into various interdisciplinary fields, including science, engineering, humanities, and technology, accumulating a wealth of interdisciplinary knowledge.
Next, students will dive into the actual model construction, transforming their imagination and creativity into a visual representation of the Future City, adding the finishing touch to this project. We look forward to seeing their work and efforts, adding brilliance to the Future City!




The first period of baking course has come to an end, and this semester has been a delightful journey for our students. In this course, they have not only learned how to create various exquisite pastries and bread but have also cultivated essential culinary skills and creativity. The curriculum began with the basics of dough-making, gradually guiding students through the methods of creating different types of pastries and bread. They learned how to measure ingredients, operate ovens, and control time and temperature during the baking process. Through hands-on experience, they gained insights into the characteristics of ingredients and learned to troubleshoot potential issues in baking.In addition to technical learning, the baking course emphasized the importance of creativity and decoration. Students were encouraged to unleash their imagination, decorating their pastries and creating unique culinary artworks. This not only enhanced their creativity but also deepened their passion for cooking.Most importantly, the baking course taught students the significance of sharing and teamwork. They collaborated in food preparation, tasted each other's creations, and built strong friendships and a spirit of cooperation.In summary, the baking course has not only equipped students with the skills to create delicious food but has also nurtured their creativity, teamwork, and sense of responsibility. We hope they will continue to enjoy the pleasures of baking in the future, creating delectable pastries and bread for themselves and others.



In-Depth Study of the Analects

In the first phase of our study, we delved into the basic life of Confucius, the transmission of the "Analects," and its contemporary influence. We read selected chapters from the "Analects" and particularly explored the significance of "junzi" (gentleman) and "xiaoren" (petty person) in the text. Students began to realize that Confucius was not an aloof saint or an unattainable deity; he was a scholar who urgently aimed to change the chaotic state of society by restoring the rites of the Zhou dynasty. He was a man of hardships who remained steadfast in his convictions, even when he knew the task was impossible. Confucius was a flesh-and-blood individual with emotions and, like everyone, capable of making mistakes. In the upcoming lessons, we will focus on unraveling the true meaning of Confucius' core concept, "ren" (benevolence).



Appreciation of World Film Culture

在本学期《世界电影文化赏析》ASA课程中,我们系统学习了电影艺术研究和电影史的知识,具体包括:电影风格、电影类型、摄影、照明风格、场面调度、画框布局、影像构图和设计、剪辑(蒙太奇和长镜头)、声音(默片与有声电影、音效和音乐)、表演类型、表演风格、明星制和好莱坞电影制片厂等内容。在课上,我们按照课程内容的安排,赏析了《工厂大门》《火车到站》《水浇园丁》(卢米埃尔兄弟 导演)《月球旅行记》(梅里爱 导演)《城市之光》(卓别林 导演)《偷自行车的人》(德西卡 导演)《2001太空漫游》(库布里克 导演)《E.T. 外星人》(斯皮尔伯格 导演)《敦刻尔克》(诺兰 导演)等经典影片,每堂课师生均进行热烈的讨论,分析电影的创作手法和精彩之处。指导老师还让每位学生们选择喜爱的经典影片进行拉片和分享,同学在课上对《国产凌凌漆》《时间规划局》《超脱》等影片做了颇具专业性的赏析。
In this semester's "Appreciation of World Film Culture" ASA course, we systematically studied knowledge related to film art and film history. This included topics such as film styles, genres, cinematography, lighting styles, scene composition, framing layout, image composition and design, editing (montage and long takes), sound (silent and sound films, sound effects, and music), performance types, acting styles, star systems, and Hollywood film studios, among others. During the course, we followed the curriculum's schedule and analyzed classic films such as "The Great Train Robbery," "Arrival of a Train," "The Sprinkler Sprinkled" (directed by Lumière Brothers), "A Trip to the Moon" (directed by Méliès), "City Lights" (directed by Chaplin), "Bicycle Thieves" (directed by De Sica), "2001: A Space Odyssey" (directed by Kubrick), "E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial" (directed by Spielberg), "Dunkirk" (directed by Nolan), and others. In each class, both the teachers and students engaged in enthusiastic discussions, analyzing the creative techniques and highlights of these films. The instructors also had each student select their favorite classic film for analysis and presentation, and during the classes, students provided professional analyses of films such as "Lost in Time," "The Man from the Future," and "Detour."



Board Games

The first phase of the chessboard games course has come to a successful conclusion. It has been a journey filled with strategy, wisdom, and enjoyment. In this course, students have not only mastered the rules and techniques of various chessboard games but have also developed crucial thinking and decision-making skills. Along with learning the rules, students actively engaged in practical gameplay, continually improving their chess skills and demonstrating exceptional ability in analyzing game situations and making decisions.
Competing not only fueled their competitive spirit but also fostered teamwork, patience, and perseverance. Throughout this process, students learned the importance of respecting opponents, accepting victories and defeats, and drawing valuable lessons from each experience. The chessboard games course not only honed their intellectual capabilities but also instilled ethical values and character.
Most importantly, students enjoyed their time in this course, made new friends, and forged deep friendships. They encouraged each other during matches, collectively growing and creating cherished memories. We hope that in future games, they will continue to relish challenges and fun, continuously elevating their chess skills.




During the first phase of our DNA and genetics ASA course we have covered a range of subjects. We began by learning about the structure of DNA. We analyzed how the structure of DNA and the complementary base pairs allow for its function to take place.We then looked at the process of DNA replication and the intricacies that this involves. Following this we investigated what goes wrong in the genome for cancer to occur and the carcinogens that cause cancer. Students then researched a gene called p53, which is a very special gene known as the tumour suppressor gene.Epigenetics and the effect of chemicals on the transcription of DNA was then taught. The students then independently researched a case study involving a real world example from World War 2. This was based around how the epigenetics of an entire countries population has been changed for generations from the events of World War 2.A hands on laboratory activity was then performed. All students were extracting and observing DNA. Students had to carefully separate and extract DNA.Finally we touched on evolution and students practiced creating their own phylogenetic trees. These models displayed the evolutionary relationships between different species on Earth based on their similarities in their genome.



Painting Form and Fundamentals

In this phase, we primarily focused on two aspects of knowledge: basic sketching and fundamental character sketching. Regarding basic sketching, students demonstrated varying levels of foundational skills. Some had little to no prior experience with sketching, while others already possessed decent sketching abilities. Faced with this diversity, we adopted a tiered teaching approach.
For students with strong foundations, we arranged for plaster cast training, while those with weaker foundations began with line practice. Through exercises that involved studying cubes, spheres, and still-life subjects, students improved to different degrees. In the character sketching course, we delved into topics like human proportions, head proportions, and facial features' drawing methods.
The students displayed high enthusiasm in class, and their discipline was excellent, which was highly satisfying for the teacher. We look forward to their continued commitment and maintaining a strong learning attitude in their upcoming studies, aiming to create even better artwork.



Music Production

本课程以学校乐队学院为依托,专业级灵感Midi教室为载体,多元化课后课思想为导向,致力于为学生提供更丰富的课程内容,拓学生视野、提高学生综合素养、促进学生个性发展和满足学生多样性学习需求,体现学校多维度课程能力。本课程以《音乐制作人白金手册》为教材,前期根据学生多样化背景知识水平制定教学方案,主张因材施教,循序渐进,合理安排教学进度;课程中以学生为中心,充分发挥学生的主观能动性,教师恰当引导,做到理论联系实际,活学活用;在阶段性测试中,全部学生一致通过:“乐音知识、音程关系、和弦构造、调式构造”等多次实践课堂测试;更有同学已经可以独立创作8-16小节旋律,并且在创作中能充分做到发挥团队合作意识,同学们敢于尝试、互帮互助,均获得多方面能力的提高。通过前半学期的学习,学生逐步熟练使用Google Chrome Music Lab,MuseScore等多个音乐制作软件,在之后的教学中,课程内容的重心也会逐渐从软件入门转向实战操作;理论框架转向实践创作,并且以更丰富的课程内容将学生的热爱塑造成更专业的课外技能。
This course is based on the School of Band Academy and is facilitated by the professional-grade Inspire Midi Classroom. It is guided by a diversified after-school ideology, aiming to provide students with a richer curriculum to broaden their horizons, enhance their comprehensive skills, promote their personal development, and meet their diverse learning needs. It showcases the school's multi-dimensional curriculum capabilities.
The course uses the "Music Producer Platinum Handbook" as its textbook. In the early stages, a teaching plan is developed based on the diverse background knowledge levels of the students. It advocates teaching students according to their aptitude, following a gradual and logical sequence, and scheduling the curriculum reasonably. The course is student-centered, fully leveraging students' subjective initiative. The teacher provides appropriate guidance, ensuring that theory is connected to practice and that students learn actively and apply their knowledge practically.
In phase tests, all students consistently passed multiple practical classroom tests, covering topics such as "musical knowledge, pitch relationships, chord structures, and scale structures." Some students are even capable of independently composing 8-16 bar melodies and demonstrate strong teamwork skills during the creative process. Students are willing to try new things, help each other, and have seen improvements in various areas of their abilities.
During the first half of the semester, students have gradually become proficient in using various music production software like Google Chrome Music Lab and MuseScore. In the upcoming lessons, the focus will shift from software basics to practical implementation. The course content will evolve towards practical music creation, molding students' passion into a more professional extracurricular skill.



China in Poetry

In the past half semester, we have been reading poetry along the timeline of history, covering a rich array of poetic works, including ancient ballads, the Classic of Poetry, Chu Ci, and the Han dynasty Yuefu. Our course began with ancient ballads, introducing the origin and development of ancient Chinese poetry. Students learned that ancient ballads were one of the earliest forms of poetry in Chinese literary history. They expressed people's emotions and life experiences in a concise and lively language, making them an important part of Chinese culture.
Next, we delved into the 'Classic of Poetry,' which is the earliest collection of poems in ancient China and a treasure in Chinese literary history. By reading and analyzing the poems in the 'Classic of Poetry,' students gained insights into the lives, thoughts, and emotions of ancient people. They learned to appreciate and understand these ancient and beautiful poetic works and, through imitation and creation, improved their own creativity and expressive abilities. When studying Chu Ci, we explored the works of Qu Yuan, such as 'Li Sao' and 'Heavenly Questions.' Chu Ci is characterized by its unique artistic style and profound philosophical content, making it an important chapter in Chinese literary history. Through reading and discussions, students understood the background and significance of Chu Ci and deepened their understanding of ancient culture and history.
Finally, we studied the Han dynasty Yuefu, a form of poetry accompanied by music. By learning the historical context and cultural significance of Yuefu, students understood its characteristics and development. They also tried simulating performances by singing Yuefu poems. By comparing the reading of Yuefu poems with poems from the Three Caos during the Wei and Jin periods, students experienced the formation of the literati spirit of that time.



Junior High School Artificial Intelligence Competition Class

掌握人工智能的基本原理和方法:通过学习人工智能的 程序,孩子们可以了解人工智能的基本原理和方法,如机器学习、深度学习、 自然语言处理等。应用人工智能技术:孩子们可以应用人工智能技术来解决问题,如利用人工智能程序控制小车的运动、利用自然语言处理技术进行语音识别提高编程和数学能力:学习人工智能程序需要具备一定 的编程和数学基础,孩子们可以通过学习不断提高自己的编程和数学能力。增强创新能力和实践能力:孩子们在学习人工智能的过 程中,需要不断尝试新的方法和技术,并解决遇到的问题。这有助于培养他们的创新能力和实践能力。
了解人工智能的未来发展趋势:孩子们可以了解人工智能未来的发展趋势和前景,这有助于他们在未来的学习和工作中更好地适应和发展。接下来的课程重点放在人工智能比赛、全国青少年科技 成果展示大赛和爻星球比赛上,这是一个很好的选择。这些比赛不仅有助于提高学生的科技水平,还能增强他们的创新 能力和团队合作精神。对于人工智能比赛,这是一个涵盖了 机器学习、深度学习、 自然语言处理等多个领域的比赛,参 赛者需要运用人工智能技术来解决实际问题或完成特定的 任务。通过参加这样的比赛,学生可以更好地理解人工智能 技术的应用场景和优势,同时也能提高他们的编程能力和算法设计能力。
In the middle school stage AI course, students can delve deeper into the development, current status, and future trends of artificial intelligence. By learning AI programming, they can grasp the fundamental principles and methods of AI and apply them in practice. Here's what they gain from the course:
Understanding the Development and Current Status of AI: Students learn about the origins, historical development, and the latest research findings in AI, gaining a comprehensive understanding of the field.
Mastering Basic Principles and Methods of AI: Through AI programming, students acquire knowledge about core AI principles and methods, such as machine learning, deep learning, and natural language processing.
Applying AI Technologies: Students can apply AI technologies to solve real-world problems, like controlling a robot's movement using AI programs or enhancing speech recognition through natural language processing.




The middle school chess course has provided students with an engaging learning opportunity this semester. The curriculum covers the rules, strategies, opening theory, and endgame techniques of chess. Through weekly games, students have not only improved their ability to analyze game positions and make decisions but have also developed concentration and problem-solving skills. Additionally, the course emphasizes planning, critical thinking, and competition against opponents. Through consistent practice, students have gradually elevated their chess skills, boosting their self-confidence and laying a solid foundation for future chess competitions. This course offers students not only an exciting chess experience but also fosters critical thinking and a competitive spirit, adding valuable assets to their personal and academic growth.



Become a Photographer

This semester's high school photographer course provided students with an unforgettable creative journey. From the beginning of the course, we explored various aspects of photography, from basic camera operations to composition, lighting control, and post-processing techniques. Students not only learned how to use a camera to capture outstanding photos but also understood the balance between the art and science of photography.
The course emphasized hands-on practice, and students participated in various photography projects, covering a wide range of styles from landscape and portrait photography to abstract and documentary photography. These projects honed their creativity and skills, enabling them to tell stories and express ideas through the lens.
In addition, students learned to use post-processing tools such as Adobe Lightroom and Photoshop to enhance the quality and expressiveness of their photos. They learned how to correct imperfections in photos, adjust color and contrast, and add special effects.
In summary, the high school photographer course not only provided students with photography skills but also cultivated their powers of observation and creativity. This will be a lifelong skill that benefits them regardless of their future career choices. This semester's course not only taught them how to become excellent photographers but also inspired them to see the world from a unique perspective.



Model United Nations (MUN)

在过去的半个学期,我们围绕着模拟联合国的基本内容进行讲授。在第一节课上,我们以性别平等和刚刚结束的WEMUN Expo为切入点,让大家对于模拟联合国的内核有了基本概念,使大家了解到了什么是模拟联合国。学习了模拟联合国的规则流程、公共演讲、文件写作与学术调研,在课上,我们讲授与练习结合,使同学们能更好的了解到模拟联合国的运作方式和需要注意到的各种问题。在十一期间,有3位社团成员参加了“东北区域模拟联合国大会”,其中 2人获奖,社团成员门的表现可圈可点。截止目前,ASA模联课程的学院已经参加了校内会、区域会和国家级会议。在即将到来的寒假,他们还将走向海外参加国际性模联大会,这些脚步都充分地证明了,他们在不断深入理解和实践我们课上所讲的有关“模联”的知识、会议技巧和核心精神。拟联合国课程的后半部分将集中在国际关系、交流语言,踏上“外交官”之路。在认识这个复杂的世界的过程中,我们将用国际公民的眼光来思考问题、讨论问题。在之后的课程中,我们将围绕着模拟联合国的会议技能,安排更多的实践机会,涉及更加多样的主题,为同学们在寒假参与国际会议铺好道路。我们将与同学们一起,继续探索模拟联合国的“神奇世界”。
During the first phase, the ASA Course - Model United Nations (MUN) has been focusing on the basic knowledge of MUN. In the first class, we started with the topic of gender equality and WEMUN EXPO which has just finished during this summer vacation, and demonstrated the principles and features of MUN. With this proper start, we learned the Rules & Procedures, Public Speeches, Document Writing, and Academic Research of MUN. Besides those complex but necessary theories, we also involved international news and topics that are being widely discussed in our society, which provides students with great opportunities to comprehensively understand the world from multiple perspectives and how the United Nations operates.During the National Day holiday, three members of our class participated in the China Northeast Regional Model United Nations Conference, and two of them won awards. The performance of the club members was commendable. Up to now, the members of our Model United Nations course have successfully organized and participated in different conferences, including the campus conference, regional conference, and national conference. In the upcoming winter vacation, they may have the opportunity to attend global conferences overseas. This progress fully proves that they are constantly deepening their understanding and practice of the knowledge, skills, and spirits of MUN that we have acquired in classes.
The second phase of MUN course will pay more attention to international relations and communication languages, embarking on the path of "diplomats". While stepping into the complicated international world, we are going to think and discuss issues from a global citizen’s point of view. Based on the conference skills of MUN, more practical opportunities and diverse themes will be arranged into our curriculum to lay the foundation for a series of international conferences during this winter vacation. We will continue to explore the "magical world" of Model United Nations with our classmates.



Short Film Reviews from Around the World

"Global Cinema"作为一项富有启发性和开拓性的课外活动,很高兴看到学生们的积极兴趣和参与。在整个课程中,我们有幸深入探讨了电影的迷人世界,特别强调那些关注边缘身份并提供有价值的跨文化评论的电影。我们所选的电影包括:"黄玫瑰"、"别告诉她" 和 "隐藏的人物"。这些电影不仅娱乐了我们的学生,还作为有力的学习工具。"黄玫瑰" 精美地展示了移民经验和梦想的追求,教导我们的学生了解在美国的亚裔移民所面临的各种挣扎。"别告诉她" 感人地探讨了家庭动态和东西方文化差异,而 "隐藏的人物" 启发了我们对非洲裔美国女性在太空探索历史中的重要作用有更多的了解。在教育方面,这个项目让我们的学生深入了解了西方的种族隔离历史,使他们对边缘社区所面临的挣扎变得更富有同情心和了解。同样重要的是,这些电影突显了妇女对社会的巨大贡献,激发了我们年轻参与者的激情,强调了性别平等的重要性。"Global Cinema" 的目标是促进积极的参与和思考。学生们积极参与了关于美国和中国文化差异的发人深省的讨论,拓宽了他们的视野和跨文化分析能力。这些讨论使他们对世界有了更广泛的视角,让他们欣赏和庆祝全球社区所提供的丰富多样性。"Global Cinema" 对我们的学生来说是一次文化探索的令人兴奋的时光。它点燃了他们对电影的热情,拓宽了他们的历史和文化知识,鼓励他们积极参与弥合文化差距的对话。
“Global Cinema” has been an incredibly enriching and eye-opening After-Achool Activity, and I am happy to report the active interest and participation from students. Throughout this course, we've had the privilege of delving into the fascinating world of cinema with a strong emphasis on films that focus on marginal identities and offer valuable comparative cultural commentary.The selection of films has included: "Yellow Rose," "The Farewell," and "Hidden Figures.” These movies have not only entertained our students but have also acted as powerful vehicles for learning. "Yellow Rose" beautifully showcases the immigrant experience and the pursuit of dreams, which taught our students about the diverse struggles faced by Asian immigrants in the U.S.A. "The Farewell" provided a poignant exploration of family dynamics and cultural differences between the West and the East, while "Hidden Figures" enlightened us about the crucial role of African-American women in the history of space exploration.In terms of education, this program has allowed our students to gain insights into the history of racial segregation in the West, and they have become more empathetic and knowledgeable about the struggles faced by marginalized communities. Equally important, these films have highlighted the immense contribution of women to society, inspiring our young participants and reinforcing the importance of gender equality.What “Global Cinema” has aimed to do is foster active engagement and reflection. Students have been actively participating in thought-provoking discussions about the cultural differences between the U.S. and China, broadening their horizons and comparative cultural analysis. These discussions have given them a broader perspective on the world, allowing them to appreciate and celebrate the rich diversity that our global community offers.“Global Cinema” is shaping into an exciting time of cultural exploration for our students. It has ignited their passion for cinema, broadened their historical and cultural knowledge, and encouraged them to actively engage in conversations that bridge cultural gaps.



VLOG Video Editing

Vlog 视频剪辑课一直以来都是广受学生欢迎的ASA课程。开设至今,我们学习了很多相关知识,有很多成就和收获。
The Vlog Video Editing course has always been a popular ASA program among students. Throughout its duration, we have learned a great deal of relevant knowledge, achieving many accomplishments and gains.
First and foremost, we began by delving into the production of more professional videos. We explored various shooting and editing techniques, as well as audio processing. Building upon this foundation, we observed numerous outstanding Vlog productions, elevating the quality and value of our own videos. Additionally, we started to experiment with new video types and content. While Vlogs traditionally centered around sharing travel experiences and daily life, we encouraged diversification, aiming to create more engaging and meaningful content. For instance, we encouraged students to showcase their school life through the lens and participate actively in short video competitions.
In the upcoming sessions, we will continue our exploration of shooting and editing techniques, delving into fascinating subjects like Vlog cover design, music selection, the language of cinematic shots, and more.



Speech and Recitation

The first phase of the course includes the following content:
* Understanding recitation and public speaking, exploring their applications and benefits, as well as distinguishing between recitation and public speaking.
* Observing recitation performances and conducting basic student recitation presentations.
* Engaging in tongue twister exercises.
* Practicing the recitation of Mid-Autumn Festival-themed poems.
* Improving recitation expression through situational reenactment and practice.
* Exploring the inner language, object perception, and emotional aspects of recitation, followed by related exercises.
* Practicing aspects of recitation such as breath control, vocal projection, and articulation.
* Learning recitation techniques, including emphasis, rhythm, intonation, and more.
The course design aims to help students acquire recitation skills while maintaining their interest. At the end of each class, there will be presentations and feedback based on what was learned during the session. For students in need of additional guidance, one-on-one tutoring and follow-up will be provided.



Math competition 

The course covered a diverse range of mathematical topics, including algebra, geometry, number theory, and probability. Students engaged in discussions and problem-solving on various mathematical issues, which not only enhanced their mathematical skills but also nurtured their problem-solving abilities. We also conducted simulated competitions to help students better adapt to the competitive environment. The course emphasized teamwork, with students collaborating to tackle challenging problems, sharing strategies and insights, and strengthening cooperation and friendships. We encourage students to actively participate in international math competitions, showcasing their acquired mathematical skills, and we believe they will continue to achieve excellent results in the future. The success of this course is attributed to the students' hard work and the dedicated guidance of the teachers. We look forward to further advancing the development of mathematical competitions in the coming terms.



ZIne Magazine

Zine Club的第一个阶段是一段令人兴奋且富有成果的旅程!在无需太多提示的情况下,俱乐部成员从第一天开始就投身于创建自己的微型杂志。微型杂志是通常只需要一两节课就能完成的个人创作。微型杂志的主题非常多样,涵盖了自我介绍、最喜欢的爱好和游戏、美食等等。除了个人创作,杂志俱乐部在过去的几周里还一起合作完成了一个小组项目。我们的成员正在合作编写一部科幻漫画故事。在讨论中确定主要故事要素(背景、角色和问题)后,每位成员创建了自己的故事板,来规划漫画中可能发生的情节。然后他们再次齐聚一堂,从每个故事板中选取某些元素来拟定最终大纲。然后,故事被分成各个页面,每个俱乐部成员为整体作出了贡献。随着我们进入下一个阶段,我们正在为故事做最后的润色,接下来,学生们将学习如何制作更大尺寸的杂志,为出版做好准备!
The first term of Zine Club has been an exciting and productive journey! Without needing much if any prompting, club members jumped straight into creating their own mini-zines from Day 1. Mini-zines are individual productions that usually take just one or two sessions to finish. Mini-zine subjects have been quite diverse, covering topics such as self-introductions, favorite hobbies and games, delicious foods, and more.In addition to working individually, the zine club has spent the last several weeks collaborating on a group project. Our members are working together to write a science fiction comic book story. After a discussion to determine the main story elements (setting, characters, and problem), members each created their own storyboard to map out some of what could happen in our comic. Then they came back together to pull certain elements from each storyboard to hammer out the final outline. From there, the story was divided into pages, and each club member contributed their part to the whole. As we move into the next term, we are putting the finishing touches on the story, and next students will learn to paste up a larger-format zine and ready it for publishing!




Military Chess Simulation

开学以来我们做了九场淞沪会战兵棋推演。前两次兵棋推演课,主要是熟悉规则,熟悉地图。从第三次兵棋推演开始,是从头到尾全流程,战役级别的推演,对学生的脑力和心态提出更高的要求。第五次推演,对战的节奏和强度都提升了一个档次,双方对于胜利点的争夺更加激烈,对于兵力的使用更有规划,对于战斗的选择更加谨慎。在连续两场的速胜速败后,整体的兵推思路发生了变化,从熟悉规则进化到理解和创新性应用规则。在第七场兵推后,我带学生回归历史,从史料史实的角度,深入了解了淞沪会战的前因后果,了解了主要的参与会战的主要双方将领的人物经历。第八,九场兵棋推演,推演时长接近两个小时,从会战将领的视角带入将领,增加了新的规则,新的机制,增强了学生对于历史的代入感,加深了学生对于抗战史的理解。 下半学期计划进一步带学生进行更大型的兵棋推演,加深学生对于历史,策略,模拟的兴趣,锻炼学生的统筹规划能力,逻辑推理能力。 
Since the beginning of the school year, we have conducted nine wargame simulations of the Battle of Songhu. The first two wargame simulation classes were primarily focused on familiarizing students with the rules and the map. Starting from the third wargame simulation, we proceeded to run the full process from start to finish at the campaign level, demanding higher levels of intellectual and mental effort from the students.By the fifth wargame simulation, the pace and intensity of the battles were elevated. Both sides fiercely contested victory points, planned their troop deployments, and made more cautious choices in battle. After two consecutive rapid victories and defeats, the overall wargame strategy underwent a transformation, evolving from mere familiarity with the rules to a deeper understanding and innovative application of the rules.Following the seventh wargame simulation, I led the students to delve into the historical context of the Battle of Songhu, examining the causes and consequences from historical records and facts. We explored the experiences of key leaders involved in the battle. In the eighth and ninth wargame simulations, each lasting nearly two hours, we approached the game from the perspective of the military leaders, introducing new rules and mechanisms. This enhanced the students' immersion in history and deepened their understanding of the history of the War of Resistance against Japan.In the second half of the semester, we plan to further engage students in larger-scale wargame simulations to deepen their interest in history, strategy, and simulation. This will also help in honing their strategic planning and logical reasoning skills.



Anime Character Design and Model Making

The Anime Character Design and Model Making course consists of two main parts: drawing design and sculpture creation. It covers various disciplines, including anatomy, comprehensive materials, humanities, and writing. Over the past two months, we completed the first phase, which focused on the design sketches.During this phase, students went through the process of conceptualization, sketching, and adjustments to clarify the direction of their work. In the brainstorming phase, students, guided and encouraged by the teacher, were able to imagine boldly and express their ideas. This was one of the teaching goals the teacher aimed to achieve.In the sketching phase, considering the varying drawing skills of students, the teacher redesigned the course schedule to incorporate basic anatomy, human proportions, and character sketch practice. This approach enabled students to better translate theoretical knowledge into their artwork.In the upcoming period, students will create three-dimensional models based on their design drawings. We look forward to them producing even more outstanding works.



Applied Drama

"应用戏剧" 旨在点燃学生的创造力和想象力,深入探讨叙事、即兴表演、角色塑造,目前我们正为即将到来的圣诞表演准备。 "应用戏剧" 是一次自我发现和艺术探索的激动人心之旅。在半个学期中,鼓励学生挖掘他们的创造力,以新颖的方式表达自己。探索的一个关键方面是有机会深入叙事的核心,通过创作和分享自己的冲突故事。在课堂上进行叙事探索使学生能够理解叙事的力量,作为表达情感、解决冲突和与同龄人建立联系的手段。这些故事成为学生学习体验的不可或缺的一部分,因为他们学会欣赏共情他人故事的艺术,以及在更深层次上建立联系。课堂的另一个重要组成部分是即兴表演,这是戏剧和剧院的基本技能。通过即兴练习,学生们磨练了他们的迅速思考、接受、适应和有效与同龄人合作的能力。课堂上的即兴挑战带来了极大的快乐和学习,因为学生们发现了即兴创意的刺激和在剧院中团队动力的重要性。角色刻画也在课程中扮演了重要角色。学生们有机会深入挖掘来自各种剧本、小说甚至其他同学创作的角色。通过深入了解角色的情感、动机和经历,丰富了他们对人类状况的理解,培养了共情能力和对多样性的欣赏。
随着学期的推进,这个班级正在为一项激动人心的事业做好准备——圣诞表演。学生将齐心协力排练并表演音乐剧《Matilda》中的一部分,这将是他们在 "应用戏剧与剧院" 旅程中的一个亮点。这个协作努力将实践他们在课程中培养的所有技能,从叙事和即兴表演到角色塑造。为音乐表演做好准备是我们课程的一个里程碑。它为学生提供了一个展示他们新获得的技能和才华的机会,让他们面对现场观众。圣诞表演不仅将是学校社区的一个欢乐和娱乐活动,还将是学生在课堂上的奉献和成长的明证。总之,"应用戏剧与剧院" 旨在丰富学生的学习经验,赋予他们探索创造力、参与叙事、掌握即兴表演、深入角色刻画并合作进行有意义表演的能力。即将到来的圣诞表演的期待增加了额外的激动和挑战,使这门课程成为学生教育之旅中真正丰富和难忘的一部分。
Applied Drama and Theatre is designed to ignite the creativity and imagination of its students, delves deep into the world of storytelling, improvisation, character development, and, currently, we are preparing for a musical performance in the upcoming Christmas show.Applied Drama and Theatre is an exciting journey of self-discovery and artistic exploration. Throughout the half semester, students have been encouraged to tap into their creativity and express themselves in novel ways. One key aspect of this exploration has been the opportunity to delve into the heart of storytelling by creating and sharing their own stories of conflict.
Narrative exploration in the class enables students to understand the power of storytelling as a means of expressing emotions, resolving conflicts, and connecting with their peers. These stories become an integral part of the students' learning experience, as they learn to appreciate the art of empathizing with others' stories and connecting on a deeper level.
Another significant component of the class is improvisation, a fundamental skill in drama and theatre. Through improvisational exercises, students have honed their quick thinking, acceptance, adaptability, and ability to collaborate effectively with their peers. The improvisation challenges in class have been a source of great joy and learning, as students have discovered the thrill of spontaneous creativity and the importance of team dynamics in theatre.



Fossils and Paleontology

The content of this course is paleontology and the paleontological museum. Students in this course will truly become the custodians of our school's paleontological museum, allowing them to closely observe and study the museum's exhibits. Based on the exhibits they choose themselves, they can engage in more in-depth discussions with the teacher, conduct online research, and further their studies. The research findings of the students will be turned into display panels placed within the museum for visitors to read and reference. As the custodians of the museum, students in this course will also be the first to know about changes in the museum's exhibits and actively participate in the museum's arrangement.




Chinese writting

The first phase of the ASA (August 14 to October 20) has concluded successfully, and let's review our learning and growth during this phase. First, in the Intermediate Quick Writing course, we learned the methods of quick writing. Senior students, who exhibited strong overall aptitude, focused on narrative writing. They also mastered the flexible use of writing techniques like "phoenix head," "pig's belly," and "leopard tail." The emphasis was on grasping the central theme in narrative writing. We studied the differences between writing for junior and senior students, strengthening language maturity, techniques, and content use.In the writing process, we placed importance on training basic handwriting, formatting, and meeting word count requirements, as well as fostering good classroom habits. Students made significant progress in handwriting, word count, and writing focus. Before the quick writing training, students were not familiar with the requirements for top-scoring essays. Together, we learned the essential criteria for top-scoring essays. All students are now capable of writing essays with complete structures, clear hierarchies, a well-defined central theme, and prominent subjects.In the first phase, all students showed noticeable improvement, whether in understanding and using quick writing methods, handwriting skills, writing thoughts, or writing capabilities. We look forward to continued effort and even greater achievements in the future.



School Choir

在校合唱团的第一阶段中,学生主要针对歌唱时气息的运用、正确的发声位置、掌握基本的五线谱、二声部的听辨与视唱、模唱,五个模块进行学习与训练。通过模拟动物的叫声、哼鸣、缓吸缓呼、急吸缓呼、低吟、假声训练、原辅音交替、合作训练等方式,提升合唱团声音的统一、和谐。在本阶段中,我们主要以二声部的合唱曲学习作为基础,学习了抒情温馨的《the stars are with the voyager》和爵士风格《fly me to the moon》。在本阶段的学习后期,我们开始进行三声部的和声训练,并引入了第一首三声部的合唱曲《大鱼》。
In the first phase of the school choir, students primarily focused on learning and training in five modules, including the use of breath control for singing, correct vocal positioning, mastering basic staff notation, aural and sight singing of two-part harmony, and imitation singing. Training methods included simulating animal sounds, humming, slow inhalation and exhalation, fast inhalation and slow exhalation, soft singing, falsetto training, alternating consonants, and collaborative exercises to enhance the unity and harmony of the choir's voices.
In this phase, we primarily used two-part harmony songs as a foundation, learning the lyrical and warm "The Stars Are with the Voyager" and the jazz-style "Fly Me to the Moon." Towards the later part of this phase, we began three-part harmony training and introduced our first three-part harmony choir piece, "Big Fish."



Public Relations: Theory and Practice

Public relations is a multidisciplinary field that spans across business, communication studies, writing, and more, offering significant practical value. In the first half of the semester, we collectively explored the concept of public relations, its fundamental models, and principles through the lens of real-world cases. The teacher not only shared their personal involvement in public relations cases but also analyzed current hot topics like the Rui Xing and Maotai collaboration and the Li Jiaqi livestreaming controversy in terms of their public relations aspects. Students began to understand public relations from the perspectives of businesses, media, and journalists. In the upcoming lessons, we will delve deeper into this field from the vantage points of audiences, content, and outcomes.



Programming Bootcamp basic

In the past two months, students have shown a high level of enthusiasm and engagement in the course. We have covered a total of 5 course units, including topics like basic programming structures (sequential structure), data types, conditional statements, nested structures, the switch statement, and some content related to while loops. Younger students, in particular, have performed exceptionally well, showing high enthusiasm and the ability to complete their homework exercises promptly. Older students, due to academic commitments, have had slightly lower completion rates for homework, but in the small tests in September, most students performed excellently, demonstrating various problem-solving approaches, which pleasantly surprised me.
In the upcoming lessons, the course's difficulty will gradually increase. As a competition-related course, we will intensify in-class exercises to enhance students' adaptability to new problems. I will also encourage students to develop patient and careful reading habits for problem-solving, not to fear mistakes, but to continuously improve based on errors. Properly giving up on excessively challenging problems is key to achieving better results.



Programming Bootcamp competition

This semester marks the second year of advanced programming competition class, and the students have embarked on a new journey. In the first half of the semester, we explored topics such as stacks, queues, the STL template library, and delved into high-precision algorithms, simulation and enumeration algorithms, and recursive algorithms. Currently, the majority of the students are able to maintain their enthusiasm for programming, actively think and practice in class. For instance, students like Huang Di, Zhang Zihuan, Zhang Tianning, and Cui Zijing have performed exceptionally well.
However, the teacher has also noticed that as the difficulty increases, some students tend to struggle to continue practicing at home. This is not conducive to promptly overcoming knowledge barriers. Programming is a process of gradual accumulation, and without a strong foundation, it becomes challenging to excel in learning assessments. For example, in previous competitions like the Informatics Olympiad (CSP-J, CSP-S), American Computer Science League (ACSL), and the Oxford University Computing Challenge (OUCC), some well-prepared students achieved commendable results.
Therefore, the teacher hopes that parents can create a more positive programming atmosphere for the students, allowing them to spend an additional thirty minutes or so on programming practice after completing their homework. This can significantly benefit the students. Most importantly, it's essential to stay persistent. We hope the students in the advanced class will continue to maintain their interest in programming, explore actively, think critically, and practice diligently. If you have any questions, please feel free to come to BB06 to discuss with me. I will do my utmost to assist the students. We look forward to the students achieving even more outstanding results in the advanced class.



Basketball interest

The junior high school basketball interest course has been an energetic and passionate journey. This semester, students have not only honed their basketball skills but also developed teamwork, leadership, and sportsmanship. The course covers fundamental dribbling, passing, shooting techniques, and defensive tactics, gradually equipping students with the core essentials of basketball. More importantly, the course emphasizes teamwork, encouraging students to practice coordination and tactical plays, enhancing their basketball proficiency and fostering teamwork.
Through games and practices, students have cultivated self-confidence and resilience, becoming unafraid of failure and willing to continuously improve. The basketball interest course has also reinforced their athletic discipline, emphasizing respect for opponents and referees while instilling a sense of sports ethics.
In conclusion, the junior high school basketball interest course not only nurtures physical fitness but also promotes teamwork and leadership skills, while enhancing students' self-confidence and resilience. This has been an unforgettable basketball journey that will continue to inspire students' passion for and participation in sports.



Basketball school team

This semester has been truly fulfilling and unforgettable for our junior high school basketball team. Our players have continuously pushed their limits and improved their basketball skills and physical fitness through rigorous training. Our coaching staff has been a constant source of encouragement, not only teaching basketball tactics but also emphasizing teamwork and leadership development. The intense training sessions and numerous games have honed our players' resilience, self-confidence, and adaptability.
Participating in school team matches allowed our players to experience the thrill of competitive sports, where every game became an opportunity to unite and strive together. Our basketball team has not only cultivated the players' basketball abilities but also reinforced discipline, teamwork, and sportsmanship. The challenges and hard work behind each game have taught us to cherish the joy of victory and learn from the lessons of defeat.
This semester was not only about improving basketball skills but also strengthening team cohesion. We look forward to our school team achieving even greater success in future matches and bringing pride to our school!



Football interest

The students in the junior high school soccer interest class have made significant progress. Now, let's review our teaching achievements from this past semester. Firstly, there has been a remarkable improvement in the students' individual focus during classes. They have become more attentive, listening to the teacher's instructions and completing exercises independently. Secondly, students have made substantial progress in various fundamental soccer techniques, especially in short-distance passing, ball control, and dribbling. Their improvement in these areas has been particularly evident. Additionally, students have developed a different understanding of soccer, such as the importance of teamwork. They have demonstrated teamwork and mutual assistance during team games and activities. Their willpower has also greatly improved, enabling them to persevere through challenges and fatigue. In the future, we will continue to progress alongside the students, hoping they can gain further improvements and enjoyment through soccer!



Football school team




Badminton interest

在本学期的初中羽毛球兴趣课上,同学们在教练的指导下,积极参与训练,取得了显著的进步。现在,让我们一起来回顾一下这门课程的主要内容。首先,课程从基本的羽毛球规则和技巧开始。教练详细讲解了羽毛球的计分制,正手和反手等基本技巧,高远球挥拍动作,正反手挑球技术 正手上网步伐,前后场步伐,同学们认真学习,积极参与实践,大部分同学掌握了这些基本知识。接下来,教练针对每位同学的技术特点和不足,给予了个性化的指导。例如,对于挥拍动作不规范的同学,教练会亲身示范正确的挥拍姿势,并让同学们反复练习,直到动作标准。此外,教练还强调了比赛中的战术运用,如何调动对手等,使同学们在实战中能更好地应对各种情况。除了技术训练,我们还会进行小比赛。同学们在比赛中运用所学的技巧和战术,教练则在旁观战,为同学们提供指导和建议。通过小比赛赛,同学们不仅提高了自己的实战能力,还培养了团队精神和竞争意识。
In this semester's junior high school badminton interest class, students have made significant progress under the guidance of the coach. Now, let's review the key aspects of this course. Firstly, the course began with the basics of badminton rules and techniques. The coach provided detailed explanations of scoring in badminton, basic techniques like forehand and backhand, different types of swings, net approaches, court movements, and more. Most students diligently learned and actively participated in practice, and the majority of them have mastered these fundamental skills. Next, the coach offered personalized guidance based on each student's technical strengths and weaknesses. For example, for students with improper swing techniques, the coach demonstrated the correct form and had students practice until their movements were precise. Moreover, the coach emphasized tactical application in games, teaching students how to strategize and respond to various situations effectively. In addition to technical training, we held small-scale competitions. Students applied their acquired skills and tactics during these matches, while the coach observed, provided guidance, and offered suggestions. Through these mini competitions, students not only improved their practical skills but also developed teamwork and competitiveness. In conclusion, in this junior high badminton interest class, students have not only learned the basic skills and tactics of badminton under the coach's guidance but also honed their abilities in real game scenarios while strengthening friendships. This valuable experience is bound to be an unforgettable memory on their path to personal growth.



Badminton school team

During the first phase of badminton school team training, we gave our all on the badminton courts in the gym to improve our skills and teamwork. During this period, we learned and practiced various badminton techniques, including serving, receiving serves, hitting clears, drop shots, smashes, jump smashes, and net shots. Everyone worked hard to enhance their skills, and I witnessed your progress and growth. In addition to technical training, we emphasized the refinement of team spirit. In every match, we put forth our best effort, demonstrating strong teamwork. Whether in doubles or singles matches, we encouraged and supported each other. Over these three months, everyone has been making continuous progress, and I am very proud of all of you. However, we must not stop here. In future training, I hope that we can work even harder and continue to elevate our technical skills to bring more honor to our team.



Table tennis interest

In the first phase of the middle school table tennis elective course, we learned a lot of basic knowledge and skills about table tennis. Here's a review of this stage of the course:
Grip and Serving: We learned the correct way to grip the table tennis racket, including the shakehand and penhold grips, as well as the basic serving positions. Through continuous practice, we gradually mastered the essentials of serving and could successfully serve the ball with the right speed and angle.
Forehand and Backhand Attacks: These two techniques are the most fundamental offensive and defensive skills in table tennis, and everyone has become proficient in them during this stage of learning, being able to apply them in practice. Through the practice in this stage, we have gradually mastered the basic footwork in table tennis and learned when to use them in a match.
Looking back at the first phase of the table tennis elective course, students have acquired a lot of basic knowledge and skills about table tennis. Through continuous practice and practical application, we have gradually mastered the fundamental skills of table tennis, laying a solid foundation for future learning and competitions.



Table tennis school team

In the first phase of the school table tennis team's training, students learned a great deal about table tennis knowledge and skills. Here's a summary of this stage:
In the course, we first learned the basic techniques of table tennis, including continuous forehand topspin strokes, footwork training for dealing with topspin balls, and more. These fundamental skills are crucial for improving students' technical levels. Through repeated practice, students have become proficient in these skills, laying the foundation for further learning.
Next, we learned how to serve different types of spin on the ball. Serving is a critical aspect of table tennis matches and an important aspect for demonstrating technical proficiency. We learned various serving techniques, including sidespin, topspin, and backspin serves. Through continuous practice, students can now master these serving techniques and use them effectively in matches.
After mastering the serving techniques, we began to learn how to receive serves. Receiving serves is another important aspect that tests reaction time and technical proficiency. Students learned how to judge the direction and spin of the opponent's serve and practiced corresponding receiving techniques. This is a skill that requires time and experience to accumulate, and with everyone's efforts, students will undoubtedly master this skill.



Sport dance interest

Sports Dance (Latin Dance) in the first stage of the middle school interest course is the Cha-cha-cha. At this stage, the middle school students have understood the project concept of Latin dance, historical development, dance etiquette and style, and have learned the musical rhythm, basic hand position, basic pace and single Cha-cha-cha combination. In the study of music rhythm, students can accurately listen to and dictate the rhythm; In the learning of basic hand position, students can make a variety of hand positions, and coordinate with the step movement; In the learning of basic steps, the students have mastered the basic movement elements of Cha-cha-cha such as shifting center of gravity in place, time step, square step, New York step, rotation, saluting, etc., and can independently demonstrate the single Cha-cha-cha combination following the rhythm of music; In the initial ASA course of Dance Sports (Latin Dance), the students gradually developed a sense of Latin dance, which improved the explosive power, agility and coordination of movement quality, and reached the goal of fitness and fitness. I hope the students continue to maintain their enthusiasm for dancing and feel the charm of dancing from the class.



Swimming interest

After this period of training, all the students are now capable of swimming independently. It's worth praising the fact that all trainees have mastered the training rules, such as listening to instructions, swimming in and returning from the pool, and kicking off from the wall. In terms of swimming technique, everyone has progressed from initially performing non-standard movements to executing standard strokes. They've also overcome their initial fear of letting go of the floatation aids and can now swim independently. This is a result of everyone's dedication during classes.
Moreover, many students have developed a sense of competition during leg-kicking exercises in class, aiming to swim faster and surpass their peers. All students have significantly improved their cardiovascular endurance. Initially, they would get out of breath after swimming just 25 meters with the same technique. Now, they can endure continuous swims of up to 100 meters. Students' physical fitness has also improved noticeably.
As students' progress becomes more evident, their enthusiasm for swimming classes continues to grow. We will keep working hard, and we appreciate the support and cooperation of all parents and students in promoting the sport of swimming.



Swimming school team

After two months of school team training, the children have become proficient in the technical movements of all four swimming styles. Through extensive training, their physical fitness and speed have significantly improved. They have learned starting and turning techniques as well. In daily training, we have led the children in numerous competitions to accumulate their competitive experience.
On October 21st, the children represented the school in the Beijing Primary and Secondary School Swimming Competition and achieved good results. We would like to express our gratitude to the school and the parents for their support and cooperation. We will continue to work hard to lead the children to achieve even better results.




Boxing interest

Nine weeks have quickly come to an end, and boxing has accompanied the students into the midterm phase. Looking back on this period, the children have undergone significant changes in their boxing training. From their initial unfamiliarity with boxing to gradually understanding the sport, and then successfully completing various training exercises, the children have continuously pushed their own boundaries, constantly improving their skills. In nine weeks, we have learned the basics of using straight punches and hooks, as well as simple footwork. However, it is the perseverance during these nine weeks that has taught the children resilience and how to overcome difficulties. In addition to learning boxing techniques, boxing has also improved the students' physical fitness and broadened their exploration of a challenging sport. We hope that the students will continue to strive for excellence, continuously surpass themselves, and become the bravest and most confident versions of themselves!




After half a semester of surfing lessons and training, the students have shown significant progress. Surfing is inherently a challenging and exhilarating sport, filled with enjoyment. We believe that while providing joy and relaxation, surfing is also an exercise in pushing the students to constantly challenge their limits, ignite the courage to overcome obstacles, enhance their physical balance, and improve their control over their limbs in unbalanced situations.In the first phase of our surfing training, we started with basic prone board exercises. Under the guidance of the instructor, students entered the water to familiarize themselves with adjusting their weight and balance in the front and back directions using leg and board pressure. They learned how to slow down using the technique of hooking their foot and maintain stability in adverse currents. 
In the second phase, we moved on to the basic training for standing on the board. Currently, most students in our course are at this stage. With a foundation in prone board techniques, we started by entering the water under the guidance of the instructor, initially holding onto a balance rope. Students learned to adjust their balance, move forward and backward, and improve their proficiency in controlling the surfboard and their physical reflexes. Gradually, they progressed to the point where they could maintain balance and move independently in the water without the assistance of the balance rope. This phase demands students to be willing to try, face pressure, and relax their bodies in order to make bold adjustments, enabling them to adapt well to the subsequent higher difficulty and technical aspects of the sport. We hope that students will continue to maintain their passion for surfing.



Baseball interest

Since August, THISDL ASA (After-School Activities) program has been systematically and progressively training students in accordance with their developmental patterns. The focus for middle school athletes is to cultivate their interest and competitive spirit. The children, from their initial unfamiliarity with the sport, have now progressed to the point where they can engage in small-scale baseball games. Throughout this journey, both the dedicated coaching and the diligent practice of the team members have played a crucial role in nurturing the children's interest in baseball. They have also gradually mastered the rules, technical aspects, and the spirit of baseball, as well as its etiquette.
Baseball is a school of life where students learn to communicate with others and society. It teaches them to abide by common game rules, maintain proper sportsmanship, and develop effective communication skills. In the training process, coaches aim to help athletes establish habits of discipline. The athletes are not only expected to respect their coaches but also their teammates and opponents. This approach helps children cultivate good manners and etiquette. In the future, it is hoped that the students will continue to excel and develop a lifelong love for baseball.



Golf interest

In the first stage of our learning, all of our students have acquired fundamental knowledge in golf, including the history of golf, golf equipment, standard grip, proper stance, and the full golf swing. Virtually every student has mastered the standard posture for swinging the club in the class. Throughout the training process, all students have seen gradual improvements in their overall coordination, golf-specific muscle groups, physical fitness, and endurance.The next stage of our plan involves extensive practice to solidify muscle memory for our students. Through continuous practice, we aim to identify and rectify any incorrect movements and gradually improve them. Additionally, we will introduce exercises that target golf-specific muscle groups to enhance their physical fitness.



Golf school team

In the first stage of teaching, the teachers have gained a basic understanding of each student and have been providing individual guidance for each student's technical development during daily practice sessions. For students with a foundation in golf, the main focus of the class is to reinforce muscle memory, correct any technical flaws in their posture, identify areas of improvement through on-course simulation, and intensify practice on weaker technical aspects. Towards the end of the class, physical fitness exercises targeting golf-specific muscle groups have been introduced to enhance endurance and explosiveness.
For students with prior golf experience, our teaching approach does not aim to completely change the overall swing action that they have developed. Instead, we provide suggestions and modification methods to improve the rationality of their movements. In the next stage of practice, physical fitness and extensive hitting practice will remain the primary training modes. We encourage students to continue their hard work and dedication in order to improve their performance.




Fencing Foil interest Class

After a semester of diligent learning and training in the fencing interest class, students have made significant progress. They initially mastered the basic movements, including fundamental stances, offensive techniques, defensive techniques, and footwork. Special emphasis was placed on posture and movements.
Fencing is a sport that places great importance on posture and movements, so the students worked on maintaining correct stances, grip positions, and footwork during training. They have shown good progress in these aspects and have achieved a basic level of proficiency.
In real combat situations, awareness and reaction skills were cultivated. Students were encouraged to develop a keen sense of awareness and quick reactions. As a result, their response times and awareness have significantly improved during real combat situations, allowing them to execute their techniques swiftly.
Additionally, students learned about safety awareness. Whether during technical training or real combat situations, students were taught to prioritize safety, both for themselves and their opponents, by avoiding actions that could lead to injuries.
The training also emphasized teamwork and camaraderie. Through this phase of training, students not only improved their fencing skills and competitive strategies but also developed a strong sense of unity and enjoyed the fun and challenges that this exciting sport brings.



Fencing Epee interest 

击剑是一个历史悠久的体育运动,在增强体魄的同时可以助力与学生的手眼协调配合和全 身协调发展,击剑作为一个终身学习的项目,有助于孩子们提升专注力,团队协作能力,集 体意识,引导学生积极向上的性格品行,培养学生全面发展。从本学期开始我们的兴趣课只有 Dwight 一名同学,几周的时间过去之后我们的陆陆续续 的又新加入了很多同学,不论大家是出于对击剑的兴趣,亦或者是准备练习过后参加比赛。 我们通过这一阶段的学习都养成了非常良好的训练习惯,我认为这个班级是一个有素质,服 从训练安排最好的一个 ASA 班级。大家做的非常棒。我们从最基础的实战姿势,步法,到一 些技术和时机的练习,还有一些体能练习的环节我们都可以很好的完成并达成今日的训练目 标。相信大家通过这一阶段的学习,都产生了自己对击剑的新的理解。这些理解包括规则上 和技术上的。从今以后希望大家继续保持良好的训练状态,努力学习,树立终身学习的理念,不论是 当成兴趣爱好亦或者是升学发展,我相信只要持之以恒的坚持定能有让自己满意的收获!
Fencing is a sport with a long history. It can enhance physical fitness while helping students develop hand-eye coordination and overall coordination. As a lifelong learning program, fencing helps children improve their focus, teamwork, and collective awareness, guiding them to develop positive character traits and fostering their overall development.Starting this semester, our interest class only had one student, Dwight. After a few weeks, we gradually added many new students, whether they were interested in fencing or were preparing to participate in competitions after practicing.Through this stage of learning, we have developed very good training habits. I think this class is the best ASA class with quality and obedience to training arrangements.Everyone did a great job.We have successfully completed the most basic practical postures, footwork, as well as some technical and timing exercises, and some physical exercises.I believe that through this stage of learning, everyone has gained their own new understanding of fencing, including the rules and techniques.From now on, I hope you can continue to maintain a good training status, study hard, and establish the concept of lifelong learning. Whether it is as a hobby or for further study, I believe that as long as you persist, you will be able to achieve satisfactory results!



Fencing Epee school team

Every Monday and Thursday, after school activity fencing school team epee is held for grades 6 - 8. The past few weeks (the first period) were primarily about getting started and introducing fencing with a focus on the epee discipline. It was about the practical execution of the skills, but also about theoretical background, rules and tactics. At the beginning of the course, the primary focus was on the correct execution of footwork and thrusting technique. A special focus was placed on the good fencing position. This is characterized by straight feet, knees outward, bended legs and straight upper body. The elbow is about one hand forward of the body and the hand is on an horizontal level. In addition, the students have learned that it is important to always have tension in the position and the correct balance is one of the most important features. In addition to fencing position, students learned how to move forward and backward, respectively. All students are able to move with the right coordination. As the possibilities of an attack, the students have learned the thurst, the lunge and the flèche (arrow). Here the special focus was placed on the correct arm-leg coordination, so that the tip always starts before the legs.
Next to those basic elements of fencing we already improved tactis and techniques such as counter-attacks and false attacks. 


Tennis interest

2023年8月14是个特殊的日子, 清香学校网球ASA项目正式开始, 从开始的前12天因为天气因素球场无法使用, 到后来的十面场地全面提供给兴趣课与校队的学生使用. 从一开始的人员不足, 到现在的初具规模, 两个月来的磨合与改变让网球ASA的上课情况趋于稳定. 兴趣班学员们从不会握拍到现在已经能半场对打比赛, 这中间不泛教练辛勤的指导与学员们的认真练习; 不管是正反手基本动作又或是脚步几本动作, 教练们都认真的指导与调整. 配合着各种有趣的小游戏循序渐进带领着学员们进步. 网球不同于其他运动, 耗时费工才能有所小成; 各种基本动作与技术相对于其他运动而言更不容易掌握, 而教练的辛苦也是不同, 需时时刻刻注意学员动作是否正确也需注意细节是否到位. 未来也希望学员们更进步并使网球成为他们终身热爱的一项运动.
August 14, 2023 is a special day. The Clear Fragrance School's tennis ASA program officially began. In the beginning, due to weather conditions, the courts were unavailable for the first 12 days. However, as time went on, all ten courts were made available for the students participating in interest classes and school teams.
From a shortage of personnel at the start to its current state of relative scale, two months of adjustment and changes have made the tennis ASA classes more stable. The students in the interest classes have progressed from not knowing how to hold a racket to being able to play half-court matches. This progress is a result of the coaches' diligent guidance and the students' dedicated practice. Whether it's the basic forehand and backhand motions or footwork, the coaches provide careful guidance and adjustments. They lead the students to progress gradually through various fun games.
Tennis, unlike other sports, takes time and effort to achieve some level of proficiency. The basic movements and techniques are relatively harder to master compared to other sports, and the coaches put in a different level of effort, constantly monitoring the correctness of the students' movements and paying attention to details. In the future, we hope that the students will continue to improve and make tennis a lifelong passion for them.


Tennis school team

2023年8月14是个特殊的日子, 清香学校网球ASA项目正式开始, 从开始的前12天因为天气因素球场无法使用, 到后来的十面场地全面提供给兴趣课与校队的学生使用. 从一开始的人员不足, 到现在的初具规模, 两个月来的磨合与改变让网球ASA的上课情况趋于稳定. 初选入校队的学员们水平差异颇大, 但是在教练们的分工下, 有组织的带领与训练, 让学员们能依据自身的水平接受捯相对应的训练. 教练们也时常讨论课程内容变换训练菜单, 目的就是希望让校队的同学能在ASA中学习到更多的技术与提升自身的不足与对抗的稳定性; 期间配合小组赛让学员们互相切磋保持竞技意识与心态, 并于10月21,22两天在校内举办首次TENNIS123网球赛, 目的就是希望让学员们能就近参加比赛体验比赛乐趣与了解自身的不足对于未来练习时态度能更努力认真.
August 14, 2023 is a special day. The Clear Fragrance School's tennis ASA program officially began. In the beginning, due to weather conditions, the courts were unavailable for the first 12 days. However, as time went on, all ten courts were made available for the students participating in interest classes and school teams.
From a shortage of personnel at the start to its current state of relative scale, two months of adjustment and changes have made the tennis ASA classes more stable. The students selected for the school teams had varying skill levels, but under the guidance of the coaches and their organized training, they were able to receive training tailored to their own abilities.
The coaches frequently discussed and adjusted the course content to enhance the technical skills of the school team members and improve their overall stability and competitiveness. During this time, group matches were organized to allow the students to compete with each other, maintaining a competitive spirit and mindset. On October 21 and 22, the school held its first TENNIS123 tennis tournament, with the aim of giving the students the opportunity to experience the joy of competition, understand their weaknesses, and encourage them to practice more diligently in the future.


Fencing Epee school team

The middle school frisbee interest class was filled with joy and learning in this semester's course review. In this course, we learned a lot about the basic knowledge and skills of frisbee. At the beginning, we learned how to hold the frisbee correctly and the basic techniques of throwing and catching the frisbee. As time went on, we gradually improved our frisbee skills, becoming capable of longer and more accurate throws.
Furthermore, we also learned tactics and strategies, such as how to move to get into a better position to catch the frisbee and how to collaborate with the team for success. In this course, we not only exercised our bodies but also developed teamwork and communication skills.
Most importantly, the frisbee course allowed us to experience the joy of sports. Every class was filled with laughter and friendly competition, and we truly enjoyed every moment. This course not only enhanced our physical fitness but also instilled a positive attitude toward life. We can't wait to continue learning and playing frisbee in the next semester!
















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