





Stay Active, Stay Curious, Stay with  THISDL After School Activity!

2023-2024 THISDL After-school Activity





2023-2024THISDL ASA


THISDL致力于为孩子们提供丰富的课堂内外的各种学习机会。为此,我们的教师,学科组和社团每年都会组织与课程相关的不同类型的课后课来满足学生发展的需求。2023-2024学年清香课后课手册,内容包括:课后课简介,ASA课程介绍,学生社团介绍,方便学生和家长选课参考。THISDL is committed to providing students with a variety of learning opportunities both inside and outside the classroom. Every year, our teachers and subject departments design and organize various types of after-school courses related to the curriculum to meet the developmental needs of students. The 2023-2024 THISDL ASA Handbook includes  introduction to ASA, each course introduction, an introduction to student clubs, and used for ASA selection for students and parents.





THISDL ASA设置        


THISDL ASA 学生守则        

THISDL ASA Student Code of Conduct


2023-2024 ASA timetable


2023-2024 ASA course introductions


 Sports ASA Programs


Musical Instrument ASA Programs







Academic advancement and 
expanding quality capabilities

Creative performance
 and artistic activities

STEAM Science

Sports school team training 
and physical education

Library self-study



Join us for an exciting journey of learning, growth, and fun with our after-school services!








W E  W E R E  T O G E T H E R  T H A T  S U M M E R


THISDL ASA Student Regulation Policy

1. 学生在课后课期间需严格遵守课堂纪律及行为规范。课堂上不得使用不文明、威胁、歧视言语,造成不良影响的同学,将收到课后课违纪通知单。累计警告3次且无视警告的学生,将作出停课处理。
Students are required to strictly follow classroom discipline and behavior norms during and after class. The use of uncivilized, threatening, or discriminatory language in class is strictly prohibited. Students who have a negative impact will receive a disciplinary notice after class. Students who accumulate three warnings and ignore them will face suspension.

2. 课后课的考勤管理:课后课如不参加,学生需要提前请假,请假方法:家长可以通过校宝端请假;或2)告知班主任或者助教老师,代替学生在校宝端请假;对于ASA无故缺勤1次,学校将给予1次警告;无故缺勤2次及以上,学校将做出停课1次的处理并给予第2次警告;无故缺勤3次及以上,学校将给予第3次警告,学生停课至此课程结束且不予退费。对于收到3次警告的学生,将取消其评选优秀学生的资格。因学生个人原因请假耽误的ASA课时,不接受退费申请。
Attendance management for ASA: If a student cannot attend ASA, they must apply for leave in advance. The methods for requesting leave are as follows: parents can apply for leave through the xiaobao, or homeroom teachers or teaching assistant can be informed to apply for leave on behalf of the student through the xiaobao. For students who are absent from ASA without a valid reason for one time, the school will issue one warning; for two or more absences without a valid reason, the school will suspend the student for one class and issue a second warning. For three or more unexcused absences, the school will issue a third warning, and the student will be suspended until the end of the course with no refund. Students who receive three warnings will be disqualified from being selected as outstanding students. Requests for refunds due to personal reasons for missing ASA classes will not be accepted.
To ensure the effective implementation of after-school services, after the launch of after-school classes, no refunds will be accepted unless there are special reasons such as transferring schools, taking a leave of absence, dropping out, or health issues. After payment, requests for schedule changes will be accepted in the first semester, but no schedule changes will be allowed from the second semester onwards. If after-school classes cannot be conducted due to reasons caused by the school or force majeure, the school will refund the remaining class hours.


2023-2024 asa Schedule


2023-2024 asa introduction

Guided Reading of Classic Picture Books

Educational drama script  is an interactive activity that combines education and drama elements, similar to a form of reasoning game. Led by teachers, participants are divided into role players and observers. The curriculum focuses on traditional Chinese culture, history, and humanities. Through immersive learning, participants can understand characters, learn historical and literary knowledge in the story plot. Prior to the activity, the teacher will distribute the role information and background introduction to all participants. Each role has its own role card, with information such as name, occupation, family background, personality traits, and relationships with other characters. Participants need to play their own role, interact with other characters, and observe the behavior and performance of other characters.

Teacher: Ms.Jia Ting

Little Chinese Teacher

Little Chinese Teacher is a special extracurricular course designed for upper-grade primary school students. It takes Liu Zhigang's comic stories in "Spicy Chinese" as a starting point, and expands and extends the content, aiming to showcase the unique linguistic and cultural phenomena in Chinese for students, and to enhance their interest and cognitive level in Chinese language learning. The course also aims to lead children to appreciate the vast and profound Chinese culture. The course is designed as an extracurricular course for one semester, with six learning modules including "Chinese pronunciation", "Chinese vocabulary", "Chinese grammar", "Chinese culture", "English-Chinese comparison", and others, to achieve the learning objectives of the course.

Teacher: Mr.Liu Zhigang

The China within poetry

In China, ancient poetry holds a special place as it is neither traditional literature nor modern literature. It is a historical and epochal concept. For thousands of years, how many people have recited it? Today's children not only memorize ancient poetry but also have various ways to engage and interact with the ancient poets.

Teacher: Mr.Chen Xiaolin

The Four Great Classical Novels

"The Four Great Classical Novels" are the pinnacle of ancient Chinese narrative literature and a concentrated expression of traditional Chinese culture in the literary field. For many readers, even if they have not read the original works, they have at least come into contact with them through forms such as TV dramas, comic books, and even electronic games, and are familiar with the main characters and important plots. However, if asked what the Four Great Classical Novels are about, what their characteristics are, and what makes them fascinating, many readers may not be able to answer. This course guide aims to show the way and promote reading, by deeply analyzing the versions, text analysis, and ideological understanding of the Four Great Classical Novels. The key points, difficulties, and critical points in the novels will be sorted out, in order to cultivate reading interest, update ideas, and inspire thinking.

Teacher: Mr.Chen Xiaolin

Chinese characters and culture

Chinese characters are the enduring testimony of the extensive and profound cultural heritage of China. This course will provide detailed explanations of the fundamental meanings and common usages of Chinese characters related to people, the human body, plants, animals, architecture, utensils, weapons, tools, clothing, and more. Additionally, it will depict the origins and evolution of Chinese character formation through illustrative graphics. The course will gather and annotate various script styles of these characters, such as oracle bone script, bronze inscriptions, and seal script, as well as simplified and traditional forms. The course will gradually reveal the developmental trajectory of Chinese characters, starting from the basics and progressing to more complex forms. It will also uncover the fascinating stories behind Chinese characters.

Teacher: Mr.Chen xiaolin

Mathematical Thinking

The Mathematics Thinking aims to enhance students' interest in mathematics learning, expand their thinking abilities, and improve their ability to make analogies and analyze problems through interesting mathematics activities, games, and problems. The course will cover basic concepts and skills in mathematics and encourage students to explore and innovate in problem solving. The content of the course will involve Sudoku, magic squares, mixed operations of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division, equal substitutions, overlapping, double difference problems, etc., helping students understand the application and significance of mathematics in real life. 

Teacher: Math Department

Mathematical thinking advanced level

Mathematics is the gymnastics of thinking, from the beginning of the lower grade, the children interested in mathematics for interesting thinking ability training, open the door of the wisdom of children's thinking ability, cultivate the children dare to challenge the difficulty of confidence, lead children to appreciate the beauty of mathematics; From the beginning of middle and high school, the most important thing is to cultivate children's independent thinking ability. Students who are interested in mathematics are gradually trained in scientific thinking ability, opening the door of wisdom of students, and cultivating students' confidence to dare to challenge difficulties.
G1-g2 Learning content: interesting sudoku, thinking games, geometric graphics, enumeration, etc.
G3-g4 Learning content: including: calculation, periodic problem, normalization problem, sum multiplication problem, arithmetic series, mathematical games, etc
G5 study simple number theory, counting, logical reasoning, travel problems and geometry

任课老师:校外老师 张兆斌
Teacher: Third party Mr. Zhang zhaobin

Playing science can exercise the left brain, drawing cartoons can exercise the right brain, and taking "Cartoon Science Class" can exercise the whole brain. You can not only pick up the brush and paint the dream, but also easily master all kinds of scientific knowledge and understand the development process of human industrial civilization here. If you are a little girl who likes to draw quietly, this is the right place for you; if you are a little boy who is crazy about science, this is also the very place for you. Who can refuse a teacher who knows both technology and art? Come and register now.

Teacher: Mr.LIu Jinglin

Cartoon Science Class

Into Spanish 1

As the second language in the world, learning Spanish can not only develop kids’ the ability of learning language, but also can take them to understand and explore another culture, and travel around the world. In the Into Spanish class, based on their interests, children learned and practiced basic Spanish while learning local customs and making typical food from the Hispanic world.

Teacher: Ms.Liu Geyang

Into Spanish 2

The course is designed for students who already have a certain foundation in Spanish, aiming to further improve their oral and writing abilities and deepen their understanding of the cultures of Spain and Latin America. The course will cover more advanced grammar and vocabulary, and students will engage in more complex oral and written practices. Additionally, the course will introduce the culture, history, and traditions of Spain and Latin America to help students gain a deeper understanding of the language and its people in these countries and regions. Students will have the opportunity to interact and communicate with instructors and classmates to enhance their language abilities. Through the Advanced Spanish course, students will be able to express themselves more confidently and fluently and gain a deeper understanding of the Spanish-speaking world.

Teacher: Ms.Liu Geyang

Hard Pen Calligraphy

This course is a calligraphy course for elementary school level. The course focuses on gaining an initial understanding of Chinese calligraphy and learning to write Chinese characters with a brush. The course content includes the practice of basic brushwork and the mastery of the basic structure of the script, so that students can get to know Chinese characters through writing and love Chinese traditional culture.

Teacher: Mr.Wen xiangran

Hard Pen Calligraphy

This course is a pen calligraphy course for elementary school level, which focuses on the writing of commonly used standard characters. The course includes the practice of basic strokes and lines, the understanding of basic character structure, the practice of basic radicals, and ultimately the development of good writing habits.

Teacher: Mr.Wen xiangran

Introduction to Natural Science

Natural science encompasses many observable disciplines, ranging from the vast field of astronomy to the minuscule study of entomology, from ancient paleontology to modern geology, and so on. This course covers various subjects and disciplines. Students are encouraged to raise topics of their own interest, and the teacher will strive to satisfy their curiosity by guiding them to explore the subjects they are most fascinated by.

Teacher: Mr.Zhang Tianqi

Three-dimensional Reading of English Drama Course

The course will be based on the school's distinctive reading activities and local activities, combined with innovative classroom teaching forms such as drama games, script reading and discussion, script creation, costume and props production, and play rehearsal, to provide students with high-quality training services in three-dimensional reading and dramatization. This will enable students to continuously improve their abilities in emotional expression, imagination and creativity, artistic aesthetics, and independent thinking during the process of drama education.

Teacher: Third party

Chinese Writing Camp

越写越爱写 - 让写作成为孩子成长路上最亲密的朋友。

Teacher: Third party

Creative writing

This is a creative writing course designed for elementary school students. Through entertaining and educational approaches, it aims to inspire children's interest in writing and cultivate their expressive abilities and imagination. The course aims to allow students to explore the joy of writing in a relaxed and enjoyable atmosphere while enhancing their language expression and thinking skills.

Teacher: Mr.Hu yanxiao

Creative Writing

Imagination is an innate gift of children, and it is also the driving force for innovation. In creative writing class, students will not be constrained by grammar, vocabulary, and traditional writing techniques. Instead, they are encouraged to develop their own creative thinking, to use their imaginations, and to create their own interesting stories.
We will read Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, Macbeth and other classic stories and movies to learn a variety of stories, backgrounds, characters and beautiful language to develop our writing thinking. We will learn how to tell stories from different perspectives, and learn vocabulary for corresponding topics. Through constant practice and communication, students’ creative writing ability will be improved.

任课老师:包舒婷 Tina
Teacher: Tina

English Songs Choir

This ASA’s main purpose will be to use the singing of English songs to help students increase their vocabulary, understanding and expression in the target language. English language songs will be selected for their clarity of words, appropriateness for the age group, and range of vocabulary. Typical standard singing lesson consisting of 4 songs, with 1 or 2 introduced as new songs.
Singing time
- Listening to a recording of any new songs
- singing together as a choir
Non-singing activities
- Discussion of the songs’ lyrics, including unfamiliar words
Singing time
- singing together as a choir
Monthly song study lessons are more in-depth analysis and exploration of songs through creative representations of the songs, visual art and writing. Genres will include; pop, reggae, folk, soul, jazz, easy listening, and musical. Themes across the songs will include; animals, friendship, dreams, positivity, love.

任课老师:Maria Li
Teacher: Maria Li

Academic English Improvement Courses

In the Fall of 2023, THISDL Academic English improvement course is coming again!
Come and join us to explore the learning strategies and language in a different English classroom!
Come to improve your English, consolidate the core knowledge of ESL, and gain progress and growth through games and fun.
Come and shine in the Academic English Improvement Course!

Teacher: Primary ESL teachers

Math International Competition

The activities of the International STEM Competition ASA AKA STEM Math Club mainly focus on the exercises and explanations of the British Commonwealth and American Math Challenge (Including but not limited to Australian AMC, American AMC8. CML, UKMT, Canadian Waterloo, Cariboo), and will expand mathematician stories, mathematical documentaries including cipher, geometric equations plus challenges and other activities to enhance everyone's interest in mathematics. In the activities, it feels more like a club where students and teachers show the camaraderie that winning is not everything plus how to have the right attitudes to face both win and losses. In 2023, the STEM part will be introduced with computer math games and more number sense talks.

Teacher: Mr.Will Wei


Go is a sophisticated and highly competitive intellectual game that is also elegant and highly interesting. Since ancient times, it has been known as one of the four great arts of China, along with music, calligraphy, and painting. Playing Go can stimulate children's intelligence, enhance their powers of observation, attention, thinking, and calculation, and cultivate their agility of thinking. In a game of Go, children can understand certain philosophical ideas from the changes in complex relationships such as attack and defense, the whole and the part, and reality and illusion.

Teacher: Third party

Chinese History Lecture Series

The Chinese nation is proud of its splendid 5,000-year history of civilization. In the long history of five thousand years, there are many people with lofty ideals, heroes and important historical events are worth our careful reading. Here, you can hear interesting historical stories, learn how to make historical objects, and have a conversation with historical figures that spans time and space. This will help you become wiser as you learn about history!

Teacher: Mr.Jiao Yu


Welcome to our Beginner's Chess Course! This course is designed for basic beginners with no prior experience in chess. We will start with the basic rules, learning how each piece moves, and introduce simple game setups. Through fun exercises and games, you will gradually grasp basic strategies and tactics. Our team of coaches will guide your progress, ensuring you learn more in a relaxed and enjoyable atmosphere. Join us now to embark on your adventure in the world of chess!

Teacher: Third party

MAD Science

Mad Science神奇科学家- 全球儿童科学教育领导品牌,1985年成立于加拿大。Mad Science拥有最领先的科学教学设备和课程体系,提供与全球同步研发的STEM科学课,目前也是唯一一家和NASA美国航空航天局合作的一家K12教育品牌,也是唯一符合美国“下一代科学教学大纲“/NGSS标准的国际领先STEM教育品牌。通过一系列生动有趣的科学实验,孩子们能够运用科学的方法进行观察以满足他们的好奇心和求知欲,本阶段意在发展孩子们的自主性和创造性。各种各样新奇好玩的实验来激发孩子们的好奇心和想象力,他们通过学习科学的观察技能,从而产生批判性思维和提出假设的意识。
Mad Science, the world's leading brand in children's science education, was founded in Canada in 1985. Mad Science has the most advanced science teaching equipment and curriculum system, providing STEM science courses developed in sync with the world. It is currently the only K12 education brand that collaborates with NASA.
Through a series of vivid and interesting scientific experiments, children can use scientific methods to observe and satisfy their curiosity and thirst for knowledge. The aim of this stage is to develop children's autonomy and creativity. Various novel and fun experiments are designed to stimulate children's curiosity and imagination. They learn scientific observation skills, which fosters critical thinking and the awareness of proposing hypotheses.

Teacher: Third party

MAD Science

1.Bugs 了解昆虫,它们是属于节肢动物的一类。
2.Mad Machines 学生学习如何借助简单的仪器来帮助我们做功。
3.Radical Robots 比较机器人、遥控装置和自动装置的不同之处,认识它们的不同点和相同点。
4.Space Technology 介绍太空技术,包括地球上用来帮助太空探索和太空旅行的技术的科学原理。
5.Mineral Mania 学生们将学习地质学;了解岩石和矿物的形成过程、分类系统、识别方法和物理性质。
6.Ancient Egypt 学生们将穿越到文明古国埃及,学习古埃及人对于科学领域所作出的杰出贡献。
7.Get Connected 学习世界上各种用于沟通的科学技术,包括信号科学。
8.Glow Show 学习光的有关知识。当光照射到某些物质表面,有些颜色的光会被反射进入我们眼睛,被我们看到,其他的则被物体吸收,我们看不到它们。
9.Super Sticky Stuff 认识各种粘合剂,并从实验中找到物体相互粘连的原因。
10.Magnetic Magic 学生通过实验来探索磁力。
11.Playing with the Polymer 学生将学习基本的聚合物化学,并探索众多聚合物在我们的日常生活发挥不可或缺的作用。
12.Mad Materials 我们学习人类的五大感官,并通过不同的感觉去感受不同的材料。

Teacher: Third party


VEX机器人作为全球教育机器人的著名品牌,在产品、培训和竞赛等方面已经成为我国青少年进行创造创新力培养的重要工具和手段。VEX IQ机器人作为VEX系列产品中定位于小学及其他阶段的产品,对于孩子的能力培养具有重要意义。VEX IQ机器人作为创客教育等活动的工具,可以提升学生创新创造的能力,还可以参加多项国内和国际赛事,提升学生综合能力。课程设置包括入门单元、初级单元、提升单元、竞赛单元共计4个单元,包括形状的认识和感知、机械的简单操作、动力机械、初级编程、传感器使用、竞赛初步等重要内容。每部分的内容均包含观察与思考、设计与制作、评估与测试、结论与拓展,辅以小知识等课程内容。
As a well-known brand of educational robots globally, VEX Robotics has become an important tool and means for cultivating creativity and innovation among Chinese youth in terms of product development, training, and competitions. VEX IQ robots, positioned for primary and other school stages, are of significant importance to the development of children's abilities. 
The course curriculum includes four units: introduction, beginner, advanced, and competition units. It includes important content such as shape recognition and perception, simple mechanical operation, power mechanics, basic programming, sensor usage, and preliminary competition skills. Each section includes course content such as observation and thinking, design and production, evaluation and testing, conclusions and extensions, and small knowledge.

Teacher: Third party

Programming Training Camp (Basic Class)

Programming Training Camp basic class focuses on cultivating students' programming habits and computational thinking, laying the groundwork for learning abstract algorithms and competitions in the future. C++ is a programming language that places special emphasis on practicality. To excel in learning it, it is necessary to practice extensively, code extensively, and contemplate the logical relationships between code statements. This is the key to truly improving programming and thinking abilities. When learning C++, it is important to think divergently, be willing to try, and not be afraid of making mistakes. Only through a process of continuous error correction and trial and error can one reach a level of skill through practice.

Teacher: Mr. Liu ze

Programming Training Camp (Advanced Class)

Informatics is one of the top five international competitive Olympiad subjects along with
Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry and Biology, and the only competitive engineering Olympiad. The Programming Camp will adjust the learning content according to the recent competitions
and focus on students' practical exercises. If you are interested in programming and
programming competitions, welcome to join the Programming Camp. Note: This course requires basic programmina skills. A programming test will be conducted before entering.
Teacher: Mr.LIu dan

Innovative Technology 

Various electronic products bring us various conveniences in our lives. Do you want to know how they work? Do you want to design and innovate more intelligent products by yourself? In our club, you can learn the knowledge of electronic circuits and use microcontroller programming to make your control more accurate and convenient. Through our learning, you can make intelligent personalized products that are convenient for your life, participate in innovative competitions, and even apply for patents!
Phase 2: Learning and application of microcontrollers, learning to use microcontroller editors to write programs, building corresponding circuits, and completing tasks.

Teacher: Third party

Programming drones(Basic)

The selected model is a powerful puzzle-solving programmable drone. Through the experience of remote-controlled flight and programming control, students can easily learn drone flying skills and programming knowledge, and understand the principles of drone flight. Students can also combine this drone to learn programming languages such as Mind+ graphical programming and Python, which further enhances their learning, understanding, and application of programming principles.

Teacher: Third party

Programming drones(competitions)

This course is suitable for students who already have a basic understanding of drones. Through previous learning, students have become familiar with and mastered some aspects of drones. The course is designed to provide targeted training and prepare students for participation in the Ministry of Education's whitelist competition. The following are examples of competition projects: National Youth Drone Competition, FTF Youth Drone Competition, National Youth Creative Programming and Intelligent Design Competition.

Teacher: Third party

Artificial Intelligence Fundamentals Course

As one of the frontiers of information technology, artificial intelligence is becoming increasingly widely used in various fields of human society. More and more people need to understand and have access to artificial intelligence. Offering artificial intelligence courses at the primary and secondary school level has significant educational value: it improves information literacy, cultivates various thinking abilities and diverse problem-solving skills, and enhances students' logical thinking ability. This course combines artificial intelligence with vehicle models to allow students to learn about relevant knowledge of vehicle models and artificial intelligence while posing, testing, and solving problems.

Teacher: Third party

Artificial Intelligence(competitions)

Master Arduino programming, focus on learning through technology projects, be able to identify problems, test them, and solve them, and design and produce their own works. Students can participate in most artificial intelligence competitions. Some recommended competitions include the Beijing Student "Artificial Intelligence +" Activity, National Youth Creative Programming and Intelligent Design Competition, National Youth Artificial Intelligence Innovation Challenge, World Robotics Competition, and High School Students' Innovation Ability Competition.

Teacher: Third party


Animation is a profound art subject, with diverse forms, ever-changing styles, and a wide range of topics. What? You like animation? Then you are welcome to experience it. Let's create freely in the world of comics and cartoons. Here, you are the master of this "world".

Teacher: Third party

Sand Art Creation

"Every grain of sand is a world, every flower is a paradise, with unlimited potential in your hands, a moment is eternity." With just a handful of sand, you can create infinite possibilities and immerse yourself in the world of sand. Sand painting is a comprehensive art form that combines music, fine arts, and performance, which requires students to have a good sense of music, aesthetics, and stage performance. The sand painting course aims to lead students into the world of sand painting, understand the characteristics of sand painting, and use this art form to express their inner world and create a beautiful world.

Teacher: Third party

Art House

The founder of the Art house course is Liu Chang, a teacher who graduated from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in the United States. The course is aimed at children aged 6-12, covering painting, design, space and other categories. According to the staged development characteristics of children's art education, lay a solid foundation of art skills, extend the information of Eastern and Western art history, explore the multi-dimensional application of spatial color materials, and develop critical thinking and innovative consciousness. To improve students' aesthetic quality and shape their soft power.

Teacher: Third party

Hip-hop cheerleading

Hip-hop cheerleading is the perfect combination of cheerleading and hip-hop dance. It reflects the cheerleading style and street dance culture by the powerful and interesting movements. It is a sport as well as a performance event. By practising hip-hop cheerleading dance, students can strengthen their bodies,improve their body shapes and enhance self-confidence.

Teacher: Ms.Tong Lin

RAD Grade 1

英国皇家芭蕾舞学院(Royal Academy of Dance,简称RAD)是世界领先的著名舞蹈教育与培训机构,其课程拥有百年的悠久历史。课堂主要以兴趣教学、故事教学为方法,让学员们享受舞蹈的快乐,并感受展示芭蕾的能力;以科学的方法改善孩子的体态、丰富学员的舞蹈文化、提高自信及团队意识。
1. 提倡并鼓励去感受练习中的身心快乐;
2. 为学生提供尝试学习配有不同风格音乐、不同舞种的机会;
3. 通过独舞、双人舞蹈以及小组舞蹈的形式锻炼并提高学生的自信心和与他人的配合能力;
4. 随着不同节奏形式及风格的音乐舞动,从而加强对音乐的欣赏能力;
5. 英皇芭蕾各级别课程注重孩子们能力的全面发展,不光是舞蹈力的表现,还包括了对于音乐的表现能力,多个角色的诠释,以及舞台感。这些方面的训练,大大的培养了孩子们的舞台表演能力;
6. 从G1级开始,英皇芭蕾教材开始外国代表性舞蹈的训练;
The Royal Academy of Dance (RAD) in the UK is a world-leading and well-known dance education and training institution with a century-long history of dance education. Its courses primarily utilize interest-based and storytelling teaching methods to allow students to enjoy the joy of dance and experience the ability to showcase ballet. The classes use scientific methods to improve children's postures, enrich students' dance culture, and enhance their confidence and teamwork awareness.

任课老师:校外老师 张晓茵
Teacher: Third party

Chinese Ethnic Folk Dance Level 3

The "Chinese Ethnic Folk Dance Grading Exam Textbook" was compiled by the famous Chinese dance educator Professor Pan Zhitao, bringing together hundreds of dance experts from major art colleges, art troupes, and inheritors of intangible cultural heritage from all over the country to form a strong editorial committee and expert team.
The textbook is divided into 15 levels, with 56 ethnic dances as the source material, selecting the most representative typical elements of each ethnic dance for combination and creation. Based on the psychological, physiological characteristics, and perceptual abilities of students of different ages, the textbook is scientifically choreographed with a strong local and ethnic flavor, making learning enjoyable.

任课老师:校外老师 张晓茵
Teacher: Third party

The Jazz Drum

The jazz drum, also known as the drum set, is a non-pitched and versatile percussion instrument. It not only has a strong sense of rhythm but also allows for the skillful performance of endless distinctive rhythms through the coordination of both hands and feet. Playing the jazz drum enhances limb coordination and balance abilities. It plays an irreplaceable role in the development and training of both our left and right brains, which other musical instruments cannot substitute for.

Teacher: Third party

The classical percussion

The classical percussion course includes snare drum lessons and marimba lessons. The snare drum, also known as the "side drum," is the most important foundational course in percussion instruments. It has a strong penetrating sound, significant variations in intensity, and a highly pronounced sense of rhythm. It can create various atmospheres and exhibits tremendous expressive power. The marimba is a melodic percussion instrument, known for its enchanting sound, which is deeply cherished by people. The marimba can be used not only as an accompaniment or solo instrument but also for ensemble and concerto performances with other instruments. These two courses play a crucial role in the percussion section of symphony orchestras.

Teacher: Third party

School Choir

Welcome to our school's after-school choir club! This music-filled and joyful club aims to cultivate students' passion for music and proficiency in choral arts.
In the after-school choir program, students will have the opportunity to develop their vocal skills and experience the power of teamwork through collaboration. We will explore various music styles and repertoire, encompassing classical, pop, folk, and more, embracing diversity and creativity. Participation in the choir allows students to expand their vocal range, enhance their musical perception, and refine their music expression.
Beyond focusing on musical skills, the after-school choir program also emphasizes building students' self-confidence and stage presence. By taking part in meticulously arranged performances, students will learn to confidently showcase their talents before an audience, which will have a positive impact on their future learning and lives.

Teacher: Ms.Du Fan, Zhou Kaiao

School's dance troupe

Welcome to our school's dance troupe! This is a vibrant and passionate dance club dedicated to fostering students' love for the art of dance and improving their dance skills. In the after-school dance troupe program, students will have the opportunity to learn various folk dance styles. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced dancer, we welcome you to join!Participating in the dance troupe will ignite students' creativity and stage performance. Through meticulously rehearsed dance routines and performances, students will have the chance to showcase their talents, enhance teamwork skills, and also boost their self-confidence and leadership.Beyond dance skills, the dance troupe's after-school program also aims to cultivate students' health awareness and artistic literacy. Dance is an art form that harmonizes mind and body. 
Please note that this course is intended for students with dance experience. The first session will include an assessment, and students who do not pass the assessment can either switch to other courses or apply for withdrawal.

Teacher: Ms.Du Fan, Liu lu


Baseball Interest

The Elementary School Interest Class aims to introduce students to the sport of baseball and help them master basic baseball rules and techniques. Our professional coaches will use a systematic training plan and interesting teaching methods to help students improve their overall baseball skills, including hitting, pitching, catching, and base running. Through the Elementary School Interest Class, students will gain more baseball knowledge and experience, and develop confidence and teamwork abilities.

任课老师:校外第三方 清篮体育
Teacher: Third Party TSA


The unique advantage of indoor surfing lies in its ability to maintain constant temperature and humidity, unaffected by weather conditions and wind. 
In the primary school stage, students are required to have a correct understanding of surfing safety knowledge and precautions. They will learn the basic rules of lying on the board, practice catching waves, become familiar with facing the surf correctly, maintaining balance, practicing starting and forward directions, mastering lying and kneeling positions, changing directions, adjusting speed, and safe navigation in the water. They will also learn the basic rules of standing on the board, assisting in catching waves, practicing forward, backward, left and right directions, and adjusting balance. The main teaching objectives are to practice balance and coordination skills, learn water safety knowledge, and independently complete catching waves with lying and standing positions as the main content.

任课老师:校外第三方 清篮体育
Teacher: Third Party TSA

Fencing (Epee) School Team Primary School 

This after-school activity is designed for students who want to train in the sport of fencing, specifically in the epee discipline. The course will be held twice a week and will focus on improving students' technical skills, physical fitness, and tactical abilities in preparation for competing in school team matches and tournaments.
During the course, students will learn the following:
1. Basic epee fencing techniques, including stance, footwork, parries, attacks, and counter-attacks.
2. Advanced epee fencing techniques, including timing, distance control, and blade work.
3. Physical conditioning exercises specific to fencing, including agility, coordination, endurance, and strength.
4. Tactical skills, including strategy, tactics, and game plans for different opponents and situations.
5. Rules and etiquette of epee fencing, including sportsmanship, respect, and fair play.

任课老师:校外第三方 清篮体育
Teacher: Third Party TSA

Fencing (Foil)

儿童花剑(78厘米)小学击剑兴趣课训练目标1-通过游戏方式培养孩子对击剑的兴趣。2-让孩子接触运动的基本动作(跑跳,脚控制,平衡练习,稳定性练习)。3-学会击剑礼仪(敬礼),击剑基本步伐动作(实战姿势,向前一步,向后一步,弓步)。4- 花剑的基本功:正确地拿剑,手的正确位置,出手值刺动作,基本防守动作。5-了解花剑的实战规则(主动权,犯规动作),提高孩子的安全意识。击剑期末考试内容: 击剑敬礼,实战姿势,前后步法,弓步,向前一步弓步,近距离直刺,弓步距离直刺,四个防守位置,第四防守还击,理论问题:主动权问题相关分析,理论问题:述说两个犯规动作案例。一共10个内容,每一个内容10分共100分,达到60分通过考试,颁发证书。
Children's foil (78 cm) elementary school fencing interest class training objectives:
Cultivate children's interest in fencing through game-based activities.
Introduce children to basic movements in sports, such as running, jumping, foot control, balance exercises, and stability exercises.
Learn fencing etiquette (salute) and basic footwork (en garde position, advance, retreat, lunge).
Master the basic skills of foil fencing, including proper grip, correct hand position, offensive thrusting action, and basic defensive movements.
Understand the rules of foil fencing (priority, fouls) to improve children's safety awareness.
There are a total of 10 contents, with each content worth 10 points, for a total of 100 points. A score of 60 or above is required to pass the exam and receive a certificate.

任课老师:校外第三方 清篮体育
Teacher: Third Party TSA

Basketball Interests

The main purpose of primary school basketball interest classes is to provide students with a relaxed and enjoyable environment to learn basketball skills and cultivate their interest and passion for basketball. The main curriculum includes basic basketball technical training, basic tactics, health education, etc., allowing students to experience the joy of sports and develop correct exercise habits. Through small games such as passing relay, students can learn while playing, improving their interest and enthusiasm for basketball. Through these classes, students can improve their basketball skills and comprehensive qualities, while also enjoying the pleasure and satisfaction brought by sports.

任课老师:校外第三方 清篮体育
Teacher: Third Party TSA

Basketball School Team

Primary school basketball team courses mainly include dribbling, passing, shooting, defense, rebounding and other basic skills training and improvement. Students will also learn and apply different offensive and defensive tactics. Through systematic physical training, internal and external competitions, students can improve their physical fitness, consolidate their skills and tactics in practical situations, gain more game experience, cultivate basketball spirit, and improve their basketball skills and comprehensive qualities. They can also develop their health awareness, competitive awareness, and confidence.

任课老师:校外第三方 清篮体育
Teacher: Third Party TSA

Table Tennis Interest

  • 知识目标:让学生了解乒乓球的基本规则。
  • 能力目标:让学生学会乒乓球的基本技术(发球、正反手攻球、正反手搓球)及基本步法(两点跑位、侧身步伐、前后上步步伐),全方位的提高其体能及身体素质。
  • 素质目标:让学生能够热爱上体育及乒乓球运动,培养其在课堂上良好的纪律性,形成尊重师长、同学,及团结合作的精神品质
Based on the "Table Tennis Sports Tutorial," the teaching focuses on cultivating students' interest in table tennis while providing opportunities for them to learn basic table tennis techniques and incorporating appropriate physical exercises to promote comprehensive development in skills, physical fitness, psychology, and sports intelligence.

任课老师:校外第三方 清篮体育
Teacher: Third Party TSA

Table Tennis School Team

Based on the "Table Tennis Sports Tutorial," the teaching focuses on cultivating students' interest in table tennis while comprehensively developing and improving their basic technical skills, laying a solid foundation for their future growth. In addition, appropriate specialized physical exercises are incorporated during class breaks to promote comprehensive development in skills, physical fitness, psychology, and sports intelligence.

任课老师:校外第三方 清篮体育
Teacher: Third Party TSA

Swimming Interest

Both students with zero swimming experience and those with prior experience can participate in the swimming lessons. The curriculum starts from basic single movements and progresses to the coordination of multiple movements. Students gradually adapt to water sports, develop a sense of buoyancy in water, overcome any fear of water, and cultivate an interest in swimming. They will gradually acquire a sense of water and learn to control their swimming rhythm, laying a solid foundation for learning freestyle, backstroke, and breaststroke. The coach will tailor the curriculum content according to the child's individual situation.

任课老师:校外第三方 清篮体育
Teacher: Third Party TSA

Swimming School Team

Students need to master at least one swimming style to be eligible for selection into the school swim team. The school team provides professional training according to competitive standards. In the initial stage, children will be taught the technical movements of butterfly, backstroke, breaststroke, and freestyle, as well as start, turn, and underwater movements. In the later stage, customized training plans will be designed to improve the speed and endurance of the four swimming styles, aiming to meet competitive standards. Regular participation in various competitions will help students develop their mental resilience, gain competition experience, and achieve a sense of accomplishment through achieving rankings and honors.

任课老师:校外第三方 清篮体育
Teacher: Third Party TSA

Badminton Interest

This course emphasizes the healthy development of students' personalities, fully meeting their interests and needs. Through an enjoyable learning process, students will learn specialized badminton techniques, including the history and characteristics of badminton, serving, overhead shots, clears, drops, and net shots, and be able to apply basic techniques. The course aims to enhance students' interest in badminton, cultivate their love for sports, experience the joy of participating in sports, and establish a strong sports awareness. Ultimately, the goal is to cultivate a lifelong habit of conscious exercise.

任课老师:校外第三方 清篮体育
Teacher: Third Party TSA

Badminton School Team

The primary school badminton team training course aims to cultivate students' interest and enthusiasm for badminton, and improve their badminton skills. The curriculum includes learning basic badminton techniques such as serving, smashing, lifting, and net play, as well as tactical application and competition skills in badminton matches. Students will be grouped and taught according to their actual situation and level, using a systematic training plan and scientific training methods, emphasizing the development of their badminton skills, physical fitness, psychological qualities, and teamwork spirit. Through regular competitions and practical training, students will accumulate competition experience, improve their performance, and develop their competitiveness and teamwork awareness. In addition, the curriculum also focuses on cultivating students' sports awareness and lifelong physical exercise habits, encouraging them to adopt a positive and healthy lifestyle through badminton sports.

任课老师:校外第三方 清篮体育
Teacher: Third Party TSA

Football Interest

The course aims to cultivate students' interest and passion for football by teaching them basic  skills such as passing, shooting, dribbling, and ball control. The course focuses on developing skills, improving students' physical fitness, fostering teamwork and competition awareness. Through various activities and competitions, students are encouraged to develop a love for sports, promote their physical and mental health, and cultivate lifelong exercise habits. The course provides a pleasant learning environment and emphasizes the cultivation of students' sports awareness and lifelong exercise habits, allowing students to experience joy and a sense of accomplishment in soccer.

任课老师:校外第三方 清篮体育
Teacher: Third Party TSA

Football School Team

The class aims to cultivate students' interest and passion for soccer and improve their soccer skills. The curriculum includes learning basic soccer techniques such as passing, shooting, dribbling, and ball control, as well as tactical application and team cooperation in soccer matches. The classes are grouped and taught according to students' actual conditions and levels, using systematic training plans and scientific training methods, emphasizing the comprehensive development of soccer skills, physical fitness, psychological qualities, and teamwork spirit. Through regular competitions and practical training, students will accumulate competition experience, improve their performance level, and develop a sense of competition and teamwork. 

任课老师:校外第三方 清篮体育
Teacher: Third Party TSA

Taekwondo Interest

Welcome to our Taekwondo interest class! In this class, you will learn the fundamental techniques of Taekwondo, including basic kicks and strikes, as well as practical self-defense skills. Our experienced instructors will guide you through the learning process and help you develop your physical and mental strength, agility, and coordination. You will also have the opportunity to engage in sparring exercises and competitions to improve your skills and confidence. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced martial artist, this class is a great way to challenge yourself and discover the beauty and excitement of Taekwondo.

任课老师:校外第三方 清篮体育
Teacher: Third Party TSA

Taekwondo School Team

The elementary school taekwondo team mainly covers the learning of basic taekwondo techniques and practical combat skills. In the course, we will help students establish the correct concept of fist techniques and action skills, improve their reaction speed and physical confrontation ability through lectures, demonstrations, and practical exercises. At the same time, we emphasize the cultivation of psychological qualities and willpower, enabling students to have better resilience and confidence. In addition, we will organize school and off-campus competitions and performances, providing opportunities for students to demonstrate their learned taekwondo skills, stimulating their interest and confidence, and promoting comprehensive physical and mental development.

任课老师:校外第三方 清篮体育
Teacher: Third Party TSA

Chinese Martial Arts

The content of the Chinese martial arts program mainly includes: basic hand forms, basic techniques, basic footwork, basic step patterns, basic leg techniques, basic combinations of martial arts movements, basic boxing techniques, practical application of martial arts movements, and physical fitness training.
In terms of teaching objectives, the Chinese martial arts program is divided into 10 levels. During the class, students will first roughly determine their current level, and then the teacher will design a series of teaching content to help students progress to the next level. Generally, the goal of students taking the one-year program is to achieve promotion from the beginner to intermediate level through the course, while students taking the half-year program aim to achieve promotion of two levels.

任课老师:校外第三方 清篮体育
Teacher: Third Party TSA

Dance Sports

For the full-year ASA program, based on the 8-level standards of  Dance sports (Latin Dance), the course plan completes the learning of three dance styles, including Cha-Cha, Rumba, and live Dance, mastering the content of levels 1-2. The course will be taught according to specific teaching designs and arrangements, so that students can achieve corresponding learning outcomes, and possess professional abilities in Latin Dance grading, drama performance, and competitive arena. Through this, they will also appreciate the advantages and charm of Dance sports.

任课老师:校外第三方 清篮体育
Teacher: Third Party TSA


The primary school cheerleading course aims to cultivate students' dance skills and teamwork spirit through teaching basic cheerleading movements and dance routines. The course includes training in dance techniques, music rhythm perception, expression and posture training, as well as cheerleading dance choreography and performance. Students will learn different cheerleading movements and dance combinations, improve their physical flexibility, coordination, and music perception abilities. At the same time, the course also emphasizes the cultivation of students' teamwork awareness and performance ability through collective training and team performances, promoting their self-confidence and self-expression abilities. The course is designed to inspire students' interest in dance, cultivate their stage performance skills, enhance their physical fitness, and exercise their teamwork spirit and cooperation ability.

任课老师:校外第三方 清篮体育
Teacher: Third Party TSA

Outdoor sports interest

The main purpose of outdoor sports is to keep children physically active, while the new perspectives offered by outdoor activities can stimulate their curiosity and desire for exploration, and enhance their interest in sports. The learning content of outdoor sports interest classes includes British flag football, American flag football, extreme frisbee, cricket, physical fitness games, etc. Through different sports projects, children can discover their interests and hobbies, constantly challenge themselves, improve their personal sports abilities, and enrich their sports learning experience.
The outdoor classes focus on team projects, and through teamwork and competition in the classes, children's thinking and adaptability abilities are exercised, ethical awareness is established through the rules of the game, and sportsmanship is cultivated. 

任课老师:校外第三方 清篮体育
Teacher: Third Party TSA

Tennis interest 

This course focuses on the healthy development of students' personalities, fully meeting their interests and needs, and striving for students to experience tennis leisure sports in a pleasant learning process and have a preliminary understanding of tennis skills and rules. Enhance the interest in learning tennis, cultivate students' interest in sports, experience the joy of participating in sports, establish a good sense of sports, and thus cultivate the habit of lifelong conscious exercise.

任课老师:校外第三方 清篮体育
Teacher: Third Party TSA

Tennis interest 

This course focuses on the healthy development of students' personalities, fully meeting their interests and needs, and striving for students to experience tennis leisure sports in a pleasant learning process and have a preliminary understanding of tennis skills and rules. Enhance the interest in learning tennis, cultivate students' interest in sports, experience the joy of participating in sports, establish a good sense of sports, and thus cultivate the habit of lifelong conscious exercise.

任课老师:校外第三方 清篮体育
Teacher: Third Party TSA

Tennis school team

 This is a professional tennis training program aimed at cultivating students' love for tennis and improving their competitive level. In the elementary school tennis school team course, students will receive systematic tennis training, including the improvement of technique, tactics, physical fitness and psychological quality. Our senior coaching team will formulate personalized training plans according to the actual level of the students to help them make greater progress in the tennis field. The course emphasizes detailed explanation and repeated practice of tennis technique. Students will learn basic skills such as correct racket grip, swing, and hitting movements, and continuously improve their golf skills through repeated practice. In addition, the course will focus on tactical application and game training. Students will learn how to formulate tactical strategies in the game, improve the game's adaptability, cultivate the determination to win and the courage to bear failure. 

任课老师:校外第三方 清篮体育
Teacher: Third Party TSA

Golf interest

Welcome to Golf Interest Course! This course is designed to introduce students to the game of golf and develop an interest and love for it.
In golf interest courses, students will learn the basic knowledge and skills of golf, including swing posture, hitting skills and court etiquette. Our professional coaches will guide students to master the essentials of golf step by step in an easy-to-understand manner. The course focuses on developing students' physical coordination and concentration. Through golf training, students will develop muscular coordination and precision while developing patience and perseverance.
Regardless of whether students have golf experience or not, we welcome every student who loves sports to join. Here, you will meet like-minded partners, feel the charm of golf together, and enjoy the fun of swinging.

任课老师:校外第三方 清篮体育
Teacher: Third Party TSA

Golf school team

Welcome to the Varsity Golf Program! This is a professional golf training program aimed at improving students' competitive level and skills in golf.
In the golf school team course, students will receive a full range of high-level training, including the improvement of swing technology, tactical application, golf course management and psychological quality. Our senior coaching team will formulate personalized training plans according to the actual level of the students to help them make greater progress in the golf field.
The course focuses on the superb explanation and repeated practice of golf skills. Students will systematically learn various batting skills, tactical strategies and court strategies to improve their technical level and competitive strength.
Students who participate in the golf school team course will have the opportunity to represent the school in various competitions and competitions, exercise their competitive ability, and improve teamwork and leadership.

任课老师:校外第三方 清篮体育
Teacher: Third Party TSA






引徵调商 彰显清香音乐教育风采
Highlight THISDL music education


清香交响乐团由十六个声部组成:· 弦乐声部:第一,第二小提琴、中提琴、大提琴、低音提琴· 木管声部:长笛、单簧管、双簧管、大管· 铜管声部:圆号、小号、长号、低音长号、大号· 打击乐声部:定音鼓、打击乐
· 教师乐团:由国内外著名音乐家组成· 

THISDL Symphony Orchestra consists of sixteen sections:· Strings: 1st Violin, 2nd Violin, Viola, Cellos, Double Bass· Woodwinds: Flute, Clarinet, Oboe, Bassoon· Brass: French Horn, Trumpet, Tromb1, Bass Tromb1, Tuba· Percussion: Timpani, Percussion
THISDL Symphony Orchestra consists of a faculty orchestra and 2 student orchestras:· Faculty Orchestra: composed of well-known musicians from China and abroad· Student Orchestra A: composed of students who have already learned musical instruments and have a certain degree of playing experience· Student Orchestra B: composed of students who have never been exposed to and learned music or musical instruments

清香交响乐团 设置
Setting of THISDL Orchestra


Band Fee Regulations

1对1 课程


1对2  课程


清香时间提供:单簧管、小提琴、中提琴、大提琴、低音大提琴、长笛、双簧管、巴松、小号、长号、圆号、钢琴、打击乐、长笛等乐器,1对2 的学习,名额有限,先到先的(需要通过测试)。课程时间安排在周二、周三、周四的课后课和晚课时间。
THISDL ASA provides one-on-one or one-on-two lessons for instruments including clarinet, violin, viola, cello, double bass, flute, oboe, bassoon, trumpet, trombone, French horn, piano, percussion, and piccolo. Spaces are limited and allocated on a first-come, first-served basis.

Keith Lipson(李可思)出生于马萨诸塞州剑桥一个医生家庭,8岁开始学习单簧管演奏,16岁参加国际单簧管协会独奏比赛并获得第一名,同年被世界知名的Curtis Institute of Music录取,成为该院史上最年轻的单簧管学生。他先后就读于Curtis Institute of Music和University of Southern California,是一名优秀的单簧管演奏家,指挥和教育家。现任中央音乐学院附中客座教授、成都理工大学客座专家、敦善交响管乐团客座指挥。曾任瑞士Verbier交响乐团,KBS韩国广播交响乐团,纽约Knights交响乐团及北京交响乐团单簧管首席及青岛耶胡迪梅纽因学校教授。他的很多学生都被美国和欧洲顶尖的音乐专科学校及音乐学院所录取,包括柯蒂斯(Curtis)音乐学院(4名学生),茱莉亚音乐学院,耶鲁大学,伊斯特曼音乐学院,克利夫兰音乐学院,科尔本音乐学院,英国皇家音乐学院,科隆音乐学院,汉堡音乐学院,Interlochen艺术学校等。
Keith Adam Lipson (Li Kesi), He studied at the Curtis Institute of Music and University of Southern California successively. He is an excellent clarinet player, conductor and educator. He is currently a visiting professor at the Middle School Attached to the Central Conservatory of Music, a visiting expert lecturer at the Chengdu University of Technology, and a visiting conductor of the Dunshan Symphonic Wind Orchestra. He was the principal clarinetist of the Verbier Symphony Orchestra in Switzerland, the KBS Korean Broadcasting Symphony Orchestra, the Knights Symphony Orchestra in New York and the Beijing Symphony Orchestra, and a professor at the Yehudi Menuhin School in Qingdao.

音乐总监Music Director 

Boris Borgolotto出生于法国,先后就读于巴黎音乐学院(CNSMDP)、奥地利维也纳艺术大学、Schola Cantorum音乐会和法国伊丽莎白女王音乐教堂,获小提琴和室内乐艺术家文凭。曾获美国国际音乐比赛一等奖、意大利齐内蒂国际室内乐比赛一等奖、法国职业音乐大奖、英国伦敦国际音乐比赛一等奖等。扎迪格三重奏的创始成员。曾在上海城市剧院、卡内基音乐厅、紫禁城音乐厅、天津大剧院音乐厅、阿姆斯特丹皇家音乐厅演出。曾任教台湾台北艺术大学小提琴大师班、台湾台南艺术大学小提琴与室内乐大师班、麦吉尔大学舒利奇学院2020室内乐大师班等。
Boris Borgolotto studied at Paris Conservatory of Music (CNSMDP), Vienna University of Arts, Austria, and the Queen Elisabeth Music Chapel, Artist Diploma of Violin and Chamber Music. He has won First Prize of the American Fine Arts International Music Competition, USA;First prize and Jascha Heifetz Special Mention of the IBLA foundation, Italy, Pro Musicis Grand Prize, France, and First Prize of the International Music Competition of London, United Kingdom. Founding member of the Trio Zadig. He has performed at the Shanghai City Theatre, Philharmonie de Paris, the Carnegie Hall, the Forbidden City Concert Hall in Beijing,the Tianjin Grand Theater Concert Hall,the Royal Concertgebouw of Amsterdam. He has taught Violin Masterclass, Taipei University of Arts, Taiwan, Masterclass of Violin and Chamber Music, Tainan University of Arts, Taiwan, Chamber Music Masterclass, Musical Chairs Chamber Music Festival, McGill University Schulich School.

Boris Borgolotto


刘露(Lulu),9岁考入中央音乐学院附小,12岁以第一名的成绩考入中央音乐学院附中,后赴美深造,先后就读于茱莉亚音乐学院预科及曼尼斯音乐学院,硕士毕业于美国曼哈顿音乐学院,曾获美国密苏里州立音乐节比赛弦乐组第一名。2018年于美国林肯中心 Alice Tully Hall随 Mannes交响乐团演出,同年在纽约 Rose Theather 举办个人音乐会。
Liu Lu (Lulu), began to learn violin at the age of 4, was admitted to the Primary School Attached to the Central Conservatory of Music at the age of 9, and was admitted to the High School Attached to the Central Conservatory of Music at the age of 12 with the first place. In 2009, she went to the United States for further study and studied at Juilliard School of Music and Mannis School of Music successively. In 2020, she graduated from Manhattan School of Music with a master's degree and won the first prize of string section in Missouri State Music Festival Competition. In 2018, she performed with the Mannes Symphony Orchestra at Alice Tully Hall, Lincoln Center, USA, and gave a solo concert at Rose Theather, New York, the same year.

Kiyeol Kim本科毕业于首尔国立大学后,2015年在新英格兰音乐学院获取了硕士学位,2017年在美国印第安纳大学雅各布斯音乐学院获得管弦乐演奏家证书。在新英格兰音乐学院学习期间获得优异奖学金、在印第安纳大学学习期间获得学院艺术卓越奖学金和研究生学费奖。学习期间担任NEC研究生助教、毕业后曾在新加坡国家青年管弦乐团中提琴大师班任教。先后在亚洲爱乐乐团、NEC爱乐乐团、首尔爱乐乐团和澳门乐团任职。曾经在俄罗斯伏尔加格勒举行独奏音乐会,参加NEC室内音乐盛典、澳门音乐家室内音乐会等重要演出。
After graduating from Seoul National University, Kiyeol Kim earned a master's degree at the New England Conservatory of Music in 2015 and a certificate as an orchestrator at the Jacobs School of Music at Indiana University in 2017. He received a Merit Scholarship at the New England Conservatory of Music and the College's Arts Excellence Scholarship and Graduate Tuition Award at Indiana University. During his study, he served as a graduate teaching assistant at NEC. After graduation, he taught viola master class at the Singapore National Youth Orchestra. He has served in the Asian Philharmonic Orchestra, NEC Philharmonic Orchestra, Seoul Philharmonic Orchestra and Macau Orchestra. He has held recital in Volgograd, Russia, participated in NEC Chamber Music Festival, Macau Musicians Chamber Concert and other important performances.

中提琴 Viola
Kiyeol Kim


林楚芸出生于中国台湾,先后就读于曼尼斯音乐学院、茱莉亚音乐学院、新加坡杨秀桃音乐学院和新英格兰音乐学院。师从于著名大提琴演奏家秦立巍,王健及Laurence Lesser。日本大阪国际大赛第三名及波士顿室内乐大赛第一名得主。在克利夫兰音乐学院及新英格兰音乐学院担任过弦乐教学法助教。曾经于新加坡交响乐团担任freelance。现任职于中央音乐院交响乐团,大提琴副首席, 及中央音乐学院提琴制作系演奏教学教师。作为一名优秀的大提琴演奏家,她的演出足迹遍布了 Boston Symphony Hall、Jordan Hall、Bach Hallin Taiwan、Kulas Hall、Studzinski Recital Hall、 Gilles-Lefebvre Concert Hall and National Concert Hall in Taiwan等世界著名音乐厅。
Lin Chuyun was born in Taiwan, China, and has studied at Mannis Conservatory of Music, Julia Conservatory of Music, Singapore Young Xiutao Conservatory of Music and New England Conservatory of Music. She studied under renowned cellists Qin Liwei, Wang Jian, and Laurence Lesser. She won the third place winner of the Osaka International Competition in Japan and the first place winner of the Boston Chamber Music Competition. She has served as an assistant professor of string teaching methods at the Cleveland Conservatory of Music and the New England Conservatory of Music. She used to work as a freelance in the Singapore Symphony Orchestra. Currently, she works for the Central Conservatory of Music Symphony Orchestra, Vice Chief Cello Officer, and Performance Teaching Teacher in the Violin Production Department of the Central Conservatory of Music. 

何金涛(Jintao)先后毕业于苏州大学和美国德保罗大学,获得音乐表演硕士以及演奏家证书,主修低音提琴。他是美国巴德学院国家公派访问学者,国际低音提琴协会会员。他曾就职于芝加哥交响乐团旗下的全美顶尖乐队学院Civic Orchestra of Chicago。他多次受邀参加海内外音乐节和比赛,包括以全额奖学金参与中华青年交响乐团(National Youth Orchestra of China),广州青年音乐周等。他曾在多个音乐厅包括美国久负盛名的卡内基音乐厅,林肯中心音乐厅,费舍尔音乐厅,芝加哥交响乐团音乐厅,日本东京音乐厅,新加坡国立大学音乐厅,中国北京音乐厅,上海东方艺术中心,广州星海音乐厅,苏州金鸡湖音乐厅,杭州大剧院等音乐厅参与演出。
He Jintao (Jintao) graduated from Soochow University and DePaul University in the United States successively, and obtained a master's degree in music performance and a performer certificate, majoring in double bass. He is a state-sponsored visiting scholar at Bard College in the United States and a member of the International Double Bass Association. He once worked at the Civic Orchestra of Chicago, the top band academy in the United States under the Chicago Symphony Orchestra. He has been invited to participate in music festivals and competitions at home and abroad many times, including participating in the National Youth Orchestra of China and Guangzhou Youth Music Week with a full scholarship. 


Xiao Yao (Yao) graduated from Renmin University of China with a major in oboe performance and musicology, and obtained a master's degree in oboe performance from the Frost School of Music at the University of Miami in the United States. In 2019, he was selected into the "NYO-China Chinese Youth Symphony Orchestra", and joined the Seattle Symphony Orchestra in the Berlin Concert Hall, Germany, to participate in the 20th anniversary celebration of the European Youth Classical Music Festival. In 2020, Xiao Yao won the special prize of "Vienna Star International Competition"; in 2021, he won the first prize of Group E of the "2nd Swiss Iscart International Music Competition" and the highest amount of m1y prize for the competition; in 2022, he won the "Italian Ami Guedara Memorial Giuseppe Racciti International Music Competition "F group first prize.



林旸珺(Luna)毕业于英国皇家音乐学院(Royal college of music)并分别获得了荣誉学士以及演奏硕士学位。巴松师从Martin Gatt(伦敦交响乐首席1977-1998)、 Andrea de Flammineis (皇家歌剧院首席),低音巴松师从 Martin Field(皇家歌剧院),巴洛克巴松师从 Wouter Verschuren。 2018年以优秀的成绩取得英皇荣誉学士学位,同年考上英皇研究生并获得了英皇Study Award奖学金,同时在2018年受学校安排为查尔斯王储演出。毕业后,先后在新加坡爱乐乐团和南昌交响乐团工作。
Lin Yangjun (Luna) graduated from the Royal college of music in the United Kingdom with a Bachelor's degree with Honors and a Master's degree in Performance. She learned Bassoon with Martin Gatt (Principal of the London Symphony 1977-1998) and Andrea de Flammineis (Principal of the Royal Opera House), the bass Bassoon with Martin Field(Royal Opera House) and the Baroque Bassoon with Wouter Verschuren. In 2018, she obtained the Bachelor's Degree with Honors with excellent results. In the same year, she was admitted to the King's Graduate School and won the King's Study Award Scholarship. In 2018, she performed for Prince Charles. After graduation, she worked for the Singapore Philharmonic Orchestra and the Nanchang Symphony Orchestra.

李培翔老师先后就读于美国堪萨斯大学、旧金山音乐学院和麦吉尔大学音乐学院,主修小号表演,获得博士学位。曾在Bridge Point音乐学校、Myriad音乐舞蹈学院和Kipp高中旧金山分校担任小号老师。
Teacher Vincent Li studied trumpet performance at the University of Kansas, San Francisco Conservatory of Music, and McGill University Conservatory of Music in the United States, obtaining a doctoral degree. I have served as a trumpet teacher at Bridge Point Music School, Myriad School of Music and Dance, and Kipp High School San Francisco.



Zhao Lei was admitted to Shanghai Conservatory of Music Affiliated Middle School in 2011 under the guidance of Professor Li Dali. In 2015, he won the second place in the Symphony Concerto Competition of Shanghai Conservatory of Music Affiliated High School. During his time at school, he visited the United States, Australia and other countries on behalf of the school for music exchanges and performances. In 2016, he was admitted to the Yang Xiutao School of Music at the National University of Singapore with a full scholarship, and in 2020, he was admitted to Tianjin Julia College with a full scholarship. He used to be the deputy chief of the head of Nanchang Symphony Orchestra, and has cooperated with Shanghai Symphony Orchestra, Shanghai Philharmonic Orchestra, Shanghai Opera House, Hangzhou Philharmonic Orchestra, and Wuhan Philharmonic Orchestra for many times.

ALAIN BARSOUMIAN法籍圆号演奏家,4岁开始学习小提琴,并以优秀的成绩获得小提琴学士学位;在音乐学院学习期间同时跟随戛纳首席圆号Wilfried Fournier老师学习圆号,随后以全国第2名的成绩考入巴黎地区音乐学院,师从巴黎歌剧院首席Vladimir Dubois老师继续圆号硕士学位的学习,2012年以全评委一致通过并予以祝贺的最好成绩获得圆号的最高表演演奏学位。曾任法国国家军乐团首席圆号,贵阳爱乐交响乐团圆号首席。
Alain BARSOUMIAN is a French horn player who started studying violin at the age of 4 and obtained a Bachelor's degree in violin with excellent grades; During my studies at the Conservatory of Music, I also studied the horn with the chief horn teacher Wilfried Fournier of Cannes. Later, I was admitted to the Paris Regional Conservatory of Music with a score of second in the country, and continued my master's degree in horn performance under the chief horn teacher Vladimir Dubois of the Paris Opera House. In 2012, I received the highest performing degree in the horn with the best score unanimously approved and congratulated by the entire judges. Formerly served as the Chief Horn of the French National Military Orchestra and the Chief Horn of the Guiyang Philharmonic Symphony Orchestra.

圆号French Horn

Massimo Bianchi

Massimo Bianchi,来自意大利,先后于意大利布雷西亚音乐学院获得学士学位和意大利菲耶索莱音乐学校,获取硕士学位。后参加意大利Gyorgy Ligeti 大师班并荣获意大利Scuola Superiore Internazionale del Trio di Trieste钢琴独奏家文凭。1986年开始参加音乐会独奏演出,曾任艺术总监、钢琴教师等。
Massimo Bianchi, from Italy. He obtained a bachelor's degree from the Brescia Conservatory of Music in Italy and a master's degree from the Fiesole Conservatory of Music in Italy. Afterwards, he participated in the Gyorgy Ligeti Master Class in Italy and won the Scuola Superiore Internazionale del Trio di Trieste Piano Soloist Diploma from Italy. Since 1986, he has participated in solo concerts and has served as an art director and piano teacher.

宫谷建志Kenshi Miyatani

出生于东京的宫谷建志(Kenshi Miyatani)是一名圆号演奏家,他经常与日本的许多管弦乐队一起演出。他现为威奇托交响乐团及管弦乐团成员。他在日本东京的Rikkyo大学获得教育文学士学位,并在美国费城柯蒂斯音乐学院获得艺术家文凭。他在小学就师从费城管弦乐团的领队詹妮弗·蒙顿和杰弗里·朗。
Tokyo born Kenshi Miyatani is a horn player who regularly performs with many orchestra in Japan. He was the member of Wichita Symphony Orchestra and The Orchestra Now. He earned his Bachelor of Arts in Education from Rikkyo University in Tokyo, Japan and Artist Diploma from Curtis institute of music in Philadelphia, USA, where his primary teachers are Philadelphia Orchestra horn section leaders Jennifer Montone and Jeffrey Lang.

李亚迪 Li Yadi

李亚迪,兼职大号。教师毕业于新加坡国立大学杨秀桃音乐学院。现任中国国家交响乐团大号副首席,曾担任亚洲青年管弦乐团首席大号,现任英国Denis Wick、荷兰Adams品牌形象代言人。2007年在中央音乐学院铜管室内乐独奏比赛中获得大号专业组第一名。
Part-time Tuba teacher. Graduated from the Yang Xiutao School of Music at the National University of Singapore. He is the Deputy Principal trumpet of the Chinese National Symphony Orchestra, and also has previously served as the Principal Trumpet of the Asian Youth Orchestra. Yadi currently is the spokesperson for Denis Wick in the UK and Adams in the Netherlands. In 2007, he won the first place in the tuba professional group in the brass chamber music solo competition at the Central Conservatory of Music.

马佳杰Ma Jiajie

The former principal harpist of the China National Symphony Orchestra, he studied harp playing at the London School of Arts and the Royal Northern Conservatory of Music. Since childhood, he has studied harp with Professor Gan Peixue and Professor Wang Guan.After graduation, Jiajie continued to pursue a Master's degree and graduated with the highest score recognized by the judging committee.

罗频老师是国家二级演奏员、中国马林巴协会理事、中国打击乐协会会员。北京风尚鼓艺打击乐团艺术总监,团长。北京清华附中稻香湖学校打击乐部负责人、曾任广东东莞清华附中清澜山学校打击乐艺术中心负责人。曾获评全国优秀打击乐教师。职业从事青少年音乐教育 20 多年,培养了一大批优秀的打击乐演奏员和专业打击乐学生,多人次考入中央音乐学院及附中、天津音乐学院、武汉音乐学院等国内知名音乐院校。
Luo Pin is a national second-level performer, a director of the China Malimba Association, and a member of the China Percussion Association. Art Director and Head of Beijing Fashion Drum Art Percussion Orchestra. Head of the percussion department of Daoxianghu School, Tsinghua Affiliated High School, Beijing, and former head of the percussion art center of Qinglanshan School, Tsinghua Affiliated High School, Dongguan, Guangdong. He was awarded the National Excellent Percussion Teacher. He has been engaged in music education for teenagers for more than 20 years and has cultivated a large number of outstanding percussion performers and professional percussion students. Many people have been admitted to the Central Conservatory of Music, the Affiliated High School, Tianjin Conservatory of Music, Wuhan Conservatory of Music, and other well-known music institutions in China.


涂远萍老师是北京市校外金帆打击乐团创始人,国家高级儿童成长顾问、从事打击乐教学及管理 15 年,多次带领团队登上国家大剧院,北京音乐厅、上海音乐厅及维也纳金色大厅等舞台,培养一大批学员考入专业音乐院校。为北京多所学校提供打击乐团建设方案,现为北京清华附中稻香湖学校特聘专家。指导学校打击乐团项目建设及管理。
Tu Yuanping is the founder of the Beijing Off campus Golden Sail Percussion Orchestra, a national senior child development consultant, and has been engaged in percussion teaching and management for 15 years. She has led her team on several occasions to the National Grand Theater, Beijing Concert Hall, Shanghai Concert Hall, Vienna Golden Hall, and other stages, cultivating a large number of students to enter professional music schools. He has provided percussion orchestra construction plans for multiple schools in Beijing and is currently a specially appointed expert at Daoxianghu School, Tsinghua High School Affiliated to Beijing. Guide the construction and management of school percussion orchestra projects.


Aron Guan entered Contrel Conservatory of Music Middle School in 2005, studied in the Paris École normale supérieure,ENS in 2009, and entered Conservatoire à Rayonnement Régional d’Amiens in 2014.



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