
2024-2025 高中PE-选课指南G9-G12





清华精神Tsinghua Spirit




多元文化Cultural Diversity

Independence, Caring, 
Courage, and Honor

We work together and 
share ideas and knowledge

We investigate new ideas 

We participate actively

We respect ourselves
 and each other



Chinese culture, the Tsinghua spirit and international educational excellence


PE 必选课


中学体育选修课 - 击剑(花剑) 
PE Groups - Fencing (Foil)

以剑之名,弯而不折。感受在剑道上武器碰撞的激情,挥汗如雨的畅快。力量与 智慧的结合。

中学体育选修课 - 击剑(花剑) 
PE Groups - Fencing (Foil)

中学体育选修课 - 击剑(花剑) 
PE Groups - Fencing (Foil)

Foil is one of the three program in the Olympic fencing, this type of weapon is quite light, the blade has a rectangular section, and points are scored only when the tip touches the opponent's torso. Because the foil is light and has a small valid target area, it pays special attention to technique and tactics, and at the same time is very rich in elegant moves. Among them, the flick, which is high level technical movement in foil, needs the cooperation of the arm, the wrist, and the fingers to complete it, so that the blade forms a certain bow, and then the tip electric circuit closes when it touches the target, so that the light on the scoring machine appears.
Course Objectives:
1. Help the students to master the basic knowledge of foil and understand the cultural and historical connotation of foil.
2. Master the basic technical essentials of foil, understand the rules of foil, and be able to conduct simple practical exercises.
3. In the process of learning, cultivate students' witty and agile mind, flexible and coordinated movements, elegant and calm temperament, and strong and courageous character.
4. Exercise mental quality, actively control the opponent, and highlight the importance of analysing the opponent.
5. Let children experience different happiness and passion, experience the happiness of success and stimulate the fighting spirit and enthusiasm for progress, fencing is a sport that will not produce any sports injuries and is full of excitement.
Course contents:
1- foil basic skills, footwork exercises
2-foil technical, tactical exercises
3-fencing match, competitions
4-theorical lessons, video analysis
5-physical exercises

中学体育选修课 - 击剑(花剑) 
PE Groups - Fencing (Foil)

中学体育选修课 - 击剑(重剑)
PE Groups - Fencing (Epee)

    欢迎来到令人兴奋的击剑世界! 击剑是一项令人振奋的运动,它结合了运动能力、策略和精确度。它的起源可以追溯到古代,当时剑术是贵族和战士的一项基本技能。今天,击剑已经发展成为一项现代运动,有三个主要项目:花剑、佩剑和重剑。本选修课程旨在向学生介绍重剑的艺术和运动。无论您是初学者还是有一定的经验,本课程都将对重剑技术、策略以及这项迷人运动背后的丰富历史进行全面的探索。
1. 重剑的基础: 学生将学习重剑的基本原则和技术,如正确的握力、姿势、步法和击剑。重点将放在建立一个强大的技术基础上。通过示范、演练和练习赛,学生将发展在重剑中出类拔萃所需的基本技能。
2. 步法和移动性: 该课程将涵盖基本的步法模式和练习,以提高学生的敏捷性、平衡性和协调性。学生将练习各种动作,包括前进、后退、侧步和改变方向。脚法在创造攻击机会和保持防守位置方面的重要性将得到强调。
3. 刀术和攻击: 学生将学习错综复杂的重剑刀法,掌握攻击、反击和防守动作等技术。他们将学习如何利用对手的弱点,同时保持强大的防御姿态。该课程将深入研究时机、距离和刀法控制的艺术,使学生具备执行有效攻击和反击对手行动的技能。
4. 战术决策: 该课程将着重磨练学生分析击剑情况的能力,阅读对手的行动,并做出有效的战术决策。学生将学习各种战略和战术,如佯攻、脱离和攻击准备。他们将发展自己的战略思维能力,学习如何根据不同对手的风格来调整自己的方法。将强调心理敏捷性和在比赛中保持镇定的重要性。
5. 规则和安全: 学生将熟悉重剑比赛的规则和条例,强调安全准则、礼节和公平竞争。他们将了解计分系统、处罚和裁判的作用。此外,学生将了解保持安全训练环境的重要性,以及正确护理和处理击剑设备。

中学体育选修课 - 击剑(重剑)
PE Groups - Fencing (Epee)

6. 身体调理和力量: 该课程将包括身体调节练习,以提高学生的整体体能和耐力。具体的调节练习将针对击剑中使用的肌肉群,提高学生的速度、敏捷性和爆发力。热身运动、冷却运动和预防受伤的技巧也将包括在内。
7. 重剑历史和文化: 学生将探索重剑击剑的丰富历史和文化意义。他们将了解其起源,历史上著名的击剑手,以及这项运动的演变。该课程将强调著名的重剑比赛和重剑在当代社会的影响。
8. 搏击和比武: 在整个课程中,学生将有机会在搏击课和练习赛中运用所学的技能。在经验丰富的教练的指导下,学生将参与友好的决斗,在模拟的竞争环境中应用他们的技术、战术和决策能力。这些搏击课程将提高学生适应不同对手风格的能力,并形成自己独特的击剑风格。
9. 设备和维护: 学生将了解重剑设备的各个组成部分,包括重剑武器、面具、夹克、手套和胸甲。他们将了解正确的设备装配和维护的重要性,以确保安全和最佳性能。此外,学生还将获得有关比赛装备规定的知识,以及获得和保养自己装备的过程。
10. 比赛准备: 对于对竞技击剑感兴趣的学生,该课程将提供比赛准备方面的指导。学生将了解比赛形式、种子选手、以及比赛的心理和生理方面。他们将制定策略来控制紧张情绪,保持注意力,并在压力下发挥出最佳水平。将进行模拟比赛和模拟比赛场景,让学生体验竞争环境。
11. 击剑礼仪和体育精神: 我们将着重强调在击剑界培养一种尊重、体育精神和友爱的文化。学生将学习表现出良好的体育精神,遵守击剑礼仪,并坚持公平竞争的价值观。他们将了解比赛前后握手的意义,承认对手的成功,并对其他击剑手保持积极和支持的态度。
12. 客座教员和示范: 为了给学生提供不同的观点和专业知识,可能会邀请特邀教官,包括有成就的击剑手和教练,来进行研讨会和示范。这些课程将提供关于先进技术、训练方法和竞争性击剑的真实经验的宝贵见解。

中学体育选修课 - 击剑(重剑)
PE Groups - Fencing (Epee)

Welcome to the exciting world of fencing! Fencing is an exhilarating sport that combines athleticism, strategy, and precision. It traces its origins back to ancient times when swordsmanship was an essential skill for nobility and warriors. Today, fencing has evolved into a modern sport with three primary disciplines: foil, saber, and epee. This elective course is designed to introduce students to the art and sport of epee fencing. Whether you are a beginner or have some prior experience, this course offers a comprehensive exploration of epee fencing techniques, strategies, and the rich history behind this captivating sport.
The Fencing - Epee Elective Course is a dynamic and engaging program that focuses exclusively on epee fencing. Throughout the course, students will develop a solid foundation in epee fencing skills, including footwork, blade work, timing, distance management, and tactical decision-making.
By the end of this course, students will have gained a solid understanding of epee fencing and the skills necessary to participate in friendly bouts and potentially pursue competitive opportunities. Additionally, they will develop discipline, focus, and teamwork skills that extend beyond the fencing strip.
In detail, the different skills are taught in the following grades:
Join us on this exhilarating journey into the world of epee fencing, where the clash of blades, strategic thinking, and physical prowess come together to create a unique and thrilling experience. 

中学体育选修课 - 击剑(重剑)
PE Groups - Fencing (Epee)

Introduction in the sport of fencing; Fencing position; Step forward; Step backwards; Jump; Lunge; Salute; Straight thrust; Direct attack; Basic rules; Position 4 (Quarte); Parry 4 - Riposte; Knowledge about the equipement; Fencing etqiuette and sportsmanship.
G2 - G3
Steps with different rhythm; Counter-attack (Arret); Preperation; Indirect attack; Position 6 (Sixte); 6 Engagement; 6 Parry - Riposte; Preperation on the hand; Expanded rules knowledge; Act as referee.
G4 - G5
Compound attack; The feint; the beat (preperation); Position 8 (Octave); 8 Parry - Riposte; the flèche (arrow); attack on the leg; expanded rules knowledge.
G6 / G7 / G8
Redoublement; Remise; Reprise; Position 7 (Septime); Attack on the foot; Expand rules knowledge; Team combat
Note: If the majority of the students have little or no fencing experience, there may be modifications to the content so that the previous basic skills are covered first in the course. 

中学体育选修课 - 啦啦操
PE Groups - Cheerleading


中学体育选修课 - 啦啦操
PE Groups - Cheerleading

The cheerleading course aims to cultivate students' comprehensive qualities of independence, teamwork, hard training, and perseverance through the basic movements, dance choreography, and daily training of cheerleading. Enhance students' team awareness during training, earn competition honors through diligent training, work towards common goals, enhance students' sense of collective honor and team belonging, and guide them to become their own masters. The course content is designed to combine work and rest, with appropriate movement and stillness, which will comprehensively improve students' overall quality. The content is as follows: cheerleading classes(flower ball/jazz/street dance/techniques, etc.), ballet basic training classes (flexibility, jumping and flipping techniques, body shape, physical fitness, etc.), handmade classes (design of bows, keychains, mascots, team uniforms, team flags, etc.), impromptu performance classes, art appreciation classes, fitness training classes, etc Building a unique team culture for cheerleading (fun team games, exchanging gifts), etc. I believe that cheerleading is not just a simple sports event, but also a mentor for life and learning, guiding children to shape better willpower and achieve higher life goals through cheerleading.
Technological Learning
1. Flower Ball Regulations
2. Jazz preseribed routines
3. Ala C-bar 1+1
4.Double Flying Swallow
5. Deer Jump
6. Side flip


中学体育选修课 - 跆拳道
PE Groups - Taekwondo

在跆拳道的教学上,主要包含基本技术前踢、横踢、侧踢、下劈、后踢、旋风踢、后旋踢、双飞踢的学习。除了基本技术的学习外,会更加侧重实战运用的练习,帮助学⽣在比赛和实战中灵活运⽤。教师将通过讲解示范、纠错等形式帮助学⽣建⽴正确的⼿法概念,学⽣将通 过听、看、想、练、⽤等环节来建⽴动作概念、掌握基本腿法术、步伐建⽴完整战术体系从⽽在实际⽐赛中灵活熟练的使⽤⼿法技术。 在跆拳道步法的教学上,主要包含前滑步、后滑步、上步、撤步、交叉步等步法技术。除了进⾏单个步法技术的教学外,将会侧重步法和腿法相结合的教学,让学⽣能够更好的理解步法和⼿法的配合运⽤,提升学⽣对于场上移动和⼿法运⽤的理解能⼒和应变能⼒。帮助学 ⽣提升移动速度并节省体能,提⾼步法运⽤的⾼效性和节能性。教师将通过讲解示范、纠错等形式帮助学⽣建⽴正确的步法概念,学⽣将通过听、看、想、练、⽤等环节来建⽴步法概念、掌握步法 技术、建⽴步法体系从⽽在实际⽐赛中灵活熟练的使⽤步法技术。
跆拳道战术的教学上,主要包含进攻个战术、反击战术攻防转换战术。学⽣通过战术的学习并在实际⽐赛中运⽤从⽽更好的体会腿法和步法的使⽤,加深学⽣对于跆拳道技战术的理解,提升学⽣的运动思维和精神意志品质。教师主要通过战术讲解、视频分析、实战分析等⽅式来帮助学⽣学习战术, ⽣主要通过听、看、想、练、⽤等环节来建⽴战术体系,并根据⾃身的⼿法和步法掌握情况形成 ⾃⼰的战术特点。
在跆拳道体能的训练上,主要针对跆拳道专项特点提升学⽣的上肢、下肢⼒量、⼩肌⾁爆发⼒、腰 、腹⼒量、⼼肺耐⼒等身体机能。帮助学⽣在技能提升的同时得到很好的体能⽀持。从⽽整体提升学⽣的跆拳道技战术⽔平。教师主要通过在⽇常课程中加⼊体能训练环节来循序渐进的帮助学⽣提升 体能⽔平,学⽣主要是通过参与体能练习环节来不断提升⾃⼰的体能⽔平。 

中学体育选修课 - 跆拳道
PE Groups - Taekwondo

在教学⽬标上,跆拳道项⽬的学习等级分为10个等级,学⽣在课上会先⼤致确认所在等级⽔平,然后教师通过课堂的⼀系列教学内容设计帮助学⽣往下⼀个等级推进。⼀般选择⼀年项⽬的学⽣的学 习⽬标是通过课程学习实现1个等级的提升,⽽半年项⽬的学⽣则是实现0.5个等级的提升。课程内容会根据实际情况有所调整。

1.基本礼仪:鞠躬行礼;2.基本步伐:原地跳换步,前滑步 后滑步, 上步 撤步;3.基本动作:马步冲拳 1次2次3次;4.基本腿法:正踢腿,里合腿,外摆腿;5.体能:高抬腿20个,抱膝跳10个 。
1.基本礼仪:系道带;2.步伐:前交叉步,后交叉步 两次前滑步,两次后滑步;3.马步冲拳 (左右冲拳);4.腿法:原地前踢动作,左右前踢10次;5.体能:原地左右提膝动作10次,二+二提膝10次,立卧撑跳10次;6.前踢击破
1.整理道服 立正 敬礼;2.品势:下格挡 中格挡 上格挡;3.步伐:两次前滑步,两次后滑步。前滑+上步,后滑+撤步 ;4.腿法:原地后腿横踢, 原地前腿横踢;5.体能: 仰卧起坐10个 俯卧撑10个;6.横踢击破
1.整理道服 立正 敬礼;2.品势:太极一章;3.基本功:横叉 竖叉;4.腿法:原地前腿横踢 前腿横踢+后腿横踢;5.体能:原地俯卧撑10 背肌两头起20;6.前腿横踢击破

中学体育选修课 - 跆拳道
PE Groups - Taekwondo

In the study of taekwondo, it mainly includes the study of taekwondo boxing method, taekwondo footwork, taekwondo tactics, taekwondo physical strength and other aspects.In the teaching of taekwondo, it mainly includes the basic techniques of front kick, cross kick, side kick, down split, back kick, whirlwind kick, backspin kick and double kick. In addition to the study of basic skills, more emphasis will be placed on practical application of practice, to help students in the competition and actual combat flexible application. The teacher will help the students to establish the correct concept of technique through explanation, demonstration, error correction and other forms. The students will establish the concept of movement, master the basic leg magic, step to establish a complete tactical system through listening, watching, thinking, practicing, using and other links, so as to use the technique flexibly and skillfully in the actual competition.
In the teaching of taekwondo steps, it mainly includes step techniques such as forward slide, back slide, up step, back step and cross step. In addition to teaching individual footwork techniques, we will focus on the combination of footwork and leg teaching, so that students can be betterTo improve students' understanding and adaptability of movement and manipulation. The teacher will help the students establish the correct concept of footwork through explanation, demonstration, error correction and other forms. The students will establish the concept of footwork, master the technique of footwork and establish the system of footwork through listening, watching, thinking, practicing and using, so as to flexibly and skillfully use the technique of footwork in the actucompetition.
The teaching of taekwondo tactics mainly includes attack tactics, counterattack tactics and attack and defense switching tactics. By learning tactics and applying them in actual competitions, students can better understand the use of leg and footwork, deepen their understanding of taekwondo techniques and tactics, and improve their sports thinking and spiritual will quality. 

中学体育选修课 - 跆拳道
PE Groups - Taekwondo

Level1 White tape
White and Yellow tape 1. Basic etiquette: Bow;2. Basic steps: jump in place and change steps, slide step forward and slide step back, step up and step back.3. Basic movements: horse step punch 1, 2, 3 times. 4. Basic leg method: forward kick, inside close leg, outside swing leg. 5. Physical strength: 20 high leg lifts and 10 knee jumps.
Level2 White and Yellow Ribbons
1.1. Basic etiquette: Tie ribbons; 2. Step: front cross step, back cross step, two forward slides, two back slides; 3. Horse step punch (left and right punch); 4. Leg method: kick in place, kick 10 times
5. Physical fitness: left and right knee lift 10 times, two ➕ two knee lift 10 times, bur-up jump 10 times; 6. Front kick break
Level3 Yellow Belt
1. Stand at attention and salute; 2. Quality potential: The next block in the block on the block; 3. Pace: Two forward steps, two back steps. Slide ➕ up, ➕ back up; 4. Leg method: back leg kick in place, front leg kick in place; 5. Physical strength: 10 sit-ups 10 push-ups; 6. Cross kick
Level4 Yellow and Green Belt
11. Stand at attention and salute; 2. Quality: Tai Chi Chapter; 3. Basic skills: horizontal fork vertical fork; 4. Leg method: front leg kick in place ➕ back leg kick; 5. Physical strength: push-up 10 back muscle up 20; 6. Front leg broken by horizontal kick.

中学体育选修课 - 网球
PE Groups - Tennis

(1)单打战术: a发球上网战术  b底线对攻战术
(2)双打战术: a发球战术.  b接发球战术.  c上网截击战术

中学体育选修课 - 网球
PE Groups - Tennis

Tennis was born in France, originated in England in the 19th century, and began to develop rapidly around the world in the 20th century, it is a beautiful and competitive sport, its unique charm has been loved by the world. Tennis and golf together are known as "aristocratic sports". Tennis is a confrontation project with rackets to hit the ball, tennis has the characteristics of moving body stretching, entertainment, ornamentation, fitness and so on, can cultivate speed, strength, endurance, sensitivity and other physical qualities and judgment, reaction and other psychological qualities.
The PE groups of tennis focus on the cultivation of students' interest in tennis, the development of basic technical ability and the improvement of advanced ability. Group teaching is carried out according to the characteristics of students' different levels, different learning experiences, physical fitness and technical mastery; At the same time, it combines the school's hard tennis court and green clay tennis court to support students' tennis level improvement.

中学体育选修课 - 体育舞蹈(拉丁舞)
PE Groups - DanceSport (Latin Dance)

1.2静止手位 男士/女士
1.3变化手位 男士/女士
6.拉丁舞三级考级组合 单人银牌-伦巴/恰恰/牛仔/桑巴

中学体育选修课 - 体育舞蹈(拉丁舞)
PE Groups - DanceSport (Latin Dance)

DanceSport is a sport event evolved from dance in the category of literature and art. It is a competitive dance with self-entertainment and ornamental performance for the purpose of competition, mostly completed by single or pair cooperation, and has both sports and aesthetic education dual values.
DanceSport needs to be completed within the defined range of music and rhythm, combined with artistic expression, and has normative and procedural nature.This sport requires the correct use of body techniques and skills, including the control of body posture, the performance of dance rhythm, the application of floor space, etc., to demonstrate the technical movements and combinations.
DanceSport includes Latin dance and Ballroom dance.Latin dance includes Cha-cha, Rumba, Samba, Jive, Paso Doble five kinds of dance, its style is different, enthusiastic, couple hardness with softness in strong dynamic and artistic display power; Ballroom dance includes Waltz, Tango, Slow Foxtrot, Quick Step and Viennese Waltz. It is elegant and gorgeous in style, graceful in dancing and pleasant in music, with a sense of beauty.
Elective DanceSport courses include G1, G2G3, G4G5, G6-G8 and G9-G11. Currently, Latin dance has been offered, and Ballroom dance will be gradually promoted in the future.
This course focuses on teaching students according to their aptitude, and according to the technical grade standards of Chinese DanceSport Federation (CDSF), the teaching design is carried out according to the age characteristics of each class, from the theoretical knowledge of DanceSport, including historical development, concept definition, style characteristics, music rhythm, competition rules, etc., to the basic body posture, basic movements, intermediate and advanced dance steps, combination routines and other dance techniques. Through the combination of theory and practice, students can have a deep and multi-dimensional understanding of DanceSport, and improve their artistic accomplishment, sports accomplishment and spiritual cultivation.

中学体育选修课 - 乒乓球
PE Groups-Table Tennis

乒乓球(table tennis),被称为中国的“国球”,是一种世界流行的球类体育项目,包括进攻、对抗和防守。

中学体育选修课 - 乒乓球
PE Groups-Table Tennis

Table tennis, known as the "national ball" of China, is a popular ball game in the world, including attack, confrontation and defense. Most countries have national ball games. China's national ball is table tennis, originated in Britain in the late 19th century, because in 1959 the World Table Tennis Championships, Chinese players for China won the first world champion, and so excited the Chinese people, since then table tennis is popular in China, has become the de facto national sport of China.
This elective course aims to let students understand the basic skills of table tennis and feel the charm and art of spinning. Throughout the course, students will be able to lay a solid foundation in forehand attack, backhand attack, forehand two-point attack, left push and right attack and serve as well as equip themselves with basic tactics.

中学体育选修课 - 武术
PE Groups - Martial Arts


中学体育选修课 - 武术
PE Groups - Martial Arts

Chinese martial arts have a long history, dating back to the Shang and Zhou Dynasties, have an extremely broad mass base, and are a valuable cultural heritage that has been continuously accumulated and enriched by the working people of China in their long-term social practice. It is one of the outstanding cultural heritage of the Chinese people.
Wushu is a highly self-preservation technique to stop invasion, which on the basis of effectively solving safety problems, so that our minds can be trained in adaptability, simple and easy, can easily improve people's mental and physical fitness, defense and fitness, improve excellence, happiness and accommodation.
The content of the Chinese martial arts program in the learning process mainly includes: basic hand patterns, basic techniques, basic steps, basic footwork, basic leg techniques and basic movement combinations of martial arts, basic martial arts basic boxing techniques, practical application of martial arts movements and physical fitness.
Welcome to the Chinese Martial Arts Course! Here you will learn various styles of boxing, feel the different uses and charms of various weapons, and master various martial arts handsome moves. Boost your courage in class, show your charm, and realize your Kung Fu dreams!

中学体育选修课 - 游泳
PE Groups - Fencing(Swimming)

在我们的课堂中,会有专业教练对大家进行游泳动作的讲解和演示,让大家掌握正确的姿势和技巧。接着,我们将通过多种体能游戏和陆上训练形式,增强孩子们的兴趣和参与度,让他们在轻松愉悦的氛围中体验游泳的乐趣。 我们的课程安排也非常灵活,以孩子们的兴趣和水平为出发点,量身打造适用于不同年级的训练计划。除此之外,通过游泳的训练,孩子们还可以提高自信心,增强自我保护意识,并培养出坚持不懈、勇于挑战的品质。这些都将对孩子未来的发展和升学有很大的帮助。
在整个课程中,学⽣将在游泳运动方面打下坚实的基础,包括水下呼吸、入水起跳、基础四种泳姿、水下转身等等。 所以如果你想在夏天度过一个充实有趣的假期,欢迎来我们这里报名游泳课程。让我们一起开启水中冒险之旅!

中学体育选修课 - 游泳
PE Groups - Fencing(Swimming)

 1.Learn freestyle kick, arm and the complete stroke (learn breaststroke kick, arm and the complete stroke
2.Learn to tread water with back float (Noodles aid in breaststroke breathing exercises)
3.Sit by the pool and dive
4.Complete the 25m Freestyle(Complete the 25m Breaststroke)
5.Practice holding your breath while kicking off
6.Freestyle is gradually increased to 50 meters; Breaststroke is gradually increased to 50 meters
7.Learn to touch the wall and make turn in freestyle
8.Learn the proper rhythm of breaststroke
9.Learn breaststroke start, turn and touch
10.Learn to the standard starting platform diving 
 1.Consolidate and optimize freestyle and breaststroke techniques
2.Freestyle and breaststroke practice is gradually increased
3.Learn the kick and arm movements in backstroke
4.Do the breaststroke long arm, turn and both of hands touch the wall.
5.Do the underwater kick and entering from the block
6.Practice the 25m sprint of freestyle and breaststroke 
1.Consolidate and improve freestyle, backstroke and breaststroke techniques;
2.Practice 100m or more of freestyle、backstroke、breaststroke;
3.Learn butterfly kick、arm、breathing and all together;
4.Practice two dolphin kicks with one breath;
5.Strengthen 4 strokes’underwater kick、start and entering;
6.Strengthen breaststroke long arm、both hands turn and touch.

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