




5+ different routes for different grades


2023THISDL Summer trip guidebook





















From Classroom to the World Study Trip Adventure Awaits!




Every year, according to the characteristics of the students' age and the needs, the school organizes students to go out of the campus through field trip. With the goals of cultivating students' life skills, collective ideas, innovative spirit and practical abilities, they will expand their horizons, enrich their knowledge, deepen their sense of closeness to nature and culture, and increase their awareness of collective lifestyles and social morals in a life that is different from ordinary life.





Beyond the Books: Empower Your Education with Our Exciting Study Trips!


清香秉持着“为领袖人才奠基”的办学理念,一直致力于开展多样的校园内外研学课程。为了开拓学生的视野。丰富学习体验,激发学生的兴趣与热情。学校曾先后举办校内童子军、京西古道徒步、青龙湖徒步、挑战“温迪姆”小勇士、挑战飞拉达攀岩、孤山寨地质考察、攀登慕田峪长城、十渡孤山寨徒步、穿越博物馆探索石花洞、崇礼滑雪营等校外研学活动。2023年暑期,清香将推出 5+学段研学线路,带领孩子们探索中国。
With the educational philosophy of "laying the foundation for leadership talents," THISDL has always been committed to offering diverse on-campus and off-campus experiential learning courses to broaden students' horizons, enrich their learning experiences, and ignite their interests and passions. The school has organized various off-campus experiential learning activities, including campus scouting, hiking along the ancient path of Jingxi, hiking around Qinglong Lake, challenging the "Windom" Junior Warriors, rock climbing in Feilada, geological field trips to Gushanzhai, climbing Mutianyu Great Wall, hiking in Shidu Gushanzhai, exploring Shihuadong in museums, and participating in skiing camps in Chongli, among others. In the summer of 2023, THISDL will launch 5+ grade experiential learning programs to lead students in exploring China.



Beihai, located in a prefecture-level city in Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, is situated at the southern end of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, on the northeast coast of the Beibu Gulf. It has a maritime monsoon climate with typical subtropical characteristics. Beihai is a nationally renowned city with a rich historical and cultural heritage. As one of the important starting ports of the ancient "Maritime Silk Road," Beihai is one of the 14 coastal open cities in China and also one of the most beautiful coastal cities in China.
Weizhou Island is the largest and youngest volcanic island in China. Here, you can find pristine beaches, crystal-clear waters, abundant marine resources, unique volcanic landforms, simple fishing village customs, Gothic-style Catholic churches, and rich and colorful scenery, which together create the unique natural landscapes and cultural charm of Weizhou Island.


Selec tWalk

Listen to your inner voice

#Exploring the Ocean with a Scientific Attitude and Approach
Locations: Volcanic Geology Museum, Crocodile Mountain Volcanic Geopark, Dripping Water Danping
Course Content: Understanding the formation of Weizhou Island and various types of marine erosion landforms / Observing various unique volcanic and marine erosion landforms.
Research Topic: Investigating the formation of marine erosion cliffs, marine erosion mushrooms, and other unique volcanic landforms through the effects of seawater and weathering on Weizhou Island volcanic rocks.
Experiential Activity: Simulating the process of sand formation.



Ocean Life Popular Science - Malaga Port, Coral Museum, Ocean Window
Course Content: Understanding the types and formation of shells, understanding the formation and different types of coral, understanding the current status of the coral ecosystem in Weizhou Island and how to restore it.
Investigation Topic: Identifying the threats faced by coral and discussing how to protect them.

Ecology and Humanities - Catholic Church, Gongshan Village
Course Content: Understanding the lives of villagers in Weizhou Island, and understanding the unique coral stones used in the church.
Exploration Topic: The source and construction principles of volcanic stone building materials.
Experiential Activity: Role-playing as a journalist to interview villagers.



Become Ocean Conservation Guardians - Eco-Tide Chasing, Zero Waste Island Projects, Beach Cleaning Activities
Education is not just about one-way input, but also requires active participation and output. Let children truly participate, from research on coral reefs to ocean garbage cleaning, so that they can feel a sense of involvement. The course environment carries the emotions of the participants.
Course Content: Understanding marine organism characteristics, learning about zero waste island projects, discussing sustainable development methods, understanding the hazards of marine garbage and its impact on marine ecosystems in Weizhou Island.
Experiential Activities: Eco-tide chasing, firsthand experience of purchasing seafood, beach cleaning activities for environmental protection.

第一天 Day1 
第二天 Day2
12:00-15:00 午餐,午休
15:00-17:30 鳄鱼山火山地质公园
20:00-21:00 生态赶海:海滩抓螃蟹


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行程安排 Schedule

第三天 Day3
09:00-12:00 滴水丹屏
12:00-15:00 午餐,午休
15:30-18:00 马拉港

第四天 Day4
09:00-12:00 参观:天主教堂、公山村
第五天 Day5
9:00-10:30 珊瑚博物馆和净滩活动
10:40-12:00 环保净滩活动


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行程安排 Schedule

第六天 Day6
09:00-11:00 参观北海-海底世界

Morning: Departure at 8:00 am by ferry to Weizhou Island, with a travel time of approximately 80 minutes. Arrival on the island at 9:20 am.
First Stop: Volcanic Geology Museum
Learn about the formation of Weizhou Island.
12:00 pm - 3:00 pm: Lunch and rest
3:00 pm - 5:30 pm: Crocodile Hill Volcanic Geology Park
Weizhou Island is the youngest and largest Quaternary volcanic island in China. Learn about the remains of multiple eruptions and the reasons for their formation. Observe the unique volcanic and marine erosion landforms, which are precious gifts from nature.
6:00 pm - 6:30 pm: Sunset viewing at Shiluokou Beach
7:00 pm - 8:00 pm: Dinner
8:00 pm - 9:00 pm: Ecological clamming: Catching crabs on the beach.
09:00-12:00: Dripping Danping
Uninhabited Beach - Explore volcanic bombs ejected from the crater, investigate the unique volcanic landforms such as sea cliffs and mushroom rocks formed by sea water and weathering on Weizhou Island, observe marine organisms in their natural habitat, search for intertidal species such as corals, crabs, anemones, and shells, and engage in parent-child activities such as drawing on the beach.
12:00-15:00: Lunch and Siesta


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行程安排 Schedule

Morning: Depart from the school, go to the Capital Airport, and take a plane to Beihai .
Reference flight: Take CA1909 (15:00-18:40) Beijing-Beihai.
Hotel meeting room opening ceremony 
17:40-18:40: Dinner at the hotel (hotel buffet)

5:30-18:00: Mala Port
Learn about shell knowledge on the beach, understand the formation principle of coral stones and the remains of coral stone quarries.
Learn about the beachside windbreak and sand-fixing plant - rat-ear, and study the unique phenomenon of its fruit falling off from the plant after ripening and spreading seeds with the help of wind.
18:30-19:30: Dinner
20:00-21:00: Geological experiments and courses.
Day 4
09:00-12:00: Visiting: Catholic Church, Gongshan Village
Visit the primitive and natural village of Gongshan Village, experience the simple life of the islanders, explore the stories behind the longest history of coral stone walls, become a little reporter to interview villagers, and learn about their lives and the impact of tourism on the villagers.
Explore the 150-year-old French Gothic-style Catholic Church, learn about the unique coral stones and the source and construction principles of volcanic rock building materials used in the church. Discover the unique architectural style of Gothic churches and explore the stories behind the church.
13:00-14:30: Lunch and Siesta
15:00-18:00: Visit zero-waste environmental protection projects on the island and experience buying seafood.
20:00-21:00: Evening activities.

9:00-10:30: Coral Museum and Beach Cleanup Activity
Learn about the current status of the coral reef ecosystem in Weizhou Island and how to restore it.Observe live corals and identify different types of corals such as staghorn coral and brain coral.
Recent incidents of coral theft have occurred, so visiting the museum allows students to fully understand corals and the importance of protecting natural resources during the learning process.
10:40-12:00: Environmental Beach Cleanup Activity
13:00-15:30: Lunch and Siesta
15:30-18:10: Depart from the hotel to Weizhou Island Pier and return to Beihai.
Day 6
09:00-11:00: Visit Beihai Underwater World
Explore the Marine Window Underwater World
Lunch: Meal Pack
Afternoon: Take a flight back to Beijing, arrive at the Capital Airport, and take a bus back to school together.


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行程安排 Schedule


G3-G4 江西景德镇

Jingdezhen is a city that shines on its own, where traditional and contemporary art coexist. Craftsmen come from all over, and their works are renowned worldwide. In the late Ming Dynasty, "Tiangong Kaiwu" stated: "It takes the effort of seventy-two steps to complete a single piece of pottery." From clay extraction to firing and finishing, a piece of porcelain goes through a total of 72 complex processes, including stone mining, clay preparation, glaze mixing, and shaping. There are numerous details and occasional factors involved, making the production of porcelain extremely challenging. The porcelain produced here boasts beautiful shapes, diverse varieties, rich decorations, and unique styles. From an inconspicuous lump of clay in the hills, to a stunning and breathtaking piece of porcelain, what kind of miraculous journey has the clay undergone? How did an ordinary southern town become a world-renowned porcelain capital? Let's go to Jingdezhen and find out.

亮点一 陶瓷博物馆解读
Interpretation at the Ceramic Museum
The museum allows children to learn the essence of ancient wisdom in one space, understand the transformation from pottery to colorful porcelain, and trace the development of ceramics over thousands of years.

亮点二 专业陶艺体验
追瓷溯源(原料)- 制泥城器(成型)-彩绘中华(装饰)-练泥成瓷(烧制)
亮点三 婺源古村,古镇徽派建筑
Highlight 2: Professional Ceramic Art Experience
Trace the origin of porcelain (raw materials) - Form pottery (shaping) - Paint China (decoration) - Practice pottery into porcelain (firing).
Highlight 3: Ancient Village of Wuyuan, Huizhou-style Architecture
Built along the mountains, with white walls and pink tiles, high ridges and flying eaves, near the water, the Huizhou-style architecture in Wuyuan is picturesque and charming. Watch the large-scale live performance drama "Dreaming of Home" to learn about the Huizhou culture.


课程亮点 Highlight

亮点四  婺水之源,寻徽州遗踪,了解徽州文化
Highlight 4: Source of Wuyuan Water, Tracing the Cultural Heritage of Huizhou
Wuyuan is a national-level experimental zone for the protection of Huizhou culture and one of the important birthplaces of Huizhou school, one of the "Three Great Manifestations of Learning" in ancient China. It has a long history and rich cultural heritage, producing 552 successful candidates in the imperial examinations, nurturing numerous historical and cultural figures such as Zhu Xi, Zhan Tianyou, Jin Yong, etc. Wuyuan also boasts 5 national-level intangible cultural heritages such as Huizhou Opera and Nuo Dance, 8 national historical and cultural villages including Wangkou and Likeng, and 28 traditional Chinese villages such as Huangling and Hongguan. The county is dotted with ancient architectural relics, making it a "Huizhou cultural garden".
Enter the most beautiful village in China, Wuyuan Huangling Scenic Area, to find tranquility in terraced fields and embark on a wonderful journey of colors colliding in nature.

Wuyuan green tea has a long history, with records of "Shezhou tea originated in the valleys of Wuyuan" in Lu Yu's "Classic of Tea" during the Tang Dynasty. The tea culture research and study project at Linsheng Tea Manor includes 5 activities: tea dyeing experience, tea picking study tour, Wuyuan specialty tea art performance, instructional tea brewing method, and tea tasting lectures.


课程亮点 Highlight

晚上:徽州遗踪,婺源印象: 观看实景演出剧《梦里老家》,了解古徽州文化内涵。
参考车次: G304 14:24-21:14 婺源-北京南

Day 1:
School assembly and departure. Reference: Beijing South - Wuyuan Station G323 (10:09-17:14), check-in at the hotel.
Evening: Huizhou Heritage, Wuyuan Impression: Watch the live performance of the play "Dream of Hometown".
Day 2:
Huangling - Linsheng Tea Plantation
Course content: Explore the most beautiful rural area - Bilin Village, visit terraced houses, and learn about classic folk symbols of agricultural culture; visit the Tea Museum and learn about the history of tea development.
Day 3:
Pottery Learning Base - China Ceramic Museum - Live performance of "National Treasure"
Morning: "Hello, CHINA" opening ceremony,learn about the history of porcelain, and the artistic characteristics of overglaze enamel for artwork creation; pottery master will teach students the six-step forming method, quickly mastering the pottery forming technique; afternoon visit to the Ceramic Museum; in the evening, watch the live performance of "National Treasure".
Day 4:
Ancient Kiln Folk Customs Exhibition Area - Pottery Learning Base - Taoxichuan Creative Park
Explore ceramic culture, understand the production of Jingdezhen's four famous ceramics: blue and white porcelain, colored glaze porcelain, exquisite porcelain, and famille rose porcelain; visit traditional handmade pottery workshops in traditional ancient kilns, observe pottery craftsmen using traditional techniques to create ceramics; in the afternoon, repair the pottery and experience blue and white porcelain painting.
Day 5:
Pottery Learning Base - Return journey
Experience pottery shaping at the pottery learning base in the morning, and return to Beijing in the afternoon.
Reference train: G304 14:24-21:14 Wuyuan to Beijing South.


行程安排 Schedule



In the southernmost part of Anhui, where it borders Zhejiang and Jiangxi provinces, there is a place that resembles a poetic landscape. There, you can find horse-head walls with white walls and gray tiles, stone steles and archways scattered throughout, profound Confucian couplets with deep meanings, lively Huangmei opera, exquisite and intricate traditional houses, and richly flavored Huizhou cuisine. These symbols of Huizhou culture, which are still vibrant today, with their unique regional cultural differences, are vivid examples of the diversity of Chinese culture and represent the dreams of many people for poetry and distant lands.
Mount Huangshan, a dual UNESCO World Natural and Cultural Heritage site, originally known as "Yi Shan", derives its name from the dark and mysterious peaks that resemble the indigo-colored Chinese robes. Mount Huangshan is renowned for its unique landscapes, known as the "Four Unmatched and Three Wondrous", which consist of unique pine trees, peculiarly-shaped rocks, sea of clouds, and hot springs. Over billions of years of geological evolution, including tectonic movements, crustal uplift, glacial action, and natural weathering, Mount Huangshan has formed a rich and distinctive geological landscape that combines peaks and forests, glacial relics, granite formations, and granite caves. The ecosystem of Mount Huangshan is stable and balanced, with intact plant communities and distinct vertical distribution. It is home to a wide range of animal species, making it an ideal destination for natural scientific research and exploration.

1. 人文地理-登黄山,天下无山
"After visiting the Five Sacred Mountains, one does not need to see any other mountains; after visiting Mount Huangshan, one does not need to see any other peaks." Mount Huangshan, known as a remarkable landmark of China's natural beauty, is a must-visit destination for all Chinese people in their lifetime, whether for scientific research or educational trips.
Mount Huangshan is renowned for its "Five Unmatched" features: unique pine trees, peculiarly-shaped rocks, sea of clouds, hot springs, and winter snowscapes, which have earned it the title of "the Number One Strange Mountain Under Heaven." Students will have the opportunity to climb Mount Huangshan, explore the landscape of Huizhou, learn about the natural and ecological preservation efforts of Mount Huangshan, and appreciate the mountain's significance in Chinese poetry. Additionally, students will also embark on a journey to unravel the mysteries of the stone caves through cave exploration.

2. 徽州老街漫步 感受千年古朴


课程亮点 Highlight

2. Strolling through Huizhou Old Street to Experience Centuries-old Simplicity
Tunxi Old Street is a commercial street that preserves the architectural styles of the Song, Ming, and Qing dynasties, making it the most well-preserved ancient street in China. The shops on both sides of the old street are closely packed, with many of them being double-story brick and wood structures, exhibiting the distinctive architectural style of Huizhou. A strong sense of ancient charm permeates the air. Here, you can experience the charm of Jiangnan ancient towns, appreciate the essence of Huizhou architecture, take a break in the wine and tea houses, or leisurely stroll along the old street.

3. 传承非遗 找寻传统记忆
Inheriting Intangible Cultural Heritage and Exploring Traditional Memories
Students will visit the Huizhou Carving Museum and the Old Hu Inkstick Workshop to learn about the development and evolution of the "Four Carvings of Huizhou" and bamboo carving art, as well as the process of bamboo carving craftsmanship and the development of the Four Treasures of Huizhou stationery. Through experiencing bamboo carving and gold-plating techniques, students will appreciate the extraordinary craftsmanship in the details.


课程亮点 Highlight

4. 品徽州文化 增民族信仰
Huizhou is a microcosm of an era and a culture, with its beautiful scenery, rich history, and unique cuisine. Each dish can evoke intriguing stories. As we step into the Huizhou Cake and Pastry Museum, the first museum in China with cakes and pastries as its theme, let's get closer and explore the stories behind the delicious food. Students will have the opportunity to experience ordering Huizhou cuisine and making Huizhou baked cakes during the visit.
5. 探访古村落,水墨原木画,你我皆是画中仙
Exploring ancient villages, experiencing ink and wood paintings, we are all immortals in the painting.
Hongcun, known as the "village in Chinese paintings", boasts nearly 140 ancient dwellings from the Ming and Qing dynasties, preserving the graceful and charming architectural style of Huizhou, and reflecting the gentle and enchanting landscape of the Jiangnan region. During the visit to the ancient village, students will learn about the principles of building the Green-Roofed Pavilion, as well as the causes and architectural features of Hongcun ancient village, and experience wood structure construction techniques and other activities.

1、 走进绿意盎然的西溪南创意小镇,寻找祝允明、石涛等文人墨客的足迹
2、 学习中国传统木结构营造,运用现代乐高的方式完成国宝绿绕亭的复原搭建,通过项目式学习,感知传统建筑的榫卯之美。
2. 学习认识马头墙、天井和门楼这3项代表元素的现实作用与艺术美感;
1. 参观展馆,通过印象黄山、生态黄山、人文黄山、现代黄山、多维黄山五个部分概览徽州,重新梳理徽文化脉络;
2. 通过CG动画技术,动态展示新安画派渐江、石涛、梅清的作品,大型手绘动画长卷影片,展现无徽不成镇的徽商繁荣历史;
3. 欣赏国内唯一CAVE720度全景体验剧场—梦立方,9分钟纵览徽州全景。




Day 1
Morning: Gather at school and depart for Huangshan City. Reference train: G2553 (07:21-13:47) Beijing South to Huangshan North.
Afternoon: Xixi South.The beauty of greenery and mortise and tenon joints.
Explore the creative town of Xixi South, where famous literati such as Zhu Yunming and Shi Tao left their footprints.
Learn about traditional Chinese wood structure construction and use modern LEGO techniques to restore and construct the national treasure - the Green-Roofed Pavilion. Through project-based learning, appreciate the beauty of mortise and tenon joints in traditional architecture.
Evening: Taste Huizhou cuisine.
Day 2
Morning: Hongcun,Learn about the causes, layout, clan culture, and architectural features of ancient villages, and understand Huizhou through its architecture.
Study the practical functions and artistic aesthetics of three representative elements - horse-head walls, courtyards, and gatehouses.
Experience activity: Send postcards from the century-old post office in Hongcun and experience the nostalgic family connection of slow-paced communication.
Afternoon: City Exhibition Hall, Cake and Pastry Museum.
Visit the exhibition hall to overview Huizhou's culture through five parts - Impression of Huangshan, Ecological Huangshan, Humanistic Huangshan, Modern Huangshan, and Multidimensional Huangshan.
Evening: Huashan World: Large-scale light and shadow show.
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Evening: Huashan World: Large-scale light and shadow show.
Day 3: Full day at Huangshan Scenic Area
Evening: Learn Huangmei Opera, inherit the soul of Huizhou Opera, and learn to sing Huangmei Opera.
Day 4:
Morning: Xie Yuda Tea Plantation
Carrying a small bamboo basket, immerse yourself in the fragrant tea plantation, learn about tea picking and understand the habits and characteristics of tea trees. In the Huizhou tea classroom, through interactive experiences such as tea identification and brewing, learn about Huizhou tea etiquette and cultivate social responsibility and mission awareness. Visit the Tea Museum to understand how Huizhou tea has spread to the world.
Experience activities: Tea picking, tea processing, tea ceremony culture
Afternoon: Huizhou Ancient City
Through visiting and listening to Huizhou Ancient City Scenic Area, consolidate and supplement knowledge about the one prefecture and six counties of ancient Huizhou; understand the architectural layout of Huizhou government office and explore the origin of Huizhou merchants. Visit the Memorial Hall of Tao Xingzhi to learn about his life achievements and understand his philosophy of integrating knowledge and action.
Hu Kaiwen Inkstick Factory
Learn about the reasons for the prosperous development of Huizhou's Four Treasures of the Study; understand the legendary development history of Hu Kaiwen, a famous Huizhou ink brand; visit the inkstick production workshop and learn about the inkstick production process; hands-on experience the gold-painting technique of Huizhou inkstick, and learn and appreciate the spirit of Huizhou craftsmanship.
Experience activity: Hands-on learning of Huizhou inkstick gold-painting technique, take away the works
Evening: Tunxi Ancient Street.

Day 5:
Morning: World Horticultural Exposition Base
The curriculum is based on the "Masonry" project of the WorldSkills Competition, using works of national-level contestants as blueprints, integrating subjects such as mathematics, physics, and art, covering knowledge of measurement, drawing recognition, positioning, and construction.
Through practical operations in this course, students' abilities in comprehensive coordination, teamwork, hands-on practice, spatial thinking, and innovative learning will be improved.
Experience activity: Participate in the construction of Huizhou brick carving project
Afternoon: Return journey
Take a unified bus back to Beijing, ending the enjoyable study trip! Recommended train: G2566 (14:36-20:55) from Huangshan North to Beijing South.






The Tang Dynasty poet Meng Jiao, who passed the imperial examination and achieved the highest rank, wrote in his poem "After Passing the Examination": "With the spring wind at my back, my horse gallops fast, in a single day I behold all the flowers of Chang'an." His unique style of "bitter and astringent" poetry sets him apart. Indeed, after passing the imperial examination in Chang'an, the long-held dream of scholars finally came true. The scenery of the capital city that they had been too busy studying to appreciate before now appeared particularly charming and enchanting. The city of Chang'an, mentioned in the poem as a place with flowers in full bloom like brocade, is now Xi'an, Shaanxi province, China. Xi'an is renowned worldwide as one of the five ancient capitals, along with Athens, Cairo, Rome, and Istanbul. 


"Strategizing and Forming Troops" - Play with Historical Dynasties in the Palm of Your Hand
"Small Wild Goose Pagoda" - Revealing the "Insider Secrets" of Xi'an Museum
"Emperor Qin Shihuang's Mausoleum" - Qin Dynasty's "Hardcore" Boy Band Captivating the World
"DIY Terracotta Warriors" - Witness the Transformation from Clay to Terracotta Figurines

"Poetry and Prosperity in Chang'an" - A Dialogue with Ancient Scholars and Poets
"Xi'an Beilin Museum" - Painting Life with Strokes and Dots, Composing Chapters between Squares
"Qinling Four Treasures Conservation Base" - Exploring the Survival Status of Endangered Wildlife in Qinling Mountains
"Niubeiliang North Gully Forest Conservation Station" - Visiting the Green Pearl of Eastern Qinling Mountains
"Culinary Agent" - Unleashing the "Foodie Password" with Radar for Decoding Culinary Delights





行程安排 Schedule


Day 1
Morning: Gather at school and depart for Xi'an city. Recommended train: G653 (07:44-13:38) from Beijing West to Xi'an North.
Afternoon: Ming City Wall, First Encounter with Chang'an - Touching the Imprints of History with Your Hands, Measuring the Ancient City Wall with Your Steps.
Evening: Tasting Shaanxi's famous Halal food - Niu Rou Pao Mo at Tong Sheng Xiang, where you can personally break the bread and participate in the food making process.
Day 2
Morning: Emperor Qin Shihuang's Mausoleum and Terracotta Warriors Museum - Exploring the Influence of the Establishment of the Great Qin Empire on Ancient Chinese Social Systems.
Afternoon: Xi'an Museum / Small Wild Goose Pagoda - Revealing the "Insider Secrets" of Xi'an Museum through Micro-classrooms, aiming to inspire students' understanding and application of existing subjects in daily life.
Course Experience Arrangement: "Dynasty Rubik's Cube" - Playing with Historical Dynasties in the Palm of Your Hand. Reviewing the entire history of China through activities, revisiting and reviewing the history knowledge learned, and memorizing the sequence of dynasty developments over the past five thousand years.


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Day 3
Morning: Xi'an Beilin Museum - Through Visiting Inscriptions, Learning Chinese Calligraphy Art and Improving Aesthetic Taste.
Course Content: 1. Visit the exhibited stone inscriptions in the museum and learn about the art of ancient Chinese stone inscription; 2. Appreciate the masterpieces of famous calligraphers in seal, clerical, regular, running, and cursive scripts, and understand the characteristics of calligraphy inscriptions from different dynasties; Learn the structural characteristics of Chinese characters through observation and feel the unique charm of Chinese characters.
Afternoon: Qinling Four Treasures Conservation Base
Course Objective: Explore the current status of the survival, artificial breeding, and wild rescue significance of rare and endangered wildlife in the Qinling Mountains.
Overview: The Qinling Four Treasures Conservation Base includes four treasures of the Qinling Mountains: giant pandas, golden monkeys, takins, and crested ibises. It undertakes functions such as wild rescue, breeding and reproduction, scientific research, publicity and education, and development and utilization of nationally protected wild animals.
Evening: "Legend of the Camel Bell" (a cultural performance or show)

Day 4
Morning: Niu Beiliang North Gou Forest Protection Station
Niu Beiliang North Gou Nature Reserve is known as the "green pearl of the eastern Qinling Mountains". Under the guidance of animal and plant experts, students will fully utilize their senses of vision, hearing, touch, taste, etc. to experience and understand the forest, and learn about the various relationships between the forest and human activities.
Afternoon: Ganlin Valley
Under the guidance of animal and plant experts, students will organize plant observations and animal tracking in the experimental area, and conduct in-depth scientific investigations on animals and plants. This aims to deepen their understanding and reflection on the mutual relationship between living organisms and the environment, improve their biological literacy, and foster a correct outlook on life and awareness of ecological conservation.
Day 5
Morning: Yuanjia Village
Through the "Culinary Spy Team" activity, students will be encouraged to develop an interest in the folk customs and culinary culture of Shaanxi, and enhance their teamwork, language expression, financial planning skills, and cultivate a sense of gratitude.
Afternoon: Departure by unified bus to Beijing, ending the enjoyable study tour! Reference train: G662 (15:09-20:30) Xi'an North - Beijing West.


行程安排 Schedule


THISDL organize G9-G11 students went to Yan'an for a study tour, where they will conduct interdisciplinary curriculum learning with local primary school children. You are a partner who uses your positive energy to influence the children in Yan'an. You are a researcher, studying how Yan'an has achieved transformation and revitalization. You are also an innovator, someone with the ability to help them and make the world a better place as a global citizen!

支教研学团队将由清香学科老师带队,支教开展将利用PBL(Project-based Learning)项目教学法,将支教任务拆分为8个细节目标:


项目亮点 Highlight

The volunteer teaching and study tour team will be led by teachers from the Fragrant Organization, using the Project-Based Learning (PBL) teaching method to break down the volunteer teaching tasks into 8 detailed objectives:
  1. Needs screening, conducting project research before class.
  2. Proposal generation, collective lesson preparation.
  3. Trial implementation of the proposal, students' trial teaching.
  4. Revision and innovation, correcting and optimizing.
  5. Results presentation, formal volunteer teaching by students (daily classroom teaching in local schools).
  6. Talents showcase, individual volunteer teaching (interest-based classes).
  7. Project review, retrospective of volunteer teaching.
Each project group (5-8 people) will be assigned an experienced Fragrant teacher as a mentor, who will provide guidance based on the actual performance of each child and assign tasks according to their strengths and abilities. This ensures that each child can improve their personal abilities and receive spiritual nourishment during the activity. Students will integrate their knowledge and skills into the local education context, achieving the maximum presentation and showcasing, which is not only an output of knowledge but also a systematic learning process.

一系列研学支教活动让孩子们了解 我们生而平凡,却可以生来微暖,同学们将:
  • 在支教过程中充分感受到使命感与责任感
  • 感受不同的生活和学习环境,丰富经历
  • 收获更多的友谊和认可
  • 体验“教师”这份职业的辛苦,增强对老师的同理心
  • 掌握系统性的思考方法并实际应用
  • 学会团队沟通技巧和分工逻辑
  • 懂得调研的基本逻辑并获得实际经验
  • 完整的支教“项目”培训及体验
  • 学会反思和复盘的顺序和方法
  • 锻炼自己的生活技能
  • 由延安文安驿镇小学出具的公益支教证书
  • 由清香学生发展中心出具的公益支教证书


项目亮点 Highlight

参访:梁家河、乾坤湾;返程,参考车次。Z44次(22:42-08:22 。
Day 1:
Morning: Gather at school and depart for Yan'an City. Recommended train: Z43 (20:09-05:07)
Day 2-5:
Teaching activities: Lesson preparation, teaching, and debriefing.
Day 6:
Morning: Yucha Grand Canyon.
Afternoon: Yan'an Revolution Memorial Hall, Zao Yuan Revolution Site, and learn to play Anse Waist Drum.
Evening: Watch the Red Scenery Drama - Yan'an Nursery.
Day 7:
Visits: Liangjiahe, Qiankun Bay.
Return journey, recommended train: Z44 (22:42-08:22) 


行程安排 Schedule


G1-G11 内蒙古库布齐

内蒙古地处中国正北方, “横跨”“三北”、毗邻八省,在这里有着世界上最大的天然草原和热情似火的沙漠。内蒙古历史悠久,文化厚重,是草原文明的主要发祥地和称在地。蒙古族的音乐舞蹈优美深沉,长调呼麦是人类非物质文化遗产,还有欢聚的盛会-那达慕,享誉中外的内蒙古味道,无不一一的展现出了内蒙古的历史文化底蕴深厚、民俗文化魅力独特、生态资源富集。
Inner Mongolia is located in the northern part of China, spanning the "Three Norths" and bordering eight provinces. It is home to the world's largest natural grassland and the fiery deserts. With a long history and rich culture, Inner Mongolia is the main birthplace and cradle of grassland civilization. The Mongolian music and dance are graceful and profound, with the long-tone throat singing being recognized as intangible cultural heritage of humanity. The grand Nadam festival, along with the renowned Inner Mongolian cuisine, all showcase the deep historical and cultural heritage, unique folk cultural charm, and abundant ecological resources of Inner Mongolia.

1. 国防科技:北方兵器城
Learn about modern technology and initiate national defense education. Northern Arsenal City showcases retired weapons such as armored vehicles, artillery, fighter jets, and missiles that have been independently produced or imported since the founding of the People's Republic of China. Walking among these heavy weapons, each piece tells the story of its glorious past, bearing witness to the development of the country's weaponry and leaving a solemn impression on students, reminding them of the momentous era of change.
2. 包钢工业园


课程亮点 Highlight

Ecological Conservation in Inner Mongolia - Desert Environmental Protection Tree Plantin
The prevention and control of desertification is a great cause that benefits present and future generations. China has always attached great importance to desertification prevention and control, achieving significant results and making positive contributions to the construction of a beautiful China, as well as providing valuable experience in ecological environment governance to the international community. Strengthening ecological environment protection and construction contributes to building a green Great Wall in northern frontier of our motherland. 


课程亮点 Highlight

这一课程版块为同学们安排了 “参观学习”与“实景演出”两个模块,根据不同形式的学习,让同学们感受内蒙古民族、民俗等地域文化的神奇色彩。
Folk Customs of Inner Mongolia - Ordos Grassland
This curriculum module includes two sections: "Visiting and Learning" and "Live Performances". Through different forms of learning, students can experience the magical colors of the regional culture, ethnic groups, and folk customs of Inner Mongolia.

库布齐沙漠是中国第七大沙漠,蒙语意为“弓上的弦”。 库布齐沙漠景观壮美,风光独特。这里的沙子在干燥条件下,沙子只要受到外界触动就会发出一种像飞机掠顶而过的“嗡嗡嗡”的轰鸣声,十分奇妙。
The Kubuqi Desert, the seventh largest desert in China, is named after the Mongolian word for "bowstring". The landscape of the Kubuqi Desert is magnificent and unique. When the sand here is disturbed under dry conditions, it emits a buzzing sound like an airplane flying overhead, which is quite magical.
Through the desert as a medium, students can experience the spirit of "perseverance, resilience, and overcoming difficulties" embodied in the "Long March", set learning goals, and strive to pursue their dreams. Crossing the desert is a challenge for students. It is believed that the experience of overcoming difficulties together in this journey will become a precious asset, helping them to overcome themselves, meet challenges, and embrace a better life in their future learning and life.
In the desert study program, we also arrange two modules for students, namely "Experiential Learning" and "Team Building", so that students can not only gain knowledge, but also grow in various aspects of life during this study trip.


课程亮点 Highlight

1. 早餐后,乘车前往鄂尔多斯草原;
2. 抵达草原,观看实景马术表演《英雄》:上演惊心动魄的草原古战场;
1. 草原小火车:一览草原风光;
2. 投喂羔羊:羊是内蒙古数量最多的家畜,它们与草原,就像鱼和水 一样密不可分;
3. 投壶:投壶是我国古代一项兼具礼仪教化与休闲娱乐的社会文化活动,至今已有数千年历史;
4. 蒙古火炮竞技比赛
5. 半专业卡丁车(特定场地,学校教师及带队教练主驾、孩子副驾体验)


行程安排 Schedule



行程安排 Schedule

Day 1:
At 7:00 a.m., the school departs by bus to Qinghe Railway Station and takes the D1071 (08:47-12:35) high-speed train to Baotou, Inner Mongolia.
Afternoon: Northern Weapon City
Evening: Northern Weapon City - Dalad Banner Hotel (45 minutes by car)
Day 2:
Morning: Dalad Banner Hotel - Ordos Grassland (2.5 hours by car)
After breakfast, take a car to Ordos Grassland.
Arrive at the grassland and watch the live equestrian show "Heroes": a thrilling performance on the ancient battlefield of the grassland.
Ordos Grassland - Experience ActivitiesGrassland mini train: Enjoy the scenery of the grassland.Feeding lambs: Sheep are the most numerous domestic animals in Inner Mongolia, and they are inseparable from the grassland, just like fish and water.Throwing the pot: Throwing the pot is a social and cultural activity in ancient China that combines etiquette, education, and leisure, with a history of thousands of years.Mongolian artillery competition.Semi-professional go-karting (specific venue, school teachers and team coaches drive, children experience as passengers)Watching acrobatics on the flying grassland: thrilling, fun, and exciting acrobatic performances.

Day 3:
Morning: Trekking in the Kubuqi Desert - Opening Ceremony
Afternoon: Trekking in the Kubuqi Desert
Evening: Desert Carnival Night
Day 4:
Morning: Engbei Lake Campsite
Sand sledding, camel riding, and off-road vehicle experience
Afternoon: Ordos Grassland - Engbei Ecological Protection Area
Engbei Desert Museum
Day 5:
Morning: Camp closing ceremony in hotel conference room
Noon: Departure reference train: D1074 (14:00-18:15)
After lunch, head to Baotou East Railway Station, take the D1074 (14:00-18:15) high-speed train back to Beijing, and arrive at Qinghe Station in the evening. Take the bus back to school together.


行程安排 Schedule

Application of 2023THISDL Summer Trip

报名      须知

研学基本信息:Basic information of study trip
1.G1-G2 广西北海 Beihang, Guangxi province
时间:6月18日-6月23日 Date: June 18th-23th
费用:10000元/人 Fee: 10000rmb/student
2. G3-G4 江西景德镇 Jingdezhen,Jiangxi province
时间:6月18日-6月22日 Date: June 18th-22nd
费用:8000元/人 Fee:8000rmb/student
3.G5-G6 安徽徽州 Huizhou,Anhui province
时间:6月18日-6月22日  Date: June 18th-22nd
费用:8000元/人  Fee:8000rmb/student
4.G7-G8 陕西西安 Xi'an,Shangxi province
时间:6月18日-6月22日   Date: June 18th-22nd
费用:8000元/人  Fee:8000rmb/student
5.G9-G11 陕西延安支教 Yan'an, Shanxi province
时间:6月18日-6月25日  Date: June 18th-22nd
费用:9600元/人  Fee:9600rmb/student

Scan the QR Code below to fill out the application form


In order to ensure the smooth and safe operation of the Fragrant Summer Study Trip in 2023, for students and families who are interested in participating in various study trip routes, the refund policy and other precautions are hereby informed as follows. Please read carefully and accept before filling out the registration form:
1. 研学费用:【费用包括:往返交通、全程住宿费用、用餐费用、课程费用、游览费用、当地交通费用、研学导师费用、保险费用、摄影摄像费用、活动费用等】
Study Trip Expenses: [Expenses include: round-trip transportation, accommodation costs throughout the trip, meal expenses, course fees, sightseeing expenses, local transportation expenses, study trip guide fees, insurance fees, photography/videography fees, activity expenses, etc.]
2. 招募对象:THISDL在校生优先,其他学校学生也可申请
Target Recruitment: THISDL students have priority, but students from other schools are also eligible to apply.
3. 报名时间:即日至5月15日
Registration Period: From now until May 15th.
4. 报名方式:按要求填写此表格信息,提交后缴纳研学费用,则视为报名成功。(缴费有老师单独联系)
Translation: Registration Method: Fill in the required information in this form as instructed, submit it, and pay the study trip expenses. Your registration will be considered successful. (Payment will be arranged separately by the teacher.)

Parental Consent Form for Study Trip

The minimum number of participants for each route is 20 people. If the number of registrations is insufficient, the itinerary for that route will be canceled.
6. 退费政策:Refund policy
After registration, the list of students will be evaluated by the Student Management Center, the Department, and the grade level based on the comprehensive assessment of students' behavior management, psychological resilience, emotional control, and physical health during their school period. For students who are deemed temporarily unsuitable for participating in outdoor study trips, a full refund will be provided.
If the minimum required number of participants for a route is not met, the route will be canceled and a full refund will be provided.
If a cancellation is requested due to family or personal reasons, the refund will be settled based on the actual expenses incurred for each stage of the registered route after the study trip is completed. Non-refundable expenses that have been incurred and cannot be refunded include but are not limited to airfare, hotel, car rental fees, coach fees, team doctor fees, photography/videography fees, and other shared expenses.

If the entire itinerary or part of the itinerary is cancelled due to force majeure at the destination or by a third party, the actual expenses that have not yet been incurred will be refunded. Force majeure events at the destination include but are not limited to: sudden riots at the destination (as warned by the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs or Tourism Bureau), natural disasters such as floods, earthquakes, typhoons, and large-scale infectious diseases at the destination. Third-party reasons include but are not limited to: flights being fully booked, suspended operations, and national policy restrictions.
Before the trip, parents are advised to closely monitor their children's physical condition. If the child experiences symptoms such as fever, cough, or cold, please seek medical attention promptly and report to the team leader teacher. If a child has any other health concerns, it is also necessary to inform the team leader teacher in advance before the trip.
Students with heart disease, high blood pressure, epilepsy, or those who have undergone surgery within the past six months are strictly prohibited from participating in this outdoor study program. Individuals who are unable to tolerate thrilling or strenuous activities are also not allowed to participate. Please ensure that students have good physical health and are able to participate in the program when registering.

In order to ensure the smooth and safe operation of the activity, students are required to participate in the entire program unless there are special circumstances. If a student needs to leave the group midway due to personal reasons, they must sign a written agreement for leaving the group. After leaving the group, all safety responsibilities and expenses will be borne by the individual.
If you complete the registration and payment, it will be deemed that you have accepted the above content.

Committee of the "2023 THISDL Summer Study Guide" e-magazine.

主编Chief Editor:辛颖 Cynthia Xin
副主编Deputy Editor:依兰 Ellen Yi
成员 Members: 赵颖 Leila Zhao
                      邢圣涵 Hennie Xing



邮箱Email: sdc@thisdl.edu.cn

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