
世华学校学生处时事通讯CWA Student life Newsletter AY22-23 Vol.4


China world academy

FP&DP1 Exam

jUN 5-JUN9




china world academy

EXAM timetable

Good luck to FP and DP1 CWAers, may your hard work and dedication pay off.



Retrospective insight and prospects for the future

At the end of the academic year, reflecting on the journey of learning is a crucial and meaningful task. This process of reflection not only helps adolescents evaluate their annual growth achievements but also enables them to consider how to provide direction and inspiration for future development.

Psychological corner

Psychological corner


Learn to acknowledge and appreciate one's own efforts while honestly facing areas that need improvement

During the process of personal growth, people are often encouraged to engage in annual reflections and further establish new year goals. However, adolescents need to learn how to avoid excessive self-criticism during reflection and make their new year goals more specific. Try to choose a suitable personal year word to summarize this academic year, start by reflecting on specific life events that have occurred in the past and making a list of explanations. This can help adolescents think and express themselves in a more structured way. Throughout the year, there will naturally be both positive and negative aspects. It is important to learn to appreciate one's past efforts and to accept shortcomings with openness, as there is always potential for improvement.

Psychological corner


The more specific and clear the goal
the more likely it is to be achieved

年度计划有时会因为涵盖太多生活面向,而制定的太过笼统。心理学研究已经证实,目标愈具体、愈细致,愈有机会达成,而达成目标后获取的成就感,又有助于下一个目标的拟定与执行,形成良性循环。 因此,根据曾经分享过的制定计划小技巧-「将大目标切成小目标」-年度计划可以根据各个生活面向去制定目标,像是:「课业、运动、生活习惯、人际互动」等方面,学子们还需要加入角色任务-「学习」元素来思考,并详细说明该如何达成。
    Annual plans sometimes become too vague due to encompassing too many aspects of life. Psychological research has confirmed that the more specific and detailed the goals are, the greater the chance of achieving them. The sense of achievement obtained from reaching a goal also aids in formulating and executing the next goal, creating a positive cycle. Therefore, annual plans can be formulated by considering various aspects of life, such as "academics, sport, living habits, interpersonal relationships." As a student, it is also important to incorporate the role of "learning" as a task and provide a detailed explanation of how to achieve it.

Psychological corner


China world academy

We recently celebrated a significant milestone with the graduation of the first batch of DP2 students. The DP program, is designed to provide students with a well-rounded education that fosters critical thinking, international-mindedness, and academic excellence. 

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China world academy

The graduation ceremony was a moment of great pride and joy as the students showcased their accomplishments and reflected on their high school journey.

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China world academy


The graduation marked the beginning of a new chapter for class of 2023, equipped with the skills, knowledge, and global perspectives needed to succeed in their future endeavors.

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