
Keywords to Understand China: The Fight Against COVID-19 (Part II)




The Fight Against COVID-19

Part 2

An authoritative guide to understanding contemporary China





The COVID-19 epidemic poses a critical threat to public life, safety and health, not only in China but throughout the world. Facing this severe test, Chinese President Xi Jinping has placed great importance on epidemic prevention and control and personally led the Chinese people in the battle against the coronavirus with solidarity and courage. China has won universal recognition and appreciation throughout the world for the strength, spirit, and efficiency of its response. It has made an important contribution to global public health security and provided a clear example of the concept of building a global community of shared future.
To help the international community better understand how the Chinese people have fought against the epidemic, and provide references for global public health governance, the Academy of Contemporary China and World Studies and China Report Magazine have compiled this multilingual electronic document entitled Keywords to Understand China: The Fight Against COVID-19. It comprises eight sections: decisions by the central leadership, anti-epidemic guidelines and arrangements, special terminology, international aid, effective measures, brave fighters, the importance of unity, and information on COVID-19 prevention and control. Its goal is to explain in comprehensive, objective, and vivid terms how China is fighting the war of epidemic prevention and control and working together with other countries to deal with this global challenge.
Divided into two parts, this document contains about 80 terms and expressions and is available in English, French, Japanese, Korean and Spanish.


The Joint Prevention and Control Mechanism of the State Council    15
The Scientific Research and Innovation Team Under the Joint Prevention and Control Mechanism of the State
Council​    17
Early Detection, Early Reporting, Early Isolation and Early Treatment    19
Wuhan in Lockdown    21
Admitting All Suspected and Confirmed Cases for Treatment    23
Mass Dragnet Screening of Potential Virus Carriers     25

国务院联防联控工作机制    14
成立国务院联防联控工作机制科研攻关组    16
早发现、早报告、早隔离、早治疗    18
武汉“封城”    20
应收尽收、应治尽治   22
集中拉网式大排查   24

目录 Contents

Effective Measures


火神山医院    26
雷神山医院    28
方舱医院    30
“一人一方案” “一人一团队”    32
钟南山:新冠肺炎疫情联防联控专家组组长    35
李兰娟:国家传染病重点学科带头人    37
刘智明:因患新冠肺炎不幸殉职的武昌医院院长    39

Huoshenshan Hospital    27
Leishenshan Hospital    29
Temporary Treatment Centers    31
A Dedicated Team and a Personalized Treatment Plan for Every Patient    33
Zhong Nanshan, Head of China’s COVID-19 Expert Team    36
Li Lanjuan: Pioneer of Epidemiology    38
Liu Zhiming: Hospital Chief Who Died of COVID-19    40

Brave Fighters


张继先:疫情上报“第一人”   41
巴哈古丽:方舱医院的领舞者     43
武汉快递小哥汪勇:组织志愿者接送医护人员    45
习近平赴一线考察新冠肺炎疫情防控工作     48
广大医务工作者    50
解放军指战员    52
社区工作者    54

Zhang Jixian: the First Doctor to Report Novel Coronavirus     42
Bahargul Toleheng: 
the Dancer in the Temporary Treatment Center     44
Wang Yong: a Courier Volunteer     46
Xi Jinping Inspecting Frontline Epidemic Prevention and Control     49
Medical Workers    51
PLA Commanders and Soldiers    53
Community Workers    55

Unity Is Strength.


Police Officers    57
Grassroots Officials    59
Officials Designated from Higher Levels    61
Volunteers    63
Patients    65
Ordinary People    67
Using Facemasks Properly     70

公安干警    56
基层干部   58
下沉干部    60
志愿者    62
患者群众    64
普通民众    66
正确使用口罩    69

Information on COVID-19 Prevention and Control


尽量减少外出活动    71
保持手卫生    73
健康监测与就医    75
保持良好卫生和健康习惯    77
不接触、购买和食用野生动物    79
家庭防控    81
公共场所防控    83
公共交通工具防控    85

Minimizing Outings    72
Keeping Hands Clean    74
Health Monitoring and Going to Hospital    76
Maintaining Good Hygiene and Health Habits    78
No Touching, Buying and Eating of Wild Animals    80
Family Prevention and Control     82
Prevention and Control in Public Places     84
Prevention and Control on Public Transportation    86

办公场所防控    87
养老机构防控    89
幼儿园、学校防控    91
老年人防控   93
儿童防控    95
学生防控    97
有疾病流行地区居住旅行史人员防控    99
居家隔离人员防控   101

Office Prevention and Control    88
Prevention and Control in Nursing Homes    90
Prevention and Control in Kindergartens and Schools     92
Prevention and Control for the Elderly     94
Prevention and Control for Children     96
Prevention and Control for Students    98
Prevention and Control for People Who Have Traveled or Resided in an Epidemic Area    100
Prevention and Control for People 
Under Home Quarantine    102

居家发热患者防控    103
疑似病例防控    105
医疗机构就诊防护   107

Prevention and Control for Fever Patients at Home    104
Prevention and Control for Suspected Cases    106
Prevention and Control for Visits to 
Medical Institutions     108

Effective Measures




The Joint Prevention and Control Mechanism of the State Council

Xi Jinping has reiterated the importance of a society-wide effort in epidemic prevention and control, and of building a strong line of defense by mobilizing the public.
On January 20, 2020, confronted by the outbreak of the epidemic and taking into consideration the significant movement of people during the upcoming Spring Festival, the NHC proposed setting up a joint anti-epidemic prevention and control mechanism within the national health system, improving inter-agency preparation and coordination, and providing guidance and support to relevant work at local level.
On January 21, the Chinese government upgraded the joint mechanism to the national level and launched the Joint Prevention and Control Mechanism of the State Council in Response to the Novel Coronavirus Pneumonia (“Joint Prevention and Control Mechanism of the State Council” for short).
Focusing on epidemic prevention and control, the Joint Prevention and Control Mechanism breaks down the boundaries between different government departments and agencies and has achieved highly efficient inter-agency coordination. With the NHC as the coordinator, a total of 32 central government departments cooperate under the mechanism, with internal work teams covering epidemic prevention and control, medical treatment, scientific research, publicity, foreign affairs, logistics support, and work at the front line. Each of these work teams is headed by a leading official from a relevant ministry or commission; their duties and division of responsibilities are clear . Their close collaboration has built a strong synergy in the battle against the epidemic.
By February 28, in addition to holding press conferences, the Joint Prevention and Control Mechanism of the State Council had issued more than 30 notices, technical guidelines and work plans, briefing the public about the latest progress in epidemic prevention and control, material supplies, scientific research and resumption of work, interpreting policies and measures, and responding to public concerns.
Following the decisions and arrangements of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council, all provinces and cities have established joint prevention and control mechanisms and mechanisms for society-wide efforts against the virus, and taken legal, science-based and orderly measures to fight the epidemic.



Science and technology offers humanity the most powerful weapon to control disease, and scientific development and technological innovation are indispensable in treating disease and fighting epidemics.
While inspecting relevant scientific R&D programs, Xi Jinping pointed out that there are two battle lines in the war against the coronavirus: epidemic prevention and control, and producing scientific research and equipment. He urged the workers on these two battle lines to cooperate and fight side by side.
Following the decision and arrangements made by the CPC Central Committee and the State Council, the scientific research and innovation team under the Joint Prevention and Control Mechanism of the State Council (“Scientific Research and Innovation Team” for short) was established on January 20, 2020. It includes members from the Ministry of Science and Technology, the NHC, the National Development and Reform Commission, the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, the General Administration of Customs, the National Forestry and Grassland Administration, the Chinese Academy of Sciences, the National Medical Products Administration, the National Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine, the Logistics Support Department of the Central Military Commission and other government departments and agencies. China’s COVID-19 Expert Team, headed by Academician Zhong Nanshan and composed of 14 experts, was also established to organize and lead scientific research facilities across the country to tackle key problems.
In line with the principles of “tracing the infection source, diagnosing the disease, curing the patients, and blocking the virus,” the Scientific Research and Innovation Team has addressed four main lines of work:
1. to determine five major directions of scientific research – clinical treatment, drugs and vaccine research and development, detection technology and products, viral etiology and epidemiology, and animal model construction;
2. to undertake emergency tasks without delay, including launching emergency projects for tackling key scientific and technological problems, organizing cross-disciplinary and cross-domain research teams, and carrying out scientific research and emergency R&D in collaboration with provincial and municipal government departments and enterprises;
3. to establish a cooperation mechanism with the medical treatment team to accelerate the application of phased research results in clinical treatment;
4. to enhance procedure-based management and services, and ensure that scientific research follows the law and relevant regulations.
By the end of February, scientists and researchers working together across the country had started 20 emergency projects in four batches, and made phased progress in all its major directions of scientific research, providing strong support to the nation’s battle against the epidemic.

The Scientific Research and Innovation Team Under the Joint Prevention and Control Mechanism of the State Council


“早发现、早报告、早隔离、早治疗”是中央对防控新冠肺炎疫情提出的明确要求,也是中国科学防治新冠肺炎的一项重要措施。2020年 1月20日,国家卫生健康委高级别专家组研判指出,在疫情上升期,早发现、早隔离是最有效的防控手段,要尽可能减少传播。1月25日中共中央政治局常委会召开专题会议,要求做好疫情监测、排查、预警等工作,切实做到早发现、早报告、早隔离、早治疗。
随着疫情防控进入关键阶段,国务院应对新冠肺炎疫情联防联控机制印发《关于进一步强化责任落实 做好防治工作的通知》,对防控措施作出具体要求:及早发现和隔离病毒感染者,有效阻断疫情扩散蔓延;前移疫情防控关口,加强社区网格化管理,将各项防控措施抓早抓小、落细落实;进一步提高检测能力,优化确诊程序、缩短确诊时间,实行边诊边治。2月23日,习近平在统筹推进新冠肺炎疫情防控和经济社会发展工作部署会议上发表重要讲话,明确早发现、早报告、早隔离、早治疗的防控要求,强调要坚决遏制疫情扩散输出,对确诊患者应收尽收,对疑似患者应检尽检,对密切接触者应隔尽隔,落实“四早”要求,找到管好每一个风险环节,决不能留下任何死角和空白。

Early Detection, Early Reporting, Early Isolation and Early Treatment

“Early detection, early reporting, early isolation and early treatment” is a clear principle established by the central leadership, and it is also an important measure taken by the country to fight the virus.
On January 20, 2020, the High-level Expert Group of the NHC pointed out that early detection and early isolation are the most effective means to block the rapid escalation of the virus and keep transmission to a minimum. The Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee on January 25 demanded monitoring, screening and early warning to ensure early detection, early reporting, early isolation and early treatment.
As epidemic prevention and control entered a critical stage, on February 7 the Joint Prevention and Control Mechanism of the State Council issued a document on the responsibilities of different parties. The document emphasized the urgency of early detection of infections and early isolation of those infected to effectively prevent the transmission of the virus. To this end, it is necessary to deploy preventive methods at an early stage and perform meticulous community grid management. It is also necessary to further improve testing capability, optimize the diagnostic process, shorten diagnosis time, and carry out diagnosis and treatment simultaneously.
At the national meeting for coordinating China’s epidemic control and economic and social development, held on February 23, Xi Jinping reiterated the principles of early detection, early reporting, early isolation and early treatment. He called for a greater effort to curb the spread of the epidemic, hospitalize all confirmed cases, conduct thorough testing of all suspected cases, and isolate all close contacts. He demanded tracking and managing of every potential risk without leaving any dead corners.
As a result of these efforts the spread of the virus has been initially curbed, and phased effects have been achieved in the prevention and control of the epidemic.



Wuhan in Lockdown

On January 22, 2020, the CPC Central Committee required that Hubei province implement comprehensive and strict control over people movements.
On January 23, the Epidemic Prevention and Control Headquarter of Wuhan announced that from 10:00 a.m. on January 23, 2020, the city’s urban bus, subway, ferry and long-distance passenger transportation would be suspended, the departure channels of airport and railway stations be temporarily closed, and the residents of Wuhan should not leave without special reasons.
To contain the epidemic, public transportation between Wuchang, Hankou and Hanyang – the three districts that make up the city of Wuhan – was blocked on January 25. From 00:00 on January 26, all non-essential vehicles were banned in downtown Wuhan other than vehicles with permits being used to guarantee material supplies, provide free transportation, and serve public needs.
These lockdown measures were essential to effectively block the virus and prevent the epidemic from spreading. But a lockdown did not mean isolating Wuhan. To minimize the impact on its citizens, the Epidemic Prevention and Control Headquarter of Wuhan issued prompt briefings on the city’s material reserves and supplies, and reminded the public that there was no need for panic-buying or hoarding. A 24-hour hotline was opened to receive public donations, and solid measures were taken to receive and distribute the donations. A fleet of 6,000 taxis was urgently mobilized to serve communities and provide free services for those in need.
Wuhan is a key city in central China and an important national transportation hub. The lockdown had an enormous impact on the city. However, in the face of the epidemic, the measures and actions taken by Wuhan, Hubei and China were resolute and effective. By making these great efforts and sacrifices, they bought valuable time for the world to fight against the epidemic.



Admitting All Suspected and Confirmed Cases for Treatment

Controlling the source and cutting off the route of transmission are the fundamental means to prevent and control infectious diseases. After the outbreak of the COVID-19 epidemic, Xi Jinping issued instructions on several occasions, demanding an all-out effort to admit all suspected and confirmed cases for treatment, raise the hospital admission rate and the recovery rate, and lower the infection rate and the case fatality rate. Different provinces and cities subsequently adopted diverse measures to comprehensively strengthen screening, transfer, hospitalization and treatment of patients.
On January 26, 2020, Wuhan required that fever clinics in all hospitals must operate round the clock to admit all confirmed and probable cases, and gather them together for treatment. On February 17, Wuhan and other regions in Hubei that had been severely hit by the epidemic launched mass dragnet screening of potential virus carriers to collect accurate information about four groups of people (confirmed cases, suspected cases, febrile patients and close contacts).
Various localities took effective measures to raise the hospital admission and treatment capacity, such as optimizing patient transfer channels, rebuilding and expanding designated hospitals, increasing beds in medical institutions, and improving diagnosis and treatment plans. The results were effective. Relevant government departments and institutions opened online channels to collect information from patients who were having difficulties in seeking medical assistance, and help them gain admission to hospital for treatment as soon as possible.
Admitting all suspected and confirmed cases to hospital is key to thoroughly defeating the epidemic. It followed the guiding principle of treating the infected in dedicated facilities by senior medical professionals from all over the country and with all necessary resources, and provided a solid guarantee for positive results.


2020年2月17日至19日, 武汉市展开集中拉网式大排查, 对各区各街道辖区居民进行筛查甄别,坚持“不落一户、不漏一人”。这是坚持人民生命至上、遵循应收尽收原则的具体举措。

Mass Dragnet Screening of Potential Virus Carriers

From February 17 to 19, Wuhan launched a mass dragnet screening of potential virus carriers among its residents in every community, leaving no one unscreened. This respected the principle that saving lives is of paramount importance, and facilitated the goal of having all confirmed cases hospitalized for treatment.
The screening was designed to identify four groups of people (confirmed cases, suspected cases, febrile patients who were possibly infected, and close contacts). The goal was to ensure 100 percent admission of confirmed cases, 100 percent nucleic acid tests for suspected cases, 100 percent diagnosis of febrile patients, 100 percent isolation of close contacts, and 100 percent 24-hour closed management of communities and villages.
By the use of AI technology, the investigation was conducted with great efficiency, and reached approximately 10 million people in more than 3,300 communities and villages within three days. Based on a big data platform, the information collected was integrated with the records kept by the hospitals, disease control centers, medical insurance agencies, public security and civil affairs authorities, telecommunications carriers and other relevant units. Targeted nucleic acid tests and epidemiological studies were carried out on the four groups of people, which helped to accurately and rapidly track close contacts and isolate them without delay, therefore effectively identifying and blocking the sources of infection.



Huoshenshan Hospital

Isolation and admission of patients are the key tasks in epidemic prevention and control. To ensure that all suspected and confirmed cases could be hospitalized and treated, Wuhan decided on January 23, 2020 to build an emergency hospital near Zhiyin Lake in Caidian District, following the example of Beijing when the capital built the Xiaotangshan Hospital during the battle against SARS in 2003. Named “Huoshenshan” (“Fire God Mountain”), the new hospital was designed to treat patients suffering from novel coronavirus pneumonia.
Once the decision was made and preparatory work was launched, the designers completed the site plans within five hours and delivered all design and construction drawings within 60 hours. More than 7,000 construction workers rushed to assist Wuhan. By working around the clock in three shifts they were able to complete the tasks of surveying and mapping, leveling the site, erecting the building, installing communications infrastructure and power supplies, and finishing construction in only 10 days. On February 2, Huoshenshan Hospital was officially handed over to the medical units of the People’s Liberation Army (PLA) who had come earlier to assist Wuhan.
With a total floor space of 34,000 square meters, Huoshenshan Hospital has 1,000 beds for intensive care units and general wards. It has supporting departments covering infection control, clinical laboratory, special treatment, and radiodiagnosis.
On February 3, with the approval of Xi Jinping, chairman of the Central Military Commission, 1,400 PLA medical personnel were deployed to staff the new Huoshenshan Hospital. Many of them had worked at Xiaotangshan Hospital in the fight against SARS and assisted Sierra Leone and Liberia in the fight against Ebola. They had a wealth of experience in the treatment of infectious diseases.
On February 4, the National Healthcare Security Administration announced that Huoshenshan Hospital would be designated a hospital registered for medical insurance, and the new hospital would adopt the charging standards of public hospitals. On the same day, Huoshenshan Hospital began to receive confirmed patients. On February 13, the hospital discharged the first group of cured patients.
The construction of Huoshenshan Hospital shows how fast things can be done in China in times of emergency. During the construction of the hospital, a 24-hour live broadcast was streamed on the construction site. Every day, tens of millions of Chinese and foreign netizens acted as “cloud supervisors” rooting for the builders on the front line.



Leishenshan Hospital

On January 25, 2020, just after the construction of Huoshenshan Hospital had begun, Wuhan decided to build another emergency hospital near Huangjia Lake, Jiangxia District. The new hospital, named “Leishenshan” (“Thunder God Mountain”) was designed to treat novel coronavirus patients diagnosed with pneumonia in fever clinics or transferred from other hospitals.
The designers and builders raced against the clock. On January 26 the overall design of the hospital was completed; on January 27 large-scale construction began; on January 28 the communication base station infrastructure was completed; and on January 29 the power unit was completed and began to supply electricity to the hospital. At the peak of construction, more than 10,000 builders and nearly 1,500 sets of machinery and equipment were engaged in the fight, night and day.
After just over 10 days of construction work, Leishenshan Hospital entered service on February 8, officially taken over by Zhongnan Hospital of Wuhan University, and the first group of patients were admitted that night.
The hospital covers an area of nearly 80,000 square meters and is divided into three sections: isolation units for the patients with a total of 1,600 beds, living space for the medical staff, and logistics. On February 18, the first patients cured in Leishenshan Hospital were discharged.
Like Huoshenshan Hospital, Leishenshan Hospital was a major weapon in China’s battle against the epidemic. Under the strong leadership of the CPC, the Party organizations of all construction units implemented the decisions and instructions issued by the CPC Central Committee. Ordinary workers united as one, spared themselves no effort, and created a miracle. The two hospitals demonstrate one of the institutional strengths of Chinese socialism – an ability to concentrate massive resources on major initiatives. The hospitals provided a vital guarantee of victory in the battle against the epidemic.



Temporary Treatment Centers

Temporary treatment centers are built by means of a modern module-based mobile medical system that integrates the functions of medical treatment and clinical technology. Composed of medical treatment units, ward units and technical support units, temporary treatment centers are mainly used in major disaster relief and emergency support operations, and for temporary provision of medical services. Offering mobility, rapid deployment, and strong environmental adaptability, these improvised hospitals are capable of undertaking medical relief work in cases of emergency, and are highly valued by many countries.
China began to design and develop its own temporary treatment center system in the 1990s. The second-generation temporary treatment centers carried out medical relief work following the earthquakes in Wenchuan and Yushu.
In February 2020, to counter the spread of COVID-19, Wuhan transformed several gymnasiums, convention and exhibition centers, training centers, industrial park factories, vocational high schools and other venues into temporary treatment centers. They were used to isolate mild cases and cases under observation. These modular hospitals provide a complete range of services and can carry out emergency treatment, surgical operations, clinical tests and other tasks. In Wuhan they also had a team of psychologists to provide psychological support and counseling for patients.
On February 16 the National Development and Reform Commission assigned 230 million yuan (c. 33 million US dollars) from the central budget to the temporary treatment centers in Wuhan, to improve their facilities, add necessary medical equipment, and enhance their treatment capacity. By February 22, 16 temporary treatment centers had been brought into operation in Wuhan, providing more than 12,000 beds.
Establishing temporary treatment centers is an effective measure to ensure patient isolation, decrease patient density, expand treatment capacity, and control the spread of epidemics. In Wuhan the temporary treatment centers played an important role in providing emergency support for the national public health system.

“一人一方案” “一人一团队”


A Dedicated Team and a Personalized Treatment Plan for Every Patient

On January 20, the Epidemic Prevention and Control Headquarter of Wuhan decided to upgrade the treatment of patients. A dedicated team and a personalized treatment plan for each patient was applied in severe cases, while mild cases were to be cured and discharged as early as possible.
To achieve this, it is necessary to mobilize all resources, provide patients with customized medical teams, targeted diagnosis and treatment, the strongest technical force, and the best nursing service, and carry out timely, efficient and targeted treatment.
The process was widely adopted in the treatment of patients across the country. When prevention and control work was at the most critical stage, this practice supported the goal of “treating the infected in dedicated facilities using senior medical professionals from all over the country and with all necessary resources.” It proved highly effective.

Brave Fighters




Zhong Nanshan, Head of China’s COVID-19 Expert Team

Zhong Nanshan is director of the National Clinical Research Center for Respiratory Disease, an academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, and a leading Chinese expert in preventing and treating respiratory infectious diseases.
During the outbreak of SARS in 2003, Zhong led a group of scientists working on effective prevention and treatment measures. His team was the first to formulate a set of standards for clinical diagnosis of SARS, which was recognized by WHO experts as of significant value in the global battle against SARS. Guangdong province, where Zhong worked, was one of the areas with the highest cure rate and the lowest mortality rate in the world.
When the novel coronavirus epidemic broke out in early 2020, the 84-year-old Zhong returned to the battlefield and was appointed to head both China’s COVID-19 Expert Team and the High-level Expert Group of the NHC. After a field trip to Wuhan, he warned in a TV interview that there was human-to-human transmission for the novel coronavirus. During the outbreak, Zhong educated the public about the virus, and updated them on the trend of the epidemic and drug R&D. He also led a team focusing on treating severe cases, critically ill cases and cases with additional complex conditions. He is hailed by the Chinese people as a national idol and “one-of-a-kind.”


在新冠肺炎疫情蔓延之际, 73岁的李兰娟率医疗队抵达武汉。在收治危重患者的定点医院,李兰娟不分昼夜地工作,向公众普及病毒知识、与医护人员商讨诊疗方案,每天只睡3个小时。在到达武汉后的第3天,李兰娟院士团队发布了重大研究成果,称阿比朵尔、达芦那韦两款药物能够有效抑制新型冠状病毒。随后,阿比朵尔列入《新型冠状病毒肺炎诊疗方案(试行第六版)》。

Li Lanjuan: Pioneer of Epidemiology

Li Lanjuan is a Chinese epidemiologist, a member of the High-level Expert Group of the NHC, and an academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering. She has undertaken diagnosis, treatment and research in infectious disease outbreaks such as SARS, hand-foot-and-mouth disease, post-quake epidemics, and the H1N1 flu virus. She made many groundbreaking discoveries in the prevention and control of the H7N9 flu virus, and has made an enormous contribution to the diagnosis and treatment of infectious diseases in China.
After the outbreak of the novel coronavirus, the 73-year-old Li Lanjuan led a medical team to Wuhan and worked day and night at the hospitals designated for treating severe cases. She educated the public about the virus, discussed guidelines for diagnosis and treatment with other medical workers, and slept only three hours a day.
Three days after arriving in Wuhan, Li’s team announced an important research achievement, indicating that Arbidol and Darunavir could effectively control the virus. Arbidol was later added in the Guidelines on the Novel Coronavirus-Infected Pneumonia Diagnosis and Treatment (Provisional 6th Edition).


2月18日,刘智明去世,享年51岁。他是新冠病毒肺炎疫情期间首位殉职的医院院长。世界卫生组织总干事谭德塞在向刘智明的去世表示哀悼时说:“刘智明医生的去世是巨大的损失,他在疫情期间挽救了无数生命。” 截至2月22日,共有400多名重症患者从武昌医院治愈出院。

Liu Zhiming: Hospital Chief Who Died of COVID-19

Liu Zhiming was president of Wuchang Hospital in Wuhan. On January 21, his hospital was urgently turned into a designated hospital for treating patients infected with the novel coronavirus. From then, Liu stuck to his post and kept working on the front line without a single day away from the hospital. On January 24, a large number of confirmed cases were admitted to the hospital, and Liu was unfortunately diagnosed with the coronavirus. While being treated in the isolation ward, Liu continued to inquire about the other patients every day and kept working until the end of his life.
Liu passed away at the age of 51 on February 18. He was the first hospital chief to die of the virus. WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus mourned the passing of Liu, saying that he had touched many lives and saved numerous patients in the COVID-19 outbreak. By February 22, more than 400 severe cases had been cured and discharged from Wuchang Hospital.



Zhang Jixian: the First Doctor to Report Novel Coronavirus

Zhang Jixian is director of the Respiratory and Intensive Care Unit of Hubei Provincial Hospital of Integrated Chinese and Western Medicine. She was a member of the Expert Group of Jianghan District of Wuhan during the SARS outbreak in 2003. With an extremely acute professional awareness, Zhang was the first person to make the correct diagnosis and insist on reporting the epidemic to the higher authorities. She was the first to sound the alarm.
On December 27, 2019, Zhang Jixian was surprised to find that the lungs of three of her patients – two parents and a son – had provided similar CT images. As the results of various influenza-related tests on these three patients were all negative, she immediately alerted the hospital chief to the situation, who forwarded her report to the Jianghan District Center for Disease Control and Prevention. In the following two days, the hospital received another three patients with similar symptoms and lung scans, and Zhang reported this to the hospital again, thus becoming the first doctor to report the COVID-19 epidemic.
During the COVID-19 outbreak, Zhang had a very heavy workload treating critically ill patients. She arrived at the hospital at 7:30 every morning, knowing that a hectic schedule awaited her, making the rounds of the wards and formulating diagnosis and treatment schemes. She was often heavily occupied until after 10 o’clock at night.
Due to her timely discovery and careful precautions, no medical staff in Zhang’s department have been infected with the virus and no cross-infection has occurred among her patients. On February 4, Zhang was awarded a merit for her outstanding performance in the battle against the epidemic by the Human Resources and Social Security Department and the Health Committee of Hubei Province.



Bahargul Toleheng: the Dancer in the Temporary Treatment Center

Bahargul Toleheng traveled with the second medical team from Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region to Hubei. She worked as deputy head of Division C of a temporary treatment center in the Wuhan Parlor convention center. From the start of the epidemic, Xinjiang sent three medical teams to Hubei, the second of which had 100 medical workers. As one of the two executive staff, she was responsible for logistics, which meant that she did not need to work inside the temporary treatment center.
On February 12, as she learned that some patients were in low spirits, Bahargul volunteered to dance in the treatment center in order to cheer them up. She performed a traditional Kazak dance and received a rousing ovation from the patients. After her dancing video was posted on the Chinese social media, it quickly garnered 110 million views and 34,000 comments.
Afterward, whenever she went into the treatment center, the patients would spontaneously chant, “The lady from Xinjiang!” They had never seen her face as she wore a protective suit, but they knew all about her beautiful dance moves. “I hope my dance can help regulate their emotions, calm their nerves, and keep them positive about their treatment,” she said in an interview.



Wang Yong: a Courier Volunteer

Wang Yong is a courier and a native of Wuhan, born in the 1980s. Affected by the epidemic, many express delivery companies suspended their services during the Spring Festival. On the evening of January 24, Wang read a message posted on WeChat by a nurse at Jinyintan Hospital in Wuhan. Learning that due to traffic restrictions and the suspension of buses and subways, many medical workers could not get home after the night shift, Wang volunteered to take them to and from work.
On the first day, he offered help to more than a dozen medical staff of Jinyintan Hospital. But he felt that one person’s contribution was limited, so he posted messages on WeChat looking for more volunteers to help. He also contacted a couple of restaurants and food producers and helped them deliver free box lunches to health care workers.
Wang has helped more than 1,000 medical workers with their commuting and dining problems. “I have no resources. I am grateful to other volunteers and businesses that have offered help. Everyone is working hard. I am just one of them,” he said.

Unity Is Strength



实地考察结束后,习近平主持召开了一场电视电话会议,这是继2月23日统筹推进新冠肺炎疫情防控和经济社会发展工作部署会议、3月6日决战决胜脱贫攻坚座谈会之后,他与湖北各地领导干部再次以这种方式 “面对面”。在会议讲话中,习近平作出重要判断:湖北和武汉疫情防控形势发生积极向好变化,取得阶段性重要成果,初步实现了稳定局势、扭转局面的目标。当前,疫情防控任务依然艰巨繁重。越是在这个时候,越是要保持头脑清醒,越是要慎终如始,越是要再接再厉、善作善成,继续把疫情防控作为当前头等大事和最重要的工作,毫不放松抓紧抓实抓细各项防控工作,坚决打赢湖北保卫战、武汉保卫战。

Xi Jinping Inspecting Frontline Epidemic Prevention and Control

On February 10, 2020, Xi Jinping inspected COVID-19 prevention and control work in Beijing. On March 2, he visited the scientists and researchers working against the coronavirus in the capital city.
On March 10, China’s president went to Wuhan, the main battleground, to inspect the situation there. He visited the Huoshenshan Hospital and the Donghu Xincheng Community, where he greeted front-line medical workers, PLA commanders and soldiers, community workers, police officers, grassroots officials, officials assigned from higher levels, volunteers, patients and residents. He encouraged them to fight with confidence and win the battle against the epidemic. During his visit to the residential quarters, the president waved to the residents undergoing home quarantine and encouraged them to “join the effort and fight together.” Knowing that local Wuhan people have a liking for fresh fish, he urged local officials to ensure a good supply. Xi praised the healthcare workers as “the most admirable people” in the new era, and expressed deep gratitude from the Party and the whole nation to the Wuhan people.
President Xi chaired a teleconference after the field inspection. It was the third time he had “met” with officials from across Hubei Province in this way after a teleconference to coordinate national epidemic prevention and control and economic and social development on February 23, and another on poverty elimination on March 6.
Xi told the conference that the trend in epidemic containment in Hubei and Wuhan was positive. Initial progress had been made in stabilizing the situation and turning the tide. However, the task remained arduous. He requested that people be sober-minded, remain alert, maintain their efforts and continue to treat epidemic prevention and control as their top priority and their most important task. All measures were to be implemented down to the last detail, to defend Wuhan and Hubei and win the battle.
Xi pointed out that the response to the epidemic would be a big test of China’s governance system and capacity. There would be experience to be drawn and lessons to be learned. People should take a long-term view and work swiftly to address shortcomings in the governance system, so as to consolidate the institutional defenses of health and public safety. Urban governance and urban and rural community management would have to be improved. People should develop “full-cycle management” awareness, and explore new ways of modernizing the governance of mega cities.



Medical Workers

After the outbreak of COVID-19, a vast army of medical workers who had bid farewell to their loved ones put themselves in harm’s way. As warriors in white, they devoted every effort to save patients. Xi Jinping spoke highly of the medical workers on the front line, calling them “the most admirable people” of the new era, and described them as messengers of brightness and hope, most beautiful angels, and true heroes.
Xi Jinping issued instructions on several occasions about care for the medical workers fighting against the epidemic. He emphasized that medical workers are the core of the battle forces, and they should be well protected and given full support. The front-line medics must have access to sufficient protective equipment and daily necessities, and have rest days in rotation and psychological counseling. He required that the financial package, additional subsidies, and epidemic prevention allowances for medical staff should be delivered in full, that incentive mechanisms be further improved, and that any worries be addressed, so that they would stay strong and healthy in fighting the epidemic.
During the fight, the PLA, central ministries and commissions, and provinces and equivalent administrative units altogether dispatched more than 340 medical teams consisting of over 42,000 healthcare workers to aid Hubei. As the situation improved, the medical teams completed their mission and withdrew in an orderly manner. A poster depicting the backs of the “soldiers in white” with the words “Thank you for fighting for us” went viral on the internet, as it voiced the heartfelt gratitude of the people of Wuhan and Hubei.



PLA Commanders and Soldiers

After the outbreak of the coronavirus, the PLA resolutely implemented the decisions and orders of the CPC Central Committee, and promptly launched a joint prevention and control mechanism. Emergency teams were dispatched to the front line, becoming an indispensable force in the fight against the epidemic.
At a meeting held on February 23 to organize nationwide epidemic control and economic and social development, Xi Jinping pointed out that the PLA commanders and soldiers had answered the country’s call. They had the courage to fight a tough battle, which demonstrated the political character of the people’s army and their loyalty to the Party and the people.
“Should war break out, the PLA is ready to fight when the call comes.” Under the unified command of the CPC Central Committee, more than 10,000 PLA medical staff rushed to the front line and applied themselves to saving lives. They were among the first to start receiving patients and treating the seriously ill in the isolated wards. Over 1,000 troops and 100 vehicles were mobilized every day to assist the local epidemic prevention and control departments in transporting and unloading medical supplies, cleaning and disinfecting, and staffing guard posts. Militias were dispatched by provincial military commands and garrison commands to assist local authorities in managing visitors, disinfecting public places, exercising vigilance, delivering goods and materials, communicating epidemic information to the public and other tasks.
“Soldiers are always ready for battle!” From strengthening leadership to rushing to aid Wuhan, from treating the ill to providing comprehensive support, from organizing emergency-related scientific research to adding personnel and material transportation capacity, the PLA once again demonstrated the sheer force of putting people first: Where there is an emergency, there will be the pioneering people’s army; where there is a need, there will be the dedicated people’s army.



Community Workers

There are two fronts in the battle against the epidemic: the hospital, and the community – the life-saving front, and the epidemic prevention and control front. When inspecting epidemic prevention and control work in Beijing, Xi Jinping emphasized that communities are the vanguard of joint prevention and control, and also an effective defense line against inbound infections and intra-city/region transmission. We would effectively curb the spread if we held firm the defense line in the communities.
During his field visit in Wuhan, Xi visited Donghu Xincheng Community and talked with community workers. He called community workers “temporary prime ministers of the alleys,” who had to handle all matters relating to people’s lives.
In the battle against the epidemic, the community workers overcame a range of difficulties such as insufficient manpower, limited resources, testing conditions, and imperfect protective measures, and remained steadfast as the city’s front line of defense. As all the communities in Wuhan were under grid-based management, grid managers, officials assigned from higher levels, volunteers, and apartment complex coordinators formed different groups to serve the residents. There were telephone communication groups responsible for answering hotline questions for residents, report groups tracking and monitoring residents’ health status with daily telephone inquiries, and purchasing groups buying food and medicines for the residents in need.
A large number of community workers and volunteers across the country delivered necessities to self-isolated residents at home on a daily basis, followed up their health conditions, and helped residents see doctors, transfer to hospitals or arrange consultations. Their dedication shored up a strong defense line in the communities.



Police Officers

The public security organs across China resolutely implemented the instructions issued by President Xi Jinping and the decisions and plans made by the CPC Central Committee. The whole police force was mobilized to join the battle. They did everything in their power to combat the epidemic, guard against risks, and ensure safety and stability. The public security officers and police support officers confronted difficulties head on and remained steadfast at their posts, devoting all their efforts to tackling the virus and maintaining stability.
The public security organs at provincial, municipal and county levels each dispatched 15%, 20%, and 30% of their police forces to support communities. In total, 342,000-plus police officers worked tirelessly on the front line, risking their lives to protect the people and maintain security. As of April 2, 60 police officers and 35 police support officers had sacrificed their lives, and 20 of them were posthumously honored as heroes.
“So long as the epidemic does not recede, the police will not retreat.” In the war against COVID-19, a vast number of police officers made a great contribution to society-wide prevention and control. They acted to suppress criminal and other unlawful activities that hampered the campaign against the virus or undermined social stability, and they went to great lengths to support the resumption of productive work.



Grassroots Officials

Grassroots units are at the forefront of the battle against the epidemic and getting people back to work. At the meeting held on February 3 by the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee, Xi Jinping emphasized opposition to bureaucratism and the practice of formalities for formalities’ sake, so that grassroots officials can devote fully to epidemic prevention and control.
Grassroots officials have no protective suits to wear. They only have masks. They have no power of law enforcement. They are just familiar faces to the locals. They are responsible for managing the communities, and serve as the “errand runner,” “broadcaster” and “security officer” of the people.
During the outbreak, they were kept busy checking every block for epidemic screening. They arranged medical observation of suspected cases, coordinated the distribution of protective equipment, and spread information about epidemic prevention to the general public. As “trustworthy friends of the people,” they safeguarded the people with concrete actions.



Officials Designated from Higher Levels

Epidemic prevention and control was a war that involved everyone in the country. As long as a people’s defense line was put in place and communities were well defended, the spread of the virus could be effectively curbed.
While inspecting the epidemic prevention work in Beijing on February 10, Xi Jinping emphasized the need to empower communities to implement prevention and control measures, making every community a strong bastion against the epidemic. His request sounded a rallying cry to communities in the battle against the virus.
The prevention and control work in the communities is complicated. It is an arduous task to do blanket tracking on cases and exercise grid-based management, while attending to the reasonable and essential needs of residents and keeping things running in an orderly way.
In order to create synergy and strengthen the community defense line, numerous Party and government officials were designated to work in the communities. Their arrival provided a significant manpower boost. They assisted community workers in screening local residents, checking temperatures, disinfection and isolation, publicity and guidance, and logistics support. They worked side by side with local community workers, public security officers, grassroots officials and volunteers, forming a powerful inter-agency force to carry out society-wide actions.


新冠肺炎疫情发生后,广大志愿者积极有序参与疫情防控工作。 据不完全统计,在总人口约1000万的武汉,有5万余名志愿者支援抗疫第一线。“疫情不散,我们不退”,这是全国抗疫志愿者的共同心声。


According to partial statistics, more than 50,000 volunteers joined the battle against the epidemic in Wuhan, a city with a population of 10 million. “We will not retreat till the epidemic has receded.” This was the pledge of all volunteers across the country.
Among these volunteers were CPC members, ex-servicemen, students and deliverymen. From all ages, both genders, different walks of life, and many countries, they were totally dedicated to the high-risk and high-intensity work on the front line.
Many volunteers drove front-line doctors and nurses to and from work, or served as a 24-hour standby transportation service carrying residents with fever for medical treatment. Many helped self-isolated residents to buy food and medicines. Some launched targeted fund-raising programs, coordinated the purchase of protective equipment, and delivered it to the forefront; some mobilized college students to offer free online tutoring for the children of front-line medical workers. Some volunteers acted as announcers in Wuhan’s temporary hospitals keeping the patients and medical workers informed. The efforts of the vast army of volunteers offered warmth and light in the darkness of the battle against the virus.




After the outbreak of COVID-19, Chinese medical workers did all in their power to treat the patients. By the end of March, the oldest COVID-19 patient cured was 103 years, and the youngest only 17 days. On March 10, during his visit to Hubei, Xi Jinping expressed sympathy to patients, tried to boost their morale, and asked them to follow their doctor’s advice for the best possible chance of early recovery.
In the treatment of COVID-19, severe and critical cases – the key to bringing down the fatality rate – were given top priority. Chinese medical personnel worked out many different ways to treat the most severe cases, with the goal of raising the cure rate and lowering the fatality rate. These included setting up a visiting team of academicians, forming an expert group, updating the treatment plan seven times, organizing an emergency intubation team for COVID-19 patients, and promoting clinical use of traditional Chinese medicines.
In Wuhan, the number of beds in 11 hospitals designated for the treatment of severe and critical cases exceeded 9,000. More than 13,000 intensive care health professionals from 90-plus national and provincial medical teams participated in the treatment of severe cases, accounting for nearly 10% of the national intensive care personnel resources. By March 31, more than 76,000 patients had been cured and discharged, with a cure rate of 93.5%. Among them, more than 63,000 were in Hubei, with a cure rate of over 93%.



Ordinary People

Under the Party’s leadership, the nation did not panic in the face of COVID-19. Instead it developed a rational understanding of the virus, and adopted a science-based approach to epidemic prevention and control. During his visit to Hubei, Xi Jinping highlighted the need to rely on the people, mobilize them, and improve their ability to serve and protect themselves. He requested that the basic needs of the people be ensured and “last mile” service problems be solved.
To pursue this nationwide war against the epidemic, the people voluntarily reduced outings, and adopted a “home-based” lifestyle by doing almost everything online, from sending New Year greetings, to working, teaching and shopping. They supported the community work in this way, in a joint effort to safeguard the hard-won achievements of epidemic prevention and control. While doing their own parts to combat the epidemic, the general public also assisted Wuhan and other parts of Hubei through a variety of means, demonstrating a spirit of true comradeship.
On March 23, the Central Leading Group for COVID-19 Prevention and Control made an assessment of the situation: The spread of the epidemic in China, with Wuhan as the main battleground, had been basically contained, which represented a milestone. This impressive “test report” was the result of a concerted effort on the part of the whole nation. It was also a strong boost to the Party, the PLA and the people of China, inspiring them to continue to work together for the ultimate victory over the epidemic.

Information on COVID-19 Prevention and Control




Using Facemasks Properly

Facemasks are important for preventing the spread of infectious respiratory diseases and lowering the risk of COVID-19 infections. Facemasks can prevent patients from spraying droplets, reduce the amount and speed of droplets, and protect the wearers from inhaling the nucleus of the virus via droplets.
Facemasks have proved effective in preventing and controlling COVID-19. On January 30, the NHC published a Guide on Facemask Usage Against Novel Coronavirus-infected Pneumonia. On February 5, the Joint Prevention and Control Mechanism of the State Council published Technical Guidelines for Selecting and Using Facemasks Against Novel Coronavirus Infection.
On March 17, as disease prevention and control gained effect and work resumed, the Joint Prevention and Control Mechanism published a Guide on Proper Usage of Facemasks by the Public, providing advice for wearing facemasks under different conditions for the general public, people in specific areas, people with occupational exposure, and key population groups.
Facemasks should be worn and used properly to ensure effective protection. According to relevant guidelines, in areas not affected by the disease, facemasks are unnecessary in open and well-ventilated places, but people should wear facemasks when entering crowded or enclosed public places. In high-risk areas, people should wear disposable medical masks in open and well-ventilated places, and wear surgical masks or respirators of grade N95 when entering crowded or enclosed public places. Special groups who may come into contact with suspected or confirmed cases should wear goggles and respirators of grade N95 or above.
When wearing a surgical mask, hold the mask with the nose strip on top and the dark-colored side facing outward, pull the mask over the mouth, nose and chin, and pinch the nose strip to conform to the shape of the nose.
Wash hands according to procedures before wearing a mask and avoid touching the inside of the mask.
Replace the mask every two to four hours, and change the mask when it is dirty, contaminated, distorted, or damaged, or when it smells unpleasant.
Take off the mask with the side touching the nose and mouth folded inward, hang the mask in clean, dry, ventilated place or put it in a clean and ventilated paper bag for reuse.
Dispose of the mask in a specific garbage bin to avoid cross infection.
Children should not wear facemasks for adults, and parents should help their children wear facemasks properly.
Babies cannot wear facemasks, as they can pose suffocation risks.



Minimizing Outings

Every person has the primary responsibility for their own health. During the COVID-19 epidemic, on top of the prevention and control measures taken by the government and relevant agencies, every citizen was responsible for their own and others’ health. They were required to exercise due diligence for public security by protecting themselves and reducing non-essential outings and gatherings.
The Diagnosis and Treatment Protocol for COVID-19 (Trial Version 7) published by the NHC, provided the following information. Patients infected by the novel coronavirus are the main source of infection. Asymptomatic coronavirus carriers are a possible source of infection. Major channels of transmission are respiratory droplets and close contact with infected people. All are vulnerable to COVID-19. When preparing meals or dining together, people come into close contact with each other. Droplets spread by coughing, sneezing and even talking in close proximity can directly transmit to the whole group, which can easily spread the disease and facilitate the prevalence of the disease. Therefore, reducing outings and avoiding gatherings and parties are important measures to interrupt the transmission of the disease.
People should strengthen personal protection by reducing visits to public places, especially locations that are crowded or poorly ventilated, such as shopping malls, restaurants, cinemas, stations, airports, wharves and exhibition centers. These public places are crowded with people from different locations and subject to high population mobility. It is easy for virus carriers to cause people-to-people transmission, incur infections, and spread the disease.



Case Fatality Rate

In addition to wearing facemasks when going out, washing hands is also one of the simplest and most effective ways to prevent infectious disease. In daily work and life, people may touch items contaminated by viruses and bacteria, and pathogens on their hands can get into their bodies through the mucosae of mouth, eyes and nose. Washing hands can easily and effectively interrupt transmission through mucosae and reduce the risk of COVID-19 infections.
To avoid transmission of the virus through contact with hands, people should avoid touching items and facilities at public places and wash hands frequently. They should wash hands under the following conditions:
* before putting on facemasks;
* before preparing and eating food;
* before touching, feeding or breastfeeding babies;
* after returning from outside;
* after taking off facemasks;
* after touching tears, nasal discharge, sputum and saliva;
* after coughing and sneezing;
* after caring for patients;
* after using the toilet;
* after touching public facilities or items (such as handrails, doorknobs, elevator buttons, coins and express parcels);
* after cleaning baby stools; and
* after touching animals or cleaning their stools.
People should avoid touching mouth, nose and eyes when not sure whether their hands are clean, and sneeze or cough into the elbow.
The correct method of hand washing is: Wash the hands with soap or liquid soap and running water, rub the hands for over 20 seconds each time, and make sure the palms, fingers, the back of the hands, nails, and the wrists and all other parts of the hands are cleaned. If running water is not available, use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer instead.



Health Monitoring and Going to Hospital

Fever, coughing, and breathing difficulties can be induced by respiratory infections and other severe diseases. People should closely monitor their health, adopt personal protection measures like wearing facemasks, and go to see a doctor quickly when they display symptoms like fever and coughing.
Citizens should monitor their own health and that of their family members, minimize close contact with people who have symptoms of respiratory diseases (such as fever, coughing or sneezing), and check their temperature if they feel feverish. If there are children, parents can touch their foreheads in the morning and evening, and check their temperature if they seem to have a fever.
People should go to local designated medical institutions for a health check, diagnosis and treatment should either of the following conditions apply: (1) they are displaying symptoms of respiratory infections such as fever (with axillary temperature ≥37.3℃), coughing and shortness of breath; or (2) they have traveled to or lived in Wuhan or its surrounding areas, or communities where confirmed cases have been reported, or have had contact, within 14 days before feeling ill, with patients who have fever and symptoms of respiratory infections and have traveled to or lived in Wuhan or surrounding areas or communities where confirmed cases have been reported, or have been involved in clustered cases.
On the way to see a doctor, people should wear a surgical mask or respirator of grade N95, avoid taking public transportation, and open the window of the vehicle they take. They should keep at least 1 meter from others on the way to and after arriving at the hospital. They should tell the doctor in detail about their condition, their recent travel and residence history, and their contact with people and animals, and cooperate with the doctor in all relevant investigations.



Maintaining Good Hygiene and Health Habits

During the outbreak of the COVID-19, taking good protective measures and maintaining good hygiene and health habits can effectively reduce the risk of infection. On January 27, the NHC released a Guidebook on Public Prevention of Novel Coronavirus-infected Pneumonia, which suggested the following ways to maintain good hygiene and health habits:
* Frequently open the windows of your house for better ventilation;
* Do not share towels with your family members;
* Keep your home and tableware clean;
* Expose your clothes and quilts regularly to sunlight;
* Do not spit;
* Wrap your oral and nasal secretions in tissue and throw them in a covered dustbin;
* Balance your nutrition and exercise moderately;
* Do not touch, buy and eat wild animals or game, and avoid visiting the market that sells live animals (poultry, seafood or wild animals);
* Have a thermometer, surgical or N95 masks, and domestic disinfectants at home.



No Touching, Buying and Eating of Wild Animals.

Wild animals refer to all animals that live in a natural environment without artificial rearing. Many wild animals carry multiple viruses that can be transmitted to humans through contact. Viruses like AIDS, Lyme disease, Ebola virus, Hendra virus, monkey pox, SARS, MERS, and novel coronavirus can spread to humans through wild animals.
China promulgated the Law on the Protection of Wildlife in 1988, which prohibits the sale, purchase and utilization of wildlife that is under special state protection and their products, and prohibits the production and sale of food made of wildlife that is under special state protection and associated products, or of food made of wildlife that is not under special state protection and its products without proof of legal source.
Since the outbreak of the COVID-19 epidemic, the prominent problem of eating wild animals and the huge potential danger to public health have aroused widespread concern. On February 24, 2020, the 16th plenary meeting of the Standing Committee of the 13th National People’s Congress decided to thoroughly ban the illegal trade in wildlife and eliminate the dangerous practice of eating wild animals, so as to effectively protect the eco-environment, public health, and human lives. People must not touch, hunt, sell, buy, process, or eat wild animals.



Family Prevention and Control

The family is the cell of society and an important line of defense against the epidemic. Among novel coronavirus cases, family infections are common. Gatherings of people in the same space for a long time can easily cause the virus to spread, and result in the infection of a whole family by one infected family member.
The Guidebook on Public Prevention of Novel Coronavirus-infected Pneumonia issued by the NHC made the following suggestions for family members:
* Avoid visiting areas where the disease is prevalent;
* Reduce visits to crowded public places, especially places with poor ventilation;
* Do not touch, buy and eat wild animals; avoid visiting markets that sell live animals; cook poultry, eggs and meat thoroughly;
* Keep your home clean and open windows frequently for better ventilation;
* Maintain hand hygiene;
* Wear a mask when going out;
* Keep good personal hygiene and health habits;
* Monitor the health of yourself and your family members;
* Keep necessary medical supplies at home, such as thermometer, disposable masks and domestic disinfectant.
The Guidance suggested that family members displaying suspect symptoms should put on a mask and seek prompt medical advice; when one family member is diagnosed with COVID-19, other members, if identified as close contacts, should undergo medical observation for a period of 14 days; patients and their close contacts should avoid close contact with other family members who have no symptoms; and the places where a family member with symptoms has stayed and the objects he/she frequently touches should be sterilized.



Prevention and Control in Public Places

Public places are where the general public take part in social activities, therefore they are a key link in the prevention and control of infectious diseases. These places influence people’s health and economic and social development.
On January 30, the Joint Prevention and Control Mechanism of the State Council published a Guide on Health Protection of Novel Coronavirus-infected Pneumonia in Public Places, listing suggestions and requirements for health protection in public places and workplaces where people often gather, such as hotels, shopping malls, cinemas, swimming pools, museums, waiting rooms and lounges, and office buildings.
* To keep public places hygienic, it is important to clean and disinfect the surfaces of objects. Spray or wipe surfaces with high frequency contact (elevator buttons, handrails and door handles) with disinfectants containing chlorine and with disinfectant wipes;
* Ensure disinfection of food and drinking utensils, sanitary ware, and textiles such as clothes, bedding and seat covers;
* Ventilate rooms well, with fresh air preferred;
* Clean air conditioning filters regularly, and close the air return channel if not in use;
* Ensure normal operation of hand washing facilities and adequate hand sanitizers, quick-dry hand disinfectants or inductive hand disinfection facilities;
* Strengthen garbage classification management; ensure timely collection and removal of garbage and regular disinfection and cleaning of garbage cans and other containers;
* Set an emergency area for temporary isolation and standard treatment of suspected or confirmed cases;
* Post health education materials about epidemic prevention and control in conspicuous places.
In terms of personal protection, staff should be mindful of personal protection, hand hygiene, and physical condition. People on the move should reduce gatherings and unnecessary outings. They must make sure of personal protection and hand hygiene if going out. In crowded public places, it is recommended to wear medical masks and wash hands frequently. Health monitoring and registration of visitors shall be carried out at office buildings and other places.



Prevention and Control on Public Transportation

Public transportation involves large flows of people, diverse source of travelers, and high risks of close contact. It is difficult to prevent the spread of disease by taking only disinfection measures to cut off transmission routes. Measures such as strengthening personnel management, environmental sanitation and disinfection, and health education should be employed to ensure the safety and health of passengers.
The NHC provided recommendations on hygienic protection of public transportation such as planes, trains, subways, buses and ships in the Guidebook on Public Prevention of Novel Coronavirus-infected Pneumonia released on January 27. On January 29, the Joint Prevention and Control Mechanism of the State Council issued a notice on applying the Technical Guidelines for Disinfection of Public Transportation, which provided suggestions on disinfecting cars, trains, planes and ships to prevent the spread of the novel coronavirus through vehicles.
The suggestions included:
* Public transportation staff on duty in epidemic areas should wear surgical or N95 masks, and carry out daily health monitoring;
* Public transportation staff should carry thermometers, masks and other health-related items;
* Increase the frequency of cleaning and disinfection of public transportation vehicles, and keep records and traces;
* Maintain good ventilation;
* Keep stations and carriages clean and tidy, and clear garbage promptly;
* Have proper work schedules and rotating shifts to ensure staff get enough rest.



Office Prevention and Control

Office prevention and control involves epidemic prevention and control management in the workplace. As people return to work, office areas are repopulated with high densities of staff with multiple functions who are likely to be present for extended periods. This increases the difficulty of prevention and control.
The Prevention and Control Protocol for Novel Coronavirus (1st Edition), released by the NHC on January 29, provided a guide to workplace prevention and control:
* The staff should monitor their own health.
* Employees should not come to work should they experience symptoms suggestive of novel coronavirus pneumonia (such as fever, cough, pharyngalgia, chest distress, breathing difficulties, fatigue, nausea, diarrhea, conjunctivitis, and muscle soreness).
* People with symptoms indicative of coronavirus should not be admitted to the workplace.
* Regularly clean and disinfect public goods and items or elements that are frequently touched.
* Maintain indoor ventilation in the workplace;
* Ensure sufficient hand sanitizers and proper operation of water supply facilities in the washroom;
* Keep the workplace clean and tidy, and remove garbage promptly.
Various localities also adopted detailed measures for the prevention and control of office areas. These included:
* Specify responsibilities of each unit in the office area;
* The operator of the building where the office is located should draw up a list of tenants, and register visitors and check their temperatures at the building or courtyard entrance;
* Make targeted work plans for prevention and control;
* Strengthen staff health monitoring;
* Conduct risk analysis and work out counter measures for key posts and key departments;
* Optimize workflow to reduce the risk of infection;
* Adopt flexible work hours;
* Reduce unnecessary meetings and other gatherings;
* Maintain indoor ventilation;
* Reinforce daily cleaning and preventive disinfection.



Prevention and Control in Nursing Homes

The elderly are a vulnerable and high-risk group with a weak capacity for self-protection. Institutions for the rehabilitation, nursing, and care of the elderly should take protective measures.
In late January 2020, the Ministry of Civil Affairs issued a notice requesting all localities to make every effort to prevent and control the novel coronavirus in elderly care institutions to ensure the safety and health of senior citizens.
According to the Prevention and Control Protocol for Novel Coronavirus (1st Edition), major measures to be taken by the elderly care institutions included daily preventive measures and counter measures should elderly people displaying symptoms give cause for concern.
During the epidemic, elderly care institutions were recommended to perform closed management. Technically they should not receive visitors from outside, the elderly should not leave the institutions, and the institutions should not accept new arrivals. Any residents who had to go out should be put under close observation after returning to the nursing home.
Elderly care institutions should establish health records for staff and residents, and conduct daily morning check-ups and health registration. All visitors were to be registered and wear surgical masks; the elderly were to be encouraged to wash hands frequently and keep their rooms clean and tidy.
Should a resident display symptoms giving cause for concern, depending on the situation the institution should promptly arrange a single room for quarantine, ask medical staff to assess their health status, and suspend their visits, or send them to the appropriate medical institution for treatment.



Prevention and Control in Kindergartens and Schools

Kindergartens and schools are places where young children and students who are vulnerable to diseases and easily suffer cross-infection live together.
To provide guidance to schools on epidemic prevention and control, protect the health of children and teachers, and maintain normal teaching order, the leading group on virus prevention of the Ministry of Education on March 12 released a series of guides on COVID-19 prevention and control in kindergartens, primary and middle schools, and colleges and universities.
To ensure epidemic prevention and control, the students should do the following:
* Stay at home for a 14-day observation period before returning to school if they had traveled from or resided in any area hit hard by the epidemic (such as Wuhan);
* Monitor their body temperature and health every day after returning to school, reduce unnecessary outdoor activities and avoid contact with others;
* Properly wear surgical or N95 masks when in close contact with their teachers and schoolmates, and minimize the scope of activities.
Schools should do the following:
* Monitor the health of students, take their body temperature twice a day, and keep records of absence, early leave and leave;
* Report to epidemic management staff should any student display symptoms giving cause for concern, and cooperate with medical and health institutions in the management of close contacts and disinfection work;
* Avoid organizing large-scale collective activities;
* Ensure ventilation and cleaning in public areas such as classrooms, dormitories, libraries, activity centers, canteens, auditoriums, teacher offices and toilets, and equip these places with hand sanitizers and hand disinfectants;
* Provide online teaching and catch-up lessons for students who miss classes due to the epidemic or illness;
* Arrange replacement exams for students who miss exams due to illness.



Prevention and Control for the Elderly

Elderly people with weak immune systems are a high-risk category, vulnerable to infectious diseases. They represent the majority of severe and critical cases among COVID-19 patients.
On January 28, the NHC issued a notice on epidemic prevention and control among the elderly, requiring effective measures to reduce infections, severe cases and deaths. The Office of the National Working Committee on Aging published a letter calling for senior citizens to take scientific precautions and not to panic; reduce outdoor activities and use personal protection; balance nutrition and ensure food hygiene; exercise moderately; and take heed of protective advice.
According to the Prevention and Control Protocol for Novel Coronavirus (1st Edition), the main prevention and control measures for the elderly included:
* Learn necessary methods of personal protection, keep hands clean, and maintain hygiene and health habits;
* Avoid sharing personal items, ensure good ventilation, and use disinfectant;
* Wash hand frequently;
* Adopt self-quarantine, avoid close contact with others in case of symptoms giving cause for concern, and ask medical staff to assess their health status and send them to a medical institution for treatment if required;
* Wear surgical masks and avoid taking public transportation when going to hospital;
* Anyone who has not taken effective protection when in close contact with someone with symptoms giving cause for concern should be registered immediately and put under medical observation;
* Reduce unnecessary gatherings, dinner parties and other group activities, and avoid collective dining.
If an elderly person is diagnosed with the novel coronavirus, their close contacts need to undergo 14 days of medical observation. Should the patient leave the establishment (in case of hospitalization or death), the residence must be disinfected immediately.



Prevention and Control for Children

Children are one of the groups vulnerable to the novel coronavirus. On February 2, the Joint Prevention and Control Mechanism of the State Council issued a notice on ensuring effective protection of children and pregnant women.
According to the Prevention and Control Protocol for Novel Coronavirus (1st Edition), the main prevention and control measures for children included:
* Reduce outdoor activities as much as possible, avoid crowded or poorly ventilated spaces, and avoid visiting relatives and friends or having contact with people who have symptoms of respiratory tract infection;
* Employ effective protection such as wearing a facial mask while out of the home;
* Cover mouth and nose with tissue or elbow when sneezing or coughing;
* Go promptly to hospital with parents in case of a fever or illness;
* Parents should improve room ventilation, and disinfection the home to create a clean living environment;
* After returning from public areas, parents should wash hands and change clothes before having contact with children;
* Parents should teach children how to wash their hands properly, urge children to wash their hands frequently, avoid touching public objects, balance nutrition and exercise moderately, work and rest regularly, and should help children develop good health habits.



Prevention and Control for Students

Student health involves thousands of families, a top priority in epidemic prevention and control. On January 29, the Ministry of Education proposed that all regions postpone the new school term during the epidemic prevention and control period, and primary and middle schools “not suspend teaching and learning” during the period.
According to the Prevention and Control Protocol for Novel Coronavirus (1st Edition), students should do the following:
* Stay at home or in a designated place for 14-day medical observation after their departure if they have traveled from or resided in an area hit hard by the epidemic (such as Wuhan) during the winter vacation;
* Stay at home, reduce visits to relatives and friends, parties and collective dining, and reduce visits to crowded public areas;
* Conduct daily health monitoring and report to the person designated by the community or school.
* Return to school at the end of winter vacation if there are no symptoms giving cause for concern;
* Report to the school if there are any such symptoms, seek timely medical advice, and return to school after recovery;
* Wear surgical or N95 masks on public transportation on the way back to school, follow hand hygiene, do health monitoring, and avoid close contact with people with symptoms giving cause for concern;
* If you have any symptoms, wear a surgical or N95 mask during your journey, avoid contact with others, and seek timely medical advice depending on the situation;
* Inform the doctor about travel and residence history, conserve travel tickets and information, and cooperate with any investigation about close contacts.



Prevention and Control for People Who Have Traveled or Resided in an Epidemic Area

According to the Guidebook on Public Prevention of Novel Coronavirus-infected Pneumonia, released by the NHC on January 29, people who have lived or traveled in epidemic areas like Wuhan in the previous two weeks should take prevention and control measures, including registration, quarantine, and seeking medical attention as appropriate.
Specifically, they should do the following:
* Register at local community or village administration as soon as possible, and avoid outdoor activities, especially visits to crowded public places;
* Monitor their health twice a day for 14 consecutive days starting from the day of leaving the epidemic area;
* Stay alone or in a well-ventilated single room, if possible, and minimize close contact with family members;
* Seek medical advice immediately if they have any symptom related to COVID-19 (such as fever, cough, sore throat, chest distress, breathing difficulties, mildly poor appetite, fatigue, feebleness, nausea or vomiting, diarrhea, headache, palpitation, conjunctivitis, mild myalgia in limbs or the lumbodorsal area);
* On the way to hospital, wear a surgical or N95 mask, and avoid taking public transportation; keep the car windows open for good ventilation; keep the mask on and hands clear at all times; and stay at least one meter from other people;
* Disinfectants containing chlorine or peracetic acid are recommended to sterilize all surfaces of a vehicle if it is contaminated by the respiratory secretions or body fluids of someone at risk of carrying the virus.



Prevention and Control for People Under Home Quarantine

Home quarantine is a scientific and an important means to prevent the virus from spreading. The Guidelines on Medical Observation at Home for COVID-19 Prevention and Control (Trial), released by the NHC on February 5, detailed the measures for people under home quarantine and their family members/roommates, and for staff conducting follow-up visits to them.
According to its suggestions, people under home quarantine and medical observation should do the following:
* Stay in a well-ventilated room, and keep the windows open for ventilation but the door closed;
* Open the window of their room for ventilation before opening the door that connects to where family members or roommates live;
* Avoid leaving the room, and wear a surgical mask, wash or sanitize hands before going out, if they must;
* Minimize contacts with family members or roommates, keep a distance of at least one meter from them, and try to remain downwind of them;
* Do not use the central air-conditioning;
* Get adequate rest and nutrition, and eat and drink in their own room;
* Timeshare bathrooms, and after usage, keep the bathroom ventilated, and use alcohol and other disinfectants to sterilize all the surfaces of objects that are subject to physical contact;
* Practice the Cough Etiquette: covering mouth and nose with a tissue when coughing; no spitting; and putting all used tissues and masks into special waste receptacles with covers;
* Clean and disinfect immediately all objects they have used;
* Follow the notice for medical observation at home and measure body temperature every morning and afternoon or anytime they think they might have a fever;
* Contact staff at the quarantine center if they develop acute respiratory symptoms such as fever, cough, and panting.
If family members, roommates, property management company, cleaning and security staff, and other people need to come into contact with the person under medical observation at home, it is recommended to correctly put on, wear and remove a protective suit.



Prevention and Control for Fever Patients at Home

Winter and spring see high incidences of respiratory infections. Common colds, influenza and COVID-19 can all lead to fever, but their other symptoms differ. The symptoms of a common cold are obvious in the upper respiratory tract, such as sneezing, runny nose, and sore throat, and also there may be some mild general symptoms with transient fever or no fever. People with influenza may have severe general symptoms, often including high fevers, and other signs such as feeling chills, headaches, body aches, runny or stuffy nose, dry cough, chest pain, nausea, and lack of appetite. The main symptoms of COVID-19 are fever, fatigue, and dry cough. A few patients also have runny or stuffy noses, diarrhea and other signs.
According to the Prevention and Control Protocol for Novel Coronavirus (1st Edition), home quarantine is recommended for those with symptoms of fever and cough if any of the following conditions is met: (1) body temperature below 38℃, mild symptoms without obvious shortness of breath, tachypnea, chest distress, or breathing difficulties, and steady vital signs including breath, blood pressure and heart rate; (2) no severe underlying disorder in the respiratory or cardiovascular system, and no severe obesity.
As advised in the Protocol, fever patients at home should get good rest, keep a light and well-balanced diet, and take warm water instead of cold drinks to ensure normal functions of the spleen and stomach. Unprescribed or improper use of antibiotics should be avoided. Separate meals are encouraged at home. They should wear a mask correctly, and maintain at least 1.5-meter distance from other family members
For symptoms of feeling chills, fever, myalgia and cough, Chinese patent medicines (CPMs) for releasing heat, dissipating cold, detoxifying, and diffusing the lung to suppress cough can be taken; for fatigue, nausea, loss of appetite, and diarrhea, CPMs for resolving dampness and releasing the exterior; for fever and obvious sore throat, CPMs for releasing heat, detoxifying, and soothing the throat; and for fever and poor bowel movement, Chinese medicine preparations for relaxing the bowels and purging heat can be added.
If the temperature of a fever patient at home rises above 38.5℃, such measures as warm and wet towels and ice packs could be used for physical cooling, and oral administration of CPMs for releasing heat, easing pain, and detoxifying is recommended.
If the high temperature remains for more than 2 hours and symptoms such as chest distress, shortness of breath, increased heart rate, diarrhea or vomiting develop, it is advised to visit a designated hospital or fever clinic.
If the respiratory frequency is higher than 30/minute, and there are symptoms of breathing difficulties and blue lips, call 120 for first aid to have the patient moved to a designated hospital or fever clinic by medical personnel.



Prevention and Control for Suspected Cases

In the Protocol for Novel Coronavirus-infected Pneumonia Prevention and Control (2nd Edition), released on January 22, the NHC laid out guidelines for monitoring patients, epidemiological investigations, management of suspect exposures and close contacts, and technical guidelines for laboratory testing. Nine prevention and control measures, including strengthening organization and leadership, case detection and reporting, and epidemiological investigation, were provided to guide healthcare facilities and disease control centers at all levels on monitoring, detecting and reporting infections.
According to the Protocol, the definition of suspected cases considers both clinical and epidemiological factors. There are three clinical manifestations: fever; radiographic imaging consistent with pneumonia; and normal or decreased white blood cell count, or decreased lymphocyte count in the early stages of the disease. The epidemiological history includes: history of travel to or residence in Wuhan within 14 days prior to the onset of the disease; contact with a patient from Wuhan with fever and respiratory symptoms within 14 days prior to the onset of the disease; clustered cases; or an epidemiological relation with a confirmed case. A suspected case is defined as having all the three clinical manifestations plus any of the epidemiological history criteria.
It is stated in the Protocol that if patients who meet the definitions of suspected or confirmed cases are identified, healthcare facilities should conduct epidemiological investigations and lab testing, collect specimens, and strengthen measures for quarantine, disinfection, prevention and control. Suspected cases should be quarantined and treated in single rooms.



Prevention and Control for Visits to Medical Institutions

In the Guide on Protecting People Against Different Risks of Novel Coronavirus Infection, released on January 30, the NHC provided the following advice to individuals who need to visit a medical institution:
* Wear a surgical mask and keep hands clean;
* Avoid taking subway, bus or other public transportation, and avoid going to crowded places;
* Inform medical staff of any history of travel to or residence in any region affected by the epidemic, and any contacts with others, and cooperate with the medical institution’s investigations.
Medical institutions should strengthen patient management, allocate medical staff properly, and reduce the risks of hospital-acquired infection. When a suspected or confirmed case is identified, quarantine or containment should be taken in accordance with law, and medical observation and other necessary precautions should be provided to the patient escorts and other close contacts. Institutions not authorized to treat COVID-19 should transfer any patients to a designated hospital in a timely manner.

Jointly presented by 
Academy of Contemporary China and World Studies China Report Press 
Producer: CHEN Shi, YU Yunquan 
Publisher: YANG Ping, YIN Jie 
Editor-in-chief: FAN Daqi, DONG Yan 
Editor: SHEN Yang, YANG Yi, CHEN Ke 
Art Director: CHEN Qiang 
Photo Director: LIU Rong 
Art Editor: LIU Li



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