
The Bridge Newsletter(Nov.)新法速递十一月刊


Monthly Newsletter of the New Laws and Regulations in China



Email:Lawyerxugz@163.com Wechat:13760676956Whatsapp:+8613760676956地址:广州市天河区珠江新城珠江东路16号高德置地冬广场G座24楼和25楼Add:24F and 25F, G Tower, GT Land, No.16 Zhujiang East Road, Zhujiang New Town, Tianhe District, Guangzhou, China








Guangdong Kingbridge Law Firm
Since 1995



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SAFE Releases the Measures for the Determination of Administrative Penalties for Foreign Exchange Administration

      Recently, the State Administration of Foreign Exchange ("SAFE") has issued the Measures for the Determination of Administrative Penalties for Foreign Exchange Administration (the "Measures"), with effect on the date of issuance.
       The Measures, consisting of four chapters and 18 articles, detail the circumstances under which penalties shall be imposed for foreign exchange administration as well as the range of penalties. Under the Measures, those who voluntarily confess illegal acts that the administrative agency has not yet known or cooperate with the administrative agency in investigating and punishing the illegal acts with meritorious service shall be given a lighter or mitigated administrative punishment. The Measures clarify that a director, supervisor, senior manager, or any other directly liable person of a financial institution who deliberately violates regulations for seeking illegal benefits, or who prompts other persons to violate regulations through coercion, collusion or instigation, shall be given a waring and fined not less than CNY50,000 but not more than CNY500,000, in addition to imposition of punishment on the financial institution.



Four Authorities to Launch 2021 Intelligent Manufacturing Demonstration Action 

      The General Office of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology ("MIIT") and three other authorities have issued the Circular on Launching the 2021 Intelligent Manufacturing Demonstration Action (the "Circular").
    According to the Circular, the demonstration will cover the outstanding scenarios for intelligent manufacturing, the demonstration factories for intelligent manufacturing and the pilot areas for intelligent manufacturing. Relevant key work in six aspects is specified, including selection of typical scenarios for intelligent manufacturing, identification of the key tasks for the demonstration factories, and the building of demonstration factories. The Circular further clarifies that relevant conditions for recommendation involve seven contents, for example, "the subject of the applicant shall be an enterprise registered in the People's Republic of China, with independent legal personality (for petroleum, petrochemical, non-ferrous metal and other industries with special circumstances, branch of the legal person is allowed), and shall have good economic performance and good credit records in the past three years". The Implementation Plan for Intelligent Manufacturing Demonstration Action and other documents are issued along with the Circular.







The People's Bank of China ("PBC") and the State Administration of Foreign Exchange ("SAFE") have recently solicited comments on the Circular on Relevant Matters Concerning the Support for the Development of New Offshore International Trade (Draft for Comment) by November 26, 2021.
The Draft for Comment stresses the efforts to (1) standardize the definitions of new offshore international trade; (2) detail the requirements on the banks' business operations; (3) clarify the requirements on the banks' review; (4) implement integrated management of domestic and foreign currencies; (5) strengthen risk monitoring and control. The Draft for Comment requires the banks to conduct due diligence review from the perspectives of strengthening ex ante due diligence, implementing customer classification, optimizing business review, and enhancing ex post monitoring, and further improve service level. Regarding the new offshore international trade, the Draft for Comment calls for the banks to adopt the concept of "valuing substance over form" during the review, independently determine the types of transaction documents to be reviewed according to the business principle, and ensure that the transactions are truthful, lawful, and commercially reasonable and feasible.

Two Authorities Seek Comments on the Circular on Relevant Matters Concerning the Support for the Development of New Offshore International Trade 


The China National Intellectual Property Administration ("CNIPA") has recently issued the Measures for the Registration of Pledge of Patent Rights (2021 Version) (the "Measures") for implementation from the date of issuance.
The Measures propose material revisions to Articles 6, 7 and 10, which are of great significance. The texts of the remaining provisions are also revised for the purpose of adjusting orders, streamlining contents, and standardizing expressions. The revisions to the main provisions involve: (1) promoting the pledge registration procedures by means of commitment; (2) reducing the circumstances for unnecessary registration; (3) shortening the time limit required for registration review; (4) optimizing relevant registration services. Among others, the Measures specify that the party concerned may choose to register the pledge of a patent right by means of commitment, and when a commitment letter is submitted, identity certificate, certificate for change, certificate for deregistration, and other evidential materials are no longer required. The CNIPA will strengthen in-process and ex-post regulation and will lawfully impose disciplinary measures for dishonesty to those who make false commitment.


CNIPA Issues the Revised Measures for the Registration of Pledge of Patent Rights 







Recently, the China National Intellectual Property Administration ("CNIPA") has issued the Guide on Trademark Examination and Adjudication (the "Guide"), with effect on January 1, 2022.
The Guide consists of two parts, respectively regulating the formality examination and trademark affairs as well as trademark examination and adjudication. Among them, the part "trademark examination and adjudication" includes the examination and adjudication of: (a) malicious trademark registration applications that are not intended for use, (b) marks that cannot be used as trademarks, (c) distinctive features of trademarks, (d) identical and similar trademarks, and (e) three-dimensional mark trademarks. With the "examination and adjudication of malicious trademark registration applications that are not intended for use" as an example, the Guide lists the legal basis, interpretation, applicable elements, consideration factors, applicable scenarios, typical cases, etc., with a view to ensuring the uniform application of laws and implementation of unform standards in the whole process of trademark examination and adjudication.

CNIPA Issues the Guide on Trademark Examination and Adjudication


Recently, the Ministry of Culture and Tourism ("MCT") has issued the Implementing Rules of the Administrative Regulations on Commercial Performances (Revised Draft) (the "Revised Draft") for public comments by December 17, 2021.
The Revised Draft makes eight adjustments to the original rules, among which four are deleted and four are revised. Specifically, one is to amend the clauses that are inconsistent with the Administrative Regulations on Commercial Performances (Revised in 2020); and the other is to amend some clauses on the supervision of the performance market. The Revised Draft stipulates that, the relevant provisions on the documents required to be submitted by performance brokerage institutions and performance venue operators legally registered in the Mainland by investors from Hong Kong SAR, Macao SAR, and Taiwan, as well as by performance brokerage institutions and performance venue operators legally registered in China by foreign investors for applying to engage in commercial performance operation activities, stipulated in Articles 10, 13 and 15 of the original rules will be consolidated and incorporated respectively into Article 8 and Article 10 of the new rules.


MCT to Amend Implementing Rules of the Administrative Regulations on Commercial Performances 







SASAC Bans Central Enterprises' Provision of Guarantees for Nongroup Companies 

         Recently, the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission ("SASAC") of the State Council has issued the Circular on Strengthening the Management of Financing Guarantees of Central Enterprises (the "Circular").
     The Circular regulates central enterprises from eight aspects: improving the financing guarantee management system, strengthening budget management of financing guarantee, strictly restricting the entities for which financing guarantee is provided, and strictly controlling the scale of financing guarantee, etc. The Circular emphasizes that, a central enterprise is strictly prohibited from providing any form of guarantee to nongroup companies in which it holds no stakes. It is also not allowed to provide guarantees for sub-companies or affiliated companies that are unable to maintain ongoing operations because they are subject to reorganization or insolvency and liquidation proceedings, become insolvent, operate at loss for three consecutive years or more and have negative operating net cash flows; it is not allowed to provide guarantee for its financial sub-companies; and sub-companies in a group that do not have a direct equity relationship shall not provide guarantee for each other. If the guarantee is really needed under any of the above three scenarios due to objective circumstances and the risks are controllable, the approval of the group's board of directors is required.

中央网信办:加强娱乐明星网上信息规范 建立负面清单 


China to Regulate Online Information Involving Entertainment Celebrities and Establish a Negative List 

     The Office of the Central Cyberspace Affairs Commission has recently issued the Circular on Further Strengthening Relevant Work to Regulate the Online Information Involving Entertainment Celebrities (the "Circular").
      The Circular proposes 15 measures in four aspects, namely, content orientation, information presentation, account management, and public opinion mechanism. The Circular requires strictly controlling the content orientation for the online information involving entertainment celebrities, strengthening positive guidance, establishing a negative list, and prohibiting the use of such information to promote any abnormal aesthetics, hype any vulgar news or scandal, maliciously generate huge number of comments, or manipulate comments, make false and inaccurate disclosures, and induce irrational celebrity worshipping. Depending on its attributes, influence and other factors, online information involving entertainment celebrities will be divided into six types, such as performance and work, personal post, commercial activity, and public announcement. The Circular sets forth the requirements for the homepage and home screen on websites and platforms, trending recommendations, trending search list, as well as other aspects, in an effort to standardize the information presentation of the online information involving entertainment celebrities.







CNIPA Issues the Guide on Trademark Examination and Adjudication 

    Recently, the China National Intellectual Property Administration ("CNIPA") has issued the Guide on Trademark Examination and Adjudication (the "Guide"), with effect on January 1, 2022.
   The Guide consists of two parts, respectively regulating the formality examination and trademark affairs as well as trademark examination and adjudication. Among them, the part "trademark examination and adjudication" includes the examination and adjudication of: (a) malicious trademark registration applications that are not intended for use, (b) marks that cannot be used as trademarks, (c) distinctive features of trademarks, (d) identical and similar trademarks, and (e) three-dimensional mark trademarks. With the "examination and adjudication of malicious trademark registration applications that are not intended for use" as an example, the Guide lists the legal basis, interpretation, applicable elements, consideration factors, applicable scenarios, typical cases, etc., with a view to ensuring the uniform application of laws and implementation of unform standards in the whole process of trademark examination and adjudication.



SPP Introduces 21 Opinions to Serve and Guarantee the Development of Hainan FTP 

     The Supreme People's Procuratorate ("SPP") has recently issued the Opinions on Fully Performing the Procuratorial Functions to Serve and Guarantee the Development of Hainan Free Trade Port.
    The Opinions call for accurately defining the boundaries between lawful financial innovation and financial crimes, punishing all types of new financial criminal activities during the implementation of financial policies for the Hainan Free Trade Port (FTP), such as illegal use of cross-border direct investment and transactions, illegal cross-border financing, and illegal cross-border securities investment and financing, imposing heavier punishment against money laundering crimes, and ensuring that the policies for investment liberalization and facilitation are effectively implemented in Hainan. The Opinions stress the need to reinforce the judicial protection of intellectual property, comprehensively raise the rights holders' awareness of their rights and obligations in the criminal cases of intellectual property infringement, and enhance the transparency of case handling; further strengthen the judicial protection of intellectual property in key industries that involve major national strategic needs, major scientific research projects, and key core technologies, such as new-generation information technology, high-end manufacturing, intelligent manufacturing, the internet, and biomedicine. The Opinions add that attention shall be given to the hot topics involving people's livelihood, and efforts will be made to actively and steadily expand the scope of public interest litigation.





Recently, the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security ("MOHRSS") has issued the Circular on Issues concerning Vocational College Graduates' Participation in the Open Recruitment of Public Institutions (the "Circular").
The Circular requires that, public institutions must establish the correct concept of selection and employment, break with the practice of only hiring from prestigious schools and those with academic qualifications, and earnestly safeguard and ensure that graduates of vocational colleges (including technical colleges, the same below) have legal right to participate in public institutions' open recruitment and have an equal opportunity to compete for positions. Additionally, the Circular proposes the actions to encourage and guide graduates of vocational colleges to actively participate in the cause of rural revitalization, and that graduates of vocational colleges and those of ordinary colleges and universities equally enjoy the preferential policy of open recruitment of grassroots public institutions in difficult and remote areas. Where grassroots public institutions in key counties receiving assistance for rural revitalization need to recruit skilled workers of urgently needed, they may carry out special recruitment actions targeted graduates of vocational colleges.



MOHRSS: No Restriction on Graduates' Educational Institutions in the Recruitment of Public Institutions 


GACC Issues Standards for Advanced Customs-Certified Enterprises


       The General Administration of Customs (GACC) has recently issued the Announcement [2021] No. 88 to promulgate the Standards for Advanced Customs-Certified Enterprises (hereinafter referred to as "Standards"), which are to come into force on November 1, 2021.
      The Standards include general standards and eight specific standards for eight types of enterprises, including consignees and consignees of imports and exports, customs brokers, general foreign trade service enterprises etc. The general standards cover four categories of standards: internal control, financial standing, compliance with laws, and trade security. In terms of internal audit control, it is required that: 1. an internal audit system should be established and implemented for import and export activities; 2. At least one internal audit should be conducted every year, on which written or electronic files should be maintained; and 3. an enterprise already awarded the advanced certification should conduct an internal audit on its continuous compliance with the standards for advanced certified enterprises every year. For cross-border e-commerce platform enterprises, the Standards require them to establish a consumer rights protection system and fulfill the obligations of reminding and informing consumers.





The Cyberspace Administration of China ("CAC") has recently issued the Measures for Security Assessment of Cross-border Transfer of Data (Draft for Comment) (the "Draft for Comment") to solicit public opinions by November 28, 2021.
The Draft for Comment specifies that the security assessment of data cross-border transfer shall combine ex-ante evaluation and continuous supervision, and combine self-risk assessment and security assessment, so as to prevent any security risk in data cross-border transfer and guarantee the lawful, orderly and free flow of data. To transfer any data outside China, a data processor shall apply to the national cyberspace department for the security assessment of data cross-border transfer via the provincial cyberspace department of the place where the data processor is located, if having any of six circumstances, such as "there are personal information and important data collected and generated by an operator of critical information infrastructure". Meanwhile, the Draft for Comment also requires data processors to conduct a self-risk assessment before providing any data outside China, in which attention should be paid to matters in six kinds, including "whether the purpose, scope, method and other aspects  in respect of the cross-border transfer data and the processing of overseas receiving party are lawful, legitimate and necessary".



CAC Seeks Comments on Measures for Security Assessment of Cross-border Transfer of Data 


MIIT Issues the Development Plan for the Big Data Industry during the "14th Five-Year Plan" Period 


    Recently, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology ("MIIT") has issued the Development Plan for the Big Data Industry during the "14th Five-Year Plan" Period (the "Plan").
      The Plan, based on the definitions and connotations concerning the big data industry set forth in the 13th Five-Year Plan, further emphasizes the value of data elements. The Plan is divided into five chapters, which include six key tasks, six special actions, and six support measures. Among them, the six key tasks are to (1) accelerate the cultivation of the data element market; (2) give play to the unique advantages of big data; (3) consolidate the foundation for industry development; (4) build a stable and efficient industrial chain; (5) create a prosperous and orderly industrial ecology; and (6) build a strong line of defense for data security. The Plan, centering on the whole process of measurement, exchange and distribution of the value of data elements, calls for efforts to build a data value system, improve element market rules, and enhance the role of data element in allocation, and to promote the market-oriented allocation of data elements.





Guangdong Kingbridge Law Firm


        Guangdong Kingbridge Law Firm, established in 1995, is one of the earlist partnership law firms in China, Kingbridge has been transformed to the special limited partnership law firm in 2016. The firm has a team consisting of 400 professionals lawyers who are result driven. with Foshan, Zhongshan, Jiangmen, Changsha, Sanya branch offices and 22 professional sectors in Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area and South China, Kingbridge has become the full service law firm.
        The aim of the Kingbridge firm is to provide clear, concise and practical advice with time bound deliverables to support its clients' business objectives. Its innovative and pragmatic solutions extend beyond practices and borders to suit clients' business needs. The team of professionals understand issues across a broad spectrum of business and legal practices. This fluency allows the firm to bring the right talent and knowledge to deliver commercially pragmatic advice.

International Legal Sector 

       金桥百信涉外法律部由专业的涉外律师团队组成(中国司法部公布的涉外律师人才,广东省涉外律师人才),有丰富的涉外法律服务经验,尤其在跨境投资(对境外投资以及外商来华投资)、跨境并购、国际商事争议解决机制 (国际诉讼和国际商事仲裁)等方面有着丰富的法律服务经验,对“一带一路”沿线国家和大湾区的法律环境熟悉,高效为全球化、多语种、多类型的客户提供有效便捷的法律服务。
        涉外法律部的律师大多毕业于国内外法律名校,经过多年的耕耘和精炼,积累了丰富的经验和熟练的技能。已经先后为来自超过35个国家的客户提供专业法律服务,并且与国外50多家律所建立了长期的合作关系。金桥百信的专业律师团队提供有效、及时和切实可行的解决方案, 这也正是众多客户选择金桥百信的原因。

       The International legal sector is consisted of excellent foreign Elite lawyers(The listed foreign Elite Lawyers of Ministry of Justice of China, Guangdong International Leading Elite Lawyer), with skilled experience especially in the cross-border investment. 
      Especially most lawyers of International legal service sector are graduated from the famous university in domestic or abroad, and the professional team already served the foreign clients from more than 35 countries, and also our law firm already establish the close legal cooperation with more than 50 law firms in the world, The firm’s expertise coupled with effective, timely and practical legal solutions are the factors which are predominant in choosing the firm by the clients.
     Our international sector will provide high quality service for you through our international team of professionals with different backgrounds and educations.



Email: Lawyerxugz@163.com 
Add:24F and 25F, Tower G, GT Land, No.16 Zhujiang East Road,  Zhujiang New Town, Tianhe District, 
Guangzhou, China
Post Code:510600

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