


  HI, 墨







ink brand 


 Ink wind vane


ink and art


ink evaluation 


traditional plant dying


stationary  explore


鲶鱼墨水如雷贯耳,除了它名字罕见,更多是因为他颜色丰富、价格低廉、还有鲶鱼老板兼所有墨水的开发人内森·塔迪夫(Nathan Tardif)亲自设计的墨水瓶上标签纸及其承载的政治信念。这个品牌的名字Noodler’s和鲶鱼标志都是源自空手潜水捕捉鲶鱼的活动。


Tardiff admires the egalitarianism embodied in catching catfish by diving empty-handed, when neither money nor connections can give you any advantage underwater. So he brought the concept of egalitarianism to all aspects of his catfish ink products as well. In order to formulate inks that are affordable to as many people as possible, he insists that all ink ingredients be purchased as locally as possible, and at the lowest possible price without losing money.

Catfish ink is familiar, not only because of its rare name, but also because of its rich colors, low price, and the label on the bottle designed by NATHAN TARDIF, the owner of Catfish and developer of all the inks, and the political beliefs it carries. The brand's name, NOODLER'S, and the catfish logo are both derived from the activity of diving empty-handed to catch catfish.


墨水风向标     ink  wind vane



robert oster











继2020年发售的SHIKIORI -四季织一雨声系列钢笔之后,墨水登场了。钢笔是以雨的名称来命名的,而墨水则是以联想到雨的拟声词来命名的。通过季节变化的草木的姿态,以及雨和雨后的印象的色彩,描绘出略带刺鼻的淡色。
·20ml·56RMB   墨盒:3瓶·含税20RMB





金线液·全23色·金线15g· 93RMB
















《客中作》 唐   李白

墨水与艺术ink and art

         The Guest in lanling     Tang. Li Bai
   The wine of Lanling smells like lush gold.
    The jade bowl is filled with amber light.
    But if the host can make the guest drunk
   I don't know where is the other country.

墨水与艺术ink  and art


In terms of the film's title, "A City Full of Golden Armor", this line is taken from the last line of Huang Chao's "Fugue Chrysanthemum After No First".This movie gives us an audio-visual feast to enjoy. Golden glaze, openwork carved corridors, golden uniform costumes, ornaments, headdresses, gorgeous carpets ......, warm-toned items are extremely luxurious, but it is through such exaggeration that the film allows the viewer to truly feel the extravagance and prosperity. In fact, beneath the surface of opulence, full of dirt, mother and son fornication, husband and wife rebellion, brother mutilation, everything is carried out under the magnificent appearance.What is tragedy? As Lu Xun said: tragedy is the destruction of beautiful things for people to see.All the beauty is destroyed in the Great War of the Chrysanthemum Festival, from vividness to death, from integrity to brokenness, and from yellow chrysanthemums all over the ground, with very layered and conflicting colors. The war is over, a very short period of time, thousands of yellow chrysanthemums a pot repositioned on the countertop, bright and heavy carpet was replaced with a new one, the war left a full step of the stinging blood was washed clean. Everything has regained its prosperous and graceful skin. The chrysanthemum is broken, full of wounds.

         从影片名字来说,《满城尽带黄金甲》,这一句取自黄巢的《不第后赋菊》的最后一句。 这部电影给我们享受了一场视听盛宴。黄金的琉璃,镂雕的走廊,金色统一的服饰,摆设,头饰,华丽的地毯……,暖色调的物品极尽奢华,但是影片正是通过这样的夸张,让看客们真切地感受到奢靡与繁荣。事实上,在富丽堂皇的表面之下,满是污垢,母子私通、夫妻反目、兄弟相残,一切都在华丽的外表之下进行着。 什么是悲剧呢,正如鲁迅所说的:悲剧就是把美好的东西毁灭给人看。 重阳节大战,所有的美好全部毁灭,鲜活到死亡,完整到破碎,满地黄菊,色彩极具层次且具有冲突。大战结束,极短的时间内,成千上万的黄菊一盆盆重新摆在了台面上,明艳繁重的地毯又被换上了新的,大战留下的满台阶的刺目的鲜血被冲刷得干干净净。一切又恢复了繁华雍容的面皮。 菊花残,满地伤。


墨水与艺术ink  and art

《Remember the Time》是Michael Jackson的一支单曲。Michael的嗓音在这首歌中尤其性感迷人,就像这首歌的MV中他优雅华美的古埃及风情装扮那样,让人兴奋而吃惊。Michael擅长的口技在这首歌中展现得十分充分,甚至在演唱唱词时直接用口技作伴奏,在展现绝妙的唱功之时,Michael迷人的嗓音也让人如醉如痴Michael Jackson在剧中扮演一个博得郁郁寡欢的埃及王妃Nefertiti芳心并因此激怒法老惹来杀身之祸的魔术师。 “变身”特技再一次出色的运用,Michael Jackson的以金色细沙中褪现最终又变成金色细沙随风而逝。舞蹈部分也相当不错。整个音乐录影中, Michael 看起来似乎比其他舞者努力10倍——当然他也要负责所有的演唱部分。

I Know 我明白That You Want To Try Me 你在想我Every Time You See It 每时每刻都能浮现眼前Do You Remember 你可曾记得When We Fell In Love 当年我们坠入爱河We Were Young and Innocent Then 我们都还年少而天真无过Do You Remember 你可曾记得How It All Began 这一切是怎样开始的It Just Seemed Like Heaven 感觉美妙如同天国So Why Did It End? 可它却已终结,这是为何?

Michael's voice is particularly sensual in this song, as is his elegant and flamboyant ancient Egyptian costume in the video for the song, which is exciting and surprising. Michael Jackson plays the role of a magician who wins the heart of the depressed Egyptian princess Nefertiti and thus angers the pharaoh and brings about his death. "Transformation" stunt once again excellent use, Michael Jackson's to the golden sand in the fade eventually turned into golden sand with the wind and gone. The dance part is also quite good. Throughout the music video, Michael seems to be working 10 times harder than the other dancers - and of course he's responsible for all the singing parts.

《remember that time》

墨水与艺术 ink and art

Launched in 1930, JOY was the most expensive perfume in the world. Despite the background of the Great Depression, JOY was the "world's most expensive" perfume, requiring at least 10,000 jasmine and 28 dozen roses for just 30 ml of perfume, named "JOY" in the hope of being a bright spot in a dark day. The overflow of the first taste of JOY, the fragrance of Bulgarian rose and the combination of May rose and jasmine from Grasse, is bright and gorgeous.

JOY瓶身设计是当时建筑和内部装潢设计师Louis Süe的得意之作。他严格遵循了古希腊建筑“黄金分割”准则,使整个瓶身看似简单,却隐隐透出高贵典雅的大器。而JOY瓶盖上密封的结全都是用金线全手工精心打就而成。法国首席水晶制造商巴卡莱特公司(Baccarat)更在1974年特别为JOY订做了一款水晶瓶身,这款精致的多面水晶瓶有着裙衬般的优美线条,每一瓶上都有手工刻制的编号作为限量销售的标志。
The design of the JOY bottle was the brainchild of Louis Süe, an architect and interior decorator of the time. He strictly adhered to the "golden rule" of ancient Greek architecture, so that the entire bottle looks simple, but hidden elegance of a large tool. The sealed knots on the JOY cap are all carefully hand-tied with gold wire. In 1974, Baccarat, the leading crystal manufacturer in France, made a special crystal bottle for JOY, an exquisite multi-faceted crystal bottle with skirt-like lines and a hand-engraved number on each bottle as a limited edition mark.

墨水测评 ink eveluation 


From the "Tang Six Classics" about the tribute of the provinces, it is clear that the weaving bureau of the provinces produced thousands of colorful damask, brocade, woolen fabrics and more than a hundred kinds of plant fiber processing finely woven textiles. In the Tang Dynasty, there was also a "dyeing institute", specializing in dyeing work. In the palace building, there was also a "storm room" dedicated to dyeing, located in the northwest of Weiyang Palace. At that time, there were also strict rules for official uniforms: purple was worn above the third rank, red for the fourth and fifth ranks, green for the sixth and seventh ranks, and cyan for the seventh rank and below. These colors of clothing is exclusively for official use, the general public is not allowed to use. The emperor's yellow is dyed with cudgel (said to be sumac). Yellow in the five elements is the middle of the symbolic color, the middle for the Chinese, is the most honored position. Later, it gradually became the exclusive color of the emperor. In terms of actual evidence, from many fabrics unearthed in the ancient tombs of Tulufan in Xinjiang, it can be found that the dyeing techniques of printing and dyeing already appeared in the Sui and Tang dynasties, and there are more than 20 kinds of colors. The dyes used were generally vegetable-based dyes.


Tang, Song and Yuan Dynasties

唐代染院dyeing institute

苏绣   Su embroidery

卷云纹  Curly cloud pattern

粤绣Cantonese embroidery

蜀绣 shu embroidery

楚绣   chu  embroidery



According to the 22nd volume of the Tang Six Classics, there were six dyeing workshops in the Tang Dynasty, specializing in dyeing green, vivid, yellow, white, soap and purple. This shows that dyeing in the Tang Dynasty had reached a considerable scale. In the Tang Six Classics, volume 22, there is also: "Where dyeing, by and large, made of grasses and trees, some with flowers and leaves, some with stems, some with roots and skins. Out of a square of soil, picked to time and month."
      Tang dynasty printing and dyeing technology development and achievement, this time the twisted val, folder val, wax val have appeared amazing work, set of dyeing, multiple color overprint, hand-painted are beginning to develop. In addition to the number of val, quality has improved, but also appeared some new printing and dyeing process, such as letterpress topography, with alkali as dyeing agent printing; with rubber powder paste as dyeing agent printing, and with hollow cardboard printed into the big family folded two-color printing Luo. Tang dynasty powder paste openwork version of the anti-dye printing method, no doubt has accepted the experience of brotherly peoples in the Xinjiang region. This kind of printing and dyeing products called "medicine spot cloth" in the Song Dynasty, only its version of the mold is more fine, adjust the slurry technology has also improved, which is "gray val". In Gansu taught Huang unearthed the Tang Dynasty with a letterpress topography of the group of fruit on the bird pattern silk, which is since the Eastern Han Dynasty after the reappearance of the letterpress printing technology disappeared. Representing this period of printing and dyeing technology of the textile as shown in Figure 1-6 - Figure 1-10.






During the Tang Dynasty, the pattern of the work of valleys printing is slim and smooth, and there is a continuous pattern, which is not achieved by the above technology. According to expert speculation, this time has been able to directly use paint and so on as isolation layer, the pattern pattern is depicted on the sarong, so the line is fine, pattern outline is clear, pattern can also be continuous. This process can be called "sieve Luo flower version", or simply "Luo version". This idea has been confirmed by the simulation test. Tang dynasty poet Bai Juyi has "together Luo row Kan Val". The "row of Kan val" comprehensive is in order to move two pages of Luohua plate, plate and plate articulation, printed out beautiful color pattern pattern. This line of poetry, is the description of the time clip val printing. There are also two or three colors of valerian dyeing. Now Japan's Kyoto City, Shokura Institute also has a collection of China's Tang dynasty production of valer and wax valer of landscape, deer grass wood, bird wood stone, elephant pattern screen, etc., has been a treasure of art.



       During the Song Dynasty, China's printing and dyeing technology was more comprehensive, and the chromatography was more complete. According to the Ming Dynasty's Fang Yizhi's "Tong Ya", when the Song Dynasty's Emperor Renzong, the capital dyed purple with great care, first dyed greenish blue, then dyed with comfrey or red flowers, to get "oil purple", that is, deep lotus color, very beautiful. At the same time, the purple dyed in the Jin Dynasty was more colorful.
     For the yuan dynasty period printing and dyeing technology, the ming dynasty Yang Shen in the "DanLing general record" said: "yuan time dyeing workers have the name of the folder val, and have sandalwood val, Shu val, paste water val, three sets of val, green silk spot val of the name". Although there are many names, but the printing and dyeing techniques are still not the above range.


状花缎  flower-like satin  

状花缎  flower-like satin  

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