










ink brand


oversea ink wind vane


ink and art


ink evaluation


traditional plant dyeing


stationary maps




写乐(Sailor),是日本著名的钢笔、墨水品牌。其各种限定彩墨的种类数量全球第一。 Sailor is a famous Japanese pen and ink brand. Its various types of limited color inks are number one in the world.


颜料墨水Storia系列,国内称为马戏团系列,8色 pigment ink Storia series, known as the domestic circus series, 8 colors


染料墨水四季织系列(以前的四季彩),20色Dye ink four seasons weave series (formerly the four seasons color), 20 colors




2005年inkstudio开始创作了20000,到2018年推出了全新100款墨色,ink工房是写乐在各个文具店举办的“活动”(Event),客制化墨水服务,在RepeatOrder关闭以后,每一次制作的每一瓶墨水都只属于定制的原主,这相当于原主不转售、交换的话,这瓶墨只有他本人拥有,不是一般意义上的市场流通商品。ink工房目前已调制了超过20000瓶墨水。In 2005, inkstudio started creating 20,000, and in 2018, a new 100 ink colors were launched. ink Kobo is an "Event" (Event) held by Writele in various stationery stores, custom ink service, and after RepeatOrder is closed, every bottle of ink made each time belongs to the original owner only. The ink only belongs to the original owner of the custom, which is equivalent to the original owner does not resell, exchange, the bottle of ink only he owns, not the general sense of the market circulation goods. ink Kobo has now modulated more than 20,000 bottles of ink.


inkstudio workshop ink color is rich, there are mainly laminate, strong sheen, waterproof and other different ink characteristics of the daily ink, by the ink blender according to the customer's favorite color, the allocation of new ink, a variety of ink play, where you can always enjoy and choose the color of your choice.




Sailor Shop网店限定


     一般是限定销售渠道,比如只限某某文具店/百货店/书店销售(当地墨水)、只限某网站(sailorshop限定)、只限展会销售(bbx的东京笔展限定)等等。其实大多是某地的文具店、书店、百货商店提出要求向写乐下单定制墨水,选色、销售这些都是这些店自主负责,所以称为这些店的“原创墨水”,也只能由这些店销售,写乐只管按要求制作。 Generally, the sales channel is limited, such as limited to a certain stationery store / department store / bookstore sales (local ink), limited to a certain website (sailorshop limited), limited to exhibition sales (bbx's Tokyo pen exhibition limited) and so on. In fact, most of the stationery stores, bookstores, department stores in a certain place requested to write music custom ink orders, color selection, sales of these stores are responsible for their own, so called these stores "original ink", can only be sold by these stores, write music only according to the requirements of the production.


kobeink物语系列彩墨就是一张彩色的神户地图。因为这款彩墨的所有名字都来自神户当地的地名,色彩的选择也和该地名的风景有关。太山寺、有马、离宫、青谷、荣町、加纳町等等;有点和前不久国内图书界大火的“故宫中国色”类似。当前kobe ink物语系列共有50种颜色,除主系列外,又推出区域及梵高限定款等  kobeink Story series color ink is a colorful map of Kobe. Because all the names of this color ink come from the local names of Kobe, the choice of colors is also related to the scenery of the place. Taizanji, Arima, Rikyu, Aoya, Ei-machi, Gana-machi, etc.; a bit similar to the "Forbidden City Chinese colors" that was a big hit in the domestic book industry not long ago. The current kobe ink story series has a total of 50 colors, in addition to the main series, and the launch of regional and Van Gogh limited models, etc.


Sailor Shop online store limited
           women's 10 colors, 

wind vane

墨水风向标/wind vane




             As if standing on the star platform. 
                    Looking out at the The charming orange starlight of Kobe port 
                  The quiet forest is gently embraced. 
                     The warm and charming coastline is outlined. 
               The world is so quiet. 
             I can only hear the breath of the forest and the sea.
                   The lush forest sleeps in peace. 
                        No one comes to disturb its beautiful dreams. 

kobe 六甲绿

 Kobe port is one of the three famous bays in Japan, known as the "million dollar" harbor night view, standing on Mount Rokko, overlooking the bay, lights shining, like the coastline inlaid with gold. The green color scheme of Mount Rokko is really a battle to seal the deal, perfectly reproducing the beautiful scenery of mountains, sea and lights.



 Echoes of Fancy.

    《花样年华》 故事讲述了一段欲罢不能的苦涩婚外恋故事。 影片中绝大多数的画面是在夜晚的低调和暗淡中展开的。在色调曲线被压暗的同时,色彩的饱和度会提高,这种感觉就好像菜里面的盐放很多,口味重带来的滋味就足。这种色彩表现手段使得整部电影呈现出一种温暖的怀旧质感。 在一个以出轨和相关情节相互交织的叙事里面,影片中大量出现了以绿色为基调的场景设置,服装设计,很多画面可以说是“绿意盎然”是一个非常鲜明的色彩使用特征。 电影在拍摄中使用了一些摄影技巧,来营造人物关系中的暧昧气氛。比如在色彩上,选择了女性的粉红色,男性的浅紫色等明亮的暖色来烘托气氛,这种色彩在视觉心理上呈现一种甜蜜美好与燥热的感受。

    The story is about a bitter affair that cannot be stopped. The majority of the film's images unfold in the low and dark of the night. While the tone curve is darkened, the saturation of color is increased, which is like putting a lot of salt in a dish, and the taste is brought by the heavy taste. This color expression makes the whole movie present a warm and nostalgic texture. In a narrative intertwined with cheating and related plots, the film has a large number of green-based scene settings, costume design, many images can be said to be "green" is a very distinctive feature of the use of color. 

The film uses a number of camera techniques to create an ambiguous atmosphere in the relationship between the characters. For example, in the color, the choice of women's pink, men's light purple and other bright warm colors to set the mood, this color in the visual psychological presentation of a sweet and beautiful and hot feeling.



        这是一款很有争议的香味,有的人爱它的沉稳冷静、有的人爱它幽暗无法抗拒的吸引力。不爱的人,各种吐槽。然而有争议的作品往往是非常好的作品。 就像六甲绿那一抹化不开的浓郁墨绿,第一眼看上去的时候,完全没get到美感,随着墨色慢慢晕开,墨绿色调如同冥府之路的木质基调一样,有人能感受到森林在沉睡,有人也能感受到被吞噬的华丽美感,以及蓬勃的爱与渴望。 而在这主色调之上,玫瑰、姜、以及百合形成了一条气味的时间引导线索,让你在沉静幽森的木香之中,保持独立与清醒。

品牌:阿蒂仙 香调:木质东方调 前调:玫瑰、姜 中调:乳香、芦荟木、野百合、大西洋杉木 后调:檀香、安息香、麝香 属性:中性香 调香师:Olivia Giacobetti 

This is a very controversial fragrance, some people love its calm and cool, some people love its dark irresistible attraction. Those who do not love it, all kinds of trolling. However, controversial works are often very good works. Just like the six A green that can not be melted rich dark green, the first look, completely did not get to the beauty, as the ink slowly haloed, dark green tones like the woody tone of the road to Hades, some people can feel the forest in slumber, some people can also feel the gorgeous beauty of being engulfed, as well as the flourishing love and desire. And on top of this main color, rose, ginger, and lily form a scented time-guided trail that keeps you independent and awake amidst the silent and ethereal woody fragrance.

Brand:Artisan Fragrance 
notes: woody oriental Top notes: rose, ginger 
Middlenotes: frankincense, aloe wood, wild lily, Atlantic fir 
Base notes: sandalwood, benzoin, musk Attributes: unisex fragrance 
Perfumer: Olivia Giacobetti


六甲绿回响之: 让我痛哭吧
. lascia CHio Pianga.

这是一首哀伤悲叹的歌曲,选自亨德尔的咏叹调。可以说就没有大提琴拉不出来的哀伤。 在亨德尔这个年代,巴洛克中后期,对美声追求达到了极致。为了炫耀声音,炫耀歌唱技巧,在唱段里经常有高低起伏的花腔,拖腔等装饰性的乐句。通常这种炫耀对音乐上是很悦耳动听的,虽然有时候会削弱剧情本身。这首咏叹调的主旋律低沉悲伤,高低起伏,情绪极度饱满浓郁,而婉转的花腔炫技般的加入,就好像六甲绿中出sheen的红,结合的天衣无缝。

This is a mournful and lamenting song, taken from Handel's aria. It can be said that there is no mournful lament that the cello cannot play. In Handel's time, in the mid to late Baroque, the pursuit of beauty was at its height. In order to show off the voice and the vocal technique, there were often decorative phrases in the cantatas, such as high and low flourishes and trailing cadences. Usually this kind of show-off is musically pleasing to the ear, although it sometimes detracts from the plot itself. The main theme of this aria is low and sad, with highs and lows and extremely full and intense emotions, while the dazzling addition of the euphonious florid cadences is like the red of sheen out of the green of the six aces, a seamless combination.



      在中国虽然很早就出现了以蚕丝制衣的记载,染色的记载却出现得比较晚。到周朝以后才有较明朗与丰富的染色文献记载,并且在政府机构中,也出现有专司染色的机构。在西周时代,周公目摄政时期,政府机构中设有天官、地官、春官、夏官、秋官、冬官等六官。在天官下,就设有“人”的职务,专门负责染色的工作;另外,在地官下,设有专管染色材料的收集工作的官员。如在《周礼》上记载着管理征敛植物染料的“掌染草”和负责染丝、染帛的“染人”等的官职。 在周朝时的黑色、赭色、青色大致上是一般百姓或劳动者所穿着衣服的色彩,一方面这些色彩在活动中较不容易显出脏的感觉;另一方面,这些色相的染料大都是色牢度较高,且染色过程不因难,素材取得也较容易。相对地,贵族的衣着色彩则丰富多了。其中,以朱砂染成的朱红色为最高贵与受欢迎的,因为朱砂的取得较不容易,因此价格也较贵。也因为朱砂的稀少性,只有特殊的阶层才负担得起染色费用,因此颜色具有阶级的标示作用。其他较明亮的色彩、较容易弄脏的色彩,如黄色也是贵族喜欢使用的颜色。 商周时期,使用的染草主要有蓝草、茜草、紫草、荩草、皂斗等。

Shang and Zhou Periods Although there are early records of making clothes from silk, the records of dyeing appeared relatively late in China. It was only after the Zhou Dynasty that there were clearer and richer records of dyeing, and there were also government agencies that specialized in dyeing. In the Western Zhou Dynasty, during the regency of the Duke of Zhou, there were six officials in the governmental organization, including the Heavenly Official, the Earthly Official, the Spring Official, the Summer Official, the Autumn Official and the Winter Official. Under the Heavenly Officials, there was a position of "human" who was in charge of dyeing; in addition, under the Earthly Officials, there was an official who was in charge of the collection of dyeing materials. For example, in the Rites of Zhou, there were officials who managed the collection of plant dyes, such as "the master of dyeing grass" and "the man of dyeing" who was responsible for dyeing silk and silk. During the Zhou Dynasty, black, ochre, and cyan were generally the colors worn by the general public or laborers, because on the one hand, these colors were less likely to appear dirty during activities; on the other hand, most of the dyes for these colors had higher color fastness, and the dyeing process was not difficult and the materials were easier to obtain. In contrast, the colors of the nobles' clothing were much richer. Among them, vermillion dyed with vermilion was the most expensive and popular, because it was not easy to obtain and therefore more expensive. Because of the rarity of vermilion, only a special class of people could afford the cost of dyeing, so the color was a marker of class. Other brighter colors, such as yellow, which were easier to get dirty, were also preferred by the nobility. During the Shang and Zhou dynasties, the main dyed grasses used were blue grass, cedar grass, comfrey grass, arctium grass, soap dou, etc.



Traditional plant dyeing



       这是一家创立于1912年,有百年历史的文具馆。从《啼笑姻缘》《似水流年》等鸳鸯蝴蝶派著作的出版商,到上海规模最大的文具店。它无疑是福州路上的一个文化标志。 整个文具店一共12个分区,从常见的纸笔抄写本书包文具盒,到专业性很强的笔墨纸砚和绘画工具,以及现在热门的手帐周边和国风折扇等,在这家文具店都能找到想要的。 还能找到之前不知道自己需要的——防硌手的本子,错题打印机,草稿纸手写板,以及“日本文具大赏”的好物这里也有。 除了文具店,店里还有咖啡厅,买完文具可以坐在那边看看书,享受一个悠闲的下午。

店名:百新文具店 地址:黄浦区福州路390号外文书店内

This is a stationery store with a hundred-year history founded in 1912. From the publisher of the Yuanyang and Butterfly School books such as "The Marriage of Crying and Laughing" and "Like Water Running", to the largest stationery store in Shanghai. It is undoubtedly a cultural icon on Fuzhou Road. The entire stationery store has a total of 12 divisions, from the common paper and pencil copybooks book bags stationery boxes, to the highly specialized pen, ink, paper and ink stone and drawing tools, as well as the now popular handbook peripherals and national style folding fans, etc., you can find what you want in this stationery store. You can also find what you didn't know you needed before - anti-choking notebooks, error printers, sketch pads, and "Japan Stationery Awards" goodies here too. In addition to the stationery store, there is also a cafe where you can sit and read a book after buying stationery and enjoy a relaxing afternoon.

          因为愚园路比较长,小店在愚园路逛吃集结的另一段,那一段路人没那么多,比较悠闲。看上去门头小小的文具店,但却有2层楼!真的是别有洞天~店里的小东西超级多!感觉根本没有人可以空着手离开。二楼有一个投影仪,一直播放日本动漫,老板说不买东西也可以窝在二楼的沙发看动漫。 各种文具一应俱全 比如极简风的彩笔、精致的手帐本、可可爱爱的胶带,还看到有限定款胶带 印章印泥 这里的印章印泥太可爱了!而且印泥的颜色好全,乍一看像眼影哈。 超多日本手办 一大面墙的手办,美少女战士、樱桃小丸子、灌篮高手、海贼王等。

Because Yuyuan Road is relatively long, the store is located in another section of Yuyuan Road where shopping and eating gather, and that section is less crowded and more leisurely. It looks like a small stationery store, but it has 2 floors! It is really something else ~ the store has a lot of small things super! It feels like no one can leave empty-handed. On the second floor there is a projector, always playing Japanese anime, the boss said not to buy things can also be nestled in the second floor of the sofa to watch anime. All kinds of stationery are available For example, the minimalist style of the color pen, delicate handbook, cute tape, but also see a limited model of tape Stamp and clay Here the stamp clay is too cute! And the color of the clay is so full, at first glance like eye shadow ha. A lot of Japanese handicrafts A large wall of hand-me-downs, American Girl Warrior, Cherry Pills, Dunking Master, King of Thieves, etc..

店名: FINE WRITE 地址:愚园路377号 



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