
选择性必修 第一册


选择性必修  第一册



1. (1) combination  (2) with  (3) to harm
(4) If he can combine his ability with/ and hard work
2. (1) on  (2) believing  (3) did the trick
3. (1) association  (2) with
(3) in association with several paper- cutting artists
4. (1) from  (2) variety  (3) varying/ various
(4) various cultures; vary in; vary from one country to another; a variety of
5. (1) emotions  (2) Emotionally  (3) emotional
6. (1) threw; into  (2) throw; away  (3) threw off
(4) throwing up  (5) thrown shadow over
(6) throw cold water on your idea(s)
7. (1) impressed  (2) impressive  (3) impression
(4) Impressed
8. (1) Out of breath  (2) out of patience  
(3) out of this world
9. (1) 味苦的  (2) 令人难过的  (3) 严寒的
10. (1) it expanded too quickly
(2) expanding the area of the fields
(3) expansion of the business
11. (1) 消耗,耗费  (2) 吃  (3) 烧毁  (4) consumption
12. (1) to/ for  (2) In  (3) ( should) be guaranteed
13. (1) for  (2) appetite  (3) have no appetite

1. (1) 提高  (2) 增强
2. (1) 气氛,氛围  (2) 气氛,氛围   (3) 空气  (4) 大气
3. (1) 易碎的,脆弱的  (2) 脆弱的  
(3) 精细的,精密的  (4) 需要技巧的


第一部分  基础词汇

第二部分  高频词汇

Unit 1  Food matters

Ⅰ. 1. 表语  2. 主语;宾补  3. 后置定语  4. 主语  
5. 宾语;表语  6. 后置定语  7. 表语  8. 主语
Ⅱ. 1. variety  2. relieved  3. impress  4. estimated 
5. foggy  6. combination  7. has thrown
8. association  9. gently  10. emotional  11. security
12. loosened  13. expansion  14. inappropriate
15. consumption  16. emphasized
Ⅲ. 1. No matter how busy I am, I will spare some time to accompany my family every week.
2. His arrival was such a big surprise that I jumped with excitement.
3. We haven't travelled anywhere since the outbreak of the pandemic.
4. I always think of the good old days when I was a child, which always makes me happy.
5. With the New Year approaching, red lanterns are hung up in every household.
6. While driving, you'd better not talk on the phone, not to mention sending text messages.
7. When asked why he wanted to learn to paint, he answered that he did have an interest in drawing.
8. Not only does he speak his mother tongue, but also he speaks two foreign languages fluently.

1. (1) indicating that everything is fine
(2) staring at the night sky in summer
(3) ordering what they thought was necessary
2. (1) in order that they can attend the ceremony in time
(2) in order to resolve their differences
3. (1) The vases are believed to be
(2) China is known to be
(3) This accident is reported to

第三部分  语法强化

第四部分  写作提升

Ⅱ. 1. that  2. varies  3. association  4. for 
5. homesickness  6. When/ Whenever  7. immediately 8. emotions  9. transporting  10. greedily

第五部分  话题复述

1. have a reunion dinner
2. have a feast
3. sample the local cuisine
4. be rich/high in fibre
5. be linked with health problems
6. be low in fat
7. relieve the feeling of homesickness
8. take in nutrition
9. bring happy memories to mind
10. go on a diet
11. fall in love with Chinese food
12. spoil the appetite
13. generate positive emotions
14. keep up one's energy

Ⅰ. 单元话题短语

1. 吃团圆饭
2. 吃大餐,享用盛宴
3. 品尝当地美食
4. 高纤维
5. 与健康问题有关
6. 低脂肪
7. 缓解思乡之情
8. 吸收营养
9. 给人带来美好的回忆
10. 节食
11. 爱上中国美食
12. 破坏食欲
13. 产生积极情绪
14. 保持精力

15. have a physical examination/ body check
16. be particular about food
17. suffer from obesity
18. suit/ to one's taste
19. put on/ gain weight
20. cut down/ lose weight
21. take- out/ take- away food
22. junk food
23. develop healthy eating habits
24. organic food
25. keep healthy physically and mentally
26. keep a balanced diet
27. experience the local food culture

Ⅰ. 单元话题短语

15. 进行体检
16. 挑食
17. 饱受肥胖之苦
18. 合某人的口味
19. 体重增加,发胖
20. 减轻体重
21. 外卖食品
22. 垃圾食品
23. 养成健康的饮食习惯
24. 有机食品
25. 保持身心健康
26. 保持均衡饮食
27. 感受当地的饮食文

Unit 2  The universal language


1、 (1) to win (2) considering/ to be considered/ consideration
(3) that deserve respect
2. (]) to be torn (2) down (3) from (4) tore it up
3. (1) to (2) whispering
4. (1) to overcome (2) Overcome
(3) Overcome by/ with curiosity
5. (1) has been transformed (2) transformation
6. (1) be relied (2) reliable; it
(3) rely on Tom to; rely on it that
7. (1) to (2) in tune with
8. (1) for (2) from (3) adapt to
9. (1) consisting (2) composed
10. (1) through (2) with (3) across (4) about (5) to
11. (1) away (2) along/ away
12. (1) be expected (2) expectations (3) expectation (4) as
13. (1) enthusiastic (2) enthusiasm (3) about
14. (1) that; about; adding (2) to know
(3) It upset her that; What upset her; which upset her

第一部分 基础词汇

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