
《补充阅读》(P123—P141) 答案


《补充阅读》 答案



A. 1. D  2. A  3. A  4. B
(1)承认 (2) 留出 (3) 允许 (4) 考虑到
B. 1. A  2. C  3. D  4. B
(1) 酗酒/嗜毒 (2)滥用职权 (3) 身心都受到了摧残
C. 1. She had donated blood the night before.
2. Because she was afraid the train would kill him.
3. By lifting her to the platform.
4. Tell us a story about a subway rescue.
(1) 违反 (2) 和⋯⋯相比 (3) 紧靠 (4)衬托
D. 1. D  2. B  3. F  4. C  5. G

Unit 1  Honesty and responsibility


A. 1. C  2. B  3. A  4. D
1. (1) 相互作用  (2) 和每个孩子沟通交流
2.(1) 取得了巨大进展  (2)正在施工 
 (3) 进展  (4) 随着天色变晚
B. 1. B  2. C  3. C  4. D
1. (1) 正迁往好莱坞 (2) 升到中学
2. (1) 一个悬而未决的问题  (2) 讯问有关火灾的事情
(3) 表示过怀疑
C. 1. Because he thought Eric was rude to him.
2. His limited vocabulary.
3. Went angrily.
4. They exist even between speakers of the same language.
(1) 准许……进入  (2) 招认  (3) 承认
D. 1. B  2. B  3. C  4. D  5. B 
 6. A  7. B  8. D  9. C  10. A 
11. A  12. C  13. D  14. A  15. C

Unit 2  Understanding each other


A. 1. C  2. B  3. D  4. C
(1) 完成  (2) 彻底的  (3) 完整的
B. 1. D  2. C  3. A  4. B
1. (1) 时机掌握得恰到好处!  (2) 人无完人。
(3) 一个完全陌生的人  (4) 完善技巧/在技艺上精益求精
2. (1) 获得许可  (2) 驾驶执照
C. 1. Keep balanced all the way. 
 2. Take advantage of.
3. Ambition and hard work.
(1) 仰着  (2) 背面  (3) 后排  
(4) 退后一步  (5) 退到墙边  (6) 支持
D. 1. arrival  2. more confident  3. to/ with  4. the 
5. visiting  6. interviews  7. why  8. Basically  9. and  10. wished

Unit 3  Careers and skills


A. 1. C   2. B  3. D  4. B
(1) 偷窃  (2) 帮助……减轻  (3) 缓和(不快或痛苦)
B. 1. C  2. B  3. B  4. C
(1) 农产品  (2) 使产生  (3)生产
C. 1. She supported herself through college.
2. To take care of her kids easily.
3. Her time with family,
4. Hard work pay s off,
(1) made many sacrifices 
(2) have sacrif iced speed

Unit 4  Never too old to learn


       The new skill I acquired during the winter vacation  was skating. The process of learning it is challenging but productive.
       Initially, on watching the Winter Olympics Games in Beijing, I became enthusiastic about skating. From then on, I was determined to master this fascinating sport. However, at the very beginning, when I stepped on the ice, I stumbled over myself. Hard as I strived, I still fell over again and again. The moment I thought of the athletes on the field, I was inspired by their powerful spirits. Eventually, my persistence and painstaking efforts paid off. I can skate freely all by myself.
       From the learning experience, I fully understand that only by diligent practice can we overcome many kinds of difficulties. And eventually, we can have a good command of what we desire to learn.


Learn a new skill



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