
必修 第二册 Unit 4


必修  第二册 
 Unit 4  Exploring literature


第一部分  基础词汇    


(1) 约翰放弃了他的教学事业去当演员。
(2) 他们当时在一步一步地靠近十字路口。
(3) 伯明翰已申请举办下一届全国田径锦标赛。

(1) John gave up his teaching career to go on the stage.
(2) Stage by stage, they were getting close to the intersection.
(3) Birmingham has bid to stage the next national athletics championships.
(4) Today we have reached a stage. We can do shopping without going out. (定语从句)
Today we have reached a stage where we can do shopping without going out.

(1) 我第一次尝试就通过了驾驶考试。
(2) 有人企图谋害总统。
(3) 一名男子因涉嫌昨晚的谋杀未遂而受到讯问。
(4) 我将尽力回答你所有的问题。
(5) 他们试图自己修理这台机器。

(1) I passed my driving test at the first attempt.
(2) Someone has made an attempt on the president's life.
(3) A man is being questioned in relation to the attempted murder last night.
(4) I will attempt to answer all your questions.
(5) They made an attempt to repair/at repairing this machine themselves.
They attempted to repair this machine themselves.

(1) 他情绪低落,精神错乱。
(2) 这次转移引起了相当大的混乱。
(3) 他的信写得混乱,我几乎看不懂。
(4) 他困窘地看着我,没有回答问题。

(1) He was depressed and in a confused state of mind.
(2) The diversion led to considerable confusion.
(3) His letter was so confusing that I could hardly make any sense of it.
(4) He looked at me in confusion and didn't answer the question.

(1) (2024北京卷)两个月后,我们都准备好了,准备登台表演
(2) (2024浙江卷) 图默,一名创意与表演艺术学校的 10 年级学生,是辛辛那提舞台上的常客。
(1)(2024全国甲卷) 圣卢卡斯号每年的抵达是改善该状况的又一尝试
(2)(2020·天津卷) 这一努力不仅是一种社区意识的尝试,它也是一种减少犯罪的措施。
(1)(2024全国Ⅰ卷) 我想我的发音出了问题,所以我又更慢地解释了,但他仍然看起来困惑

(1) After two months we were all prepared and ready to go on stage.
(2) Tumer, a 10th-grader at School for Creative and Performing Arts, is a familiar presence on Cincinnati's stages.
(1) The annual arrival of the Saint Lukas is another attempt to improve the situation.
 (2) This effort is not just an attempt at being community minded—it's also a crime-cutting measure.
(1) I thought my pronunciation was the problem, so I explained again more slowly, but he still looked confused.
 (2) As for Bailey, she is more confused about why her act is considered a big deal.

第二部分  高频词汇    


(1) 这颗卫星自两年前发射以来一直处于非活动状态。
(2) 警方发起了一项打击毒品供应商的重大行动。
(3) 政府发起了一场广告宣传活动来鼓励人们投票。
(4) 一系列的技术差错推迟了新产品的上市。
(5) 由于渡轮以惊人的速度倾覆,没有时间使救生艇下水。
(6) 在过去的一年里,十多个那样的基金成立了。

(1) The satellite had been inactive since its launch two years ago. 
(2) The police have launched a major operation against drug suppliers.
(3) The government has launched an advertising campaign to encourage people to vote.
(4) A series of technical foul-ups(差错) delayed the launch of the new product.
(5) There was no time to launch the lifeboats because the ferry capsized(倾覆) with such alarming speed.
(6) More than a dozen of those funds have launched in the past year. 

(1) 卫生保健资金不足是斯塔菲担心的另一个问题。
(2) 20世纪90年代高等教育的一个关键问题是需要增加课程的多样性。
(3) 最新一期的《柳叶刀》强调了这个日益严重的问题。
(4) 他们发表了一份联合声明,否认这些指控。
(1) 因此,在整个20世纪40年代和50年代,这个手势仅仅意味着胜利。
(2) 镇上的每个人都知道这个老人是个很刻薄的人。
(3) 他不停地说些刻薄的话来伤害我。
(4) 我们从没想过让你那样消磨时间。

(1) The underfunding of health care is another issue Stafie worries about.
(2) A key issue for higher education in the 1990s is the need for greater diversity of coures.
(3) The growing problem is underlined in the latest issue of The Lancet.
(4) They issued a joint statement denying the charges.
(1) Thus throughout the 1940s and 1950s, the gesture meant simply victory.
(2) Everyone around the town knew that this old guy was a very mean person.
(3) He kept on saying really mean things to hurt me.
(4) We never meant you to spend your time like that. 

(1) 一个高效的运输系统对一个国家经济的平稳运行至关重要。
(2) 火车正在成为一种更容易和更有利可图的运输货物的方式。
(3) 该地区的一个主要缺点是缺乏公共交通车辆。
(1) 别人走后你能留下来帮我清理吗?
(2) 应该有一个你可以向他寻求建议或为解决任何问题的人。
(3) 虽然天还在下雨,但看起来天好像可能要放晴了。
(4) 你的疹子消失了吗?

(1) An efficient transport system is vital to the smooth running of a country's economy.
(2) Trains were becoming an easier and more profitable way to transport goods.
(3) One major disadvantage of the area is the lack of public transport
(1) Can you stay behind after the others have gone and help me clear up?
(2) There should be someone to whom you can turn for any advice or to clear up any  problems.
(3) Although it is still raining, it looks as though it might clear up
(4) Has your rash cleared up yet? 

1. (2024全国Ⅱ卷) 自去年 3 月该项目启动以来,乘客们已经印刷了近 2 万篇短篇小说和诗歌。
 2. ( 2020 天 津 卷 ) 如果你想拥有自己的业务,你当地的图书馆可以成为它的发起空间。
1. (2024全国甲卷)这一期不会告诉你你的结局应该是什么——那取决于你和你在讲的故事。
 2. (2024北京卷)此外,你还可以提到中国在帮助解决全球变暖等全球性问题方面所发挥的作用,提供一种更全面的观点。
1. (2024全国甲卷) 基本上,它意味着只吃和你的身体所需要的同样多的食物。
2. (2024浙江卷) 我的意思是打一个真正的电话,而不是为了避雨。

1. Riders have printed nearly 20,000 short stories and poems since the program was launched last March.
 2. If you want to have a business of your own, your local library can become a launch space for it.
1. This issue won't tell you what your ending should be — that's up to you and the story you're telling.
 2. In addition, you can also mention China's role in helping solving global issues such as the global warming, offering a more comprehensive view.
1. Basically, it means eating only as much food as your body needs.
 2. I mean to make an actual phone call—not to shelter from the rain.

1. (2024全国甲卷) 从马车到今天便利的交通工具,中国的交通有了巨大的发展。
 2. (2024全国Ⅱ卷) 此外,在植物被吃的同一栋建筑里有一个系统,意味着从运输来自土壤的植物到沙拉的零排放。
1. (2024 北京卷)为了实践这一点,我们需要在个人生活和职业生活中确立清晰的界限。
 2. (2021 浙江卷) 在这一点上,还不清楚为什么狗似乎具备识别人类不同面部表情的能力。

1. From the vehicle of horses to today's convenient transport, Chinese transport has an enormous development.
 2. Moreover, having a system in the same building where it's eaten means zero emissions (排放) from transporting plants from soil to salad.
1. To practise this, we need to establish clear boundaries in our personal and professional life.
 2. At this point, it is not clear why dogs seem to be equipped with the ability to recognize different facial expressions in humans. 

       Online learning has become an important way to learn recently. It has rapidly gained popularity among us students due to its convenience and flexibility. Not only does it allow us to learn whenever and wherever it works best for us, but also it offers a variety of learning materials tailored to us. However, it sometimes can be boring and ineffective for lack of face-to-face interaction and self-discipline.
       How can we be smart online learners? It is acknowledged that active participation is of great help. We should take advantage of every opportunity to interact with classmates and teachers and shouldn't be afraid of sharing our opinions. Besides, turn off our cellphones and close irrelevant web browser windows to avoid distraction and increase productivity.
       All in all, develop a good habit of online learning, and the chances are that we will be smart online learners. Thank you for learning. 


Be smart online learners



 Dear Chris,
       I'm writing to share with you an art class I had in a park last Friday.
        To approach nature better, my art teacher offered a different lesson to my class there.
       Hardly had we arrived in the park when we saw the trees and flowers, which were very beautiful. The air was fresh. Our teacher told us that we must finish a work of art. Each of us carried a drawing pen and pieces of paper, and quickly started to draw. Bathed in the sunshine, we sang and laughed while drawing. My work of art is Nature.
       What a wonderful time we had! Not only did the lesson give me an enjoyable experience, but also it got us to be close to nature.



 Dear Chris,
       I'm writing to share with you an art class I had in the park last Friday.
       The subject of the art class is "View in your eyes". We spent five minutes lookng around to search for the part of view we liked. I saw a piece of leaf falling down at the moment. When I turned back, an idea occurred to me. I swang into action and my imagination was running wild. With the background of the clear blue sky, I quickly finished .my work, which was named "A dancing leaf".
       This art lesson offered me an opportunity to gain an unforgettable experience. Not only did it show us the beauty of nature, but also let us get away from the hustle and bustle of school life for a while. 
       What is your school life like? I'm looking forward to your early reply.
Li Hua



Dear Peter,
       How are you? I'm writing this email to tell you that I took part in the career experience in the High School English Speech Contest of the city last week.
       As you know, I love English. To be honest, I'm happy that I could have this precious opportunity to experience different careers. I walked to the stage confidently and hopefully.
Fear seized me for some seconds before I recovered myself and delivered my speech fluently. All my efforts finally paid off when there came thunderous applause—I won first prize.
       Though challenging, the contest turned out to be rewarding. Does your school have similar activities? I'm looking forward to your sharing.
Yours sincerely
Li Hua



Dear Peter,
       How time flies! How is everything going with you? The purpose of my writing to you is to share my experience in the English Speech last week. 
       First, I kept practising my article until I could recite it fluently. And my English teacher inspired me and I followed his instructions to overcome the challenge. Sometimes I also asked my parents for advice. Finally, I felt very confident about speech. All my efforts paid off a good thi
 In my opinion, through the activity, some students who used to dislike English have turned out to be interested in the subject. What do you think about this activity? I'm looking forward to your reply.
 Best wishes!



A poetry reading
       Last Saturday our school held a poetry reading whose theme is Poetic Youth. It was so interesting that I want to introduce it to you.
       This activity included three parts. The first was writing by ourselves. We must understand the theme and make our poetry look creative. The second part was reading our poetry in front of the students and teachers. If someone wants to get a high prize, he or she must read the poem with a smile and fluently. The most important part was the teachers' comments, which decide whether you will be the champion.
       During the activity, many students learned more about poetry and now more and more students have been fallen in love with it because they think poetry can develop their energetic and positive personality.



Dear Peter,
       Nothing makes me happier than hearing from you. Here is something you want to know in your last letter about the physical exercise in our school.
        If you come to our school, the first thing that catches your eye is the gym. It was established last year where we can swim and play basketball and table tennis. The students in our school take part in all sorts of sports, of which swimming is the most popular. Not only do we students like it, but also our teachers frequently go swimming after class. As for me, I am fascinated by rope skipping because it can enhance the flexibility of my body.
       I truly hope that you can come to our school one day and experience the physical exercise for yourself.
Li Hua








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