

 product manual


Yinaier machinery manufacturing equipment Co., Ltd















science and technology

Professional research team, high-tech support, to maintain the lead in technological innovation


Professional research team, high-tech support, to maintain the lead in technological innovation


All for customer service, to do the best is our dedication and pursuit.


To provide customers with careful, all-round service.

enterprise profile

       Dongguan Yener Automation Equipment Co., Ltd. is a company that focuses on the manufacture of envelope bag making machine equipment and digital printing equipment after Shenzhen Chuangxin Automation Equipment Co., LTD., is committed to providing users with high quality, high efficiency, high stability of bag making machine equipment and printing equipment to meet the needs of various customers for production and manufacturing.
   The company was founded in 2015, in 2020 changed its name to Dongguan Yi Nell Automation Equipment Co., LTD., our company set research and development, design, production and sales in one. After years of development and innovation, we have become one of the leading enterprises in the field of envelope bag making machine equipment and digital scale printing equipment. The main products include envelope bag making machine, digital printing machine, centerless winding machine, honeycomb paper die-cutting machine, environmental protection honeycomb bag making machine, non-plastic paper bag making machine, express bag machine, dispensing machine, etc., widely used in packaging industry.
     Our envelope bag making machine has the characteristics of high speed, high stability and wide range, which can be applied to envelope bag making of various specifications and materials, including kraft paper bubble film envelope bag, co-extruded film bubble film envelope bag, pearl film bubble envelope bag, etc., with a wide range of application fields, such as express delivery, e-commerce postal service and other industries. Digital printing equipment can be applied to various specifications and materials of digital printing, small batch, medium batch, mass printing, suitable for custom content printing, with high flexibility printing characteristics.
    Our company adhering to the "customer first, quality first" business philosophy, always take customer needs as the center, and constantly improve product quality and service level to meet customer needs and expectations.  




  1. 送料装置采用防滑防静电皮带送料的方式,该送料机头结构简单,轻便,稳定性好,易维护,缺点是容易打滑导致切袋大小边。
  2. 封边热压刀采用高刚性航空铝,刚性强度远胜软钢,耐磨,导热性适中,可以有效的控制烫刀温度,提升产品品质。
  3. 采用双送料模式,前送料主要用来定位产品,后送料主要用来拉动定位后端的气泡膜,解决了单送料的精度问题。
  4. 覆膜机采用了先进的免维护外置式电磁加热,相比较传统的光波发热管和模温机,节能效果更明显,稳定性和耐用性都有显著的提升。
  5. 可以根据客户的不同需求选配不同的配置,可选配配置为:同步轮轴送料组,加热红铜烫刀,带缓冲放料架。


配置名称(Configuration name) 配件名称(The fitting name) 数量(Number) 备注(Notes)
接料装置(Material receiving device) 流水线平台(Pipeline platform) 1pcs 120W减速电机(One hundred and twenty watt speed reducer motor)
切袋主机(Bag cutting machine) 机身架构(Airframe architecture) 1pcs 12mm全钢板机架(Full steel frame)
送料伺服(Feeding servo) 2pcs 2.3KW信捷高性能伺服(2.3kw Xinjie High performance servo)
主轴伺服(Spindle servo) 1pcs 3.0KW信捷高性能伺服(3.0kw Xinjie High performance servo)
压刀组(Hot pressing knife) 6pcs 1组针插,4组烫刀,1组冷成型刀(1 set of needle insertion, 4 sets of irons, 1 set of cold forming knives)
贴胶装置(Glue sticking device) 1pcs 10KG热熔胶机+1条1.5米胶管+1个双喷喷头(10KG hot melt adhesive machine + one pcs 1.5m hose + 1 double spray nozzle)
追色装置(Color tracking device) 1pcs 松下神视LX101追色电眼(Chasing color electric eye)
折边装置(Folding device) 平台(Platform) 1pcs 单折双折自由切换(Single fold double fold free switch)
斜台(Inclined platform) 1pcs 双气缸纠偏(double cylinder deviation correction)
覆膜机(Laminating machine) 覆膜机(Laminating machine) 1pcs 15KW电磁加热(15KW electromagnetic heating)
自动上料装置(automatic feeding device) 1pcs 气缸自动上料(automatic feeding of cylinder)
气泡上料架(Bubble loading rack) 气泡架(Bubble rack) 1pcs 不停机换料(non-stop refueling)

型号(Model number) MCLLJ-800 MCLLJ-1000
尺寸参数(Dimension parameters) 整机长度(Length) 19200mm(19.2米) 20000mm(20米)
整机宽度(Width) 2330mm 2730mm
整机高度(Height) 3300mm 3500mm
压刀长度(热切刀长度(Length of press tool) 800mm 1000mm
切袋速度(Speed) 20~260pcs/min 20~200pcs/min
切袋宽度(Cut bag width) 800mm 1000mm
有效放卷宽度(Effective width of die-cutting stick) 1600mm 2000mm
整机功率(Power) 26KW 31KW
输入电压(Voltage)                               380V/50HZ
整机重量(Weight) 4500KG 5000KG


Bubble envelope bag making machine

Equipment characteristics:

Products that can be produced:

  1. The feeding device adopts the way of anti-slip and anti-static belt feeding. The feeding machine head has simple structure, light weight, good stability, easy maintenance, no size edge without slipping.
  2. Edge hot press knife adopts high rigidity aviation aluminum, the rigid strength is far better than mild steel, wear-resistant, moderate thermal conductivity, can effectively control the temperature of the hot knife, improve product quality.
  3. Using double feeding mode, the front feeding is mainly used to locate the product, and the rear feeding is mainly used to pull the bubble film at the back of the positioning, which solves the accuracy problem of single feeding.
  4. Laminating machine adopts advanced maintenance-free external electromagnetic heating, compared with traditional light wave heating tube and mold temperature machine, energy saving effect is more obvious, stability and durability are significantly improved.
  5. Different configurations can be selected according to the different needs of customers. The optional configurations are: synchronous wheel shaft feeding group, heated red copper ironing knife, with buffer discharge rack.

configuration list:

Configuration name The fitting name Number Notes
Material receiving device Pipeline platform 1pcs One hundred and twenty watt speed reducer motor
Bag cutting machine Airframe architecture 1pcs Full steel frame
Feeding servo 2pcs 3kw Xinjie High performance servo
Spindle servo 1pcs 3.0kw Xinjie High performance servo
Hot pressing knife 6pcs 1 set of needle insertion, 4 sets of irons, 1 set of cold forming knives
Glue sticking device 1pcs 12KG hot melt adhesive machine + one pcs 1.8m hose + 1 double spray nozzle
Color tracking device 1pcs Chasing color electric eye
Folding device Platform 1pcs Single fold double fold free switch
nclined platform 1pcs double cylinder deviation correction
Laminating machine Laminating machine 1pcs 15KW electromagnetic heating
automatic feeding device 1pcs automatic feeding of cylinder
Bubble loading rack Bubble rack 1pcs non-stop refueling

Model number MCLLJ-800 MCLLJ-1000
Dimension parameters Length 19200mm(19.2m) 20000mm(20m)
Width 2330mm 2730mm
Height 3300mm 3500mm
Length of press tool 800mm 1000mm
Speed 20~260pcs/min 20~200pcs/min
Cut bag width 800mm 1000mm
Effective width of die-cutting stick 1600mm 2000mm
Power 26KW 31KW
Voltage                               380V/50HZ
Weight 4500KG 5000KG

technical parameter




  1. 可用于再生料快递袋,新料快递袋,全降解料快递袋,也可适用与OPP,PE,PP等材质的快递袋生产。
  2. 整机一般功能有气动自动上料,全自动张力控制,薄膜对折,热熔胶涂敷,电眼追标,热切封口,送料堆叠,一次完成制袋。
  3. 主电机,后机头拉料电机均为变频电机控制,操作简单,出料平稳,耐用性好。定位系统使用信捷电机精准定位,涂胶架的离型纸采用步进电机同步送料,张力均匀,断胶效果好
  4. 热封切刀采用特制合金刀,升温快,不变型,烫线牢固,封口美观。涂胶系统采用10KG热熔胶机,自动断胶,断胶无拉胶,断胶准确。


配置名称(Configuration name) 配件名称(The fitting name) 数量(Number) 备注(Notes)
出料装置(Discharge device) 拉料皮带组(Pulling belt group) 1pcs 750W变频调速电机(750W variable frequency speed control motor)
切袋部件(Bag cutting components) 机身架构(Airframe architecture) 1pcs 12mm全钢板机架(Full steel frame)
送料伺服(Feeding servo) 1pcs 2.3KW信捷高性能伺服(2.3kw Xinjie High performance servo)
主轴电机(Spindle motor) 1pcs 1.5KW变频调速刹车电机(1.5KW Xinjie high-performance servo)
贴胶装置(Gluing device) 1pcs 10KG热熔胶机+1条胶管+1个喷头(10KG hot melt adhesive machine+1 rubber tube+1 nozzle)
追色装置(Color tracking device) 1pcs 松下神视LX101追色电眼(Chasing color electric eye)
对折装置(Folding device) 三角对折(Triangle Fold) 1pcs
上料装置 自动上料装置(automatic feeding device) 1pcs 气缸自动上料(automatic feeding of cylinder)

型号(Model number) YNKDD-900
尺寸参数(Dimension parameters) 整机长度(Length) 6855mm
整机宽度(Width) 3785mm
整机高度(Height) 1700mm
热切刀长度(Length of press tool) 850mm
运行速度(Speed) 50~250pcs/min
切袋宽度(Cut bag width) 800mm
有效放卷宽度(Effective width of die-cutting stick) 1600mm
整机功率(Power) 8KW
输入电压(Voltage) 380V/50HZ
整机重量(Weight) 2500KG


Multi-functional automatic express bag making machine

  1. Can be used for recycled material express bag, new material express bag, fully degradable material express bag, can also be applied to OPP,PE,PP and other materials express bag production.
  2. The general functions of the whole machine are pneumatic automatic feeding, automatic tension control, film folding, hot melt adhesive coating, electric eye tracking, hot sealing, feed stacking, and bag making.
  3. The main motor and the pulling motor of the rear head are controlled by variable frequency motor, which is simple to operate, stable discharge and good durability. The positioning system uses Xinjie motor for accurate positioning, and the release paper of the glue frame uses stepper motor for synchronous feeding, with uniform tension and good glue breaking effect
  4. The hot sealing cutter adopts a special alloy cutter, which can heat up fast, not change shape, iron firmly and seal beautifully. The gluing system adopts 10KG hot melt gluing machine, which automatically breaks glue, breaks glue without pulling glue, and breaks glue accurately.

Configuration name The fitting name Number Notes
Discharge device Pulling belt group 1pcs 750W variable frequency speed control motor
Bag cutting components Airframe architecture 1pcs 12mmFull steel frame
Feeding servo 2pcs 2.3kw Xinjie High performance servo
Spindle motor 1pcs 1.5KW Xinjie high-performance servo
Gluing device 1pcs 10KG hot melt adhesive machine+1 rubber tube+1 nozzle
Color tracking device 1pcs Chasing color electric eye
Folding device Triangle Fold 1pcs
Loading device automatic feeding device 1pcs automatic feeding of cylinder

Model number YNKDD-900
Dimension parameters Length 6855mm
Width 3785mm
Height 1700mm
Length of press tool 850mm
Speed 50~250pcs/min
Cut bag width 800mm
Effective width of die-cutting stick 1600mm
Power 8KW
Voltage 380V/50HZ
Weight 2500KG

technical parameter

Products that can be produced:

Equipment characteristics:

configuration list:




  1. 可以制作由牛皮纸做成的蜂窝袋、瓦楞袋,袋子的粘合由环保白乳胶热压后冷却封口,胶水价格便宜,粘合效果好。
  2. 蜂窝环保袋可以代替气泡膜袋,材料来源广泛,即经济又环保。
  3. 本机采用前段和后段分段式设计,前段主要功能为袋子对折后封口,后端主要功能为喷涂白乳胶以及把蜂窝纸拉伸成蜂窝型状。
  4. 喷胶部位采用高速皮带模组,蜂窝拉伸采用双伺服送料计算拉伸长度,拉伸后的蜂窝形状成型度高,制成袋子后防震效果更好。
  5. 本设备可做单层和双层蜂窝纸袋,蜂窝纸宽度方向可拼接。


配置名称(Configuration name) 配件名称(The fitting name) 数量(Number) 备注(Notes)
接料装置(Receiving device) 流水线平台(Pipeline platform) 1pcs 120W减速电机(120W gear motor)
切袋主机(Bag cutter) 机身架构(Fuselage architecture) 1pcs 12mm全钢板机架(12mm all steel frame)
送料装置(feeder) 1pcs 2.3KW信捷高性能伺服(2.3KW Xinjie high performance servo)
主轴伺服(Spindle servo) 1pcs 3.0KW信捷高性能伺服(3.0KW High performance servo)
压刀组(Press tool assembly) 5pcs 3组烫刀,2组冷成型刀(3 sets of ironing knives, 2 sets of cold forming knives)
贴胶装置(Gluing device) 1pcs 10KG热熔胶机(10KG hot melt glue machine)
折边装置(Flanging device) 平台(platform) 1pcs 单折双折自由切换(Single fold double fold free switching)
斜台(inrun) 1pcs 双气缸纠偏(double cylinder deviation correction)
后送料装置(Rear feed device) 耐磨平皮带(Wear flat belt) 1pcs 2.3KW信捷高性能伺服(2.3KW Xinjie high performance servo)
横封装置(Cross sealing device) 压刀组(Press tool assembly) 3pcs 2组横封,1组中间压痕装置(2 sets of transverse seal, 1 set of intermediate indentation device)
烘干装置(drying unit) 光波烘干炉(Light wave drying oven) 1pcs 4KW带加热风吹烘干装置(4KW air-blown drying device with heating)
喷胶装置(Glue spraying device) 皮带模组(Belt module) 4pcs 精确控制喷胶长度同时兼顾速度性(Precise control of spray length and speed)
拉蜂窝装置(Cell pulling device) 蜂窝辊(Honeycomb roll) 2pcs 使用双伺服同步拉伸,精确控制拉伸长度(Use dual servo synchronous drawing to precisely control the drawing length)
上料装置(Loading device) 气动自动上料(Pneumatic automatic feeding) 6pcs 上纸+下纸+4组蜂窝纸(Top + bottom +4 groups of honeycomb paper)

型号(Model number) YNFWD-650
尺寸参数(Dimension parameters) 整机长度(Length) 29000mm(29米)
整机宽度(Width) 1500mm
整机高度(Height) 2150mm
压刀长度(Length of press tool) 650mm
运行速度(Speed) 10~120pcs/min
切袋宽度(Cut bag width) 650mm
有效放卷宽度(Effective width of die-cutting stick) 1300mm
整机功率(Power) 25KW
输入电压(Voltage) 380V/50HZ
整机重量(Weight) 8000KG


Honeycomb paper bag making machine

  1. It can make honeycomb bags and corrugated bags made of kraft paper. The bonding of the bags is sealed by environmentally friendly white latex after hot pressing and cooling. The glue is cheap and the bonding effect is good.It can make honeycomb bags and corrugated bags made of kraft paper. The bonding of the bags is sealed by environmentally friendly white latex after hot pressing and cooling. The glue is cheap and the bonding effect is good.
  2. Honeycomb environmental protection bag can replace bubble film bag, material sources are wide, that is, economic and environmental protection.
  3. The machine adopts the front section and the back section segmented design, the front section is the main function of folding the bag and sealing, the back end is the main function of spraying white latex and stretching honeycomb paper into honeycomb shape.
  4. High-speed belt module is used in the spraying part, and double servo feeding is used to calculate the stretch length for honeycomb stretching. The honeycomb shape after stretching is highly formed, and the shock-proof effect is better after the bag is made.
  5. The device can make single and double honeycomb paper bags, and the width direction of honeycomb paper can be spliced.

Configuration name The fitting name Number Notes
Receiving device Pipeline platform 1pcs 120W gear motor
Bag cutter Fuselage architecture 1pcs 12mm all steel frame
feeder 1pcs 2.3KW Xinjie high performance servo
Spindle servo 1pcs 3.0KW High performance servo
Press tool assembly 5pcs 3 sets of ironing knives, 2 sets of cold forming knives
Gluing device 1pcs 10KG hot melt glue machine
Flanging device platform 1pcs Single fold double fold free switching
inrun 1pcs double cylinder deviation correction
Rear feed device Wear flat belt 1pcs 3KW Xinjie high performance servo
Cross sealing device Press tool assembly 3pcs 2 sets of transverse seal, 1 set of intermediate indentation device
drying unit Light wave drying oven 1pcs 4KW air-blown drying device with heating
Glue spraying device Belt module 4pcs Precise control of spray length and speed
Cell pulling device Honeycomb roll 2pcs Use dual servo synchronous drawing to precisely control the drawing length
Loading device Pneumatic automatic feeding 6pcs Top + bottom +4 groups of honeycomb paper

Model number YNFWD-650
Dimension parameters
Length 29000mm(2m)
Width 1500mm
Height 2150mm
Length of press tool 650mm
Speed 10~120pcs/min
Cut bag width 650mm
Effective width of die-cutting stick 1300mm
Power 25KW
Voltage 380V/50HZ
Weight 8000KG

Products that can be produced:

Equipment characteristics:

configuration list:

technical parameter

Semi-automatic honeycomb paper die-cutting machine


  1. 蜂窝纸可以环保经济的替代塑料泡沫包装缓冲。它具有易拉伸,柔软,弹性好,易散热等特点。可以给包装的物品提供缓冲保护,使其表面无划伤。
  2. 原料上料方式为液压上料方式,无需人工抬料。收料方式为摩擦式收卷,可以同时放置最多5个纸筒,自动放纸筒,同时收卷也可以存储最多5卷成品卷。
  3. 机器核心部件模切辊采用专用冷作模具钢,切割出来的蜂窝纸易拉伸,蜂窝成型美观,防护性好,可以用来制作蜂窝纸袋,切割速度5~280m/min,可收卷直径300mm,机器运行噪音低,模切辊部位为模块化设计,方便拆卸。


配置名称(Configuration name) 数量(Number) 备注(Notes)
自动换卷装置(autowinder) 1pcs 气动放纸筒+到数自动切割+到数自动接料存储(Pneumatic paper tube + to number automatic cutting + to number automatic feed storage)
模切辊(Die-cutting roll) 1pcs  Φ240*600(斜齿 skewed tooth)
模切底辊(Die cutting bottom roller) 1pcs  Φ240*600(合金钢)+主伺服传动(alloy steel+Main servo drive)
收卷装置(wrap-up) 1pcs Φ300胶辊摩擦式收卷(Φ300 Roller friction winding)
自动上料装置(Automatic feeding device) 1pcs 1.5KW液压系统(1.5KW hydraulic system)
自动纠偏系统(Automatic deviation correction system) 1pcs 110同步电机电缸纠偏(110 synchronous electromechanical cylinder correction)

型号(Model number) YNBFWJ-550
尺寸参数(Dimension parameters) 整机长度(Length) 3550mm
整机宽度(Width) 1260mm
整机高度(Height) 1680mm
运行速度(Speed) 5~280m/min
模切辊有效宽度(Effective width of die-cutting stick) 550
有效放卷宽度(Effective unwind width) 540mm
整机功率(Power) 5KW
输入电压(Voltage) 380V/50HZ
整机重量(Weight) 1800KG


Products that can be produced:

Semi-automatic honeycomb paper die-cutting machine

  1. Honeycomb paper can be an environmentally friendly and economical alternative to plastic foam packaging buffer. It is easy to stretch, soft, good elasticity and so on. It can provide cushioning protection for packaged items.
  2. Raw material feeding mode is hydraulic feeding mode, without manual lifting. The material receiving method is friction winding, which can place up to 5 paper tubes at the same time, automatically place paper tubes, and store up to 5 finished rolls at the same time.
  3. The core parts of the machine die-cutting roller adopts special cold work die steel, the honeycomb paper cut out is easy to stretch, honeycomb forming is beautiful, good protection, can be used to make honeycomb paper bags, cutting speed 5~280m/min, can be rolled 300mm diameter, low noise machine operation, die-cutting roller parts are modular design, easy to disassemble.

Configuration name Number Notes
autowinder 1pcs Pneumatic paper tube + to number automatic cutting + to number automatic feed storage
Die-cutting roll) 1pcs  Φ240*600 skewed tooth
Die cutting bottom roller 1pcs  Φ240*600alloy steel+Main servo drive
wrap-up 1pcs Φ300 Roller friction winding
Automatic feeding device 1pcs 1.5KW hydraulic system
Automatic deviation correction system 1pcs 110 synchronous electromechanical cylinder correction

Model number YNBFWJ-550
Dimension parameters Length 3550mm
Width 1260mm
Height 1680mm
Speed 5~280m/min
Effective width of die-cutting stick 550
Effective unwind width 540mm
Power 5KW
Voltage 380V/50HZ
Weight 1800KG

Products that can be produced:

Equipment characteristics:

configuration list:

technical parameter



  1. 蜂窝纸可以环保经济的替代塑料泡沫包装缓冲。它具有易拉伸,柔软,弹性好,易散热等特点。可以给包装的物品提供缓冲保护,使其表面无划伤。
  2. 原料上料方式为液压上料方式,无需人工抬料。收料方式为摩擦式收卷,设计有纸筒放置区,可以放置20~30个纸筒,机器运行过程中无需人看管,机器自动完成蜂窝纸卷。
  3. 机器核心部件模切辊采用专用冷作模具钢,切割出来的蜂窝纸易拉伸,蜂窝成型美观,防护性好,可以用来制作蜂窝纸袋,切割速度5~280m/min,可收卷直径300mm,机器运行噪音低,模切辊部位为模块化设计,方便拆卸。


配置名称(Configuration name) 数量(Number) 备注(Notes)
自动上纸管装置(Automatic tube loading device) 1pcs 自动上纸管+自动上气胀轴+自动打气+自动放置气胀轴+收卷完成自动抽出气胀轴+自动放置成品(Automatic loading of paper tube + automatic loading of inflatable shaft + automatic pumping + automatic placement of inflatable shaft + automatic winding of inflatable shaft + automatic placement of finished product)
模切辊(Die-cutting roll) 1pcs  Φ240*600(斜齿 helical tooth)
模切底辊(Die cutting bottom roller) 1pcs  Φ240*600(合金钢)+主伺服传动(alloy steel+Main servo drive)
收卷装置((wrap-up)) 1pcs Φ300胶辊摩擦式收卷(Φ300 Roller friction winding)
自动上料装置(Automatic feeding device) 1pcs 1.5KW液压系统(1.5KW hydraulic system)
自动纠偏系统(Automatic deviation correction system) 1pcs 110同步电机电缸纠(110 synchronous electromechanical cylinder correction)

型号(Model number) YNAFWJ-550
尺寸参数(Dimension parameters) 整机长度(Length) 4840mm
整机宽度(Width) 2288mm
整机高度(Height) 2100mm
运行速度(Speed) 5~280m/min
模切辊有效宽度(Effective width of die-cutting stick) 550
有效放卷宽度(Effective unwind width) 540mm
整机功率(Power) 6KW
输入电压(Voltage) 380V/50HZ
整机重量(Weight) 2500KG


Products that can be produced:

Automatic honeycomb paper die-cutting machine

  1. Honeycomb paper can be an environmentally friendly and economical alternative to plastic foam packaging buffer. It is easy to stretch, soft, good elasticity and so on. It can provide cushioning protection for packaged items.
  2. Raw material feeding mode is hydraulic feeding mode, without manual lifting. The material receiving method is friction winding, and the paper tube placement area is designed, which can place 40~50 paper tubes. The machine does not need to be attended during operation, and the machine automatically completes the honeycomb paper roll.。
  3. The core parts of the machine die-cutting roller adopts special cold work die steel, the honeycomb paper cut out is easy to stretch, honeycomb forming is beautiful, good protection, can be used to make honeycomb paper bags, cutting speed 50~280m/min, can be rolled 300mm diameter, low noise machine operation, die-cutting roller parts are modular design, easy to disassemble.

Configuration name Number Notes
Automatic tube loading device 1pcs Automatic loading of paper tube + automatic loading of inflatable shaft + automatic pumping + automatic placement of inflatable shaft + automatic winding of inflatable shaft + automatic placement of finished product
Die-cutting roll 1pcs  Φ240*600 helical tooth
Die cutting bottom roller 1pcs  Φ240*600alloy steel+Main servo drive
wrap-up) 1pcs Φ300 Roller friction winding
Automatic feeding device 1pcs 1.5KW hydraulic system
Automatic deviation correction system 1pcs 110 synchronous electromechanical cylinder correction

Model number YNAFWJ-550
Dimension parameters Length 4840mm
Width 2288mm
Height 2100mm
Speed 5~280m/min
Effective width of die-cutting stick 550
Effective unwind width 540mm
Power 6KW
Voltage 380V/50HZ
Weight 2500KG

Products that can be produced:

Equipment characteristics:

configuration list:

technical parameter



  1. 使用的插针式无芯收卷装置,结构简单,稳定性好,相比较摩擦式无芯收卷设备价格更便宜。
  2. 设备小型化,噪音低,占地面积少,可实现全自动收卷贴胶,储料。
  3. 可定制带虚线装置,加装此装置后此设备做的无芯卷材客户使用时可直接撕断,免去切片的步骤,撕口整齐美观,降低加工成本。
  4. 操作简单,操作界面简洁,美观,故障率低,后期使用成本低。


配置名称(Configuration name) 数量(Number) 备注(Notes)
放卷装置Unwinding device 1pcs 120W减速电机,机身采用欧标铝型材(120W gear motor, body adopts European standard aluminum profile)
虚线切割装置(Dotted line cutting device) 1pcs 选配(match)
送料装置(feeder) 1pcs 搭配虚线切割装置使用(选配)(Use with dotted line cutting device (optional))
分切装置(Slitting device) 5pcs 刀片分切刀(Blade slitting knife)
贴胶装置(Gluing device) 3pcs 带自动切断(Tape self-cutting)
收卷装置(wrap-up) 1pcs 插针式无芯收卷(Pin type coreless winding)
储料装置(Storage device) 1pcs 漏斗式(funneling)

型号(Model number) YNWXSJ-800
尺寸参数(Dimension parameters) 整机长度(Length) 1800mm
整机宽度(Width) 2900mm
整机高度(Height) 1600mm
运行速度(Speed) 10~80m/min
收卷最大宽度(Rewind maximum width) 800mm
最多可分切个数(Number of slits) 5
整机功率(Power) 3KW
输入电压(Voltage) 380V/50HZ
整机重量(Weight) 800KG



Pin type coreless winder

  1. The pin-type coreless coiling device used has the advantages of simple structure, good stability and cheaper price than the friction type coreless coiling device.
  2. The equipment has the advantages of miniaturization, low noise and less footprint, and can realize automatic winding and gluing and material storage.
  3. It can be customized with dotted line device. After installing this device, the coreless coil made by this device can be torn directly when customers use it, eliminating the step of slicing, and the tear is neat and beautiful, reducing the processing cost.
  4. The operation is simple, the operation interface is simple, beautiful, the failure rate is low, the later use cost is low.

Configuration name Number Notes
Unwinding device 1pcs 120W gear motor, body adopts European standard aluminum profile
Dotted line cutting device 1pcs match
feeder 1pcs Use with dotted line cutting device (optional)
Slitting device 5pcs Blade slitting knife
Gluing device 3pcs Tape self-cutting
wrap-up 1pcs Pin type coreless winding
Storage device 1pcs funneling

Model number YNWXSJ-800
Dimension parameters Length 1800mm
Width 2900mm
Height 1600mm
Speed 10~80m/min
Rewind maximum width 800mm
Number of slits 5
Power 3KW
Voltage 380V/50HZ
Weight 800KG

Products that can be produced:

Equipment characteristics:

configuration list:

technical parameter




  1. 采用无版数码印刷,在印刷过程中无需制版。
  2. 在卷尺上可以定制自己需要的任意图案,操作简单。
  3. 印刷的刻度精度可以达到中国要求的卷尺一级精度。
  4. 适合小批量,中批量和大批量制作,印刷速度最大可以达到60m/min。
  5. 设备喷头采用日本理光G6压电式进口喷头,可单面印刷,双面印刷,双色印刷。
  6. 采用先进的UV喷墨技术,使用耗材价格实惠,不限制规定厂家墨水,使用过程中可以根据自己的实际需求采购墨水。
  7. 设备操作保养简单,喷头维护方便,有多重喷头保护装置,在使用过程中为你的喷头保驾护航,确保喷头不会因为使用操作不当造成损坏。


配置名称(Configuration name) 数量(Number) 备注(Notes)
机架组(Rack group) 1pcs
放卷装置(Unwinding device) 1pcs 变频电机放卷(Inverter motor unwinding)
喷头装置(Sprinkler device) 2pcs 理光G6压电喷头(选配)(Ricoh G6 Piezoelectric Nozzle (optional))
UV装置(uv device) 2pcs 水冷3KW高功率UV固化灯(Water cooled 3KW high power UV curing lamp)
缓冲装置(buffer device) 1pcs
收卷装置(wrap-up) 1pcs
储料装置(Storage device) 1pcs 选配(match)
喷墨控制系统(Inkjet control system) 2pcs
负压系统(negative-pressure system ) 2pcs
打印软件(printing software) 1pcs

型号(Model number) YNSMPC-060
尺寸参数(Dimension parameters) 整机长度(Length) 3560mm
整机宽度(Width) 1310mm
整机高度(Height) 1835mm
运行速度(Speed) 20~60m/min
喷头宽度(Spray head width) 54mm
整机功率(Power) 5KW
输入电压(Voltage) 380V/50HZ
整机重量(Weight) 3000KG


Digital printing machine

  1. Using plateless digital printing, no plate making is required in the printing process.
  2. You can customize any pattern you need, easy to operate
  3. High precision printing scale
  4. Suitable for small batch, medium batch and large batch production, the maximum printing speed can reach 120m/min.
  5. The equipment nozzle adopts Ricoh G6 piezoelectric imported nozzle, which can be single-side printing, double-side printing, two-color printing and color printing
  6. The use of advanced UV inkjet technology, the use of consumables is affordable, does not limit the provisions of the manufacturer's ink, the use of the process can be rooted in their own actual needs to purchase ink.
  7. The equipment is simple to operate and maintain, and the sprinkler head is easy to maintain. There are multiple sprinkler protection devices, which escort your sprinkler head during use to ensure that the sprinkler head will not be damaged due to improper use and operation.

Configuration name Number Notes
Rack group 1pcs
Unwinding device 1pcs Inverter motor unwinding
Sprinkler device 2pcs Ricoh G6 Piezoelectric Nozzle (optional)
uv device 2pcs Water cooled 3KW high power UV curing lamp
buffer device 1pcs
wrap-up 1pcs
Storage device 1pcs match
Inkjet control system 2pcs
negative-pressure system  2pcs
printing software 1pcs

Model number YNSMPC-060
Dimension parameters Length 3560mm
Width 1310mm
Height 1835mm
Speed 20~60m/min
Spray head width 54mm
Power 5KW
Voltage 380V/50HZ
Weight 3000KG

Products that can be produced:

Equipment characteristics:

configuration list:

technical parameter

Dongguan City, China


TEL:13302434070 Mr. Wu
address:2 / F, Building C, Hongli Industrial Park, No. 6, Liaocha Heng Road, Liaobu Town, Dongguan City, Guangdong Province, Dongguan Yener Automation Equipment Co., LTD


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