
Gene Whimsy




popular science


To See the Future

◆ Precision Medicine
◆ Global Impact
◆ Rare Diseases
◆ Therapy

Sponsor: BUCT-China
Partner: NAU-CHINA.  NWU-CHINA-A.  AFMU-China.  

Synthetic Biology

Unlike genetic engineering, which involves inheriting, altering, and transferring genes from one species to another, synthetic biology aims to create artificial biosystems that operate like electrical circuits.



FIST-Striking Back at Type 2 Diabetes


The Global Impact of Synthetic Biology


Unveiling Precision Medicine: 
A More Precise Path to Health


The Journey of Transformation


Beijing University of Chemical Technology

Unveiling Precision Medicine: 
A More Precise Path to Health

Beijing University of Chemical Technology

Throughout the long history of medicine, humanity has been engaged in a relentless struggle against diseases. With the rapid advancement of technology, we have made significant progress in the biomedical fields such as proteomics, epigenetics, and immunology. However, facing the complex and variable novel coronavirus, HIV, and numerous genetic diseases, the traditional medical model still falls short. This naturally leads us to ponder: why, despite the development of modern medicine, do we still face many challenges from diseases? Why are there frequent cases of misdiagnosis and misjudgment? Are we really helpless, allowing diseases to run rampant? The answer is obviously no. Precision medicine, this emerging medical model, provides us with a solution.
Precision medicine is based on individual differences, deeply analyzing an individual's genetic information, lifestyle, and environmental factors to formulate personalized medical plans for patients. This strategy not only improves medical effectiveness but also reduces the psychological burden on patients during the disease treatment process. However, to achieve precision medicine, precision diagnosis is key. It aims to reveal the root causes of diseases and individual differences by deeply analyzing an individual's genes, proteins, and other biological information, thereby formulating targeted treatment plans.

BUCT - China

MicroDetect — Illuminating Health with Precision Diagnosis.

Dr. Aelo actively studied the Ares gene and its companions, designing and developing a sophisticated molecular classifier that can achieve biochemical reactions between polymerases, Ares genes, and companions, and specifically designed probes. After theoretical experimental verification, the Ares gene and its companions can all be accurately identified, and the signals converted from them will not interfere with each other. It is possible to perform weighted calculations of the signals, and finally, the calculation results can be transformed into a binary fluorescent signal that can be observed with the naked eye. This process not only allows the association between the Ares gene and its companions and whether they are sick to be calculated and output a binary judgment result at the molecular level but also brings hope to the Selen people.

On the distant planet of Selen, Dr. Aelo also discovered the mystery of precision diagnosis. At an unintentional moment, the Ares gene began to become abnormally active. At the same time, the incidence of a high-risk disease was also increasing, which attracted the attention of Dr. Aelo. He and his team used machine learning technology to establish models such as LinearSVC, ElasticNet, LogisticRegression, and Lasso and found the Ares gene and its companions from the vast TCGA database. They further analyzed the identity markers related to the Ares gene, assigning them different levels of grading ("+" indicates a healthy level, and "-" indicates a dangerous level). After repeated checks, this method has an F1 and ROC value of more than 0.95.

As the research deepened, Dr. Aelo's team began to gradually verify the blood samples of a large number of patients who had been confirmed to be sick before diagnosis and found that although the Ares gene is abnormally active, the concentration that can be detected in the body is very low, which has a great impact on the accuracy of disease diagnosis. Therefore, they combined the ordinary polymerase chain reaction and innovatively developed a signal amplification method to amplify the weak signal released by the Ares gene to a level that can be discovered.

Integrating the research ideas of these three stages, Dr. Aelo finally proposed a brand-new molecular diagnostic technology - polymerase-based molecular computing technology.
Alia, a Selen person, participated in the clinical trial project of Ares gene diagnosis and treatment as one of the first volunteers. Among these volunteers, she was the only one diagnosed as positive for the disease by Dr. Aelo's newly invented technology, and the test results of other volunteers were all negative. This is consistent with the results of tissue biopsy a short time later, preliminarily confirming the high accuracy and feasibility of Dr. Aelo's new technology.

Dr. Aelo and his team are hailed as heroes. They not only saved Alia in time but also brought hope to all Selen people with abnormally active Ares genes. Now, the Ares gene is no longer a nightmare for the Selen people. The story of the Ares gene has become a legend, a legend about how science can transform fear into hope.
The abnormal activity of the Ares gene was once a phenomenon that made people fear, representing the high-risk diseases in our lives, especially cancer, that are difficult to diagnose early. However, with the help of precision diagnosis, Dr. Aelo not only improved the accuracy of diagnosis but also greatly shortened the waiting time for treatment. Its benefits are obvious: it can quickly identify disease markers, is non-invasive and low-cost, high-efficiency, and provides patients with earlier intervention opportunities. This early intervention is crucial for saving lives.

Precision diagnosis improves the success rate of treatment, reduces unnecessary invasive interventions, predicts disease trends, promotes the development of medical research, and provides more comprehensive health protection for patients. Precision medicine, as a concept, emphasizes starting from the individual, respecting the uniqueness of each patient, and providing them with the most suitable diagnostic plan. This people-oriented medical model will lead us to a healthier and more harmonious future.
The story of the Ares gene not only demonstrates the technological breakthroughs in precision medicine but also highlights the innovation of medical concepts. It tells us that the future direction of medicine lies in precision diagnosis and treatment, which is also our common pursuit. Although there are still many challenges, with the advancement of technology and in-depth research, we have reason to believe that precision diagnosis will play a greater role in the future. Let us look forward to precision medicine bringing hope to more patients, and believe that its infinite potential will make a greater contribution to the cause of human health. Under the illumination of precision medicine, even the most dangerous diseases can be understood and cured. This is not only a legend of science defeating fear but also a legend of human tenacity and innovative spirit. We have witnessed the tenacity and innovative spirit of the Selen people, witnessed the power of precision medicine, and their story will also be our story.



Nanjing Agricultural University

The Global Impact of Synthetic Biology


We have learned that synthetic biology is an emerging interdisciplinary field that combines biology, engineering, computer science, and chemistry. It designs and constructs new biological systems and functions to solve real-world problems. In recent years, synthetic biology has had a profound impact globally, with rich applications and unlimited potential in various fields such as medicine, agriculture, and environmental protection. In today's article, we will explore the global impact of synthetic biology together.

I. Revolution in the Medical Field

Principle of CAR-T Cell Therapy

The application of synthetic biology in the medical field is the most prominent. By designing synthetic gene networks and molecular machines, scientists are developing new treatment methods and diagnostic tools. For example, CAR-T cell therapy uses genetic engineering techniques to re-edit the patient's immune cells to fight cancer. This therapy has achieved significant success in clinical trials and has become an important breakthrough in modern cancer treatment.
The core of CAR-T cell therapy lies in transforming the patient's T cells into T cells with chimeric antigen receptors (CAR) through genetic engineering. These chimeric antigen receptors can recognize and bind to specific antigens on the surface of cancer cells, thereby activating the T cells to kill cancer cells. This therapy has shown significant efficacy in treating certain types of blood cancers, such as acute lymphocytic leukemia and non-Hodgkin's lymphoma. The process includes the following steps:
T cell extraction: Extract T cells from the patient's body.
Genetic modification: Use viral vectors to introduce the gene encoding CAR into T cells.
Cell expansion: Expand the modified CAR-T cells in vitro.
Re-infuse to the patient: Re-infuse the expanded CAR-T cells back into the patient's body to attack cancer cells.

II. Innovation in Agriculture and the Food Industry

Synthetic biology also demonstrates its great potential in agriculture and the food industry. By designing engineered microorganisms, scientists can produce efficient and safe bio-pesticides and fertilizers, reducing the dependence on chemical pesticides and fertilizers. In addition, the production of cell-cultured meat has been greatly advanced, and synthetic biology technology makes it possible to produce meat without raising animals, contributing to alleviating global food crises and environmental issues.
Application of Synthetic Biology in Agriculture
The application of synthetic biology in agriculture mainly focuses on the following aspects:
The production of artificial meat uses synthetic biology technology to cultivate meat cells under animal-free conditions, simulating the texture and taste of real meat. The production process includes:
Cell extraction: Extract muscle stem cells from animals.
Cell culture: In bioreactors, use a culture medium for cell expansion and differentiation.
Tissue engineering: Use 3D printing and scaffolding techniques to cultivate cells into tissues similar to real meat. This production method not only reduces the process of raising animals but also significantly reduces the environmental impact of animal husbandry, which is a win-win situation.
Golden Rice is a type of rice that increases carotenoids (β-carotene) through genetic engineering methods. This rice accumulates β-carotene in the rice endosperm, which can be converted into vitamin A after human consumption, thereby helping to alleviate the problem of vitamin A deficiency, especially in developing countries. This process includes:
Gene screening and cloning: Screen and clone genes that synthesize carotenoids from other plants such as corn and bacteria.
Gene introduction: Use genetic engineering techniques to introduce these genes into the rice genome, allowing them to be expressed in the endosperm.
Variety improvement: Cultivate high-yield, high β-carotene content Golden Rice varieties through traditional breeding techniques and genetic engineering methods.

Production of Cell-Cultured Meat

Production of Golden Rice

Synthetic biology also has a wide range of applications in environmental protection and energy fields. By designing microorganisms, scientists can develop efficient biodegradants for dealing with environmental pollution. For example, some synthetic microorganisms can degrade plastic waste, thereby reducing white pollution. At the same time, synthetic biology can also be used to produce biofuels, providing a clean source of energy and reducing dependence on fossil fuels.
The application of synthetic biology in biodegradation mainly relies on the metabolic pathways of engineered microorganisms. For example, scientists use genetic engineering to modify yeast or bacteria to decompose complex organic compounds, such as plastics. This process includes:
Gene screening and cloning: Screen and clone genes that can degrade the target compounds.
Gene introduction: Use gene editing techniques to introduce these genes into the target microorganisms.
Performance optimization: Optimize the metabolic pathways of microorganisms through metabolic engineering and synthetic biology methods to improve their degradation efficiency.
The application of synthetic biology in biofuel production mainly focuses on using engineered microorganisms to convert biomass into fuel. For example, by modifying E. coli or yeast, they can efficiently convert plant cellulose into ethanol or other biofuels. This process includes:
Substrate pretreatment: Process plant materials into a form that is easy for microorganisms to use.
Microbial fermentation: Use engineered microorganisms for fermentation to convert the substrate into the target fuel.
Fuel purification: Purify the target fuel from the fermentation liquid and remove impurities.

III. Breakthroughs in Environmental Protection and Energy Fields

Principle of Biodegradation

Production of Biofuels

IV. Economic and Social Impact
Synthetic biology has not only had a profound impact at the technological level but has also brought significant changes at the economic and social levels. The global synthetic biology market is growing rapidly and is expected to reach tens of billions of dollars in the coming years. In addition, the popularization and application of synthetic biology technologies have also brought new employment opportunities and industrial development opportunities.

Market and Employment Opportunities
The rapid growth of the synthetic biology market is attributed to several factors:
   - CRISPR/Cas9 Gene-Editing Technology: CRISPR/Cas9 is a powerful gene-editing tool that allows scientists to precisely insert, delete, or modify specific DNA sequences in the genome through guide RNA (gRNA) and the Cas9 nuclease. Since its development in 2012, CRISPR/Cas9 has been widely applied in various fields such as agriculture, medicine, and basic research. For instance, in agriculture, CRISPR/Cas9 is used to cultivate disease- and stress-resistant crops; in medicine, it is employed to treat genetic diseases like sickle cell anemia.
   - Medicine: In addition to CAR-T cell therapy, synthetic biology is also developing new vaccines, antibiotics, and gene therapies. For example, the development of mRNA vaccines utilizes synthetic biology techniques by designing synthetic mRNA sequences to induce an immune response against the SARS-CoV-2 virus in humans.
   - Agriculture: Through synthetic biology techniques, scientists have developed genetically modified crops and bio-fertilizers, improving agricultural production efficiency and sustainability. For instance, Golden Rice is a type of rice engineered to increase carotenoid content, helping to alleviate vitamin A deficiency issues in developing countries.
   - Environmental protection: The application of synthetic biology in environmental remediation includes the development of microorganisms capable of degrading pollutants, such as yeast strains that can break down plastics and bacteria that can handle heavy metal pollution.
Countries around the world are actively promoting the development of synthetic biology, accelerating its application and industrialization process through strategic planning and financial investment. Western countries have started earlier and have a more comprehensive layout in this area, while China has also increased its support in recent years.

1. Technological breakthroughs, such as the widespread application of CRISPR/Cas9 
gene-editing technology.

2. Expansion of application areas: from medicine to agriculture and environmental 
protection, the broad application in various fields.

3. Policy support:

The Promotion of Synthetic Biology by iGEM
iGEM (International Genetically Engineered Machine Competition) has had a profound impact on the development of synthetic biology. Since its inception in 2003, iGEM has attracted hundreds of teams of students and researchers from around the world, becoming an important innovation platform in the field of synthetic biology. iGEM has not only promoted the development of synthetic biology technology but also made significant contributions to education, innovation, and international cooperation:

Innovation and Entrepreneurship

Many iGEM projects are innovative and have practical application value, with some even evolving into startup companies. For example, companies such as Ginkgo Bioworks and Zymergen were founded by iGEM participants, and these companies have achieved significant commercial success in the field of synthetic biology.

Education and Training

iGEM provides students with an opportunity to practice and learn synthetic biology, cultivating a large number of future scientists and engineers. By participating in the iGEM competition, students can master the latest synthetic biology techniques and methods, enhancing their practical abilities and scientific research literacy.

International Cooperation and Exchange

iGEM provides a platform for synthetic biology researchers worldwide to communicate and collaborate. Through competitions and annual conferences, it promotes cooperation and experience sharing among researchers from various countries, driving the development of global synthetic biology.

V. Ethical and Safety Issues
While synthetic biology offers numerous benefits, its development also comes with certain ethical and safety concerns. For instance, the misuse of gene-editing technologies could trigger biosafety risks and also raise ethical debates regarding the right to life and intervention in nature. Therefore, the development of synthetic biology needs to be carried out under strict regulatory and ethical frameworks to ensure its safety and sustainability.

Biosafety and Regulation

To ensure the safety of synthetic biology research and applications, suicide genes or biological containment methods are typically used to control gene expression in experiments. In addition, countries around the world have established relevant regulatory policies and guidelines. For example, the National Science Advisory Board for Biosecurity (NSABB) in the United States and the framework for synthetic biology research in Europe. These policies and guidelines aim to:
1. Risk assessment: Conduct risk assessments of synthetic biology research projects to ensure their safety.
2. Ethical review: Carry out ethical reviews of research involving gene editing and human intervention.
3. International cooperation: Strengthen cooperation among nations to establish globally unified safety standards for synthetic biology.



As an interdisciplinary frontier science, synthetic biology is having a profound impact globally. From medicine, agriculture, and environmental protection to economic and social development, synthetic biology has demonstrated its tremendous potential and application prospects. However, its development also needs to face and address many challenges. Only through the joint efforts of science, regulation, and ethics can synthetic biology realize its true value and bring greater welfare to human society.

Northwest University


The Journey of Transformation


Synthetic biology, a scientific field that redesigns and constructs life, has opened a window for humanity to peek into the mysteries of nature. It not only weaves intricate stories of genetic engineering in the laboratory but also gradually addresses real-world problems. As the world's largest synthetic biology competition, iGEM provides a platform for young scientists from around the globe to showcase their innovative projects.
This year, the NWU-CHINA-A team focuses on a rare genetic disease—Mucopolysaccharidosis Type II (MPS II). This disease, caused by genetic mutations, leads to patients facing multiple complications such as hepatosplenomegaly, joint stiffness, nervous system damage, and cardiovascular diseases before the age of 20 due to the lack of lysosomal enzyme IDS. The blood-brain barrier limits existing treatment methods, and our goal is to develop functionalized exosomes carrying IDS to cross the blood-brain barrier, providing patients with a breakthrough treatment plan.

The core of our team's research revolves around functionalized exosomes. We use the cell-penetrating peptide TAT to help the IDS enzyme cross the blood-brain barrier, delivering these exosomes to the nervous system to break down glycosaminoglycans. This idea is not a simple scientific puzzle but aims to bring new treatment hope to MPS II patients through synthetic biology techniques.

The Birth of the Dream: The Emergence of Functionalized Exosomes

Love Transmission: Steps from Campus to the World

Message Cards, Delivering Love and Encouragement

On June 20th, the "One in a Million Encounters—Postcard Messages" event began. Students actively participated in the event, coloring each postcard and writing heartfelt blessings for MPS II patients. These messages, like a warm breeze, convey the care and support of society.

Love Clay, Condensing Hope

On June 6th and 7th, we held the "Stuck in Love" clay-making event at the Taibai Campus of Northwest University. Colorful clay turned into exquisite handicrafts under the skillful hands of students. By selling these clay works, we raised funds for rare disease patients, sending a warm feeling through the combination of science and art.

International Cooperation and Exchange

In September, the NWU-CHINA-A team initiated the "Warm Books, Building Dreams in Mountain Villages" event in collaboration with the Environmental Protection and Children's Travel project team. We brought warmth and knowledge to rural children through book and material donations. The event attracted more than 300 students who wrote sincere blessings on postcards and conveyed love and encouragement to children in the mountainous areas. At the same time, we raised and donated 239 pieces of love materials to the students of Sun Zhao Primary School and introduced the basic knowledge of synthetic biology to them through brochures, sowing the seeds of science.

Science is not just cold formulas and experimental data; it should also warm hearts. Therefore, our Human Practice activities extend from the laboratory to society, carrying care for patients and reaching a broader public.

Love Across Borders

In July, we went to the University of Oxford and held a charity sale in conjunction with the London Sails of Hope rare disease charity organization. Chinese traditional postcards and clay handicrafts became the ties of love, and through sugar painting, we popularized MPS II to the public with the concept of "Sugar Baby," breaking the barriers of language and culture.

Science and Society's Two-Way Rush
We actively participate in various university cooperation and academic conferences to continuously expand the project's influence. In June, we held an online meeting with the SZPU-CHINA team to share project progress and discuss future cooperation opportunities. In July, we attended the CCiC conference themed "SynBio Nexus," discussing the potential of synthetic biology in basic innovation, practical applications, and future development. Subsequently, in August, the NWU-CHINA-A team hosted the 6th Northwest China iGEM Exchange Meeting, where ten iGEM teams from across the country gathered to exchange research progress and stimulate innovative ideas.
In August 2024, the NWU-CHINA-A team visited two MPS II patient families in Qingyang City, Gansu Province, and Xi'an City. Through communication, we deeply felt the economic burden and psychological pressure rare diseases bring to families, especially when facing high treatment costs and long-term care needs, patient families often feel helpless. At the same time, rare disease patients also have to deal with misunderstandings and discrimination from the outside world, and the vagueness of early symptoms often leads to misdiagnosis, delaying treatment. Through these two interviews, we not only deeply understood the real dilemma of patients and their families but also clarified the team's future direction in research and publicity. In the future, we will continue to strive for more attention, support, and resources through scientific innovation and social care to help rare disease patients improve their quality of life and rekindle hope.
To better understand the diagnosis and treatment status of mucopolysaccharidosis and other rare diseases, the NWU-CHINA-A team interviewed several experts from June to August. Professor Guo Long emphasized the role of traditional clinical examinations in rare disease screening, but its limitations have prompted genetic diagnosis to gradually become a key method. Director Yang Ying further pointed out the importance of prenatal genetic counseling and gene screening in preventing and treating rare diseases, and genetic counseling clinics can provide scientific guidance for patients. Dr. Liu Yuesheng then introduced the early symptoms of MPS II and its treatment plan in detail, but existing drugs cannot penetrate the blood-brain barrier, affecting the treatment effect on the central nervous system. Patient families also shared their children's diagnosis and treatment experiences, deeply showing the impact of rare diseases on families.

University Cooperation and Exchange

Close to Patients: Perceiving the Real Dilemma of Rare Diseases

Expert Perspective, Clearing the Clouds

From School to Community, Popularizing Science and Care

From various communities in Xi'an to primary school campuses, we have carried out vivid promotional activities to popularize knowledge of MPS II and increase public understanding and support for rare disease patients.

One in a Million Encounters: MPS II 
Disease Research and Treatment 
Progress Lecture

On September 20th, the "One in a Million Encounters—MPS II Disease Research and Treatment Progress" science popularization lecture was held at Northwest University. The latest research results of MPS II disease and the clinical frontier of ERT therapy were shared, and the research results of functionalized exosomes in MPS II treatment were introduced. Through interactive sessions, public feedback and suggestions were collected, further promoting social cognition of rare diseases.

In September, we entered the affiliated kindergarten of Northwest University and Hua Hao Li Jing Kindergarten to carry out the "Stuck in Love" science popularization activity. Through vivid stories, we explained the pathogenesis of MPS II to the children, using simple and vivid metaphors to help them understand the disease. At the same time, we guided the children to imagine how to treat MPS II through scientific methods with a synthetic biology mindset. At the end of the activity, the children made cell models with us, giving them a more intuitive feeling of the mysteries of life.

In September, we entered the community and invited residents of different ages to participate in detailed questionnaire surveys. We widely collected diverse opinions and valuable suggestions from all sectors of society, promoting the construction of a more inclusive and fair social cognitive system. At the same time, we further guided the public to think deeply about the difficulties faced by rare disease patients, stimulating sympathy and care from all sectors of society. We hope to build a bridge between patients and society, allowing more people to understand the real needs and desires of rare disease patients.

Stuck in Love: Kindergarten Science Popularization Activity

Building Bridges: Community 
Promotion and Public Care

Condensing the Power of the Future
From the scientific exploration of functionalized exosomes to the rich and colorful Human Practice activities, the NWU-CHINA-A team has always practiced the concept of science and care in parallel. We are not only committed to exploring new treatment plans but also to bringing more warmth and hope to rare disease patients through social practice. In the future, we will continue to forge ahead, contributing more to the development of synthetic biology and the welfare of rare disease patients.

Air Force Medical University


FIST-Striking Back at Type 2 Diabetes


Background: Diabetes has become one of the most serious and common chronic diseases of our time. Data released by the IDF (International Diabetes Federation) shows that in 2021, the number of adults with diabetes worldwide was 537 million, with approximately 44.7% of adults with diabetes (240 million people) undiagnosed. It is projected that by 2045, the number of people with diabetes will reach 784 million.
Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus (T2DM) is mainly caused by insulin resistance and relative insulin deficiency. It leads to the accumulation of sugar in the blood in the form of glucose, which cannot provide energy for the cells in our body. It is a metabolic disease characterized by hyperglycemia, and this chronic disease is usually associated with obesity, poor lifestyle, and genetic factors. It can cause a variety of complications, including cardiovascular diseases, neuropathy, and nephropathy. According to The Lancet, Type 2 diabetes is the main type of diabetes leading to disability and premature death (95.24%).

MicroDetect — Illuminating Health with Precision Diagnosis.

Clinical Manifestations
After contracting Type 2 diabetes, due to the high blood osmotic pressure caused by hyperglycemia, patients will experience symptoms of polyuria, leading to thirst polydipsia, and since the tissues and organs cannot obtain glucose for energy, patients will feel hunger, weakness, and lethargy. Moreover, over time, hyperglycemia can damage blood vessels, which further damages the organs supplied by these blood vessels, leading to various health complications. Damage to small or microvessels can lead to vision problems and even blindness, as well as nerve damage and kidney failure. Damage to larger blood vessels can lead to cardiovascular complications such as heart disease, stroke, and atherosclerosis.

Insulin injections can lead to weight gain, hypoglycemia, and iatrogenic hyperinsulinemia. Repeated insulin injections can also cause inflammation, atherosclerosis, hypertension, dyslipidemia, heart failure, and arrhythmias.

Shortcomings of Existing Treatment Methods: The main therapies for treating Type 2 diabetes currently are insulin injections and medications to improve insulin resistance. However, after communicating with patients, we found that both have significant side effects.

The mainstream clinical drugs on the market are biguanides and thiazolidinediones, long-term use of which can lead to weight gain, hypoglycemia, edema, and some patients may also suffer from lactic acidosis, fractures, and cardiovascular diseases. Not only that, long-term medication and insulin injections are a great burden on the patient's body and mind, and there are also issues such as difficulty in standardizing insulin injections and the occurrence of injection-related complications.

Team Project

Faced with such problems, the team brainstormed and wanted to use gut microbiota to treat Type 2 diabetes. Lactobacillus, as a probiotic in the human gut, has medical value and which should not be overlooked. Compared with traditional treatment methods, the advantages of Lactobacillus include: 
1. The convenience of treatment. 
2. Since Lactobacillus is a naturally occurring probiotic, it has fewer side effects. 
3. Reducing the cost of long-term treatment. 
4. It can improve Type 2 diabetes from multiple dimensions, providing a more comprehensive treatment effect.
After experimental validation, the team explored the use of engineered Lactobacillus as a novel treatment strategy. This strategy involves integrating two specific plasmids into the Lactobacillus genome, which can express two potential therapeutic proteins: FGF21 and P9.
FGF21 (Fibroblast Growth Factor 21) is an endocrine factor known for its various beneficial metabolic effects, including enhancing insulin sensitivity, regulating energy balance, reversing non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD), and improving nutritional status balance. Through these mechanisms, FGF21 can not only regulate blood sugar levels in diabetic patients but also prevent the long-term development of diabetes-related complications.
P9 protein promotes the secretion of glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) and enhances the thermogenic effect of brown adipose tissue, thereby improving islet β-cell function and reducing insulin resistance. In addition, P9 can increase energy expenditure and fat burning, which is helpful for weight management and the improvement of obesity symptoms. These characteristics make it an ideal candidate for improving Type 2 diabetes and its complications.
To achieve this goal, we used synthetic biology methods to genetically edit Lactobacillus and introduced plasmids capable of expressing these two proteins. The development of this genetically engineered Lactobacillus aims to use its characteristics as a naturally occurring and safe probiotic to regulate the host's metabolic processes by directing the secretion of these functional proteins.


This innovative treatment method demonstrates the potential of using microbial genetic engineering to treat complex diseases and highlights the prospects of biotechnology in modern medicine. By directly using genetically modified Lactobacillus to regulate physiological functions in the body, we may open up a long-term, non-invasive, and food-induced Type 2 diabetes treatment pathway.

Gene Whimsy


Revolutionizing Health with Genetic Innovations, Crafting a Healthier Tomorrow for Humanity.

—— Gene Whimsy

Beijing University of Chemical Technology
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