



Xin               He

     新    禾

编 委 会Editorial board:
             NAS Jiaxing Secondary school
编辑Editor:G10 Annie方睿
封面设计Cover designer:G10 Annie方睿
排版设计Layout designer:G9 Alina 许菡芝           
图标设计Logo designer :G10 Eric 吴乐宸
记者Reporter:G10 Annie方睿,G11 Eason李易勋
              G11 Marks卢奕豪
策划Planner:Ms.Helen Zhuang庄文砚
语言支持Language support:Ms.Jenny Lian 廉凤
               Mr.Scott Sloan, Mr.Adam Di 邸致
               Ms.Helen Zhuang庄文砚
Special thanks to support teachers:Ms.Angela,Mr.Kevin,Ms.Rimma,Ms.HelenFeng,
Ms.Chris Gu,Ms.Elva Fu,Ms.Lora,Ms.Tina Yu
Ms.Lemon Wu

主办单位:嘉兴市诺德安达学校投稿:Helen.Zhuang@nasjiaxing.cn地址:浙江省嘉兴市南湖区庆泽路353号 邮编:  314001 电话:0573-83883000

04   创刊寄语        Preface
06   我眼中的世界       The word in my eyes
12   一分钟挑战       One minute challenge
14   国旗下演讲      Speech under the                                   National flag
20   诗歌翻译-再别康桥       Poem translation
22   国旗下演讲       Speech under the                                    National flag


24    三国文化周       Chinese culture  week- 
       The Romance of Three 
36   国旗下演讲
      Speech under the  National
38    课外活动-飞盘
         ECA Fribsee
40    遇见我们的老师        Meet our teacher
44    征稿启事        Contribution Invited
45   中国风图片欣赏        Chinese style photos
48     后记         Postscript


                                        嘉兴诺德安达学校校长 沈杰                                                    2022年9月

When you are young, the most important phrase is not "study more" nor "drink more hot water", but "cherish the people and time in front of you". In fact, it is "cherish the time in front of you". The reason why you don’t care it, you can’t accept or even scoff at this is complicated, but the most obvious reason is that when you are young you always feel you still have plenty of time in your hands. This is what I was like when I was young, and I think it's what millions of young teenagers are like too.
But when I found out that young people of our school are going to edit a monthly magazine called New Harvest to record your lives, I was genuinely excited. For every description of life and people is a memory of a fragment of time. With the pass of time, these will become more and more precious and memorable. In many years, when we look through it, those memories of you, of me, of our time will come back to us together, been kept in our minds. Although we can't lock the time, because of this magazine, we have opportunity keep our time and memories together.
I am grateful for your willingness to share what you have seen and heard with me, with us, and I am looking forward to the success of the New Harvest because of your participation.



The world in my eyes

Shanghai night view, photoed by G10 Reynoalds

Sunset in Jiaxing, photoed by G10 Reynoalds

Orange sky in Jiaxing, photoed
 by G10 Eric

Green Beach in Hawaii,America,
photoed by G10 Auckland

Blue sky inSanya,
photoed by G9 Alina


London Bridge in London, photoed by G10 Reynolads

Hawaii in America, photoed by G10 Auckland

See, helicopter!
Photoed by G10 Eric

street lamp, photoed by G10 Sloan

Sky from soccer field, 
photoed by G9 Alina


Hoi An city in Vietnam, photoed by Ms.Helen Zhuang

Rainbow in Xiangshan city, photoed by Ms.Helen Feng

Pink lake in Australia, photoed by Ms.Helen Zhuang

Yamdrok lake in Tibet, photoed by Ms.Rimma Chergizova

Bridge in Jiaxing city, China
Photoed by Helen Zhuang

In Hongkong, photoed by 
Ms.Rimma Chergizova

Khalifa Tower in Dubai, 
, photoed by Ms.Helen Feng


E:Why did you want to hold “Just a Minute Challenge”?为什么您想要举办“一分钟挑战”? 
S:We had 2 days for student induction week, and I wanted to hold an event that                       was fun,social and something that students would remember.我们在第一周有两天的                 时间让学生破冰”,因此我想要举办一个既富有趣味性,又让学生感 到印象深刻的活动。
E: Could you please introduce the challenges and rules of each game briefly to                         the  student  who didn’t take part in the event  您可以简短地向没有参加此次活动的学生            介绍一下本次活动的具体项目内容吗?
       S:The idea was simple. Each team had one minute to successfully attempt a challenge.       Each student would have one go and then go to the back of the queue. A successful                 attempt would equal 1 point. Each team would try as many times as they could within        the one-minute time limit. The game challenges were bottle flip, cup flip, ball cup bounce,         shuffleboard, golf putt, cup pong, spoon flip and mat flip catch.活动的规则其实非常简               单。每 一支队伍需要先排成一支长队,并挑战在一分钟之内依次不断 地挑战同一个游戏           项目。每一 个学生只有一次机会,在尝试挑战游戏项目之后必须返 回到队内的末端并等           待 下一次 挑战机会的到来。如果队内有人在一分钟之内挑战成功,那么 该队将记得1               分。队内的所有 成员将在一分钟之内设法夺取更多的分数,分多者胜。而游戏 项目分别           是:360度反转瓶身;180度空 抛杯身;球杯反弹;桌面推盘;室内高尔夫、乓乓球 “投             篮”;汤匙反转;以及杯垫空中翻抓。
        E: If time goes back, what changes do you want to make to hold the event better?        如果时光倒流,您觉得还有什么可以改进的?
        S: I might have changed some of the challenges to be easier allowing for more people to        be successful in completing them. I think the feeling of accomplishment is a very         powerful sensation.我可能会将一些游戏项目变得更加容易一点。因为我觉得让同学们感            受到“完成挑战 成就感”是对游戏体验至关重要的。

E:Is there going to be another “Just a Minute Challenge” in the future?Or are you planning for              the   next existing event in the long future?在未来还会有新的“一分钟挑战”吗?还是说您正 在              着 手策划另一  个有趣的活动项目?
S:I hope so. I have another set of games called ‘Taskmaster’ that I played with grade 10 & 11              students last year. I was planning to hold these events at the end of every month and have                  each homeroom class compete against each other. This would be held and filmed on a Friday            and then on Monday during assembly we would show the edited video and the result of the                   competition. At the moment, it is not clear if there  is  time available, but it doesn’t mean it can’t           be done。 我希望一切能如我所愿。我正在着手准备另一个叫做“任务大师“的活动。这个活动 曾           经在去年与10年 级 和11年级的学生举办过,并收获了良好的反响。我计划在每个月 的末尾中的           某 一 个星期五开展这个活动,并且在这 个活动中学生们将以班级为单位与其他班级互相PK。每           一次在 周 五的活动的全过程都 将会被相机记录下来,并且在那之后的周一将会在升旗典礼后公           布 每一次 比 赛的成绩。目前我还不确定是否各年级都能有参加这个新活动的时间,但是这并不           意味着我就 要 轻言放弃。


In the first week of September 2022,Mr.Scott organized a one-minute challenge.G11 Eason did an interview with Mr.Scott,hereinafter referred to as E and S:




老师们,同学们:早上好!  今天,我国旗下讲话的主题是:《爱护眼睛 珍惜光明》。  眼睛被誉为是心灵的窗口,开车行走、读书认字、识人辨物、畅游网络、下棋打球、欣赏美景等等都要用到眼睛,它带给了我们无数的欢乐与幸福,但是,亲爱的同学们,如果没有一双安康的眼睛,你还能拥有这些幸福吗?  据教育部和卫生部统计,小学生眼疾率达28%,中学生达56%,而到了高中学生眼疾率到85%,保护眼睛,预防近视已刻不容缓!  究其原因,长时间看电视、使用电脑是造成我国青少年,近视发病率急剧攀升的主要原因。因此,我们需要一些科学的方法保护眼睛。  1.适度上网,不要长时间持续使用电脑。通常每1小时就需要休息10分钟,  2.阅读时间勿太长,平时看书、看报时,最好每30分钟休息5分钟,  3.睡眠不可少,作息有规律,睡眠缺乏身体易疲劳,易造成假性近视。  4.多做户外运动,经常眺望远处放松眼肌,防止近视,与大自然多接触,青山绿野有益于眼睛的安康。  5.营养均衡,不偏食,应特别注意维生素b类的摄取。只要同学们自觉执行,及时纠正,我相信,同学们一定会拥有一双更清澈、更明亮的眼睛! 谢谢大家!

Good morning! Teachers and students:Today, the theme of our speech is: love the eyes and cherish the light.According to the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Health statistics, the eye disease rate of elementary school students reached 28%, secondary school students reached 56%, and by the high school students eye disease rate to 85%, to protect the eyes, prevent myopia has been urgent!
The reason for this is that watching TV and using computers for a long time is the main reason why the incidence of myopia among teenagers in China has risen sharply. Therefore, we need some scientific methods to protect the eyes.  1. Moderate Internet access, do not continue to use the computer for a long time. Usually need a 10-minute break every 1 hour.  2. Reading time is not too long, usually reading books, newspapers, it is best to rest every 30 minutes for 5 minutes.  3. Sleep is not less, regular rest and rest, lack of sleep, body fatigue, easy to cause pseudomyopia.  4. Do more outdoor sports, often look into the distance to relax the eye muscle, to prevent myopia, and more contact with nature, green mountains and wilderness is beneficial to the well-being of the eyes.  5. Balanced nutrition, not partial food, should pay special attention to the intake of vitamin B.As long as students consciously implement and timely correct, I believe that students will have a pair of clearer and brighter eyes!Thank you all!

                                                                              G6 李雨嘉 Nien                             幸福是什么?      幸福是熬夜打游戏?是吃上高等的饭菜?还是和家人一起快乐的时光?       太阳从东边升起,彩虹悄悄地从那云朵织成的窗帘里走进来,太阳就这样静静的,安详的照着这片土地。小草随着微风拂动着,这片小土地很安静,我的心也很安静。过了一会儿,我旁边多出了个人,她很美丽,长发随着小草一起开始舞动,就像是一位童话里的公主。  “你说,什么是幸福啊!”美英一脸疑惑的看着我。        我莫名的脸红,“我也不知道,你说呢?”       “我不知道,你能帮我找找吗?”她问。      “可以呀!我一定会帮你找到的!”我和她拉勾。这声音传的很远,彷佛传给了十年后的我们……       我很快就立下决心,要帮助她找到幸福!我走在大街上,脑海里都是“幸福”。       我很快就看见一位大哥哥正哼着小曲,嘴里嚼着橙子味的口香糖,感觉他吃的不亦乐乎。我蹦哒蹦哒的跑向那位大哥哥,我问:“你好!你知道……知……道什么是幸福吗?”他不一会儿就给出了自己的答案,他说:“啊!如果我妈不管我,让我无穷无尽的看电视,打游戏,那这样就是真正的幸福!”我非常惊喜地看着这位叫大宝的大哥哥。我跟着她去了他家,他们家非常的大!刚进入家门,一阵花香扑面而来。他带我来到卧室,里面有一台电视和一台电脑!他熟练的开机,开机后点进游戏模式,他非常小声地对我说“你可千万别说话!我妈一会儿会回来,帮我把门锁好”他玩的游戏叫“小猪乔治过大年”。虽然他玩得非常开心,但我却非常想睡觉。不一会儿,他妈带着姐姐进来了,他的妈妈

一脚踹开大门,很是威武!他妈看着他大吼道:“你居然又偷玩游戏!还带着人家小妹妹一起!从这个房间里滚出去!”。额……我好像并没有感受到幸福和原来的温暖……       我非常的失落。外面的雨越来越大,好像老天爷也在为我哭诉。我真的百思不得其解,什么是幸福啊?我淋着湿冷的雨水,一直都想不出到底什么是幸福。这时,我头顶出现了一把彩虹色的雨伞,他非常的特别,它能变色,还是自动的!他在我的头顶摇晃着。一位老妇人叫醒了我“小朋友,你还好吗?你怎么淋着雨呢?这样会感冒的!你爸妈呢?跟我一起吃顿饭吧!”他是当地有名的富人,也是最善良的妇人。她穿着大红色的花衣服,别着最精美的钻石,就算很老,但也不能掩盖那非凡的气质。他带我来到了这里最好的餐饮店,开胃菜就是海鲜,我感觉非常的好和幸福。可在这一段中,老妇人总是给我夹菜,问我问题,这让我非常的拘束。就算后来感觉不是那么好,但也是笑着回答了老妇人问的问题。也就是说,我其实不那么想回答,我问老妇人什么是幸福,她说:“或许吃一顿精美的晚餐,你要自己去找。”这句话意味深长啊!她的笑容里好像隐藏了些什么。      我一脸沮丧地回到家,妈妈一脸疑惑,问我:“你今天怎么啦?不开心吗?”我用无奈的语气把今天的事说了出来,妈妈听完只是笑了笑“嗯,你要自己找我也不知道呢……”      不一会儿,爸爸就回来了。她一看见我就往我这跑来!“我们来坐飞机喽!”我也很快就爬上了爸爸的背,在妈妈买菜时,爸爸带我玩了很久:捉迷藏、木头人、坐飞机、抠糖饼等。我好像明白了些什么……   

Student's Eassy


       妈妈回来后,我看着我最爱吃的青菜,我口水直流,我一下子就从爸爸的背上跳了下来,我跑向了饭桌前。我大口大口的吃着香喷喷的青菜和米饭。我感受到了很多,我对爸爸妈妈说:“我终于找到幸福啦哈哈哈”        爸爸和妈妈相视一笑。        我找到了美英,和她一起感受幸福的快乐。        幸福是什么?        对我来说,保留这段记忆,珍惜时光吧!这天,荷塘月色,幸福布满整栋房子。        这就是幸福!                                                   指导老师:Elva Fu       本文获得第一届国际青少年中文写作大赛初中组 优异奖



      Saying Good-bye to Cambridge Again                                      Translator:G9许菡芝Alina



Very quietly I take my leave,As quietly as I came here;Quietly, I wave good-bye,To the rosy clouds in the western sky.The golden willows by the riverside,Are young brides in the setting sun;Their reflections on the shimmering wavesAlways linger in the depth of my heart.The floating heart growing in the sludge,Sways leisurely under the water;In the gentle waves of Cambridge,I would be a water plant!That pool under the shade of the elm trees,Holds not water, but the rainbow from the sky;Shattered to pieces among the duckweeds,Is the sediment of a rainbow-like dream.To seek a dream?Just to pole a boat upstreamTo where the green grass is more verdantOr to have the boat fully loaded with starlightAnd sing aloud in the splendor of starlight.But I can’t sing aloudQuietness is my farewell music;Even summer insects help silence for meSilent is Cambridge tonight!Very quietly I left,As quietly as I came here;Gently I flick my sleeves,Not even a wisp of cloud will I bring away.



This poem was written in 1928 by Xu Zhimo. The poem is based on the emotional ups and downs of parting from Cambridge, and expresses the poet's deepest feelings for the city. Cambridge was the site of the famous Cambridge University in England, where the poet studied from October 1920 to August 1922. The Cambridge period was a turning point in Xu Zhimo's life. This poem was written on Xu Zhimo's way home from his third European tour. He came to Cambridge alone, without informing anyone, to find his English friend. Unfortunately, none of his English friends were there, and only his familiar Cambridge was waiting for him, a scene from his past life reappearing before his eyes. He finally put pen to paper and wrote down his personal feelings on his return to Cambridge.



亲爱的老师、同学们:         大家早上好!今天我讲话的题目是《正班风 促学风 树校风》。如果说一个班级是一个鲜活的生命,那么班风就是这个生命的灵魂,班风是班集体建设的核心,是引领我们前进的旗帜。一个良好的班集体对于我们每一个学生的思想形态的形成,对于个性的培养以及良好行为习惯的养成有着巨大的教育作用。而学风是一所学校的灵魂,是学校的宝贵财富,是一种巨大的精神力量和育人资源。那么,作为学生,作为学校和班集体的主人,我们应该怎样做呢?我认为,应做到以下两点:     一、遵守规章制度,是形成良好的班风、学风的基础。没有规矩,无以成方圆。一规一则、班规班纪都是对合格人才思想品质、个人素质最基本的要求。正因为我们能够自觉遵守,同学们才有了文明礼貌的言谈举止、求实创新的学习风气、活跃热情的课堂气氛、安静有序的自习纪律。        二、培养集体主义感,是形成良好的班风学风的前提。    集体主义,也就是全班同学一条心,向着同一个目标前进。 大家知道,散沙是不能凝聚成团的。必须在其中加一些水,才能使它们紧紧黏在一起成团。而在一个班集体中,同学们就像一粒粒沙子,集体主义则成了水。因为有了这样的水,这样一股无形的力量,班级中的学生才能紧紧团结在一起,齐进步,共发展。只有这样,才能形成良好的班风学风,才能把班集体建设好。   班风兴则学风兴,学风兴则校风兴,校风兴则学校兴!同学们,从现在开始,从自己做起,做一个自觉遵守校规校纪,班规班纪的好学生,我们就等于抓紧了成功的钥匙,就等于在为班争光,为校添彩!谢谢大家!

Dear teachers and students.Good morning, everyone! The title of my speech today is "correct class style, promote learning style, and make school style".
If a class is a vivid life, then the class style is the soul of this life, and the class style is the core of the class collective construction and the flag that leads us forward. And school spirit is the soul of a school, is a valuable asset of the school, is a great spiritual power and nurturing resources. So, as students, as the master of the school and the class collective, what should we do?I believe that we should do the following two things:
First, to comply with the rules and regulations, is the basis for the formation of a good class style, school spirit. Without rules, there is no way to make a square circle.
Second, to develop a sense of collectivism is the prerequisite for the formation of a good class and academic style. Collectivism, that is, the whole class is one mind, moving toward the same goal. Students, from now on, start from yourself and be a good student who consciously abides by the school rules and regulations and the class rules and regulations. Only in this way can we form a good class style and build a good class collective. 
Thank you all!

     九月的第二周,在Ms.Helen Feng老师的组织和全体老师的协作下,嘉兴诺德安达学校开展了为期一周的“三国文化周”活动。本次文化周活动主题是使学生在浓厚的历史文化氛围中得到熏陶,在潜移默化中吸收中华历史文化的有益成分;旨在弘扬中华优秀历史文化,加深学生对中华文化和历史的认知,不断扩大中华历史文化的感染力、凝聚力和影响力,使中华优秀历史文化深植人心。

In the second week of September, Ms. Helen Feng worked with all of teachers, held a week-long "Three Kingdoms Culture Week".The theme of this culture week is to make the students get enlightened in a strong historical and cultural atmosphere and to absorb the beneficial components of Chinese history and culture in a subtle way; it aims to promote the excellent Chinese history and culture, deepen students' knowledge of Chinese culture and history, continuously expand the infectious, cohesive and influential power of Chinese history and culture, and make the excellent Chinese history and culture deeply rooted in people's hearts.


Annie:您是在什么情况下了解到《三国演义》这本书的? What were the circumstances that led to learning  the book        The Romance of the Three Kingdoms?
G11Marks:我第一次听说三国演义这部作品是来自于我的父        亲,我的父亲他很喜欢三国 经常看一些三国相关的纪录 片,有的时候会和我一起看,在看完一 两集纪 录片之后我就已经对三国有着浓厚的兴趣了.I first heard about Romance of the Three  Kingdoms  from my father, who was very fond of   the Three Kingdoms and used to watch  documentaries about the Three Kingdoms,sometimes with me, and after watching one or two episodes of the documentary I already had a  strong interest in the Three Kingdoms.
Ms Lemon:在我大概小学的时候,我开始读了一本书,是关于诸葛亮的传记,那本书让我了解到了很多关于诸葛 亮的知识,之后就大概再去了解了一下三国演义这 个整体的故事情节。 When I was in primary school, I started reading a   book, a biography of Zhuge Liang, which taught  me a lot about Zhuge Liang, and then I probably went on to l earn more about the overall storyline  of Romance of the Three Kingdoms.

十年级的方睿同学就<<三国演义》这本小说对老师和同学们做了采访。G10 Annie did interviews with teachers and students about the book The Romance of the Three Kingdoms .

                Annie:在书中有没有一些印象深刻的片段?Are there any memorable moments in the book?
Ms. Angela: 我觉得对于一些比较智慧的场面,都是印象很深的,比如说对诸葛亮这个人物,他以及他相关的所有事件,草船借箭呀,空城计呀然后等等的就是以他的奇招去对付整个 一个庞大的军队,这个都是在我当时小小世界里面 觉得叹为观止的。I think I was very impressed by some of the more intelligent scenes,    such as the character Zhuge Liang and all the events related to him, such as the  borrowing of arrows by the straw boats, the empty city      strategy and so on, which were all amazing in my small world  at that time.
Annie: 如果有机会穿越到书中,你最想变成那个人物?If you had the chance to travel back to the book, which character would you most like to become?
Marks:应该是曹操,我觉得曹操这个人真的很可惜,他是一代 枭雄,而最后打下那么大的江山却被司马氏给夺走了, 如果是我穿越回书中变成曹操的话,我会知道司马懿这 个人的危险,我自然也会去避免和司马懿接触,说不定 到时候的历史就可以改变成魏朝.It would be Cao Cao。 I think Cao Cao was  a hero in  my mind and he made such a big kingdom but it was  taken away by the Sima Yi,  if I were to travel back to  the book and became Cao Cao, I  would naturally  avoid contact with Sima Yi, and maybe then the history      could be changed to Wei Dynasty .


G10 Sloan:刘备吧,最大的官,掌握这个大权,有诸葛亮辅助 我,有赵子龙这样的忠臣来辅佐我。  Liu Bei, the biggest official, holding this great power, with Zhuge Liang to assist me and loyal subjects like Zhao Zilong to assist me.
Annie:对于《三国演义》这本书,你想说什么? What would you like to say about the book Romance of the Three Kingdoms?
G9 Harry:《三国演义》的全名是《三国志通俗演义》,《三国志》其实才是三国正史,而《三国演义》 根据《三国志》记录的历史演绎出来的小说故事, 是文学作品。所以都说七分史实,三分虚构。罗贯中对魏、蜀、吴三国自有一套顺逆是非的看法。他认为刘备的蜀国应该是合法继承汉朝的,是正统的,而魏、吴两国不过是僭位和篡窃。基于这种认识,他在人物塑造、故事演述和材料取舍方面就自有一套体例。罗贯中生活在元末明初之际,他看到蒙古贵族统治者的专横残暴,饱受了民族压迫的苦痛,所以他尊崇继承汉室的刘备,是有政治用意的。

G9 Harry:The Romance of the Three Kingdoms is a fictional story based on the history. It is a literary work. That's why it was said there were seven parts of historical facts and three parts of fictions. The writer Luo Guanzhong has his own views on the right and wrong of Wei Realm, Shu Realm and Wu Realm. He believed that Liu Bei's Shu Realm should be the legitimate successor to the Han dynasty and the rightful one, while Wei and Wu were merely usurping their positions and usurping the throne. Based on this understanding, he had his own style of characterisation, storytelling and materialselection. Luo Guanzhong lived in the late Yuan dynasty and early Ming dynasty and saw the tyranny and brutality of the Mongol aristocratic rulers, who suffered from national oppression, so he had political intentions in honouring Liu Bei, who inherited the Han dynasty.



        三国时期涌现了很多风云人物,他们各有自己的性格特点。后世的京剧就根据他们的性格特点用不同的面具颜色展示了他们的性格。来自九年级Harry和Bob将带领我们欣赏一下京剧脸谱中的三国人物。During The Three Kingdoms period, there emerged many popular figures, each of whom had his own characteristics. Later generations of Peking Opera showed their characters in different mask colors according to their characteristics. Harry and Bob from Grade 9 will show us The Three Kingdoms characters in Peking Opera masks.                        红色:一般用来表示耿直、忠义,有血性,                                    多表现正面角色。其实,红色脸谱最初                                   只是为了表明人物的肤色,比如我们的                                   关羽就是典型的代表.                        Red: Generally used to express honesty,                                         loyalty, blood, and more positive roles. In fact, the red mask was originally just to show the skin color of the characters, such as our Guan Yu is a typical representative his treacherous and suspicious.

白色:白色有粉白和油白之分。京剧中常常用白色脸谱来表现奸邪的反面角色,如三国戏中的奸雄曹操画粉白脸,表明其奸诈多疑。White: White is divided into powder white and oily white. In Peking Opera, white masks are often used to represent the villainous characters. For example, Cao Cao, the traitor in the Three Kingdoms Opera, painted a white face.
黑色:黑色最初也是用来表示人物肤色的,京剧脸谱黑色代表忠耿正直,性格严肃,不苟言笑,比如三国中的张飞,长得很黑,看上去也比较严肃。Black: Black was originally used to represent the skin color of the characters. The black face in Peking Opera represents honesty, integrity, serious character. For example, Zhang Fei in the Three Kingdoms is very dark and looks more serious.
蓝色:在京剧脸谱中,蓝色与绿色的含义相近,都是黑色的延伸,表示人物性格刚强、豪爽,有时候也表示人物的阴险、狡猾。Blue: In Peking Opera masks, blue and green have similar meanings, and both are extensions of black, indicating that the characters are strong and bold, and sometimes they also indicate the characters' insidiousness and cunning personality.



        三国演义的故事发生在东汉末年,那个时代的人穿的衣服叫汉服,汉服对后世的服饰文化产生了巨大的影响,至今韩国、日本、越南等国家的国服上都有汉服的影子。来自十年级的Eric、Annie、Reynoalds和Sloan对汉服的特色做了简单的介绍。 The story of the Romance of the Three Kingdoms took place at the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty. People in that era wore clothes called Hanfu. Hanfu has had a huge impact on the national clothing of South Korea, Japan, Vietnam and so on. Eric, Annie, Reynoalds and Sloan from G10 gave a brief introduction to the characteristics of the Chinese costume.

第一种:曲裾深衣: 这种衣服的特点是长的一体连衣裙,通常是女士穿的。没有裤子,衣服一圈一圈绕着,最后系上绑带,看起来就像波浪一样,所以叫做曲裾,深衣,顾名思义就是长的衣服。交领右衽是一些东亚及南亚服饰如汉服、越服、韩服、琉服、和服等的特征之一,交领是指衣服前襟左右相交。向右掩(左前襟掩向右腋系带,将右襟掩覆于内。)的服饰,称为右衽,也有短曲裾,下面就配上裙子。First:Quju Shenyi: This type of clothing features a long one-piece dress, usually worn by women. There are no trousers and the clothes are wrapped around in circles and finally tied with straps,which looks like a wave, so it is called Qujushenyi ,as the name suggests that it is long clothes. Cross-collar right ren is one of the characteristics of some East Asian and South Asian costumes, such as Hanfu, Vietnamese, Hanbok, Ryufu, and kimono. Clothing that is covered to the right (the left front placket is covered with the right armpit tie, and the right placket is covered inside.) is called the right placket.there are also short skirts, which are accompanied by skirts.


第二种,直裾深衣:这种衣服和曲裾深衣最大的不同是 衣服的下面部分采取垂直剪裁,不用像曲裾一样层层环绕,比较简单方便,汉代男女都可以穿,但是不能作为正式的礼服。Second,Zhijushenyi: The biggest difference between this kind of clothes and Qu-ju dark clothes is that the lower part of the clothes is cut vertically, and it does not need to be surrounded by layers like a curved-sleeve. It is relatively simple and convenient. It can be worn by both men and women in the Han Dynasty, but it cannot be used as a formal dress .

第三种:襦裙:襦裙是汉服的一种,上身穿的短衣和下身束的裙子合称襦裙,是典型的“上衣下裳(cháng)”制。上衣短襦或衫,叫做“襦”,襦裙 有交领齐腰襦裙,或者齐胸襦裙,Third:Ru skirt: Ru skirt is a type of Hanfu. The short coat on the upper body and the skirt tied on the lower body are collectively called Ru skirt. The jacket with a short ru or a shirt is called "ru", Ru skirt There is a cross-neck waist-length ru skirt, or a chest-length ru skirt, 
第四种: 袄裙:指上衣在裙子之外的的襦裙,上面是衣服,下面是裙子,只是衣服在外面,不露腰带。 Fourth: Ao skirt: refers to the Ru skirt with the top outside the skirt, the top is the clothes, the bottom is the skirt, but the clothes are outside, no belt is exposed




                                                                 G5 朱安妮         9月28日是一个重要的日子,是被后世尊为万世师表、至圣先师孔子的诞辰。孔子是中国古代思想家、教育家、儒家学派创始人,他所创立的儒家思想对中华传统文化有着深远影响。缅怀先圣,既是中华民族历代尊师重道之表达,也是弘扬中华传承文化、重拾传统美德、振奋民族精神之途径。       仁、义、礼、智、信。孔子创立的儒家学说以及在此基础上发展起来的儒家思想,对中华文明产生了深刻影响。作为中国传统文化的重要组成部分之一,儒家思想在中华民族形成和发展的历史长河中,述说了中华民族自古以来在建设家园的奋斗中开展的精神活动、进行的理性思维、创造的文化成果,反映了中华民族的精神追求、价值追求和人格追求,是中华民族生生不息、发展壮大、接续奋斗的重要滋养。       文以载道,文以化人。孔子创立的儒家思想已经深深融入到中国传统文化的骨血之中,为中华传统文化之发展注入强劲精神动力。回望两千多年前那个风尘仆仆的背影,他依旧是我们民族精神上的导师,也是我们前进方向的引领者。

       The Light of Wisdom for a Thousand Years
                                                                  G5 Elsa
September 28th is an important day, the birth date of Confucius, a philosopher remembered throughout time. Confucius was an ancient Chinese thinker, educator, and founder of the Confucian school of thought, which had a deep impact on traditional Chinese culture. Memory of the sage not only shows the Chinese nation's respect for teachers, but also a way to promote the Chinese heritage, revive old values and awaken the national spirit.
Kindness, morals, agency, wisdom, and faith are important to Chinese culture, Confucianism has, throughout the long history of the Chinese nation. It is an important nourishment for the Chinese people to live, develop and grow, and continue to strive.
Confucianism, founded by Confucius, has been deeply integrated into the bones and blood of traditional Chinese culture. Looking back at the man from more than two thousand years ago, he is still our spiritual mentor and the leader of our way forward.

M:您为什么组织飞盘ECA?Why did you organize the ECA?
A:极限飞盘可以把孩子凝聚在一起,使我们学校的学生更加团结,学生更加了解彼此,更下信任彼此。而且近些年飞盘非常流行,是未来发展的趋势,我也想让孩子喜欢上飞盘。这也是我玩飞盘的第6个年头。我这个年纪虽然无法站在竞技场上竞技,但我会用我自己的努力让更多人喜欢飞盘这项运动。Ultimate Frisbee is a great way to bring children together and to strengthen the bond within the community.Also in recent years frisbee has become very popular and will be more and more popular is the future.This is also my 6th year of playing Frisbee. At my age I won't be able to compete on the playing field, but I will use my own efforts to get more people into the sport of Frisbee.

ECA 飞盘Frisbee

       九月的第三周,在Mr.Duncan老师的组织下,我们正式开启了课外活动,G11卢奕豪Marks同学采访了飞盘ECA的组织者Adam老师,以下简称M和H:In the third week of September, under the organization of Mr.Duncan, we officially started the extracurricular activities. G11 student Lu Yihao Marks interviewed the organizer of Frisbee ECA, Mr. Adam, hereinafter referred to as M and A:

M:您好!Adam老师,可以不可以请您简单介绍下什么是飞盘运动。Hi Mr.Adam,Could you introduce what is Frisbee?

A:飞盘是一种用手丢掷塑胶制成圆盘的活动,是一种男女老少皆宜的新兴运动。我们目前所讲的飞盘其实是极限飞盘,为什么说是极限飞盘呢?因为还有高尔夫飞盘等等,甚至是狗飞盘。极限飞盘可以培养人的竞技,运动精神,而且这是世界上唯一没有裁判在场的运动,也是可以男女同场竞技的运动。Frisbee is an activity which is a plastic disc thrown by hand. it is  a new sport and easy to play for both men and women.The discs we are talking about are in fact Ultimate discs. Because there are also golf discs and so on, and even dog discs. It's the only sport in the world where there are no referees and it's also a 7v7 co-ed sport.




K:I have been a member of NAS Jiaxing since it opened in September 2020. I actually worked remotely from Melbourne for the first year due because of visa issues but I finally arrived in Jiaxing in July 2021.2020年九月开学的时候我就加入了,实际上因为疫情和签证的关系,第一年我在墨尔本网络办公,在2021年7月的时候,我终于到了嘉兴。

A: How long have you been a member of NAS Jiaxing  philosophy? 您加入学校多长时间了?


Meet our teacher

G10 Annie did an interview with Mr.Kevin,hereinafter referred to 
as A and K:

A: why did you join Nas Jiaxing?       为什么您选择加入嘉兴诺德安达学校?
K:I joined Nas Jiaxing because I was excited to be involved in the opening of a brand new school. I have always looked for new challenges when I move, so NasJiaxing was perfect. Of course, Nord Anglia has a worldwide reputation for academic excellence and that was also appealing. I visited China for about a month in 2009, travelling to about 8 different places. I was interested to know what it would be like to live and work in China rather than just be a tourist.我很高兴能参与到一所全新的学校建设中来,当我寻求工作变动的时候,我总是会寻找一些新的挑战,嘉兴诺德安达学校对我来说是完美的。当然,诺德安达这个品牌在全世界都非常有影响力。我在2009年的时候来过中国旅行,待了差不多一个月 ,去了八个不同的地方,所以我很有兴趣想在这里工作看看,而不是仅仅作为旅行者。

A:Can you share your educational philosophy?你可以谈谈你的教育理念吗?k:My educational philosophy is very simple. After 25 years as a professional teacher and educator, I have learned that there is no such thing as teaching - there is only learning. A teacher's job is to create the conditions for students to learn. A teacher cannot learn for a student, the student must learn for themselves. If students do not participate in their learning, they will not progress.

A:What do you like to do in your free time?        业余时间您通常做什么?K:I don't really have much free time, but when I have a chance I like walking and I am a very keen musician. I have played many hundreds of shows around the world, singing and playing the guitar.


A:As a expat, you have lived in Jiaxing for a while, do you have any feelings you would like to share? For example, where do you like to go and what do you like to eat? Or have you encountered any difficulties?作为一个在嘉兴生活了一段时间的外国人,你有什么感受要分享吗?例如,你喜欢去哪儿,喜欢吃什么?或者你遇到过什么困难?
k:I have not encountered too many issues. We are very lucky in Jiaxing, especially when it comes to COVID. At first, I found it hard because very few people speak English. However, I have managed to get by with the help of friends and a good translator on my phone! People here are generally very friendly and that makes everything easier.I really like the peaceful atmosphere in Jiaxing, especially after living in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam for three years. I enjoy the lakes and parks. I usually cook for myself, but when I go out I especially like Thai food.我没遇到过太多麻烦。在嘉兴我觉得非常幸运,特别是疫情期间。开始的时候我觉得有点难因为很少人会说英语,不过,我得到了很多朋友的帮助,还有手机的翻译功能也很棒。这里的人们大部分的时候都非常友好,这让很多事情变得容易。我很喜欢嘉兴宁静的气氛,特别是在越南胡志明市生活了三年之后。我也很喜欢这里的湖泊和公园。我常常自己做饭,但有时候我也出去吃,我特别喜欢泰国菜。

A: I have heard that you have lived and worked in different countries, can you tell us about your experiences?我听说您在不同的国家工作和生活过,可不可以请您分享一下您的经历?
K:I have lived and worked in 5 countries: UK, Australia, UAE, Vietnam and China. I have also visited more than 30 other countries. I feel very privileged to have these experiences. Although some people would say I have been lucky, in fact I have had these opportunities because I have been willing to take chances and be open to new experiences. I worked very hard at school to get a good education and this has helped me with all of my travels.我在五个国家工作和生活过:英国、澳大利亚、阿联酋、越南和中国,我还去过三十多个国家旅行。拥有这样的经历我觉得非常自豪。尽管有些人说我很幸运,但实际上我想是因为我有愿意尝试从而才有了更多的新的经历。在我的学习生涯中我非常努力,这对我的旅行帮助很大。I could fill a whole book about the places that I have been, the people I have met, the things that I have seen and the things that I have done. The most important thing I have learned is that people around the world are very much the same: they work hard, they are mostly kind, they want to have a place to call home and enough to eat, they want the best for their family.如果把我过去旅行中到过的地方,见过的人和事情记录下来,我甚至能装满整整一本书。我学到的最重要的事情是 世界上的人都是非常相似的:他们努力工作,他们大部分时候都非常友善,他们想要一个叫做家的地方,有足够吃的东西,他们想为他们的家寻求最好的。

I would encourage everybody to work hard and grasp opportunities that present themselves. There are amazing things to see and people to meet, in China and beyond. Make the most of the world we all live in!我鼓励大家努力工作,不放过每个表达自我的机会。无论是在中国还是其他地方,你都会看见都有很多令人惊叹的事情,见识很多人,让我们一起把我们生活的世界变得更好。


        好的文章,能让人感受到字里行间的真情实感,感悟到语言的力量;好的照片,能让人感同身临其境,体会到拍摄者当时的心情,无论是文字还是图片,我们都在寻找美。     《新禾》现向所有嘉兴诺德安达的全体学生与老师开放征稿、征图。我们始终等待看到各位文章下的真情以及图片内蕴含的能量。一、征稿要求1.原创类爱情、亲情、友情、生活经历等符合社会主义核心价值观的主题皆可。文体不限,诗歌、散文、小说等皆可。若是虚构类的作品避免无中心内容的情况,需要有核心意义。需保证文章为原创,没有大篇幅抄袭或借鉴他人文章的情况。2.非原创类非原创类仅支持翻译诗歌、文章的作品,需注明原作者。二、征图要求照片需为本人拍摄,不得使用网络上的图片。照片需有意义、独特,并标注何时何地进行拍摄,可酌情分享当时拍下此照片的心情感悟。联系方式:helen.zhuang@nasjiaxing.cn请注明您的作品是文章还是照片,我们期待看到您的作品出现在杂志中,欢迎各位多多投稿!  

 Contribution Invited
A good article can make people feel the truth between the lines and the power of words; a good photo can make people feel like they are there, and appreciate the mood of the photographer at the time, whether it is words or photos, we are all looking for beauty. The XIN HE is now open to all students and teachers of NAS Jiaxing for submissions and images. We are always waiting to see the truth in your articles and the energy in your photos.I. Call for articles1. Original articlesAll themes such as love, family, friendship and life experiences that are in line with the core socialist values are welcome.Poetry, prose, fiction, etc. are all acceptable.Fictional works should have no central content and should have a core meaning.You must ensure that your essay is original and that there is no extensive plagiarism or borrowing from others.2. Non-original categoryOnly translations of poetry and articles are allowed in the non-original category, and the original author must be credited.II. Photo requirementsPhotographs must be taken by the person themselves and must not use images from the internet.The photo must be meaningful and unique, with a note of when and where it was taken, and where appropriate, you may share your feelings about the photo at the time it was taken.Contact: helen.zhuang@nasjiaxing.cnPlease specify whether your work is an article or a photograph, we look forward to seeing your work in the magazine and welcome your submissions!


Chinese style photos
collected by Ms.Chris Gu


                                                      后记       丹桂飘香的时节,嘉兴诺德安达学校的校刊《新禾》迎来了创刊第一期。      非常荣幸能和同学们一起参与到这样一个有意义的项目上来。我记得十年级的方睿同学为了设计封面苦思冥想,吴乐宸同学为了图标的配色挑灯夜战,还有九年级的许菡芝同学为了杂志的排版殚精竭虑,十一年级的李易勋和卢奕豪同学也不遑多让,交出了出色的采访稿。从构思到成文,从排版到配色,每一步都凝结了同学们的心血。     《新禾》的成刊更离不开校领导和各位同事们的大力支持,在此特别感谢我们的语言支持老师Ms.Jenny 、Mr.Scott和Mr.Adam.        小“禾”刚露尖尖角,疏漏之处在所难免,恳请大家给予批评指正,希望这株“新禾”在大家的浇灌下茁壮成长。谢谢!                                                                                                                         《新禾》主编:庄文砚                                                                                                         2022.9

In the season of fragrant laurel, NAS Jiaxing  school magazine "Xinhe" celebrated its first issue.
It was a great honor to participate in such a meaningful project with the students. I remembered that Fang Rui from G10 was thinking hard about the cover design, Wu Le Chen was working on the color scheme of the icons, Xu Hanzhi from G9 was working hard on the layout of the magazine, and Li Yixun and Lu Yihao from G11 were also delivering excellent interviews. From the idea to the article, from the layout to the color scheme, every step of the way, the students' hard work was put together.
I would like to express my gratitude to all staff and students especially our language support teachers, Ms. Jenny, Mr. Scott and Mr. Adam.I hope that this "Xin He" will grow and flourish under your support. Thank you!                                                                                            Editor-in-chief:Ms.Helen Zhuang                                                              September,2022       


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