书刊名称:Microcosm六七月刊 Celebrate Diversity
书刊简介:Every publication will be covering a specific social issue in a certain part of the world, and we will be covering these social issues at a microscopic level. Each publication will start with an update of recent news surrounding various social issues from around the world. Then we will discuss the history behind a current social problem, and its effect on an ordinary person under the influence of said social issue. It will end with an in-depth analysis of a piece of literature or artwork that is related to the topic of the publication.
其他信息:《Microcosm六七月刊 Celebrate Diversity》电子宣传画册作品由Microcosm于2022-08-01制作并发布于FLBOOK电子杂志制作平台。FLBOOK是一款HTML5电子杂志、电子书刊、电子画册制作平台,使用FLBOOK可以快速制作和发布电子书刊作品。