


Chinese poetry culture


Chinese poetry culture

"Wave after wave,the Yangzi River roars east,sweeping away with all our heroes." The long river of history pentium, our ancestors with infinite wisdom, created five thousand years of Chinese civilization history, leaving an extremely rich and precious material wealth and spiritual wealth, like the long history of the surging flood of gold sand, precipitation, gathering.Today, we call it culture.It has been passed down from generation to generation, stretching and continuing, and has become a traditional Chinese culture.Among them, poetry is undoubtedly one of the oldest and the most brilliant existence.The history of Chinese poetry is more than three thousand years, in myriad of brilliant poets emerged like countless stars in the sky,several representative poets will be selected as examples here, so that you can feel the charm of Chinese poetry culture.they have different styles and life experience, and also represent different schools of Chinese poetry,allowing you to see the brightest existence in our history. 





Li qingzhao



 诗人简介 About the Author

Li Bai ( 701~ 762), also known as Li Po, was renowned as the greatest romantic poet in ancient China. His courtesy name was Taibai and was born in Suiye in Central Asia. And he was known as "Poetry Fairy" by later generations.

写作风格 Writing Styel 

Li Bai's poems are magnificent and elegant with high artistic achievement. He euloitates the mountains and rivers of the motherland and the beautiful natural scenery. His style is bold and unrestrained, handsome and fresh, full of spirit, and achieves the perfect unification of content and art. Most of his poems mainly describe landscapes and express inner feelings, and the subjective lyric color of self-expression is very strong, and the expression of feelings has a kind of overwhelming momentum.

写作特点 Writing Features

Li Bai's poems often use imagination, exaggeration, metaphor, and other techniques comprehensively, resulting in a magical, magnificent and moving artistic conception, which is why his poems give people bold, elegant and immortal. Li Bai's poems have the artistic charm of "the pen falls the wind and rain, the poem becomes qizhuishen", which is the most distinctive feature of his poems.

评价 Evaluation

In terms of artistic achievements, Li Bai's Yuefu, singing and quatrains achievements are the highest. His singing lines completely break all the inherent formats of poetry creation, with empty dependence and varied brushwork, reaching the magical realm of unpredictable and swaying with nature. Li Bai's unique sentence is natural and lively, elegant and unrestrained, and can express endless feelings with concise and lively language. Among the poets of the Tang Dynasty, Wang Wei and Meng Haoran were good at five wonders, Wang Changling and other seven wonders wrote well, and Li Bai was the only one. Du Fu's evaluation of Li Bai: "The pen startled the wind and rain, the poem into tears."



【清平调其一 Qingping Theme #1】
Clouds and flowers remind me of her dress and looks.
Spring wind brushes rails; dews moisten flowers.
If she’s not a fairy descended from Mountain Qunyu,
she has to be a goddess from Yao Terrace in moonlight.
诗歌赏析 Poetry Appreciation
The appreciation of flowers is also the appreciation of people. The beauty of flowers set each other off, so that the king looked at them with a smile. The poet wrote flowers and people, things and I blend, speech here and intended to that. The language in the poem is thick and colourful, the words flow sb, read this poem, if feel spring breeze is full of paper, flower light is full of eye, human face is blurred, need not describe, nature makes a person feel this is peony, is beauty jade color, but is not other.

【登金陵凤凰台 Climbing Up Phoenix Terrace at Jinling】
Before, phoenixes used to hang out at Phoenix Terrace.
They’re gone leaving terrace empty and river flowing.
Flowers and grass bury desolate footpath at Wu Palace.
Dignitaries of Jin Dynasty are now inside tomb mounds.
Half of Three Hills at distant blue sky is obscured by mist.
River is split into two in the middle by White Heron Islet.
Those roaming clouds always block out the sun high above.
It’s heartrending when Chang’an is not seen from high place.
诗歌赏析 Poetry Appreciation
The poem is ancient in spirit and long in style, which embodies the artistic characteristics of Li Bai's poetry. Among them, "Chang 'an disappeared" contains the meaning of "ascend" from afar, which not only echoes the title from afar, but also paints infinite feelings into the great river, lofty mountains and clear and boundless sky. So in the heart and eyes of the scene is blankly intertwined, so the mountains and rivers, hair think of the ancient feelings, think of thousands of years; River surging, Yin wound from hate today, endless rhyme.


诗人简介 About the Author

杜甫(712年2月12日 [1] ~770年),字子美,自号少陵野老,唐代伟大的现实主义诗人,与李白合称“李杜”。出生于河南巩县,原籍湖北襄阳。
Du Fu (February 12,712 -- 770 years) , the word beauty, since the name Shaolingyelao. Born in Gong County, Henan province, originally from Xiangyang, Hubei Province.

写作风格 Writing Style

Du Fu's poems are characterized by ancient style and rhythmic poetry, with various styles. His own style is accurately summed up by the four words “Gloomy and stuttering”, and his style is mainly gloomy.

写作特点 Writing Features

Du Fu used many of the systems of classical poetry and developed them creatively. Du Fu's concern for people's livelihood and his achievements in poetry directly influenced the creation of new yuefu by Yuan Zhen, Bai Juyi and others in the Middle Tang dynasty. He was the pioneer of the new yuefu style of poetry. His yuefu poems contributed to the development of the new yuefu movement in the Middle Tang dynasty. His long May 7 antiquity works, which are both poetry and history, spread out narration, and focus on the whole cycle of back and forth, symbolizing the high achievement of Chinese poetry art. In the Song dynasty, when there were many social contradictions, it was the most prosperous time to learn from Du Fu.

评价 Evaluation

Du Fu inherited the spirit of the Yue-fu of the Han and Wei dynasties, which was “Inspired by sorrowful music and inspired by events”. He got rid of the shackles of the ancient yue-fu theme and created many new yue-fu themes, which were “Well-known works with no backing”, such as the famous“Three officials”, “Three farewell” and so on. After death by Fan Huang, Han Yu, Yuan Zhen, Bai Juyi and other people vigorously praise. Du Shi had a great influence on Yuan Bai's literary thought of the “New yuefu movement” and Li Shangyin's modern allegorical poems about current events. However, Du's poems were widely regarded after the Song dynasty. Wang Yucheng, Wang Anshi, Su Shi, Huang Tingjian, and others praised Du Fu, Wen Tianxiang is more to adhere to the national integrity of Du Shi as a spiritual force. The influence of Du Fu's poems, from ancient times to the present, has long gone beyond the scope of literature and art.



 On the Way from the Capital to Fengxian (Excerpts) 】
The mansions burst with wine and meat;The poor die frozen on the street.
Woe stands within an inch of weal.Distressed, can I tell what I feel?
诗歌赏析 Poetry Appreciation
This is a famous saying that has been passed down through the ages. On the surface, they sing loudly, but in the dark, they tie the knot, so that the reader does not know, “Du Shi Jing Quan,” said the evaluation, “Take the road without trace, say very right. The Lishan Palace is decorated like a fairyland, and there are dead bodies lying on the road outside the palace gates. Within a few feet of each other, the difference between growth and decline was so great that nothing could be said about it. The poet can say no more, and need say no more.

【登金陵凤凰台 Climbing Up Phoenix Terrace at Jinling】
On war-torn land streams flow and mountains stand;In vernal town grass and weeds are o'ergrown.
Grieved o'er the years, flowers make us shed tears;Hating to part, hearing birds breaks our heart.
The beacon fire has gone higher and higher;Words from household are worth their weight in gold.
I cannot bear to scratch my grizzling hair;It grows too thin to hold a light hairpin.
诗歌赏析 Poetry Appreciation
“Chunwang” is a poem written by Du Fu, a great poet in the Tang dynasty. The first four lines of this poem describe the sad and dilapidated scene of Chang 'an in spring, full of feelings of prosperity and decline, while the last four lines describe the poet's concern for his family and state affairs, full of sad thoughts. The whole poem is in strict order, the chin couplets are respectively“Feeling when the flowers splashing tears” to the United Nations to break the sigh, to“Hate the bird scared” to the neck to think of the worries of the family, while the tail couplets stress the depth of the worries leading to white and sparse, the antithesis is exquisite, the voice is solemn and stirring, fully showing the poet's patriotic feelings.


诗人简介 About the author

Author's introduction
Su Shi (January 8, 1037 -- August 24, 1101), styled zizhan, styled Hezhong, styled Tieguan Daoist, dongpo Laishi, known as Su Dongpo, Su Xian, Po Xian, han Nationality, was born in Meishan, Meizhou (now Meishan city, Sichuan Province), and his ancestral home was Luancheng, Hebei province. He was a writer, calligrapher, gourmet and painter in the Northern Song Dynasty.

写作风格 Writing Style

Writing style
The styles of Su Shi's works can be divided into three categories:
1.Bold style:
This is the ideal style that Su Shi deliberately pursues. He is full of, passionate and even slightly sad feelings into the words, writing human with generous heroic image and grand and magnificent scene win.
2.Broad-minded style:
This is the most representative of Su Shi's thoughts and personality style, expressing the poet's wish to live in seclusion, avoid chaos, and look forward to peace.
3.Graceful style:
The number of graceful ci of Su Shi occupies an absolute large proportion in the total number of his ci, which is a kind of inheritance and development of traditional graceful ci with pure and deep feeling and healthy and lofty style.

3.Graceful style:
The number of graceful ci of Su Shi occupies an absolute large proportion in the total number of his ci, which is a kind of inheritance and development of traditional graceful ci with pure and deep feeling and healthy and lofty style.

评价 Evaluation

Su Dongpo was bold and unrestrained, and did not like to cut words into rhythm. He only regarded ci as a new poetic style with proper sentence structure. In his poems, he is nostalgic for the past and hurts the present, discusses the history and mystery, expresses the feelings of the country, describes the friendship between teachers and students, writes rural scenery, rove mood, and truly achieves "no intention can not enter, nothing is not at all"; Or performance for flat hill thousand ride, brocade cap sable furs, pull bow to shoot tiger's passionate generosity, or performance for misty rain an alpine rush, grain in ear bamboo cane, chant the cheerful broadness when going out, or performance for a flood, forget her country, the melancholy and melancholy when remembering heroes, or performance for long way think tea, desolate village knock jing, try to ask wildling is easy and easy. Really do "such as running water, the beginning of no fixed quality, but often in the line when the line, often stop in the can not stop." He emancipated ci style, broke the division of subject matter "poetry expresses aspiration" and "ci expresses affection", and was the founder of the bold and unrestrained school.



How long wi11 the full moon appear?
Wine cup in hand, I ask the sky.
I do not know what time of the year
Twould be tonight in the palace on high.
Riding the wind, there I would fly,
Yet I' m afraid the crystalline palace would be
Too high and cold for me.
I rise and dance, with my shadow I play.
On high as on earth, would it be as gay?
The moon goes round the mansions red
Through gauze–draped window soft to shed
Her light upon the sleepless bed.
Why then when people part, is the oft full and bright?
Men have sorrow and joy; they part or meet again;
The moon is bright or dim and she may wax or wane.
There has been nothing perfect since the olden days.
So let us wish that man.

诗歌赏析 Poetry Appreciation
Appreciation: The poem starts with the moon, in the moon waxing and waxing, into a strong philosophical meaning, expressed the poet's infinite yearning for his brother, but also expressed in the official career frustrated broad-mindedness and detachment of mind and optimistic scene. In terms of expression, the first half of the word is written vertically and the second half is narrated horizontally. The first half is the evolution of fairy poems in wei, Jin and Six dynasties. After semi - pure use of line, double and people on. In terms of artistic achievement, it is extremely romantic in conception. In terms of layout, the upper slice volley and up, into the virtual; Next wave cascade, return virtual turn real.



【Tune: "Charm of a Maiden Singer"
Memories of the Past at Red Cliff】
The Great River eastward flows,
With its waves are gone all those
Gallant heroes of bygone years.
West of the ancient fortress appears
The Red Cliff. Here General Zhou won his early fame
When the Three Kingdoms were all in flame.
Jagged rocks tower in the air,
Swashing waves beat on the shore,
Rolling up a thousand heaps of snow.
To match the hills and the river so fair,
How many heroes brave of yore
Made a great show!
I fancy General Zhou at the height
Of his success, with a plume fan in hand,
In a silk hood, so brave and bright,
Laughing and jesting with his bride so fair,
While enemy ships were destroyed as planned
Like shadowy castles in the air.
Should their souls revisit this land,
Sentimental, his wife would laugh to say,
Younger than they, I have my hair all turned gray.
Life is but like a passing dream,
I'd drink to the moon which once saw them on the stream.

诗歌赏析 Poetry Appreciation
Appreciation: this word nostalgic lyric, write oneself kill heroic heart exhausted, turn to the heart of broad-minded concern about history and life. Upper tie down to describe the natural scenery of chibi rock wind surging mainly, artistic conception broad, feeling vague deep. Writing lingyun Jianju, powerful package. Will the mighty river and ancient personnel and collect.


诗人简介 About the author

李清照(1084年3月13日-1155年),号易安居士,宋齐州章丘(今山东济南章丘西北)人,居济南。 宋代女词人,婉约派代表,有“千古第一才女”之称。所作词,前期多写其悠闲生活,后期多悲叹身世,情调感伤。这与她的经历有关。
Li Qingzhao (March 13, 1084-1155), No. Yi'an lay, was born in Zhangqiu, songqizhou (now northwest of Zhangqiu, Jinan, Shandong), and lived in Jinan. The poetess of the Song Dynasty, a representative of the graceful school, is known as "the most talented woman in the ages". In the early stage, he wrote more about his leisurely life, and in the later stage, he lamented his life experience and emotional sentiment. It has something to do with her experience.

写作风格 Writing Style

Writing style
In the early stage, he mainly described the poet's happy and free life in his teenage years and his love for nature, his yearning for love and the agony of parting; In the later period, ci poetry mainly shows the hatred of the collapse of the country and the desolation and loneliness by comparing the associative techniques and the forms of family colloquial expression.

评价 Evaluation

李清照作为中国古代文学史上少有的女作家,其作品中所体现的爱国思想,具有积极的社会意义。 历史的角度李清照的爱国思想,代表了中国古代广大妇女追求男女平等、关心国事、热爱祖国的一个侧面,让后人从中看到了中国古代女性情感世界的另一面。而且,她还在众多爱国作家中为女性争得了一席之地。不仅如此,李清照还开创了女作家爱国主义创作的先河,为后世留下了一个女性爱国的光辉典范,特别是现代女性文学的创作产生了重大影响。 现实的角度认识李清照的爱国思想,能感受到女性在国家统一、民族团结以及社会进步等方面的巨大作用。这对于在弘扬爱国主义,高举爱国大旗,促进民族团结、国家统一和振兴中华时充分发挥妇女的社会作用,具有十分重大的意义。
As a rare female writer in the history of ancient Chinese literature, Li Qingzhao's patriotic thoughts reflected in her works have positive social significance. From a historical point of view, Li Qingzhao's patriotism represents one side of ancient Chinese women's pursuit of equality between men and women, their concern for state affairs and their love for the motherland, from which future generations can see the other side of the emotional world of ancient Chinese women. Moreover, she also won a place for women among many patriotic writers. Not only that, Li Qingzhao also created a precedent for the patriotic creation of female writers, leaving a brilliant example of female patriotism for later generations, especially the creation of modern female literature has had a significant impact. To understand Li Qingzhao's patriotism from a realistic perspective, we can feel the great role of women in national unity, national unity and social progress. This is of great significance to give full play to the social role of women in carrying forward patriotism, holding high the flag of patriotism, promoting national unity, national unity and rejuvenating China


Last night the strong wind blew with a rain fine;
Sound sleep did not dispel the aftertaste of wine.
I ask the maid rolling up the screen.
The same crab apple, "says she, can be seen.'
But don't you know, Oh, don't you know
The red should languish and the green should grow?"

A Short Separation
- -to the tune of Yijinamei
The fragrance of the red lotus has faded away.
Autumn chill seeped through my jade-like mat.
I loosened my silk robe to board my magnolia boat alone.
Who would send your messages through the clouds?
I looked up for the wild geese.
But in vain! As they returned in formation,
My west chamber was full of moonlight.
The faded petals are scattered away,
The water is flowing smoothly.
Must we share the same longing in two places?
This love, I am unable to evade:
- -For when my eyebrows banish it,
It overruns my heart.
诗歌赏析 Poetry Appreciation
这首词是李清照与丈夫赵明诚离别之后,先写请求时节与爱人别后,独上兰州一排遣忧愁,西楼望月恨大雁没有给她传家书。表达了词人不忍离别的一腔深情,反应出初婚少妇沉溺于情海之中的纯洁心灵。全词不饰雕饰,明白如话,以女性特有的真挚情感,丝毫不落俗套的表现方式,展示出一种婉约之美,格调清新,意境幽美,称得上是一首工致精巧的别情之作。After Li Qingzhao and her husband zhaomingcheng left, he first wrote that after asking for a time to say goodbye to his lover, he went to Lanzhou alone to relieve his worries. The West Tower looked at the moon and hated the wild goose for not sending her a family letter. It expresses the poet's deep feeling that he can't bear to leave, and reflects the pure heart of the first married young woman who is addicted to the sea of love. The whole word is clear without ornaments. It shows a kind of graceful beauty with a fresh style and a beautiful artistic conception by means of women's unique sincere emotion and no unconventional expression. It can be called a delicate and exquisite work of special feelings.


诗歌赏析 Poetry Appreciation
Appreciation: this poem is one of Li Qingzhao's early works. The words fully reflect the author's love for nature and spring. This is a small decree, the content is also very simple. It describes the spring night when nature experienced a storm. The poet had a premonition that the flowers and trees in the garden must be lush with green leaves, but the flowers withered. Therefore, the next morning, it eagerly asked the shutter roller about the outdoor changes, but the careless shutter roller answered that the Begonia was still there. In this regard, Ci writers can not help but use two "know no" and "should be" to correct their careless observation and wrong answer. The sentence "green, fat, red and thin" vividly reflects the author's regret for the passing of spring.

Chinese poetry culture will always be a treasure of the world 

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