
iQIYI Content Line-up


眼里余光都是你 nothing but you

潇洒佳人淡淡妆 my sassy beauty

淘金 gold panning

一闪一闪亮星星 shining for one thing

瓦舍江湖 the theater stories

假日暖洋洋 2vacation of love 2

影帝的公主 be my princess

心居 life is a long quiet river

了不起的D小姐 great miss d

医是医, 二是二 the accidental physicians

千金难逃 decreed by fate

亲爱的小孩 left right

祝卿好 my sassy princess

风起陇西 the wind blows from longxi

救了一万次的你 love in a loop

对决 the fight

暗夜行者 day breaker

警察荣誉 ordinary greatness

买定离手我爱你 miss buyer

爱情应该有的样子 love the way you are

破事精英 the lord of losers

关于唐医生的一切 dr. tang

暗刃觉醒 hidden edge

瞄准你的未来 out with a bang

天才基本法 the heart of genius

迷航昆仑墟 lost in the kunlun mountains

第二次拥抱 my way

苍兰诀 love between fairy and devil

民国大侦探 checkmate 

罚罪 chasing the undercurrent

超时空罗曼史 see you again

亲爱的生命 beloved life

开心合伙人 start up together

请君 thousand years for you

大考 the examination for everyone

唐朝诡事录 strange tales of tang dynasty

我的反派男友 mr. bad

摇滚狂花 rock it, mom

我的秘密室友 love in time

芳心荡漾 hello, my love

促醒者 the neuron doctors

风吹半夏 wild bloom

拜托了!8小时 eight hours

墨白 double love

第9节课 lesson in love

初次爱你 first love

月歌行 song of the moon

回来的女儿 homesick

浮图缘 unchained love

狂飙 the knockout

耀眼的你啊 viva femina

公子贵姓 hello there

我们的日子 our ordinary days

显微镜下的大明之丝绢案 under the microscope

今日宜加油 never give up

九霄寒夜暖 warm on a cold night

平原上的摩西 why try to change me now

绝配酥心唐 taste of love

心想事成 hello beautiful life

归路 road home

理科生坠入情网 the science of falling in love

回响 echo

人生之路 miles to go

山河之影 pledge of allegiance

灿烂的转身 the magical women

尘封十三载 thirteen years of dust

龙城 take us home

不良执念清除师 oh no! here comes trouble

破事精英2 the lord of losers 2

云襄传 the ingenious one

外婆的新世界》 grandma's new world

熟年 my later years

花戎 beauty of resilience

心跳 skip a beat

长风渡 destined

南洋女儿情 sisterhood

尘缘 divine destiny

消失的十一层 the lost 11th floor

不完美受害人 imperfect victim

蓮花樓 mysterious lotus casebook

独家童话 exclusive fairy tale

来自未来的你 you from the future

七时吉祥 love you seven times

她的城 her world

云之羽 my journey to you

金牌客服董董恩 hello i'm at your service

花溪记 love is an accident

宿命之敌 best enemy

他从火光中走来 bright eyes in the dark

特工任务 spy game

虎鹤妖师录 tiger crane

仿生人间 bionic life

无所畏惧 the fearless

大河之水 the source of river

天启异闻录 the mutations

唐人街探案2 detective chinatown 2

我是刑警 we are criminal police

我要逆风去 rising with the wind

阿麦从军 fighting for love

独一有二的她 my special girl

宁安如梦 story of kunning palace

无忧渡 the demon hunter's romance

斗贼 cat & thief

开画!少女漫 the comic bang

倾城亦清欢 the emperor's love

点心之路 the baking challenge

陌上人如玉 little miss brave

边缘行者 man on the edge

雪山飞狐之塞北宝藏 the hidden fox

遇见你 almost love

一盘大棋 big three dragons

东北恋哥2对你爱不完 northeastern bro ii :endless love

中国乒乓之绝地反击 ping pong: the triumph

忠犬八公 hachiko

零号追杀the comeback

绝地追击 raid on the lethal zone

普通男女 in our prime

热搜 trending topic

本色(暂定名) wolf hiding

瞒天过海 the invisible guest 

陌路狂刀 the wild blade of strangers

钟馗 master zhong

超意神探 suspect

彷徨之刃 hovering blade

萌探探探案1-2 the detectives' adventure season 1-2

中国说唱巅峰对决2022-2023 the rap of china 2022-2023

做家务的男人1-4 mr. housework season 1-4

一年一度喜剧大赛1-2 super sketch show 1-2

哈哈哈哈哈1-3 hahahahaha season 1-3

嘟当曼 tuktak-man

恐龙萌游记 babydino tales

无敌鹿战队1-3 deer squad season 1-3

苍兰诀 love between fairy and devil (animation)

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