装饰画(Decorative Painting)是一种集装饰功能与美学欣赏于一体的艺术品。随着科学技术的进步与发展,装饰画的载体与表现形式也愈来愈丰富,大大提高了当今人们对品质生活的追求和热爱。
Decorative painting is a kind of art that integrates decorative function and aesthetic appreciation. With the progress and development of science and technology, the carrier and form of expression of decorative painting are more and more abundant, which greatly improves people's pursuit and love of quality life.
Decorative painting is different from realistic painting in that it lays particular emphasis on the decorative form of expression, does not emphasize the real light and shadow effect and perspective relationship, pays attention to the symbolism of color and the overall harmony, and uses exaggeration and deformation techniques to give people a concise, bright and strong artistic beauty.
Decorative painting
艺凡Art van
艺凡Art van是一家以创意设计、生产、销售装饰画的现代化工厂和销售团队。主要产品有装饰画,为酒店、餐厅、写字楼等商业用户提供定制服务。