


Opening up 
channels for 
migratory birds

Opening up channels for migratory birds

In 2019, at the 43rd World Heritage Conference, China's Yellow (Bohai) Sea Migratory Bird Habitat (Phase I) was included in the World Heritage List. Located in Yancheng City, Jiangsu Province, it is mainly composed of intertidal mudflats and other coastal wetlands. It has the largest intertidal mudflats in the world. It is a key hub on the East Asian-Australasian migratory bird route with the most endangered species and the highest level of threat. It is also a stopover, molting and wintering site for millions of migratory birds around the world.

China's Yellow Sea (Bohai Sea) Migratory Bird Habitat (Phase II) expansion inscribed on World Heritage List

盐城 一群灰鹤在盐城湿地珍禽国家级自然保护区飞翔  新华社记者 杨磊 摄
A group of grey cranes fly in the Yancheng Wetland Rare Bird National Nature Reserve. Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Yang Lei

On July 26th local time, at the 46th UNESCO World Heritage Committee meeting held in New Delhi, India, China's Yellow (Bohai) Sea Bird Habitat (Phase II) successfully passed the review, and five nominated sites including the Yellow River Estuary in Dongying, Shandong were expanded to be included in the World Heritage List.

黄河入海口湿地就是东方白鹳、丹顶鹤等珍稀鸟类的天然乐园   胡友文 摄
The Yellow River Estuary Wetland is a natural paradise for rare birds such as Oriental White Storks and Red-crowned Cranes. Photo by Hu Youwen

The five nominated sites expanded this time include Dongtan in Chongming of Shanghai, the Yellow River Estuary in Dongying of Shandong, Nandagang in Cangzhou of Hebei, Shedao-Laotieshan in Dalian of Liaoning, and the Yalu River Estuary in Dandong of Liaoning.

辽宁丹东鸭绿江口湿地拍摄的鸟群  新华社发 刘海东 摄
A flock of birds photographed at the Yalu River Estuary Wetland in Dandong, Liaoning Province. Photo by Liu Haidong, Xinhua News Agency

爱鸟志愿者在河北沧州南大港湿地放飞康复的夜鹭与大麻鳽  新华社发 傅新春 摄
Bird-loving volunteers release rehabilitated night herons and great bitterns in the Nandagang Wetland in Cangzhou, Hebei Province. Photo by Fu Xinchun, Xinhua News Agency

新华社发 王小平 摄
Yellow-billed egret photographed on Snake Island in Dalian, Liaoning Province. Photo by Wang Xiaoping, Xinhua News Agency

山东黄河三角洲国家级自然保护区  新华社记者 郭绪雷 摄
Shandong Yellow River Delta National Nature Reserve Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Guo Xulei

新华社发 袁晓 摄
Ruddy duck photographed in Shanghai Chongming Dongtan Nature Reserve. Photo by Yuan Xiao, Xinhua News Agency

According to the relevant person in charge of the National Forestry and Grassland Administration, the expansion of these five nominated sites into the World Heritage is a major boundary adjustment for the Yellow (Bohai) Sea Migratory Bird Habitat (Phase I) Heritage Site of China. The submission and inclusion of this project is an outstanding example of the application of migratory bird flyways for World Heritage.
China's Yellow (Bohai) Sea Migratory Bird Habitat is located in the world's largest intertidal wetland and is an important habitat for migratory birds along the East Asia-Australasian Flyway. This migratory route extends from Siberia-Alaska through East Asia, Southeast Asia and South Asia to Oceania, running through 22 countries. It is the migratory route with the richest bird diversity and the highest proportion of endangered species in the world, providing an indispensable breeding, resting and wintering ground for tens of millions of water birds.

From the Grand Canal to the Central Axis of Beijing, 
these World Heritage Sites 
are from China

On July 27, 2024, the 46th World Heritage Conference passed a resolution to include "Beijing Central Axis - A Masterpiece of China's Ideal Capital Order" in the World Heritage List. The day before, the Badain Jaran Desert-Shashan Lake Group also successfully applied for World Heritage. China's Yellow (Bohai) Sea Migratory Bird Habitat (Phase II) also passed the review smoothly, and five nominated sites including the Yellow River Estuary in Dongying, Shandong were expanded to be included in the World Heritage List. So far, the total number of China's World Heritage has reached 59.

China is one of the countries with the most complete categories of World Heritage. Since 2014, a total of 14 Chinese projects have been included in the World Heritage List.

新华社记者 张龙 摄
Tibetan antelopes in Hoh Xil. Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Zhang Long

在景山上拍摄的北京故宫  新华社记者 陈晔华 摄
The Forbidden City in Beijing photographed from Jingshan Mountain. Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Chen Yehua

新华社发 李鹤 摄
Fanjing Mountain's foggy landscape. Photo by Li He, Xinhua News Agency

龙井村的茶农采摘西湖龙井“明前茶”  新华社记者 徐昱 摄
Tea farmers in Longjing Village picking West Lake Longjing "Qingqian Tea" Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Xu Yu

良渚古城遗址公园池中寺粮仓遗址  新华社记者 江汉 摄
Liangzhu Ancient City Ruins Park Chizhong Temple Granary Ruins
Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Jiang Han

新华社记者 徐昱 摄
West Lake in the snow Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Xu Yu







群鸟栖息在夕阳下的东台条子泥湿地 新华社记者 杨磊 摄




新华社记者 贝赫 摄

新华社记者 陈晔华 摄

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