

面孔  篇章




English Name/Nationality:Jason/Chinese


Department:千岛电信 Telecom Department
Position:部门经理 Department Manager
Responsibilities统筹管理部门的全面工作及负责集团网络安全运行管理工作。Coordinate the overall work of the management department and be responsible for the network security operation management of the group.
Self Introduction:业精于勤,荒于嬉;行成于思,毁于随。The greatness is achieved through diligence,failed by laziness. The deed is accomplished through careful considerations , destroyed by idleness.


Department: 集团采购部 Purchase Department
Position:部门经理 Department Manager
Responsibilities负责管理部门的各项事务,包括采购,物流和仓库,对接集团各事业部和职能部门的采购需求。Be responsible for all affairs of the management department, including procurement, logistics and warehouse, and meet the procurement needs of all business departments and functional departments of the group.
Self Introduction:忠诚,专注,努力,解决,提高,分享。 Loyal, Focus, Work hard, Solve, Improve and Share.

English Name/Nationality:Will/Chinese


Department:千岛电信 Telecom Department
Position:电信专员Telecoms Specialist
Responsibilities负责审查有关业务的法律合法性和市场研究分析以及办理工作许可和通行证等工作。Responsible for reviewing the legal legitimacy of relevant businesses, market research and analysis, and handling work permits and passes.
Self Introduction:勇敢向前,平淡生活。Breathe in courage; breathe out anxiety.

English Name/Nationality: Diana /Filipino


English Name/Nationality:Annie/Chinese

Department: 集团采购部 Purchase Department
Position:采购专员Procurement Specialist
Responsibilities负责酒店相关物品的采购,对接客户了解采购需求,拓展采购渠道,完成主管交代的工作。Be responsible for the purchase of hotel related items, connect with customers to understand the purchase needs, expand the purchase channels, and complete the work assigned by the supervisor.
Self Introduction:真理像一道光,照进黑暗里。Truth shines like a light into the darkness.


Department: 集团采购部 Purchase Department
Position:采购专员Procurement Specialist
Responsibilities负责协助主管开拓本地市场采购渠道,寻找优质商品,保证采购质量。Be responsible for assisting the supervisor to develop local market procurement channels, find high-quality goods and ensure procurement quality.
Self Introduction:任何时候都要让自己去看事物好的一面Train your mind to see the good in every situation。

English Name/Nationality: Ronald /Filipino


English Name/Nationality:Lovegel/Filipino

Department: 总裁办 CEO Office
Responsibilities负责公司客户的接待和访客出入记录的登记,微笑待人,展现公司的良好形象。Be responsible for the reception of the company's customers and the registration of visitors' access records, treat people with a smile and show the good image of the company.
Self Introduction:尽可能让自己多学习,只有这样才能知道更多,当你知道更多时,你将做的更好。Do the best you can until you know better. Then, when you know better, Do better.


Department: 审计及资金管理中心 Audit and fund management Department
Position:出纳专员Cashier specialist
Responsibilities负责餐厅的出纳工作,做好资金保管,严格管理资金的来往记录。Be responsible for the cashier of the restaurant, keep the funds, and strictly manage the transaction records of funds.
Self Introduction:做好手中事,珍惜眼前人。 Do well in your hands and cherish the people in front of you.

English Name/Nationality: Emma/Chinese


English Name/Nationality:Jaeger/Chinese

Department: 财务管理中心Finance Department
Position:财务主管Finance Supervisor
Responsibilities负责餐饮部财务账目的统计和管理,优化财务流程,审核来往财务账单。Be responsible for the statistics and management of the financial accounts of the catering department, optimize the financial process, and review the current financial statements.
Self Introduction:没有对错,只有不同的观点。There is no right or wrong, only a difference of perspective


Department: 财务管理中心Finance Department
Position:财务专员Finance Specialist
Responsibilities协助主管处理部门的财务工作,以及相关报税交税等工作。Assist in handling the financial work of the competent department and related tax declaration and payment.
Self Introduction:如果你想飞,放弃一切让你感到沉重的东西。If you want to fly,give up everything that weights you down.

English Name/Nationality:Katherine/Filipino


English Name/Nationality:Lanie /Filipino

Department: 投资风控中心 Legal Department
Responsibilities处理部门的法务相关工作,协助主管审核合同,规避法务风险。Handle the legal affairs related work of the Department, assist the supervisor to review the contract and avoid legal risks.
Self Introduction:与其担心你无法控制的东西,不如把精力转移到你能创造的东西上。Instead of worrying about what you cannot control, shift your energy to what you can create。


Department: 经营管理部 Operation Management Department
Position:经理助理Manager Assistant
Responsibilities协助经理处理部门的各项事业,负责客户的接待,完成经理交付的各项工作Assist the manager to deal with various businesses of the Department, be responsible for customer reception, and complete various tasks delivered by the manager
Self Introduction:失之我命,得之我幸。Don't force things. What's meant for you will find you.

English Name/Nationality:Nicole/Filipino


English Name/Nationality: Water/Chinese-Malaysian

Department: 物业管理事业部 Property Management
Position:华臣湾物业经理HC Bay Property Manager
Responsibilities:负责该管理大楼的整体运作,审定工作计划和工作安排,控制项目经营成本及各项费用开支,负责客户投诉、纠纷协调处理,对员工的工作进行检查,监督。Responsible for management of building operation, reviewing work arrangements and assigning tasks , controlling project operating costs, responsible for resolving customer complaints and conflict, inspecting and supervising the work of the team.
Self Introduction:机不可失,时不再来。When an opportunity is neglected,it never comes back to you。

English Name/Nationality:Jieshun/ Chinese -Filipino


Department:物业管理事业部 Property Management
Position:物业工程行政 Property Engineering Administrator
Responsibilities协助主管管理部门维修团队,定期收集并整理工程检修报告,协助主管跟进及解决客户反馈的工程问题。Assist the maintenance team of the competent management department to regularly collect and sort out the engineering maintenance reports, and assist the supervisor to follow up and solve the engineering problems fed back by customers.
Self Introduction:永远要真实,做自己。Always be true and be yourself

English Name/Nationality:Reno/ Chinese


Department:商超事业部Chinesemart Department
Position:中超店长 Chinesemart supervisor (Admiral Baysuites)
Responsibilities全权负责商超店铺的经营,进行线上线下推广,提高店铺营业额。Fully responsible for the operation of the supermarket store, online and offline promotion, and increase of sales.
Self Introduction:自律成就更好的人生。Self discipline makes a better life.

English Name/Nationality:Mida/ Chinese


Department:商超事业部Chinesemart Department
Position:中超店长 Chinesemart supervisor (Shore)
Responsibilities全权负责商超店铺的经营,进行线上线下推广,提高店铺营业额。Fully responsible for the operation of the supermarket store, online and offline promotion, and increase of sales.
Self Introduction:愿你看透生活本质之后,依然热爱生活 May you still love life after seeing through the essence of life。

English Name/Nationality:Maurice/ Chinese


Department:房产投资中心Real Estate Department
Position:房源信息管理员Real estate specialist
Responsibilities负责公司房源信息的管理和记录,跟进房租收费情况,维护何客户关系,处理客户反馈的问题。Manage and record the company's house information, follow up the rent charge, maintain the customer relationship, and deal with the customer feedback.
Self Introduction:广泛阅读,丰富兴趣。Read widely and enrich your interests.


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