







Everyone plays an important part in his post. We care about each other and work together to cure our motherland.

From small beginnings come great things

Don't worry about giving more


Where there is life,  there is hope

The simplest answer is action







There is no quiet time in this world, but some people are guarding this quiet life!



1.Speech by foreign minister WangYI at United Nations

The new type of pneumonia likes a bomb, breaking the auspicious reunion during the Spring Festival, casting a shadow of panic over it .
"Go where the epidemic is , fight it till it perished"
On January 23,2020,Wuhan’s urban bus, subway, ferry and long-distance passenger transportation services were all suspend, and the departure channels of airport and railway station were also temporarily closed. However, while countless people fled and took shelter, there was still a group of people who went against the trend and rushed to Wuhan. /Hailed as heroes in harm'sway, over 20,000 healthcare  

workers in 100 plus medical teams converged in Hubei, the hardest hit province, from across the nation to support epidemic control.1
Time is crucial for saving lives, and it was vital to race against time to fight the epidemic. These doctors who were fighting against the virus are trying to exceed time, trying to press the pause button in time before death comes, so that patients can have the hope for life in this long winter, so they are fighting non-stop. In them, we see that love and hope spread faster than the virus. Medical workers are also ordinary people, how can not be afraid and timid. Just put on that white coat, duty and mission over everything!

On behalf of the younger generation

"everyone" noble realm. In this war between man and the virus, you have lived up to your medical oath. 
For this fight, you have cut off your beautiful hair and put on your protective clothing, but you are still the most beautiful patronus. How many days, you fight in the first line of healing; For nights you fought death and disease. You shuttle between life and death, with their own youth to save the lives of others, put all the love in the heart of the sick, you are the most beautiful. 
The most beautiful countermarching people are not fighting alone. What behind you is the whole of China. Not only has the Chinese government 

Wuhan will win!
China will win!

ManMing. Photo/taiwan.cn

 I want to show the greatest respect for the“heroes in harm's way in harm's way”, and at the same time, if I were a medical student, I would stand with you. Isolate viruses, but not love. In the face of the crisis, you rushed to the forefront of the epidemic, showing the responsibility and character of the doctor. This not only reflects the value of dedication, but also shows a kind of beyond the "small family" achievement 

made every effort to control the epidemic, but also the people from all walks of life donated their love and personal cooperation. There is reason to believe that this difficult time will pass, and with it the peace of all.


Where there is life, there is hope.




God Mountain hospital,every customs barrier,every traffic stations and every community and so on. Under the leadership of the CPC, they hurried to the front lines, gathering the strongest forces for this silent war against epidemic...As most people say these days: "we need heroes, not martyrs." We are grateful to our heroes, most importantly, we hope all of them can return safe and sound. These guardians who stick to their posts devote their strength to this war. They are not doctors, but like doctors-- Even though running the risk of being infected with the virus , they still treat the security and order of every inch of the motherland.
Apart from honoring them by recognizing their heroism, by their side is what we are bound to do now. In fact, there are still some citizens don’t understand and even scold and hit the grass-roots workers. These actions not only seriously hindered the epidemic prevention and control work, but also hurt the heart of our guardians. How lucky we are to have such a lovely and respectable group of guardians, it hard to give them anything in return, but we still can't stay out of the way. They protect this country, and what we can do to protect them? As I’ve said before, not only should we take their efforts for granted, we need give them more kindness and support. A lot of times, just a simple greeting, a shallow smile or even just cooperation with their work, they also will respond to us warmly. One degree of heat emits a beam of light. Dim as a firefly, it can give off a ray in the dark. No need to wait for a torch.

In the hot noon , have you already dined and wined to satiety? In the cold and quiet night, have you already fallen into sweet dreams? I think the answer for most people is "of course." 

However, there are some people who are not so these days. They are the frontline grass-roots workers, including armed police officers and soldiers, security personnel, volunteers and so on. Some of us like to call them “heroes”, wait a minute!As a matter of fact, I wish we could stop and understand that our heroes are average men and women "everyday heroes" to whom we can relate people like us. And, please don’t forget protect those heroes among the average.
Since January, more and more provinces have activated first-level public health emergency response and have entered a state of blockade. While countless doctors and nurses are fighting against the novel coronavirus, there are also a group of lovely "guardians", who silently guarded the "sick mother" from day to night .They are playing roles who are small but great in various places: At Fire 


Maybe what we do is small, but from small beginnings come great things like them.





show how rich and unfriendly, but fulfill social responsibility as an important obligation of themselves and their enterprises.
During the outbreak, many business tycoons showed their heads and tried to send warmth to the severely affected areas. Tencent, Evergrande group, Alibaba, etc. are actively involved in donation and fighting the epidemic. Among them, Ma Yun is a typical figure of the anti epidemic in the business community, who has set an example for businessmen all over the country. His Alipay company mobilized all forces to set up a material support group for the national medical team going to Hubei. In addition, Ma Yun donated a total of 1 billion 100 million yuan in the name of the Alibaba and the name of the Alibaba group to support the research and development of vaccines and other anti epidemic materials. Enterprises and businessmen like them have reached out to help in this anti epidemic war. They are just like the sun to 

warm people's hearts and help medical staff drive away diseases together! They show great love and infinite love with simple actions! Time is never quiet, but because of people like them, we can get up to meet the warmth.
If Hubei wins, it means the whole country wins. I firmly believe that there will always be unexpected love and hope! No spring will not come. We will wait, no matter how dark before the dawn, we will finally usher in the dawn. We will wait for spring together!

and various medical materials have been in short supply. Most people know that ensuring medical supplies and treating patients at all cost. However, in this epidemic, some businessmen have made "national fortune" to hoard goods and bid up prices, endangering the interests of the people. However, these few people should never be like Chinese businessmen. More enterprises and businessmen have a strong sense of social responsibility, especially those big entrepreneurs who occupy a large number of social resources, they didn’t 

Wuhan, we will meet at last, in the cherry blossom season

The Spring Festival in 2020 is different from the past. An unexpected new type of pneumonia broke the initial calm. In this smokeless battle, everyone is trying to win this battle.
Among them, numerous enterprises and businessmen have also made great contributions to the epidemic.

Entrepreneurs are the main organizational leaders of social wealth creation. They have more extraordinary courage and wisdom than ordinary people. In this epidemic, they have also led their organizations to create greater value in the epidemic with more excellent insight and wisdom. This epidemic in China like mighty wave crashing on a sandy shore. Entrepreneurs with social responsibility stand out.
Since the outbreak of the novel epidemic, the situation of epidemic prevention and control has become increasingly severe, 






3.<<On China>> , Henry Kissinger, The Penguin Press, New York, 2011.

Only if we play a good match can we win.
A novel coronavirus broke out in the early 2020, breaking the excitement of the Spring Festival.
Due to the phenomenon of human to human transmission of this virus, as a common people, we try to go out as little as possible. What we can do is to learn the information from the outside world from that square screen, actively cooperate with the arrangement of the national government and community, consciously isolate ourselves at home and not go out without causing trouble to the country. Because if one less person infects the workers on the front line, one less burden of the country's resources can save one part of the people's safety and get another guarantee. As Kissinger said, the Chinese are always well protected by the bravest of them. 3Can be in panic around the world when the motherland to protect the chest. Let's go home and let many Chinese wet their eyes. How much confidence has been given to the Chinese people, no matter when our motherland will not abandon us. China is not perfect, but the protection given to us in this epidemic is real. It is precisely because of the sense of security that the motherland gives us that the whole people are striving to fight the epidemic spontaneously. Only when the motherland keeps us together, can we have the strength to help those in need.

The simplest answer is doing.

The haze of the epidemic is still on the top of our heads, but we can't keep the sunshine from our motherland. It's the best guarantee for every Chinese to dispel their fear and anxiety. Love and hope spread faster than the virus. Every kind of love is carved into the heart of the Chinese people.
Many overseas Chinese collect masks all over the world and donate them to China. Many people left boxes of masks on duty at the Public Security Bureau hospital. Many small shopkeepers give free meals to front-line staff. Many residents can't bear to see the police on duty every day in the cold wind to do the night to send them. Many landlords exempt tenants from several months' rent. At the gate of Wuhan blood center, there is a long line of blood donors. Many enthusiastic citizens donate blood every 14 days. A newly married couple in Guangzhou donated half a million yuan for their wedding to fight the epidemic. Half a million yuan is the income of the couple for half a year. Another veteran who fought against the U.S. and helped the DPRK donated his pension money to fight the epidemic. He said that the country and the people once respected and treated them well. Now is the time for the country to need us. A scavenger old man donated more than 60000 yuan to the front line.The senior boys went back to the countryside to help the children of the nurses. Wuling said that "whatever the people need, Wuling will make" the first batch of masks will be shipped in three days.
It is with so many people fearing life and death and charging at the front line that the epidemic has been effectively controlled. To this end, I would like to give a big praise to the brave men who silently contributed to the epidemic.


'What are you doing for others?'

Jiang Yan
Zeng Shuoling
Wang Lu
Liu Meichen
Jiang Yan
Zeng Shuoling




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