
EN-见闻·Voice of ACRO—July_副本





Employee Story

ACRO Voice

·Pilot Production of Stock Solution Successfully Completed 
Suzhou Base's Journey to Industrialization Officially began

ACRO Campus

Team Story

Knowledge Sharing
May & June New Staff

Prize Collection

·Best Editor Awards Announced

EN-见闻·Voice of ACRO—July

Pilot production of stock solution successfully completed Suzhou base's journey to industrialization officially began From: SZ Haixia Deng
Children's Day Activity  From: AFT Tianyu Han
ACRO Campus From: HR Yuqi Huang
Future Star Training  From: HR Xinzhu Xie
ACROBiosystems Suzhou Site Quality Month Activity From:SZ Zhou Fei
Knowledge Sharing  From:HR Emily Situ
May & June New Staff From: HR-Liwan Zhao

ACRO Activity Update

·Children's Day Activity 

·Future Star Training
·NEO Training
·The Fourth Phase of A+ Leadership Training
·Project Management Workshop




Pilot Production of Stock Solution Successfully Completed 
Suzhou Base's Journey to Industrialization Officially began

Maintain an Army for a Thousand Days for Use at a Critical Time. From planning and design to completion and operation, it took 3 years to build the Suzhou factory. To test whether personnel, machines, materials, methods, environment, and tests meet the expected requirements of GMP standard operations, the pilot production of the stock solution was officially launched in May 2024. Cell recovery began on May 11 and bulk solution packaging finished on June 5. The entire process took 24 days, and the pilot production of the bulk solution was a success!
The pilot production of the stock solution is to simulate the management of the GMP technology transfer project. The transfer of the pilot production process and analysis method was carried out in March 2024, including the transfer of cell culture and purification process technology, as well as the transfer of analysis methods such as molecular mass & purity, protein content, and binding potency. Material preparation, personnel training, and equipment verification were performed simultaneously. Technology transfer project management involves the Beijing team (QA, R & D, MD, QC, WH, etc.) and the Suzhou team (QA, MD, QC, WH, EG, etc.). Peng Zhang of CCP, Yuxiu Yang of DSP, and Yuchao Cui, Huayu Gao, Yao Lu, Yao Jia, and Jie Zhang of QC came on-site to provide guidance. Under the joint effort of our teams, the pilot production was smoothly carried out, which ushered in the full-scale production at the Suzhou GMP factory.

Technical exchange before production


Peng Zhang directed the production in the workshop

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QC communication between both parties

QC communication between both parties

This is a milestone victory and a new starting point for our GMP production. This pilot production also provides valuable lessons for the first GMP project that is coming up soon. We will maximize our strengths, avoid our weaknesses, and strive to do better next time!

From: SZ Haixia Deng

Working hard together

The AFT team organized a series of meaningful Children's Day activities, in which many employees actively participated 

From: AFT Tianyu Han

ACRO Activity Update

Children’s Day

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ACRO Campus

NEO training

The second Acro NEO New Employee Orientation Training was held in Beijing on May 30. Alice Qin from the HR department led 45 new employees from different departments in an offline course, introducing the extraordinary development of Acro, providing an in-depth explanation of each business, and interpreting the company's core culture, mission and values. This training is of great significance for new employees to quickly adapt to the working environment, gain a deeper understanding of the company structure, adjust their work mentality, and efficiently devote themselves to future work. They also learned about the growth story of ACRO and the ACRO story about the practice of values.

The fourth phase of A+ Leadership Training

The fourth phase of A+ Leadership Training - Situational Leadership training was held on May 31, 2024, in ACRO Beijing. According to ACRO's 5D Leadership Model and Leader Development Map, HR Director Miranda Mi led participants to learn how to take on the role of a coach, partner, or mentor, to guide and support their employees, to transform into a "highly adaptive leader", and to maximize employees' potential. This training would guide leaders to move from individual success to team success, thereby contributing to the success of the organization.
A participant's  comment: "I hope to apply what I have learned in this training and improve the overall management level of myself and my team."  

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Project Management Workshop

Following the success of the Project Management training in April, ACRO Beijing held a one-day Project Management Workshop on June 5th to further help project managers apply project management tools in the field and solve any problems or confusion they encountered in the actual management process. The 31 PMs who participated in this training had a more in-depth learning experience in project management and projects of different stages all showed progress in execution.
Participant’s comment: "The classroom atmosphere is active and lively. The training is presented with concrete examples, which is very beneficial".


From: HR Yuqi Huang

From: HR Xinzhu Xie



With the rapid development of the company's global business and the expansion of its scale, it is both an opportunity and a challenge for every employee. To build a professional, healthy, orderly, and talented team that can strongly support the development of the enterprise, and to help career development of the employees, the 2024 "Future Star" program was successfully launched on June 6, 2024, in ACRO. At the program, Xinzhu Xie from HR announced the overall structure of Future Star, clarified the process, and divided responsibilities to ensure that everyone had a clear understanding of the program.
Meanwhile, to improve the feasibility of the Future Star program and better combine theory with practical application, we invited Acro's internal lecturer, Weihua Gao, to conduct offline training. Ms. Gao shared the course design logic of the Future Stars program to help participants better use the course to improve their leadership ability; she explained the generation process of the Acro 5D leadership model and the company's management skills requirements. The goal was to use the course content to trigger reflection on one’s management practices and to improve one’s management skills.
After this training, the future stars would depart with an initial understanding of management and embark on their Acro leadership growth journey.


Employee Story


Team story

ACROBiosystems Suzhou Site Quality Month Activity

May 2024 was defined as Quality Month by the ACROBiosystems Su-zhou site. A series of quality activities were conducted, aiming to enhance the quality awareness of all staff and strengthen the understanding of GMP regulations, ISO9001/ISO13485 rules and requirements. These diversified activities stimulated the learning interest of all staff members and contributed to cultivating a quality culture.
The Quality Month activities fell into three parts – all staff training, online examination, and offline knowledge contest.

Online examination: QA summarized important training contents and built a question bank that had 500 questions. After reviewing these questions, all staff members took an online examination in which 50 questions were randomly selected. The exam participation rate was 100%, and an average score of 92.3 was achieved.
After the online examination, it was time for offline knowledge content. Staff members of Suzhou site actively participated. 25 members were nominated as contestants to participate in the contest. They were drawn from cross-function departments and were divided into five teams. In his opening speech, Xiaojun Han, Head of Quality for Suzhou site, reaffirmed the significance of this Quality Month, emphasized the core values of ACROBiosystems, and cheered for the five teams. All teams shouted their slogans loudly, and the competition was on.

All staff training was arranged from May 8th to 9th, 2024. The courses were GMP Knowledge, ISO9001/ISO13485 Standard, Good Documentation Practice, Data Integrity, Basic Knowledge of Microorganisms, and the current version of SMPs, etc. These training sessions were a combination of the annual training plan and the Quality Month activities. Though most of the training was scheduled in the evening, all members actively participated and gained knowledge.

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The teams not only competed in hand speed but also in terms of answering accuracy, and the atmosphere was tense, climaxing, and wonderful. What a unique way to imprint GMP knowledge in everyone's mind! In the tense situation of three teams tied for second place, the fourth group achieved a perfect comeback through a play-off PK match and scored second place in the contest. The first place went to group 5. 

From:SZ Zhou Fei

This quality month activity not only improves the quality consciousness of all staff, but also cultivate the spirit of teamwork. More importantly, it reflets the core value of ACROBiosystems—Customer-oriented, Bring value, Facing challenges, and Enjoy Sharing.
Let’s hold a robust quality consciousness and welcome the 1st GMP grade product put into production.

The award ceremony was followed in a wonderful contest, and all members were satisfied with their prizes. After the award ceremony, Director Alan Yao shared the development history of ACROBiosystems and the future of the Suzhou site. Then Wang Xiaojian, the leader of production, shared the importance of quality awareness in GMP production. 

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Knowledge sharing

It is one of the oldest festivals, not only in China but also throughout the world, with a history of more than 2,000 years.

The Duanwu or Dragon Boat Festival, which is celebrated on the fifth day of the fifth month of the Chinese lunar calendar, falls on June 10th this year.
端午节为每年阴历五月初五,今年 6月10日正值端午节。
The Dragon Boat Festival commemorates the death of Qu Yuan, a patriot poet during the Warring States Period (475-221 BC), who committed suicide by flinging himself into the Miluo River in Central China’s Hunan province after his mother kingdom fell into enemy rule.
Legend holds that people in boats raced to the site where he drowned and threw in zongzi (glutinous rice wrapped in reed leaves) so fish wouldn’t feed on Qu’s body.
Since then, the fifth day of the fifth month on the lunar calendar is celebrated as the Dragon Boat Festival. People hold boat races and prepare zongzi in memory of Qu’s righteousness and his beautiful poems.


ACRO Voice



Eating  Zongzi


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粽子(zongzi/rice dumplings/sticky rice dumplings) ,也称“角黍”、“筒粽”。在众多传统端午美食中,堪称“C位”明星。因此,吃货们也常常将端午节称为“粽子节”。
The most important traditional food for the Dragon Boat Festival is zongzi — pyramid-shaped glutinous rice dumplings wrapped in reed leaves.
粽子一般由糯米(glutinous rice)制成,内包馅料(fillings),外裹粽叶。粽叶有的地方用竹叶(bamboo leaves),有的用芦苇叶(reed leaves),包裹后的粽子黏而不腻,粽叶清香。
In general, northern Chinese prefer sweet rice dumplings filled with red-bean paste or Chinese dates, while southerners like savory ones with fillings such as egg yolk, pork and mushroom.

Dragon boat racing


Dragon boat racing, a traditional Chinese sport originally held to celebrate the Dragon Boat Festival, has gained global popularity and helped promote exchanges among countries.
Unlike the evil or demonic creatures in European mythology, Asian dragons are traditionally believed to bring good fortune and prosperity.

Drinking realgar wine


雄黄本属矿物,含有三硫化砷成分,与酒混合,即成雄黄酒(realgar wine/xionghuangjiu),用以驱虫解五毒。将雄黄酒涂在孩子头、额、耳、鼻、手、足心,并洒在墙壁上,可避诸毒。民间有俗语道“饮了雄黄酒,百病都远走。”
There is an old saying: "Drinking realgar wine drives diseases and evils away!"' Realgar wine, or xionghuangjiu, is a Chinese alcoholic drink consisting of fermented cereals and powdered realgar.

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hanging mugwort and calamus


The folk saying goes, "During the Qingming Festival, hanging willows, and during the Dragon Boat Festival, hanging mugwort". On Dragon Boat Festival, every family sweeps the courtyard and hangs mugwort and calamus into Lintel or hangs them in the hall.
People also use calamus, mugwort leaves, pomegranates, garlic, and dragon boat flowers to create human or tiger shapes, known as mugwort people or mugwort tigers. At the same time, mugwort leaves are also used to make flower wreaths and accessories, which can drive away malaria.

From:HR Emily Situ

Xu Jing

Senior QC Operations Engineer

Fu Qiang

Senior Lyophilization Program Specialist

Fan Siqi

Senior Cell Analyst

Wu Qi

Regional Manager

Wang Yanling

Cell Culture Assistant

Gao Huimin

Senior Procurement Specialist

Wang Xiayang

Senior Formulation Engineer

Gu Yanxia

Quality Manager

Chen Junhao

Senior Sales Specialist

Hu Xiaojie

Senior Field QA Engineer

Li Dandan

Senior Organoid R&D Engineer

Wang Binzhou

Senior WCS Engineer

Jacob Edward Fries

Marketing Supervisor

Ma Shanshan

R&D Manager

Xi Lifang

Project Supervisior

Jia Zhifan

Molecular Construct R&D Engineer

May & June New Staff

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Yucong Mo

IT Engineer

Sun Lina

Inventory Management Specialist

Dominic Chow

Sr. Director, R&D and Manufacturing

Sun Jianjie

Kit Production Specialist

Zhang Chenhong

Senior R&D Engineer

Zhang Jianzhong

Senior Cell Analyst

Xu Ying

Organoid Researcher

Ma Tinghui

Protein Purification Specialist

Yin Xuehong

Senior QC Physical and Chemical Engineer

Wang Jinyu

Pathology Operations Specialist

From: HR-Liwan Zhao

Best Editor Awards announced:

Q2 Group Building Activity Frrom: PMT Yin Shuning
ACRO2024 Open Day Event From: HR Deng Zexin
How to learn a foreign language in 6 months? From: HR Emily Situ

As we continue to move forward to the year, we hope to hear more voices and receive more stories from you. We encourage employees to submit articles on the following topics. Once accepted, there will be points distributed~ Gifts are available!

Company News (new event announcements, new developments of the month, etc.)
Knowledge sharing column (trivia, book sharing, etc.)
Team stories (tackling tough projects, the happy moments of team building, etc.)

Please send your article to zexin.deng @acrobiosystems.com.

Prize collection

Best Editor Awards announced

Newsletter content contributors:

Incentive Policies:

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Pilot production of stock solution successfully completed Suzhou base’s journey to industrialization officially began From: SZ Haixia Deng
Children’s Day Activity From: AFT Tianyu Han
ACRO Campus From: HR Yuqi Huang
Future Star Training From: HR Xinzhu Xie
ACROBiosystems Suzhou Site Quality Month Activity From:SZ Zhou Fei
Knowledge sharing From:HR Emily Situ
May & June New Staff From: HR Liwan Zhao

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