


Japanese           residence

Japanese residence

This chapter is mainly divided into two parts:
Housing type
Basic features

Housing type

It can be roughly divided into apartment (マンション) and one apartment (一戸建て). A family building, similar to the Chinese concept of "small western house", is a 2-3 storey detached house, accounting for about 54.9% of all housing in Japan. The apartments are similar to the concept of apartments in China, including small apartment buildings with 3-10 floors and tower buildings with dozens of floors or more, accounting for about 42.4%






In addition, there is a form of architecture called "longhouse building", which is an older form of architecture, consisting of a row of identical single rooms connected side by side, often with 1-2 storeys. This kind of housing is generally small in area and used as staff dormitory.

Housing type

The first characteristic of traditional Japanese residential architecture is one-room, free and flexible spatial layout. The structure of Japanese house is very simple, almost only by the floor, pillars and roof of three parts, can be said to be basically no walls, all are open, naturally constitute an integrated hypothetical building. In this case, the change of the internal space and the connection between the internal and external space are completed by a series of "joint Spaces".


Basic characteristics of Japanese traditional house

The second feature is its perfect use and love of natural materials, especially wood. So far, almost all residential buildings in Japan are wooden structures, from the high-bed floor to the facade doors and Windows, and the roof truss are all made of wood. Japanese architectural materials pay great attention to the characteristics of the material itself, emphasize its characteristics, appreciate a simple, pure beauty, the exploration of spirituality in nature and the performance of the nature of the material is very unique, which reflects the Japanese pursuit of natural beauty from another side. Their buildings give full play to the unique material, texture, color and so on.

Basic characteristics of Japanese traditional house

The third is the simplicity of the decoration. The beauty of Japanese houses is a very simple feeling. The beauty of the building mainly depends on the overall proportion, coordination and integrity, rather than by decoration, so they try to maintain its natural form when using building materials, wooden parts are not painted, keep the color, the walls are also earth walls are not painted. This is a great contrast with the bright and dazzling painted and carved ornaments in traditional Chinese architecture. The house has a geometric pattern, which can see the rigorous and responsible spirit of the Japanese people.

Basic characteristics 
of Japanese traditional house




Fourth, the concept of Zen goes deep into the overall design and is reflected in many aspects. Zen aesthetics have a profound and extensive influence on Japan, especially in residential buildings, both ancient and modern Zen aesthetics have been vividly expressed. The aesthetics of this kind of architecture are also concentrated in nature, simplicity and emptiness.

Courtyards in Japanese houses have long sought to see the big from the small. As a microcosm of nature, the fresh near the mountains and by the water shows respect for nature, comply with nature, people can live in the simple environment to enjoy the peace of paradise. Since the Kamakura period, Zen thought was respected, and the residential courtyard, inspired by Zen, endowed the mountains and rocks with Buddha characteristics, cut down the complexity and gave birth to the abstract scenery of "dry mountains and thin water".

Basic characteristics 
of Japanese traditional house

Traditional houses in Japan are basically made of wood and paper. The room is 20-30cm above the ground. The inlaid floor is covered with tatami MATS, and the partitions and Windows are used to separate the rooms. These are things made by putting paper on wood. There are clear boundaries between inside and outside the home. Shoes are never allowed inside. The upper structure separated from each other between the rooms is for the purpose of ventilation and lighting, and is generally decorated with horizontal and horizontal grids or transparent carving.



Basic characteristics of
 Japanese traditional house

Tatami MATS have been used since the Heian Period (794-1185), when it was only for the convenience of people to sit in the room, but it was from the Muromachi period (1392-1573). The base of the tatami mat is sewn with thick straw and covered with rushes. The size of a tatami mat is about 90cmX180cm, and the size of the room is expressed by the number of tatami sheets. In addition, stepping on the edge of the tatami will accelerate its damage, so not stepping on the edge has become a kind of etiquette.

Basic characteristics of Japanese traditional house

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