
世华学校学生处时事通讯CWA Student life Newsletter AY23-24 Vol.1





China World Academy

China World Academy

Soar in the ocean of knowledge and let the fire of academics light up the lighthouse in your hearts.
Academic competition is not only a contest of wisdom, but also an opportunity to enhance your ability, which can stimulate your potential, let you discover yourselves in the challenge and feel the joy of success. Every moment of the competition is a witness of your growth and a valuable asset for you to accumulate experience.
Participating in academic competitions is a unique process of self-improvement and ability training. Here, you can broaden your horizons, deepen your understanding, and continuously improve yourselves. Every attempt brings us closer to our dreams; every challenge brings us closer to success.
We expect you to show your unique talent and innovative thinking in the academic competition, and we also look forward to your harvest growth and progress in the process.

李晓莹 Nicole Li
Boarding Head and Activity Coordinator

The Mid-Autumn Festival, also known as the Moon Festival, is a significant and traditional Chinese holiday celebrated on the 15th day of the eighth month in the Chinese lunar calendar. This festival typically falls in September or early October in the Gregorian calendar and is one of the most important and beloved festivals in Chinese culture.


Mid-Autumn Festival

China World Academy

China World Academy


boarding  activities

China World Academy

China World Academy



Student clubs play a vital role in the overall educational experience and personal development of students on our campus. These clubs provide a platform for students to pursue their interests, engage in extracurricular activities, and connect with like-minded peers. 

China World Academy

China World Academy




This week, CWA engaged in an intense volleyball match with DiPont HC School Kunshan. This competition not only strengthened the friendship between the two schools but also presented a spectacular volleyball feast for the audience. Our school's boy's and girl's teams both achieved victories in the matches, but each player displayed the appropriate sportsmanship, showing respect for the referees and opponents, and exemplifying the true essence of volleyball through their strength and perseverance. This match not only enhanced the friendship between the two schools but also provided the audience with a visual spectacle. Let's look forward to more exciting matches in the future!

China World Academy

China World Academy


 photography exhibition  "Take the Shot" 

最近,DP1学生组织举办了一场名为“Take the shot”的摄影展,为我们带来了一场视觉盛宴。本次展览在校园内举行,展示了一系列由老师学生拍摄的精彩作品。这次展览不仅展示了老师和学生的作品,更为整个摄影文化的发展注入了新的活力和创意。我们期待未来有更多这样的活动,让我们共同见证摄影艺术的成长与繁荣。
Recently, DP1 students organized a photography exhibition titled "Take the Shot," which treated us to a visual extravaganza. The exhibition took place on campus and showcased a series of stunning works captured by both teachers and students. This exhibition not only displayed the creations of teachers and students but also injected new vitality and creativity into the overall photography culture. We look forward to more such events in the future, allowing us to witness the growth and flourishing of the art of photography together.

China World Academy

China World Academy


psychological corner

Tips for Parents: How to Provide Effective Support for Students Facing Challenges in High School Life
A gentle autumn breeze dispels the scorching heat of summer. For FP students, the initial 'honeymoon period' of starting school, brimming with curiosity and excitement about embracing a new school environment, getting acquainted with new teachers, and forging new friendships, gradually begins to wane. In its place, they may start to experience the pressures that come with high school life. Adapting to a new environment is consistently a significant challenge for students at every stage of development. During this transitional phase, FP students often encounter various hurdles, encompassing academic demands, the pursuit of enhanced English proficiency, and the intricacies of interpersonal relationships. Given these considerations, we would like to offer some tips for parents on 'how to effectively support your child's adjustment to student life.'

理解是关心的第一步Understanding is the first step of caring
Encourage your child to share their daily experiences and feelings, even if it's just the minutiae of their life. Sometimes, a child's emotions are not triggered by major events but rather accumulate from everyday minor emotions. Therefore, it's a good idea to encourage them to open up about their daily feelings and challenges. This can effectively prevent your child from unconsciously accumulating too much negative energy and allow you to provide assistance before they fall into a negative emotional loop.

China World Academy

China World Academy


psychological corner

正向沟通乃支持之本Positive communication is the foundation of support
In this regard, it is crucial to communicate realistic and practical expectations and consistently demonstrate a willingness to offer support and advice when necessary. For instance, help your child understand that setbacks are a natural aspect of life, irrespective of their abilities or level of preparation, and it's perfectly normal to go through challenging periods.

寻求协助是需要勇气的Seeking help requires courage
Pay close attention to changes in your child's emotions, behavior, or interpersonal relationships. Facing a new environment and new challenges can often lead to feelings of anxiety or unease, which are entirely natural. However, if feelings of sadness persist for more than two weeks, daily routines and eating habits become irregular, or there are sudden changes in interpersonal relationships or behavior patterns, parents should express concern and, if necessary, communicate with the school faculty or a psychological counselor to provide timely assistance to the student.
良性家校沟通是强力的后盾之一Beneficial communication between home and school is a strong form of support
A positive partnership between parents and the school can provide greater support for students. By combining the observations of parents and school staff, a deeper understanding of the challenges a student may encounter can be achieved. This enables the successful negotiation of individualized support plans when necessary and ensures that the appropriate support and resources are available to help students reach their full potential.

阴晴圆缺都休说 且喜人间好时节
好时节 愿得年年 常见中秋月

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