
Career Ladder e-Book (Marketing)






Establish rotation

mechanism and



Enhance engagement

and sense-


Design clear

career path.

Vertical Development


Entry Level Leader / Professional

Middle Level Leader / Expert

Advanced Level Leader

Horizontal Development

Based on different roles of marketing related function

Grow in Place...You want to develop yourself under your present role.

Job Enrichment: Further growth in role, greater responsibilities to increase knowledge and skills.

Try Something New: Temporary special projects, task force assignment, etc.

Different Location: Similar position, but gain development experience in different location.

Grow in Function...You want to develop yourself within your role function.

Upward: Move to next higher position in same function.

Lateral: Move lateral in same function to gain new knowledge and skills. (e.g. move to different brand or BU to gain different brand experience).

Grow within Organization...You want to develop yourself across different functions or BUs.

Upward: Move to next higher position in another function.

Lateral: Move lateral in another function to gain new knowledge and skills (e.g. move from NPD to brand marketing).

Downward: Move to a lower level in another function, to learn a new functional skills or gain better work-life balance.

▲Education Background: at least bachelor and above.
▲Working Experience: different on each position level (fast track will be considered).
▲At least 12 months in current position level; for promotion to manager level and above, it should be 18 months at least.
▲Specific knowledge / experience needed.
▲Self Motivation is also very important.

▲Recent TASP rating should be High Performer / High Adapter / Asset / or previous performance rating should be 3/3, 3/2 or 2/3.
▲No 1 as PDP for recent 3 years.
▲No oral or written warning letter received in recent 1 year.

▲Job scope expanded to a next level after job evaluation.
▲Bona-fide to fulfill an exiting high-level position.

▲Functional Competency
▲Learning Agility (mental/result/people/change/self awareness)

▲For AD and above positions, will need to have sales related rotation experience and different brand management or cross marketing function exposure .
▲For MM positions, will need to have cross-brand/function exposure .

Competency Model

Competencies Model - Leadership






Competency Model - Marketing



How to plan your career



  • Think about your career aspiration in long term and short term. What kind of job is most important for you? What kind of challenge you would like to take a try?
  • Probe what kind of function you are interested in as a career advancement / rotation?
  • Review the competency model and identify personal strength and development needs.

  • Discuss with line manager on personal career aspiration.
  • Design personal career roadmap, and review on annual basis.
  • Identify development action plan in 70/20/10.

  • Review and track development progress on quarterly basis, with line manager/HR.
  • Continuously track progress of personal career advancement, make adjustment if necessary.

  • 定期参加market visit, 以及销售组织的会议,以更好地了解市场。
  • 定期查看消费者调研数据和报告,日常工作中注意了解竞品或其他行业的信息及业务模式、营销手段等,借鉴先进的举措。
  • 鼓励跨BU/市场职能/销售部门的轮岗。


Suggestion for Development Action


  • 经常与高阶主管就品牌管理/营销方案/行业动向等进行分享和探讨。
  • 与行业内的专业人士保持沟通交流,探讨品牌/营销的最新做法和举措。
  • 对于高潜力员工配备导师计划和360评估项目。
  • 组织跨BU的分享会,如品牌介绍会等。


  • 变革管理
  • 创新思维
  • 价值创造
  • 市场部专业职能培训 – 定岗MT

Description of Competency

Your Career,
You Own!


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