


Better Tiens,Better Life


         01 Foreword         
02 Global Strategy
         03 Tiens News      
 04 Elite Stories
         05 Brand Culture   
 06 Conference Warm-up
         07 Health Zone     
 08 Tiens New Words



In the scenery of the twenty-six countries, the flag of Komstar flutter in the wind.
Crossing borders, expanding boundlessly, and drawing brilliant pictures.
Dear colleagues, you are the warriors who meet at the top, climbing with tenacity and perseverance, lighting the way forward with sweat and persistence, and finally achieving today's brilliant achievements.
Focusing on consumers, driven by new technologies, aiming to create new energy for life.
We always have a unique perspective, pursue excellent quality and provide unparalleled services.
We are full of confidence and move forward hand in hand to meet the challenges of the market and bring consumers an impeccable experience. This is our unswerving belief.
The "Three New Strategies” and “Three Globalization Strategies” are our navigation beacon--new model, new mechanism, new platform, all-staff investment promotion, all-staff live streaming, and all-staff marketing, leading us to move forward courageously and keep making progress.
The new marketing giant ship of Komstar has set sail. Let's take this ship of cooperation together, ride the wind and waves, and sail to the side of victory. We provide competitive products, perfect after-sales services, and strong market support, which will help you to spread your wings and fly high in the market competition.
Let us gather at the top of success, work together to create brilliance, and write our own glorious chapter. Shoulder to shoulder, we look forward to a bright future together, and let the wonderful performances be like bright stars, illuminating our way forward.

Global Strategy

Tiens' new strategy layout
After 33 years of glorious history, Tiens Group has not only occupied an important position in the global health industry, but also established an excellent brand image in 224 countries and regions. This is undoubtedly a vivid portrayal of the Group's insistence on innovation, pursuit of excellence and deep cultivation in the health field. This is due to the strategic guidance of the Chairman of the Board of Directors. Standing at a new historical starting point, Tiens Group is actively responding to changes and challenges in the global market, seizing new opportunities for the development of the health industry, deepening international cooperation and exchanges, expanding the global market layout, and enhancing the international influence of the brand. Under the strategic framework of the Three New Strategies and the Three Globalization Strategies, it continuously optimizes the product structure, improves service quality, and contributes to the health and well-being of people around the world.
New Development
International strategic signing
Tiens Global Strategic Business Alliance Conference with the theme of "Fostering Innovation and Collaboration Globally" was held in Beijing on August 2. In the context of the era of globalization and digitalization, the press conference focused on the big health industry and carried out sharing and exchanges in the fields of digital development, cross-border e-commerce, supply chain, new marketing models and other fields. At the press conference, in order to promote the participation of many celebrities in live-streaming e-commerce, the Actors Committee of China Federation of Radio and Television Association signed a global strategic cooperation agreement with Jin Ke Technology to create an international live-streaming platform for celebrities. Huawei and Amazon respectively signed global strategic cooperation contracts with Jin Ke Technology Group. Tiens Group has signed cooperation contracts with Jin Ke Technology, Clora cross-border e-commerce, and Globast global supply chain respectively. This strategic cooperation between multiple companies will bring significant synergy and growth momentum to the entire industry. Through joint efforts, it will not only promote Tiens Group's continued leadership in the big health industry, but also drive the coordinated development of the entire industry chain, injecting new vitality and bringing new opportunities to the industry.

New strategy
Three New Strategies
Tiens Group keeps pace with the times and has built an integrated ecosystem with the characteristics of being one-body-multi-wing, mutually empowering, interlocking, layered, fission-multiplied. Through the innovative "one-card" model, the system integrates a diverse membership system, a flexible and efficient operating mechanism, and a comprehensive service system to form a new composite business model. This model not only demonstrates a high degree of internal relevance, rich value acquisition, high efficiency of widespread dissemination, and excellence in product quality, but also successfully builds a cross-border franchise and a shared platform for seamless global resource connection. It gives each participant an identity and opens up a social circle with unlimited possibilities; it takes a boutique as the core and leads the trend of big health industry; at the same time, it also paves an easy entrepreneurial path for entrepreneurs.
New platform
New social platform
VMOMENT is a global health social platform that integrates communication, health, entertainment, information, education, social and other functions. It has ten unique advantages and twenty powerful functions that are unmatched by other social platforms in the world. Its superior social attributes and full support in 83 languages help global users establish their own healthy lifestyles, attract customers for new e-commerce, new marketing/new direct selling, and enable mutual interconnection and mutual empowerment.
New cross-border e-commerce
With the operating system that has been deeply cultivated in many countries around the world for many years, the efficient integration of global resources, the booming health industry as the core driving force, and the cooperation with the world's top product suppliers, we carefully select and gather authentic characteristics and high-quality products from all over the world, and launch the "Good Products Global Supply, Good Products Selection" business philosophy, open the door to cooperation to the world, and sincerely invite partners from all walks of life with strong capital, strong strength, extensive connections, smooth channels or unique products to join us, and jointly create and operate this global new cross-border e-commerce platform. We aim to build an ecosystem that shares global consumer resources, so that every participant can enjoy the convenience and benefits of "saving for self use and earning for sharing", and jointly open a new era of cross-border e-commerce.

New future
New marketing, new direct selling
New mechanism, new model, new momentum, and new development, respond to changes with constancy, and follow the global economic trends and development. Global systems and backbones are facing new markets and new teams, looking for talents, repairing pipelines, building systems, making fundamental changes, recruiting, transforming and operating. They are taking advantage of the recruitment policy to lay out the most stable, economical, and profitable structure and goals of the 5-5 system. Leaders can directly enjoy the most exclusive preferential levels of three stars and four stars, and can also enjoy additional commission rewards based on different sales. With a complete, safe, and accurate product system, membership system, education system, supply chain system, big data cockpit, one-body-multi-wing support and empowerment, we will jointly create a new system, strengthen system operation, and achieve system growth.
New height
Three Globalization Strategies
Facing the global stage, we open the door of welcome with the most sincere heart, uphold the supreme integrity, and actively embrace every wave of change. We sincerely invite the elite talents, outstanding entrepreneurs, and strategic partners from all over the world to jointly open a glorious door leading to win-win cooperation, alliance sharing, and joint entrepreneurship. We will fully launch the Three Globalization Strategies around the world - comprehensively deepen cooperation, comprehensively expand the market, and comprehensively upgrade the brand and image, and strive to build a truly international hall of brand and highland of image. Build a nest to attract the phoenix, and jointly write a magnificent chapter under the third wave of entrepreneurship.

Global marketing
The focus is on sales, and sales must be awarded. Everyone is promoter, sharing culture and brands, big health products and concepts, new business models and opportunities, build mutual trust and become stakeholders, and allows more consumers to become operators, business owners and entrepreneurs through selling.
Global live streaming
The focus is on traffic, communication will definitely be beneficial. Everyone is doing social networking, cooperating with influential Internet celebrity teams, attracting more fans through influence, increasing brand awareness and market exposure, and using marketing methods such as VMOMENT social platform, cross-border e-commerce global goods supply chain, fan traffic, live streaming and other marketing methods to attract customers and traffic, which is a breakthrough in marketing upgrades under the new situation.
Global partnership
The focus is on quality, and partnership will bear fruit. Everyone is building partnerships, relying on the influence of Tiens' global brand, a good ecological environment, and a large and good development ecosystem, building partnerships from top to bottom, attracting partners with partners, and supporting partners with partners, seeking partners to form a pattern of one-body-multi-wing, hundreds of cities and thousands of counties, cross-industry alliances, and joint benefit partners, looking for allies of new marketing and new direct selling, and having the opportunity to obtain membership, rights and referral rewards of the Meta Point Global Elites Club, and get the opportunity to communicate with presidents, dignitaries, Nobel Prize winners, world Olympic champions and celebrities from all walks of life around the world, so as to make the common cause stronger, bigger, more stable and long-lasting, maximize benefits, and achieve win-win results through innovation, expansion and cooperation.

Allies of new marketing and new direct selling have the opportunity to obtain membership, rights and referral rewards of the Meta Point Global Elites Club, and get the opportunity to communicate with presidents, dignitaries, Nobel Prize winners, world Olympic champions and celebrities from all walks of life around the world, so as to make the common cause stronger, bigger, more stable and long-lasting, maximize benefits, and achieve win-win results through innovation, expansion and cooperation.
Tiens Group has taken a steady step towards win-win cooperation and joined hands with the world's top investment banking institutions to help Tiens deeply evaluate and carefully construct: On the one hand, strengthen its capital and strength to ensure that Tiens can stand at the forefront of the international market; On the other hand, the operation and management team is optimized to become the source of unlimited potential and value creation; Furthermore, the precise layout and positioning strategy demonstrate the strong driving force of Tiens' far-sightedness and sustainable development. With the participation of many like-minded partners, the cooperation with Tiens will not only accelerate, but the pace and efficiency of the cooperation will also be significantly improved. At the same time, the business needs, operating mechanisms and business standards covered by the cooperation will also move towards higher levels. Joining hands with Tiens means grasping business opportunities and the pulse of the era, jointly promoting the formation of a win-win situation, and going hand in hand to create a glorious chapter of development.

All-in-one card
With the group's 33 years of global market accumulation, the All-in-one card came into being in order to enable people who love health and pursue wealth to have a better life.
All-in-one card, one card for the world. The card is like a master key that opens the door to a life of luxury and freedom of travel around the world. By cooperating with the world's top fields and establishing cross-industry alliances, we provide you with a full-scenario, multi-field, intelligent life experience in shopping, catering, hotels, entertainment, tourism, travel, health, education and other aspects. The global card is a guarantee for your health and happiness, allowing you to enjoy distinguished treatment and a better life.
VMOMENT platform, cross-border e-commerce, All-legend Travel, All-legend Hotel, Taijisun International Health Management Center, Taijisun Experience Store, Globast supply chain, new marketing and new direct selling, Tiens Academy, the nine one-body-multi-wing segments all have unique models and products. Every card is a treasure bowl, and the cards are interconnected. Aggregate the cards together to form an All-in-one card, which benefits the entire platform, the entire chain, and people all over the world. With one card in hand, you can have everything.
The All-in-one card conforms to the general trend of win-win cooperation in the global economy and opens up a comprehensive quality life for you. We cooperate with all walks of life and cross-industry alliances around the world to achieve diversified global coverage, bring more rights and benefits to global members, and have a global card leading to health, happiness, love, entrepreneurship, success, and wealth, so that mankind can enjoy a better life together.

Tiens News

The four iron armies of Tiens Group China "burned their hearts in August"
And drew a new chapter together: set sail for dreams and move forward fearlessly! 

In this passionate August, under the wise leadership of the Chairman of the Board of Directors, the China Region of Tiens Group, like four elite iron armies, set sail with education as the rudder, business as the sail, and operation as the oar, and launch a series of shocking charges towards the peak of the industry. With the successful conclusion of the first stop of the "See You At the Top" Aug. 3rd Celebration Carnival in China, it not only ignited the fire of dreams in the hearts of every Tiens employee, but also opened the prelude to the full bloom of the new marketing era.
Four iron armies, with swords drawn and horses on their backs, swore to go to battle fearlessly. Their footprints covered 26 provinces across the country, leaving behind the crystallization of sweat and wisdom at every stop. More than 3,000 market elites gathered together, nearly half of whom were fresh blood. This new force fought side by side with more than 460 backbone elites, and together wrote the glorious chapter of Tiens Group. Nearly 50 passionate meetings not only deeply analyzed the latest policies of the country and the industry, but also provided valuable experience and inspiration for every participant through sharing of actual cases and teaching of successful secrets.

In this feast of market empowerment, Tiens people showed unprecedented unity, cooperation and courage. They dared to face challenges and difficulties, and interpreted the profound connotation of the "Three Globalization Strategies" with practical actions, namely comprehensive planning, full participation, and full tracking. At the same time, they promoted the "Four True Spirits" - treating people truly, doing things truly, achieving results truly, and having insights truly. This spirit, like the bright stars, illuminates the way forward for Tiens people and also demonstrates the extraordinary charm of Tiens Group as an industry leader.
It is worth mentioning that Tiens Group has also achieved a major breakthrough in terms of operations. The smooth transition from the Cloud Buying platform to the Cloud Lion platform has not only enriched the product line, but also improved the user experience and achieved seamless integration between business and the market. A series of measures such as new product launches, business linkages, and product value promotion have injected new vitality and momentum into the market like a booster. The leaders' wonderful sharing is like a beacon, illuminating the direction of the partners' progress and inspiring their passion and fighting spirit deep in their hearts.

Looking to the future, Tiens Group China will continue to uphold its original aspirations, work together, and move towards a new journey with more determined steps. A closer linkage mechanism will be formed between the headquarters and branches, systems and market partners to ensure that every strategy can be accurately implemented and every task can be efficiently executed. At the same time, Tiens people will continue to explore, innovate, and reform, be problem-oriented, and take results as the goal, be down-to-earth, and work hard to inject endless vitality and creativity into the development of the group.
In this era full of challenges and opportunities, all the soldiers of Tiens Group China will write a chapter of struggle, make innovations and breakthroughs, and create brilliance together with fearless demeanor, tenacious character and heroic spirit! Let us look forward to Tiens Group continuing to lead the industry trend in the future, climbing one peak after another, and achieving a more brilliant tomorrow!

Business implementation policies in 26 overseas countries

To accelerate the successful deployment of the new marketing strategy in the global market, the global business actively cooperates with partners in various regions and countries to carefully create a set of promotional strategies that combine attractiveness and incentive effects. Through efficient communication and in-depth analysis, we are committed to accurately positioning the best golden ratio of input and output.
This strategy firstly enables the existing distributor team to actively respond and act quickly, so that they can join the new marketing wave at the first time. It also paves a fast promotion channel for outstanding talents, so that they can shine on the professional stage. At the same time, a team incentive mechanism is established, and different additional rewards of 2%-5% are obtained according to different performance scales, encouraging teamwork and achieving good results together. It also launches travel rewards and luxury car reward plans to commend outstanding contributors and broaden their horizons and life experiences.
In the process of promoting the new marketing strategy, we carefully considered the overall situation and carefully designed the transition plan to ensure a smooth transition between the old and new policies, enhance market confidence, alleviate market fluctuations, and move steadily and firmly towards a brighter future, so that the new marketing model can take root quickly in overseas markets and be unstoppable.
The presidents of overseas regions work together with the regional management teams to actively and widely publicize and promote the new marketing strategy. At the same time, they conduct in-depth discussions and close communication with the leaders of local national distributors to jointly and carefully plan and formulate efficient and feasible strategic blueprints and action plans to ensure that the new marketing business can take root quickly and smoothly in the local market and achieve rapid development.

Jin Ke Technology Empowers New Marketing

On the afternoon of August 20, 2024, the global launch meeting of Jin Ke Technology was grandly held. The meeting kicked off with a chorus of all employees, and the chairman of the strategic partner Tiens Group personally handed over the flag, symbolizing that the mission and responsibility of expanding into the global market has been passed on to every employee of Jin Ke Technology.
CEO Zhu Guanghui delivered a development strategy presentation, sharing the grand blueprint and development strategy of Jin Ke Technology's global layout. CPO Wang Geng took the stage to share the importance of building a diversified content ecosystem to attract users, as well as the strategic layout of the overall product planning. Senior Content Operation Manager Wen Jing shared the dual upgrade of the VI and UI of the VMOMENT brand, emphasizing unified and standardized use to shape the brand's international strategic image. Department heads and outstanding employee representatives shared their respective work priorities and future plans. The summary speech by the chairman of the strategic partner Tiens Group brought the meeting to a climax, inspiring all Jin Ke Technology employees to unite and create outstanding results together.
Finally, all the staff took a solemn oath under the leadership of CEO Zhu Guanghui. Jin Ke will conquer the world! Fight to realize the vision of "Jin Ke Technology never sets"!

August 30th version: Launched personalized recommendation system and precise advertising push, realizing personalized services for each customer and closed loop of commercial monetization. Added black diamond members, VIP customer service and exclusive meeting rooms to improve the platform monetization channels.
September 14th version: The Traditional Chinese Medicine big data model enables intelligent consultation for users, creates a big data asset trading platform, and lays out a new model for commercial big data monetization. Overseas version, launches 12 zodiac overseas blind boxes, and realizes digital asset trading.
September 30th version: Cross-border e-commerce opens global stores for independent operation, realizes global buying and selling, and attracts millions of merchants to settle in. It is the first to promote global live-streaming to sell goods, realizing a new business model of cash commission.
Global personalized recommendations, big data digital asset trading platform and global cross-border e-commerce operation model have achieved a large-scale business digitalization model with 100 million daily active users and a global average daily GMV of US$3 billion.
Network software:
To empower the expansion of new overseas marketing markets, in order to better assist overseas teams in deployment and preheat the establishment of new marketing teams, this network arrangement tool is specially designed for market use. Market distributors can use this tool to pre-arrange the network, involving team structure, and generate corresponding network arrangement result reports to facilitate the initial team system import when new marketing is implemented.

Global education empowers new marketing

Global education
1. Global education, online and offline go hand in hand: Combining the innovative business model of new marketing and the growth map of distributors, the Elevate Cloud International Business College has built an education and training growth system suitable for the global new marketing business. According to the job level growth and ability demand dimensions of distributors, it designs compulsory and elective courses for different job levels online and offline. In this university without walls, distributors receive diversified online and offline education, training and guidance services that are differentiated in different regions and countries around the world and systematically accompany successful entrepreneurs on the road to successful entrepreneurship at different stages.
2. 200,000 "special forces", internal and external big names will gather: A group of new forces have emerged in the distributors of various regions, countries, and system teams around the world who fully understand the “Three New Strategies”and “Three Globalization Strategies”, quickly seize entrepreneurial opportunities, have strategic vision, understand investment promotion, can arrange networks, and reap greater benefits under the new business model. These international, cutting-edge, national, provincial, and city-level lecturers and members of the public are encouraged to become the leaders and powerful reserve forces of the 200,000 "special forces" through evaluation, re-employment, mentor recommendation, recruitment and training. At the same time, through the global focus of the “Three New Strategies”and “Three Globalization Strategies”, it will also integrate education big names from countries and regions such as the United States, Latin America, India, South Asia, Indonesia, Russia, Europe, Taiwan, and South Korea, supplement the education and training system at different stages, and jointly create 200,000 "special forces" for the Elevate Cloud International Business College.

Global Conference
As autumn deepens, we work together to fight at the forefront of Tiens' business. With our joint efforts, the "Love Is In Heaven and Earth" grand celebration event in November is being prepared in full swing.
Under the guidance of the “Three New Strategies”and “Three Globalization Strategies”, this event is not only a grand celebration, but also a fusion and collision of hearts. Through this event, we will showcase the outstanding achievements of new marketing, the comprehensive promotion of new products around the world, and the release of strategic initiatives. With the support and promotion of the global market, the "Love Is In Heaven and Earth" celebration will become an important milestone in demonstrating Tiens' strength and responsibility.
By then, many global politicians and sports stars will be present at the event. At the same time, the promotional video of the conference will be released to the world to further expand the influence and appeal of the event.
At this critical moment, every market partner is an important promoter of the success of this event. Through this event, we will convey the positive energy of Tiens to the world and show the brilliant achievements we have made under the new strategy. The participation and efforts of every partner are an indispensable force on our way forward, and together we welcome the glorious ceremony of "Love Is in Heaven and Earth".
New marketing, new model, new impetus, new future. Global Education provides educational toolkits for the first 26 countries in the world and the countries that will implement new marketing in the future, including business, platform, product, lecturer, conference, etc. The content involves system explanation, promotion standards and specifications, strategic communication, meeting standard process, lecturer courses, etc., to help launch the new marketing market.

Online operations
In order to better empower global distributors in the perspective of education and enable them to receive education and training across regions, languages, and 24 hours a day, Tiens will focus on building an online education platform to provide global distributors and customers with a convenient, standardized, and systematic one-stop teaching experience.
The platform has systematic video courses, which will provide precise business empowerment for distributors of different levels. Help global distributors improve their business capabilities and achieve common progress in theory, products, and practical operations.
One-to-one Q&A window provides distributors with the most standard and correct speech empowerment, helping global distributors to answer questions for newcomers in real time.
Global top celebrities live-streaming, inviting industry leaders, industry experts and other top celebrities to share successful experiences, creating opportunities for global dealers to interact and communicate with celebrities in real time.
The online education platform is committed to providing good services to global distributors, allowing global distributors to grow, improve their capabilities, and broaden their horizons here.

Listen to the voice of the Paralympics and 
go on a charity journey

May 18, 2024 is the 14th "5.18 Love Day" of Tiens Group. The 14 years of perseverance in charity not only demonstrates Tiens Group's charity concept of "feeling love, creating love, and delivering love", but also drives a wave of charity around the world. Through this global charity event, Tiens Group further demonstrates its important role in shouldering social responsibilities and promoting the development of global charity.
Since its establishment, Tiens Group has been well aware that the true meaning of corporate success lies not only in economic benefits, but also in its profound contribution to society and continuous feedback. Under the personal leadership of Mr. Li Jinyuan, Chairman of the Board of Directors, Tiens Group has delivered warmth and care to people in need through diversified public welfare forms in many fields such as global charity, education, and environmental protection, and has contributed Tiens' strength to promoting harmony and stability in the global society with practical actions. In order to further promote global public welfare, Tiens Group plans to launch the "Tiens Global Run" event in 2025. This innovative form of public welfare event, with running as a link, brings together families who love health and sports in Tiens' five major regions around the world. This event joined hands with Kenyan middle- and long-distance running world champion Beatrice Chepkoch to lead the "Tiens Global Run" event. With her champion influence in the sports world, she called on everyone to join the event and set a positive and healthy sports example for the participants. Her participation has undoubtedly inspired more people to participate in charity activities, and encouraged everyone to pay attention to health and charity through sports, so that love and care can be conveyed to every corner of the world, calling on global companies and individuals to join Tianshi in sending love and warmth to people in need around the world.

To date, Tiens Group has invested 21 billion yuan in education and charity. Behind this investment is Tiens Group's infinite love and persistent pursuit of charity. Tiens people around the world know that only through continuous investment and hard work can more hope and change be brought to the world's vulnerable groups.
In the future, Tiens Group will continue to uphold the public welfare concept of "feeling love, creating love, and delivering love", and work with families and partners in the five major regions of the world to explore more public welfare forms, expand broader public welfare fields, and contribute more strength and wisdom to the harmony and development of the global society. Let us look forward to Tiens Group working with more people with lofty ideals around the world on the road of public welfare to write more wonderful chapters, so that this love can bloom in every corner of the world.

Tiens spokesperson shines in the Olympic Games

Using racket as sword - Patryk Chojnowski
Patrick, an outstanding table tennis player, has a career like a legendary epic. More than 20 gold medals are the medals of honor for his hard work, and each of them shines with his sweat and tenacity. Now, with full enthusiasm and firm belief, he steps onto the stage of the Paris Paralympic Games, aiming directly at the gold medal. As a health ambassador of Tiens, Patryk Chojnowski interprets the perfect combination of health and hard work with his own actions. He sweats on the training ground, and fights for his dream with tenacious perseverance and excellent skills. Every swing is a transcendence of self; every game is a persistent pursuit of victory. The Paris Paralympic Games is his new battlefield and also the stage for him to continue his glory. He meets the challenge with fearless courage and firm determination. His figure, like a burning flame, illuminates the Paralympic Games and inspires everyone who pursues his dreams. Let us look forward to Patryk Chojnowski's wonderful performance at the 2024 Paris Paralympic Games, and witness him create miracles again, bringing shock and touch to the world. He is not only the pride of Poland, but also a symbol of sportsmanship. Let us cheer for him and support his dream!

Tiens spokesperson shines in the Olympic Games

With a will as strong as iron and a heavy hammer in hand - Stella Eneva
Eneva from Bulgaria is a shot put athlete and a seven-star distributor of Tiens in Europe. Fate may have set many obstacles in her life, but she overcame them one by one with fearless courage and tenacious perseverance. From the moment she set foot on the road of sports, Eneva knew that she had the mission of surpassing herself. She sweated on the training ground every day, throwing the shot put again and again, as if she wanted to leave all the difficulties in life far behind. Every throw was a challenge to her fate and a breakthrough for herself. At the moment of the competition, the eyes of the whole audience were focused on her. She held the shot put tightly, as if holding her own destiny. She took a deep breath, then threw it with all her strength, and the shot put drew a beautiful arc in the air. At that moment, time seemed to freeze, and everyone was waiting for the result. Eneva interpreted the Paralympic spirit with her actions - unyielding and courageous. No matter what the result of the game is, she is a true hero, inspiring everyone who struggles in life.
Wish Stella Eneva can achieve excellent results in the Paris Paralympic Games, show the world the sports spirit of never giving up, and bring the concept of Tiens' great love to every corner of the world.

Elite Stories

From medicine to Tiens: the transformation of pursuing career and dream
I was a doctor in the oncology department of a local 3A-grade hospital, and my satisfaction with the situation gradually waned. Because of this, my fate with Tiens began. Since then, I have firmly devoted myself to the cause of Tiens and explored broader development space.
Although we have a bottleneck period in the past two years, our chairman has always led us in the third entrepreneurial explorations.
After two months of market launch, our display has shown strong penetration in the market, and our revenue has also increased significantly compared with before.
As the chairman said, "If you do it, you will get it." Our efforts have been rewarded.
In addition, this month, partners hope to achieve their goals with the company's preferential policies, from one star, two stars to three stars. Everyone's enthusiasm is high and they will meet at the top.

Hu Yinghua

The journey of dreams and struggles
I am Zhang Guofang from Julu, Hebei. Since I was a child, I have listened to my father's stories about his experiences during the Anti-Japanese War. I have been determined to become a useful person to society. With my dream in mind, I bravely quit my comfortable banking job and started my entrepreneurial journey. The hardships of starting a business made me stay in the county hospital in 2007 due to overdrawing my body. Only then did I realize that life needs to be carefully nurtured. In 2008, I quickly recovered my health by taking Tiens products. This experience made me choose to give up my own business and devote myself to Tiens' health business, which has gone through many years.
During this journey, I led my partners to gain health and wealth together. Especially under the opportunity of the third take-off of Tiens Group, the new marketing mechanism has provided unprecedented huge business opportunities for the development of the market and the team. Many partners have made breakthroughs in income, and my personal income in June and July has reached about 100,000.
I sincerely thank Chairman Li Jinyuan of Tiens Group, Mr. Hu Jian and all the business partners, and especially my love. Let us work together, unite as one, and work together to make Tiens business bigger and stronger.

Zhang Guofang

From Beijing to South America: My International Entrepreneurship Journey
I am from Beijing, the capital of China, and I used to be a kindergarten teacher. In 1996, I cooperated with Tiens Company and have been there for 29 years. During this time, I have accumulated rich experience in education and management. In 2004, I went abroad with my dream and came to Peru in South America to explore overseas markets. In just two years, I successfully created a team of tens of thousands of people and realized my dream of being an international lecturer.
On June 15, 2024, the company officially launched a new marketing section. Inspired by the new mechanism, new starting point and new goals, my core partners and I are closely united, coordinating thoughts and actions, and jointly locking in goals. We know that teamwork is the key to success, because "there is no perfect individual, only a perfect team". After 20 days of hard work, our team broke through 1 million performance, won the opening victory, and allowed many ordinary front-line partners to double their income, showing unlimited possibilities.
In the future, I am determined to lead our team to continuously form a unified mode of thinking and behavior, so as to help us create more brilliant achievements on the road of the third entrepreneurial journey. We will continue to move towards a better tomorrow with firm belief and unremitting efforts.

Mu Chunhong

Tiens, let me meet a better me
I am Wang Yaobin, born in 1966. I graduated from Jilin University in 1989. I am a member of the Communist Party of China and served as the Youth League Committee Secretary of a large military industrial enterprise. I came into contact with Tiens in 1996 and started the road to success.
In the past 28 years, I have devoted myself wholeheartedly to the Tiens cause, standing on the international podium many times and winning the highest awards. In my team, 33 colleagues won the Success Hero Car Award, 9 people won the Million House Fund Award, and 37 people won the BMW and Mercedes-Benz Car Awards. These achievements not only demonstrate individual efforts, but also are the result of teamwork.
Through good times and bad, I have always believed in the tremendous value of direct selling. I firmly believe that the spring of direct selling in China will definitely come, and Tiens is the best entrepreneurial opportunity for ordinary people to realize their dreams. Since the launch of new marketing, market vitality has greatly increased and performance has improved significantly. In just two months, the backbone of the team basically reached a consensus and realized that now is the best time for Tiens to develop and face a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.
We have reasons to believe that with high-quality products, strong brand influence, unique new marketing models and the spirit of continuous innovation, Tiens will continue to write a glorious chapter on the stage of the global direct selling industry. Together we look forward to a better future.

Wang Yaobin

Tiens Road: From Traditional Business to New Opportunities
I am Wang Anguang from Qingdao, Shandong, a member of Yanzhen System. Before joining Tiens, I was running a traditional business. In the early 2000s, the profitability of the traditional business was acceptable, with an annual income of 80,000 to 100,000 yuan. At that time, I thought I could continue to run the business like this. However, due to health reasons, I came into contact with Tiens products in 2005, which helped me recover my health. In 2009, I gave up the traditional business without hesitation and joined Tiens.
Today, we are experiencing unprecedented changes, and the business model is also undergoing tremendous changes. The company's third venture was launched on June 15, coinciding with the country's recognition of this industry and policy revisions, which made us see unlimited business opportunities. Following the pace of the company and the system, I seized this opportunity, launched new marketing and new models, and achieved a monthly income of six figures.
I firmly believe that as long as the partners in the team are consistent with the company and the system, we will surely become the winners of the third take-off. Let us grasp this rhythm together and work together to achieve success.

Wang Anguang

A young fighter of Tiens
My name is Yang Fan. I come from Shandong Province and have a rich and diverse experience background. After graduating from university in 2006, I decided to join Tiens due to my mother's health problems and began my journey to work for Tiens full-time. In this university without walls, I learned and grew rapidly, and gradually mastered the deep connection between health and products.
In the past 18 years, my experience at Tiens has given me a unique insight into health and helped countless people improve their health. As Tiens entered its third special stage of entrepreneurship, I actively followed the company's pace and worked with the team to change my thinking and promote the development of the business. By promoting new business opportunities, I successfully led a group of partners to achieve the goal of five-digit income and changed the fate of each of us.
I know that the road ahead still needs hard exploration, but I will work harder to continue to help more partners achieve a double harvest of health and career at Tiens. Let us go hand in hand and move towards a more brilliant tomorrow together!

Yang Fan

New Marketing: A Journey of Common Growth
After the launch of the new marketing, I actively participated in many online and offline learning activities. As I learned more, my understanding and excitement grew day by day. With a deeper understanding of the charm of the new mechanism, my work focus gradually shifted to the promotion of specialty stores and major markets. In this process, I realized the infinite possibilities of the new marketing model.
In this process, my personal success is not something to show off. What makes me most proud is that every partner in our team has earned considerable income. It is on this road of joint entrepreneurship that we support and encourage each other and work together. "One thing, a group of people, fight together, win together", such a spirit of cooperation is the greatest value in life.
I am sincerely grateful for the platform and system provided by the company, which enables us to continue to grow and break through in the wave of new marketing. The road ahead is still long, but I firmly believe that with our efforts and unity, we will definitely achieve more brilliant achievements. Let us witness the wonderful chapter of this struggle journey together!

Shen Donglan

Twenty years of cooperation with Tiens: Double harvest of health and wealth
In the past twenty years, I have worked hand in hand with Tiens, harvested the health of my whole family, and spread this health concept to more people in need. While they gain health, they also achieve wealth accumulation. I am honored to receive Tiens' three-piece set and loyalty award, and these achievements make me proud.
With the launch of Tiens' third take-off new marketing, I deeply understood the company's policies, first determined the core positioning of Three-star Cloud Lion, and quickly started the team, actively expanded the team, and then quickly moved towards the goal, and finally determined it as Three-star Cloud Lion. The key to new marketing lies in speed, and quick action is the guarantee of success.
The new marketing has indeed brought considerable benefits to partners, and the concept of "getting rich quickly" has been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, because the most effective marketing is to make money. Therefore, we will go all out, actively expand the market, and strive to strengthen our team.
Looking forward to meeting you at the top and witnessing our achievements and glory together.

Qi Ge

My name is Agus Trilaksono, I am from Indonesia and I am currently a five-star Golden Lion director of Tiens Group. Today, I am very happy to share with you the advantages of Tiens' new system. Tiens has a glorious history of more than 30 years and has been deeply rooted in the Indonesian market for nearly 25 years. I have joined Tiens since 2000 and have witnessed its rapid development and growth in the Indonesian market. Every year, Tiens is making continuous progress and continuously launching more innovative and high-quality products.
We have a rich product line, from nutritional supplements to health products to beauty products. Tiens is always at the forefront of the times and constantly expanding into new areas. It is particularly worth mentioning that Tiens not only focuses on traditional health products, but also develops many cutting-edge tools and equipment that can help people improve themselves and optimize their health. Through these excellent products and tools, we have created many successful business models with our partners.
Dear friends, please remember that Tiens is always committed to innovation and development and keeping up with market trends. This year, Tiens launched a digital marketing platform called V-Moment, which uses artificial intelligence technology. You can upload your own photos or photos of others and let AI demonstrate for you. This innovative tool not only helps you to easily complete your presentation, but also significantly improves your business performance.
With this new bonus program, Tiens has opened up a new way for you to earn higher income. You have the opportunity to significantly increase your income. In fact, in the first four months in China alone, many partners have received bonuses of more than 200,000 to 300,000 US dollars, which is equivalent to 300 million to 500 million Indonesian rupiah.
You can imagine that in such a short time, you can also achieve the same success through Tiens' platform, or even exceed these achievements! Let's cheer for Tiens' bright future together! Looking forward to seeing you at the peak of success!

Five-star Golden Lion Director

I have great confidence in the "Three Globalization Strategies”and “Three New Strategies" system newly launched by Tiens Group. I firmly believe that this innovative marketing plan will become an important turning point in the development of our business, driving turnover to grow exponentially and bringing us generous bonus returns. The Indonesian team has high expectations for this plan. I believe that it will not only trigger a boom in the Indonesian market, but also set off a wave around the world, helping Chairman Li Jinyuan realize his great dream of becoming one of the world's top 500 richest people.
Looking to the future, I will work closely with Indonesia's top leadership team to fully promote this new marketing plan to ensure that it covers every corner of Indonesia. We will fully mobilize the entire network to ensure that every partner can fully understand and efficiently implement this plan. Its simplicity, efficiency and strong market penetration make people full of infinite expectations for the future. This is not only an innovative breakthrough, but also an extraordinary opportunity to reshape the future.
My primary goal is to use this new system to reactivate the entire network in the Indonesian market and be the first to achieve the sales target of 5 million US dollars. I firmly believe that this number is just the beginning, driven by this system, and there will be sustained and rapid growth in the future.
At the same time, I will spare no effort to pursue my personal goals in order to live up to the expectations of Chairman Li Jinyuan. I firmly believe that through this innovative marketing plan, I have the ability to achieve my personal bonus goal of US$2 million. More importantly, I hope that this plan can help Tiens families around the world achieve outstanding achievements and move towards a more brilliant future together. I look forward to meeting families around the world at the pinnacle of success and witnessing our brilliant achievements!

Louis Tendean
Four-Star Golden Lion Director

After my visit and experience, the wonderful "August 3rd Anniversary Celebration" of Tiens Group was held. I have started to share my wonderful experience and started to reorganize my direct network by contacting and communicating effectively with the top leaders in the South African market with the assistance of Mr. Eric, the President of the Group's Africa Region. As of August 15, 2024, I have selected 48 potential leaders from countries such as Zimbabwe, Mozambique, Namibia and South Africa, which can ensure the smooth and successful launch of the new direct sales business plan.
Tiens started its business in Southern Africa in 2002, and I followed and worked with Chairman Li to open up the African market, with a special focus on the Southern African market. Tiens business and Chairman Li changed my life and the life of my family. It also changed the lives of all our leaders and downlines in Africa and other parts of the world.
I firmly believe in the words that Chairman Li shared with me: "Belief is the beginning of success, and persistence is the key to success." Indeed, many of us have seen success, prosperity and health at Tiens. Tiens is here to help all of us see our dreams come true in health and prosperity.
Tiens has a 22-year history in Southern Africa. We, my team and I, as the founders of Tiens in Africa, have built and achieved extraordinary miracles in Southern Africa. Frankly speaking, we are facing severe challenges every day: the existing network structure is deteriorating rapidly - the founder leader has passed away, the existing team is inactive and has no enterprising spirit, and has lost touch with the latest marketing concepts and progress, while failing to recruit and upgrade enough core leaders and young blood! As more and more new direct sales companies are launched and rising in the market with relatively new plans, new mechanisms and new products, our leaders are hesitating, wavering and changing directions.
Through in-depth review and understanding of this new plan, as well as in-depth exchanges of ideas and learning with Mr. Yang and other senior leaders at the headquarters, it is a good time to implement the Cloud Lion plan to reverse the trend of market shrinkage and revitalize the market. This is a rewarding and innovative plan that has strengthened my determination and given me the confidence to recruit new teams from competitor companies!!
Tiens products are still world class, Tiens Career Plan is still the most generous and reliable plan in the world, Tiens Group is still the most aggressive and powerful company in the world, led by Chairman Li, the most influential leader in the world!! I am very happy and honored to make Tiens my life's work!!
With the new marketing plan officially launched in September this year and the new global collaboration mechanism in place, we are ready again, we are ready to fight, we are ready to promote the implementation of the new direct sales plan, and we must regain and restore our honor! !
Long live Chairman Li! !
Long live Tiens! !

Pamela R Tsela
Honorary Director

I am deeply grateful and honored to have the opportunity for General Manager Mr. Charles to organize us to participate in the anniversary celebration, experience the great charm and power of the Cloud Lion mechanism, feel the joy of our African colleagues for the luxurious awards there, be impressed by the extraordinary achievements made by the Greater China leadership as the first market to implement the new system in the past three months, and rekindle my passion and confidence to fight for my market and my team in the Mozambique market.
As the founding leader of Tiens Mozambique, we have the same history as other SADC markets - we once achieved great success in network growth and sales growth, but now face the challenges of shrinking market share and difficulty in recruiting and upgrading new people - our leaders are getting less and less bonuses, and the number of distributors eligible for bonuses is decreasing. We are looking for a way forward and solid guidance!
The new general manager is indeed leading the SADC market forward with his efforts and deep insight into the market. During the days at the headquarters, with the training and communication on the Cloud Lion plan mechanism, as a distributor with 67 years of experience, my enthusiasm is in full swing - I see the great opportunity for Cloud Lion to expand its shares in the Mozambique market, the great advantages of the new team, and the huge and generous rewards of the upgrade bonus! ! And more!
Mozambique is part of Angola and is slightly different from all other markets - as a Portuguese-speaking market, we have higher requirements for language arrangements: product descriptions, translation of new mechanisms, and professional training leaders who can understand and explain well in Portuguese. The registration of our current top 14 products will be completed soon, and then my thriving team and I will go all out to implement the Cloud Lion plan solidly and successfully. We will overcome any challenges we will face and fight for the honor of the Portuguese-speaking market! !

Founder of Mozambique Market

I am very happy and fortunate to be invited by the distinguished President of Africa, Mr. Eric, to visit the headquarters to attend the anniversary celebrations. This is my first visit since 8 years ago.
As one of the founding leaders of Tiens Zimbabwe, I am constantly increasing my influence and connections in the country. In 2016, I successfully facilitated a visit and meeting between Chairman Li and His Excellency Manangagawa. I convinced the (former) Minister of Health, Mrs. Nyasha, to become the founding leader of the Tiens network and I was awarded 2 luxury cars. But that was 7 years ago.
When I was at the Tianjin headquarters, I felt sad to see so many East African leaders being awarded with luxury cars, villas, exciting trips to Dubai, but not one from a SADC country - our most recent award for an international trip was Mr. Benson Skumucha, the only leader to qualify in June 2024. As I calculated the bonuses for my team and the total number of distributors to be awarded each month, I encouraged my team and all the exclusive stores in Harare to come to my store the day after my return trip to share what I saw at the headquarters, share my deep understanding of the new program, and encourage all leaders to be fully prepared to accept the new program. And be ready to win - win more, and win faster.
Since August 9, 2024, we have held 5 meetings, training, and preparations for the full implementation of the Cloud Lion Plan in September. We understand that the headquarters has coordinated sufficient resources, including funds, technology, products, promotion, training resources, and sent relevant personnel to Zimbabwe to work and fight with us. On behalf of all Tiens Zimbabwe distributors and networks, we are confident of winning and confident of striving for more bonuses and rewards. We have long been eager to get the rewards of cars, villas and international travel, and we have been fighting wholeheartedly for a long time! !

Juliet Ajara
Founder of Zimbabwe Market

It was a real honor to be part of the Tiens 33rd Anniversary celebration at Tiens headquarters in China. The energy, vision and commitment displayed at this event set the stage for an exciting new chapter for Tiens in the Americas. There is a lot of enthusiasm and determination as we move forward with our new marketing plan in Mexico, Colombia and the United States.
The preparations for this new phase have been extensive and have involved multiple meetings, training sessions and online events. These efforts are designed to ensure that our leaders and distributors are fully prepared to meet the challenges and opportunities ahead.
Consuelo Caceres from Colombia has been a key figure in this journey. She has over 20 years of experience at Tiens and has a deep understanding of the Colombian market. Consuelo has been a pillar of support as we roll out this new marketing strategy. Her leadership, knowledge and passion for the network marketing industry make her an indispensable asset to our team. We are extremely proud of her as one of the top leaders in Colombia and Latin America. Similarly, Miguel Marquez from Mexico has been a loyal representative of Tiens. His loyalty to Tiens remains unwavering, and attending the 33rd anniversary celebrations at Tiens headquarters has left him refreshed and more committed to Tiens’ vision. Now, Miguel is more motivated than ever and ready to lead the Mexican team with his usual passion and dedication.
The excitement in the Latin American team is palpable as we prepare to expand into new markets like the United States and Canada. This expansion marks a major achievement for Tiens and demonstrates our strength as a global company with a long-term vision.
Our distributors across the continent are feeling the positive energy and are ready to embrace the opportunities ahead. The launch of the new marketing plan and VM platform has ignited a new wave of motivation and anticipation among our team. We are proud to be a part of Tiens and look forward to contributing to its continued success.
Together, we will accomplish great things and look forward to a bright and prosperous future with Tiens.

Celebrating Tiens' 33rd Anniversary: A New Chapter in America

In this vibrant land of Bulgaria, an admirable legend was born - Stella Eneva. She came into this world on July 18, 1975 and grew up in Pleven. However, fate presented her with a severe challenge. Due to congenital malformations in infancy, she had to undergo amputation of both legs.
But Stella did not succumb to the arrangement of fate. In 2004, her life ushered in an important turning point. This year, she met Tiens. At that time, her friend and Tiens sponsor Rositsa Dobreva found her exhausted at the sports academy where she trained and gave her 2 Tiens Cordyceps capsules. Surprisingly, soon after taking it, Stella felt visibly excited and full of energy, and the capsules quickly restored her strength. From that moment on, she firmly believed in Tiens natural products and took them every day to maintain her health.
With the company of Tiens products, Stella started her brilliant sports career. In 2004, she participated in the Athens Paralympic Games. Two years later, she won the world championship in the discus and cannonball at the championships in Assen, Netherlands. At the 2011 World Championships in Christchurch, New Zealand, she came second in the discus and shot put. She added a silver medal at the 2012 London Paralympic Games and became the European champion in the shot put in Stadkanal, Netherlands, the same year. At the 2014 European Championships in Swansea, Wales, she won two gold medals in the discus and cannonball.
Stella's achievements go far beyond this. She was selected as the Bulgarian Outstanding Athlete with Disabilities four times (2010, 2012, 2013, 2014) and was selected as the "Woman of the Year" in the "Sports" category in 2012 by Grazia magazine. In 2010, she opened the country's first professional fitness center for people with disabilities, the "Stella Eneva Sports Center", in Varna, and became an honorary citizen of Varna.

Inspirational legend | The indissoluble bond between Stella Eneva and Tiens

Stella confesses that most of her sports training is inseparable from the help of Tiens' natural products. She is extremely proud to have a sponsor like Tiens who has always given her firm support. Now, standing on the stage of the Paris Paralympic Games, she is about to write a new chapter in her life again. At the same time, she enthusiastically recommends Tiens products to everyone because they can bring health, strength, vitality, a happy spirit and balanced energy.
Let us follow Stella's footsteps and embark on a journey of healthy living together, pursue a better self together, and move towards the peak of life hand in hand. Here, we sincerely wish Stella to surpass herself and achieve more success in the Paris Paralympic Games. The gold medal is already waving to her, let us cheer for her together and look forward to her glorious moment!

Brand Culture

【Brand Logo Notes】
Commerce symbolizes that we create sustainable economic value through smart and ethical business practices;
Star symbolizes that our goal is to become the high standard in the industry, shining brightly and pointing the way for people.
Holding the Milky Way (K shape)
King symbolizes our mission to empower individuals, so that everyone can take control of their own lives and health;
King Commerce Star
Under the guidance of King Commerce Star, we work together to create brilliance.

Komstar Brand Story
Healthy · Natural · Pure | Professional · Innovative · Excellent
Life secrets, shared by the world
Komstar originates from the natural wisdom of Switzerland, integrates the global health concepts, creates new energy for life, and leads a new trend of health.
The fresh air of Switzerland is filled with a deep love and pursuit of life and health, which is the origin of the Komstar story. As a leader in Switzerland's medical and health field, the Swiss SGK Medical Center provides customers with treatment solutions that exceed expectations with Switzerland's rich medical traditions and cutting-edge technologies. The SGK Medical Center is well-known in Europe and the United States for its innovative and advanced medical technologies in the fields of anti-aging, anti-cancer, diabetes treatment, and cosmetic internal and external surgery.
Komstar, as the flagship health brand of SGK Medical Center, not only carries SGK's profound medical heritage and excellent technological heritage, but also builds a solid foundation for protecting life and health with its forward-looking health concepts and innovative service models.
Relying on SGK Medical Center's cutting-edge medical technology, rich clinical experience and international medical resources, Komstar is committed to deeply integrating high-end medical services with personalized health management, and providing all-round, full-cycle health solutions for people who pursue high-quality life. Focusing on multiple dimensions such as preventive medicine, health care and physiotherapy, and daily health care, it helps customers achieve comprehensive optimization and improvement of their body and mind through scientific evaluation, customized plans, continuous tracking and adjustment.
In 2024, Komstar crossed the European continent and chose to register in the vibrant Singapore. This strategic decision marks an important step for the brand to move towards internationalization. Singapore, a meeting point of diverse cultures, provides a stage for Komstar to showcase its unique charm and innovative ideas. Here, Komstar not only continues to uphold its commitment to health and professionalism, but also begins to integrate more deeply into the field of health in Asia and even the world.
Komstar's vision is to lead the development of global health concepts through innovation and pursuit of excellence. We believe that the harmonious coexistence of technology and nature can bring more health and happiness to mankind. From the mountains of Switzerland to the city of Singapore, from the mysteries of the East to the global sharing, Komstar is always with you to explore more beautiful possibilities in the world.
May our story become a beautiful chapter in your healthy and quality life.

 Conference warm-up

Health Zone

Tiens Mushroom Pueraria Cordyceps Oral Liquid
Introduction to main ingredients:
Mushrooms: Replenish qi and nourish blood. Used for loss of appetite, dizziness, edema, incontinence, night sweats, fatigue, etc. caused by old age and physical weakness. Enhance human immunity.
Poria: Strengthen the spleen and harmonize Zhongjiao(upper abdomen), calm the mind and soothe the nerves. Used for dizziness and palpitations, spleen deficiency and poor appetite, restlessness, palpitations, insomnia, forgetfulness, etc.
Kudzu root: relieve muscles and penetrate the surface, promote fluid production and quench thirst, and promote blood circulation. Contains flavonoids and isoflavone compounds, which have estrogen-like effects and improve the problems caused by the decline of estrogen levels in menopausal women.
Polygonatum: Replenish qi and nourish yin, and benefit the kidney. Used for spleen and stomach qi deficiency, loss of appetite, fatigue, dizziness, sore waist and knees, premature graying of hair, etc. due to kidney deficiency and essence deficiency.
Cordyceps militaris: Replenish the lungs and kidneys, and enhance human immunity.

Main raw materials: Mushrooms extract, Poria extract, Kudzu root extract, Polygonatum extract, Cordyceps militaris extract
Health function: This product has been evaluated by animal experiments and has the health function of enhancing immunity
Suitable population: People with low immunity
Unsuitable population: Infants, children, pregnant women, nursing mothers
Product specifications: 50ml/bottle × 8 bottles/box
How to eat: Oral, once a day, 1 bottle each time
Main effects of the product: Enhance immunity, assist in improving female menopausal symptoms

Tiens Terahertz RF Thermal Meridian Massager TS-THZ01
Tiens Terahertz RF Thermal Meridian Massager has a special bio-resonance energy wave technology, which is a high-frequency alternating current. When the high-frequency current passes through the human body or other biological tissues, the tissue will produce resistance to the high-frequency electric wave, which will cause the charged ions or molecules in the tissue to oscillate rapidly, thereby generating heat energy.
The resonant energy wave generated by Tiens Terahertz RF Thermal Meridian Massager vibrates one million times per second, and evenly introduces the energy wave into the human body from the soles of the feet, causing the cells and blood molecules in the human tissue to polarize and oscillate, generating deep heat, thereby producing a subtle massage and soothing effect on the tissue cells. As the energy oscillation wave continuously penetrates into the body from the soles of the feet, the local body temperature of the lower limbs increases, which promotes the microcirculation of the human body.
The body is pearl white in tone, and the color is warm, generous and stable. The operation area and the use area are designed in a partitioned manner, which is flexible and clear in operation. The touch-type light touch button is simple to operate and feels comfortable. In a very short time, the feet can feel hot and heat up quickly. The technology has been fully upgraded. When using high-end positions, there is no obvious swelling and pain, and the comfort is good. The output energy conversion efficiency of the instrument is as high as more than 93%, and the instrument does not have obvious heat when working continuously. It is suitable for a wide range of people, is the guardian of the forefront of science and technology, and can easily "step" out of health.

Tiens New Message


1. We must understand the business logic, develop accurately, attract partners with partners, support partners with partners and then attract partners again. Whoever attracts partners will benefit, and the partners will benefit more.
2. We must realize family consumption and create wealth, drive more families to create wealth, ensure employment, entrepreneurship and development, and let stakeholders work together for warmth.
3. We must uphold the concept of "Business-oriented, Innovative development" and strive to build an international development pattern of "Ten engines, Global drive".

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