


The Yellow River
flows eastward
into the sea


这是黄河入海口处常常见到的三原色,显示的是黄河、大海以及河海互融的三种色彩。2019年9月27日拍摄于东营市黄河三角洲国家级自然保护区。胡友文 摄

深秋季节,黄河口湿地披红戴绿,五彩缤纷,飞羽翔集,美不胜收。2020年8月21日拍摄于黄河三角洲国家级自然保护区湿地。胡友文 摄

黄河口湿地潮汐树上的丹顶鹤,2023年3月19日拍摄于黄河三角洲国家级自然保护区滩涂湿地。              胡友文 摄

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Река Хуанхэ течет на восток и впадает в море

Dongying is a city that lives by a river and thrives toward the sea. It is an ecological home where birds thrive and migrate. Here, the Mother River is about to end its long journey of 5,464 kilometers and rush into the sea. It walks on the Yellow River Delta, the youngest land in China, and meets the sea along the Yellow River, recording the vigorous vitality between heaven and earth.

黄河口湿地“树”上的鸬鹚,2021年3月26日拍摄于东营市黄河三角洲国家级自然保护区。胡友文 摄
Cormorants on the "tree" in the Yellow River Estuary Wetland, photographed in the Yellow River Delta National Nature Reserve in Dongying City on March 26, 2021. Photo by Hu Youwen

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