


The story of 



Napoleon exhibition 
opens grandly,
157 pieces of exquisite works show Napoleon's life from ordinary to extraordinary

By Reporter Qian Huanqing

"From Ordinary to Extraordinary - Napoleon and the Era of Change in France" opened at the Shandong Museum on July 6.
Born in the periphery of France, young Napoleon rose to prominence during the French Revolution. He seized the opportunity and acted decisively in the chaotic political situation, ending France's long-term turmoil. In the following twenty years, with his genius military talent, he fought against and almost defeated the entire European continent with the power of one country, bringing France to the top of the world.

The Napoleonic Code, also known as the French Civil Code.

On the occasion of the 60th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and France, in order to enhance cultural exchanges between China and France and promote people-to-people exchanges, Shandong Museum and China Cultural Relics Exchange Center jointly introduced 157 pieces (sets) of documents, daily necessities, oil paintings, sculptures, costumes and other cultural relics related to Napoleon from the French Napoleon Tenth Cavalry Regiment Association, and planned to launch the exhibition "From Ordinary to Extraordinary: Napoleon and the Era of Change in France". The exhibition takes Napoleon's life experience as a clue, through the four parts of "Family·Love", "Triumph·Failure", "Honor·Culture" and "Life·End Chapter", it comprehensively shows Napoleon's life journey from an ordinary boy to a military and political leader in France and even Europe, and reproduces a glorious page of French artistic civilization.

Precious artworks that have traveled across the ocean will be publicly displayed in Jinan, telling the legendary life of this outstanding figure in French history from multiple perspectives, and vividly showing the historical features and social forms of France in the 19th century. Among them, the "Standing Statue of Napoleon" is the largest piece in this exhibition, and this is also the first time it has come to China. Visitors can learn about Napoleon's love story from reliefs and oil paintings, feel the aesthetic wave set off by Napoleon from the bicorne hat he wore, glimpse Napoleon's ups and downs in life from various types of artillery shells, the three-star sword of the Guards and other war relics,and explore the story of Napoleon's family from a variety of cultural relics.

《站立的拿破仑像》全称为《拿破仑·波拿巴皇帝站立肖像》 黄中明 摄
The full name of "Standing Portrait of Napoleon" is "Standing Portrait of Emperor Napoleon Bonaparte"
Photo by Huang Zhongming

Napoleon Crossing the Alps, also known as Napoleon Crossing the Pass of St. Bernard

展览现场 exhibition site

At the opening ceremony, Sun Lei, deputy director of the Shandong Provincial Department of Culture and Tourism, said in her speech that on the occasion of the 60th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and France and the 39th anniversary of the establishment of friendly provincial relations between Shandong and the Brittany Region of France, the Shandong Museum, in collaboration with the China Cultural Relics Exchange Center and the Association of the Tenth Cavalry Regiment of Napoleon of France, introduced this exhibition, which will further deepen the cultural exchanges between China and France, strengthen the friendship between China and France, and write a new chapter in the cultural exchanges between China and France.

Jean-François Rémy-Néris, vice president of the Association of the Tenth Cavalry of Napoleon, said that Napoleon was an extremely important figure in France and even in the whole of Europe. As an institution dedicated to the study of Napoleon's culture, the Association of the Tenth Cavalry of Napoleon has been committed to the study of Napoleon's culture for more than 30 years and has accumulated rich research results on Napoleon's culture. This exhibition comprehensively interprets Napoleon's important measures in politics, military, law, culture and art, and presents Napoleon's legendary life from multiple angles. On the occasion of the 60th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and France, it is hoped that the successful holding of the exhibition will provide more cooperation opportunities in the future.

Dai Xuejing, deputy director of the Exhibition Department of Shandong Museum, told reporters that the reason why the theme of this exhibition was determined as "From Ordinary to Extraordinary" was to hope that the audience in the "post-epidemic era" could gain inspiration from Napoleon's life journey and draw strength to move forward in life.
It is reported that the exhibition will open on July 6 and will last until October 15.

Tan Ping, director of the China Cultural Relics Exchange Center, said in his speech that as outstanding representatives of Eastern and Western civilizations, China and France have a long history, splendid civilizations, and a long history of cultural exchanges, which have written a rich and colorful chapter in the history of the development of world civilization. 2024 is the 60th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and France and the China-France Cultural Tourism Year. The holding of this exhibition is an important measure to implement the Global Civilization Initiative and continue the traditional friendship between China and France. It will surely further deepen the cultural heritage exchanges and cooperation between the two countries, enhance the mutual understanding and friendship between the people of the two countries, and inject new vitality into the promotion of the construction of a comprehensive strategic partnership between China and France in the new era.
Lv Hongrong, director of the Jupiter Art Museum, told reporters that there are also elements related to China in this exhibition. One set of "Chinese red" porcelain on display was specially ordered for the wedding of Napoleon's brothers.

本刊记者 钱欢青

“从平凡到非凡——拿破仑与法兰西的变革时代” 7月6日在山东博物馆拉开帷幕。




拿破仑第十骑兵团协会副会长让-弗朗索瓦·雷米-内里斯(Jean-François Rémy-Néris)介绍,拿破仑在法国乃至整个欧洲都是一个极其重要的人物。作为专注于拿破仑文化研究的机构,拿破仑第十骑兵团协会致力于拿破仑文化的研究长达30余年,积累了丰富的拿破仑文化研究成果。本次展览全面诠释拿破仑在政治、军事、法律、文化艺术等方面的重要举措,多角度展现拿破仑的传奇一生。在中法建交60周年之际,希望展览的成功举办能为未来提供更多合作机会。


展览现场  黄中明 摄

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