书刊简介:The wide range of pool pumps adapts to any kind of needs of swimming pools, spas and water effects. POOLKINGs swimming pool pump combines top technoligical performance with highly resistant material that cant be damaged by corrosion. It would widely apply on pools, spa, waterfalls and water features. It provides the best energy saving solution to increase efficiency and reduce maintenance cost. Water swimming pool pumps are included Self-priming pumps, centrifugal pumps, high performance self-priming monoblock pumps and variable speed pumps. 1. Self-priming pumps are so named because they have the ability to draw water from the pool to the filter and then push it back into the pool. All pumps have single-phase and three-phase motors as well as prefilters integrated into the pump body to prevent foreign objects from entering which could damage the hydraulic parts of the swimming pool pump and filter system. 2. High performance self-priming monoblock pumps are for public swimming pools and for the recirculation of clean liquids.3. A centrifugal pump uses a rotating rotor which draws water towards its center and which, by centrifugal force, discharges it outwards through the rotor blades and out of the pump. The action of this pool pump is characterized by low pressures and low capacity.4. Variable speed pumps are born as a new concept of pool pump.Poolking provides custom swimming pool pumps and filter system. Their performance can be adapted according to the installation and user needs. By increasing and decreasing their speed, not only modify the speed and flow-rate, but also energy consumption.
其他信息:《POOL PUMPS》电子宣传画册作品由POOLKING于2023-11-15制作并发布于FLBOOK电子杂志制作平台。FLBOOK是一款HTML5电子杂志、电子书刊、电子画册制作平台,使用FLBOOK可以快速制作和发布电子书刊作品。