书刊名称:Nanshan Service Manual for Expats 南山区外籍人士服务手册
发布作者:Nanshan District Foreign Affairs Bureau
书刊简介:This service manual is compiled to assist expatriates from around the globe in making Nanshan their home and flourishing in the area. It provides comprehensive guidance, from arrival in Nanshan and finding accommodation, to aspects of working, living, and studying. The manual is designed to help expatriates navigate the district with ease and enjoy a worry-free environment for study, work and life.为帮助来自世界各地的外籍人士在南山安居乐业,特编辑此服务手册,细致入微地从抵达南山到入住南山,再到工作、生活、学习的方方面面。通过场景式、沉浸式的指引,让外籍人士在南山顺利学习、工作、生活。
其他信息:《Nanshan Service Manual for Expats 南山区外籍人士服务手册》电子宣传画册作品由Nanshan District Foreign Affairs Bureau于2024-05-13制作并发布于FLBOOK电子杂志制作平台。FLBOOK是一款HTML5电子杂志、电子书刊、电子画册制作平台,使用FLBOOK可以快速制作和发布电子书刊作品。