书刊名称:DigItal Temperature Controller Product Selection Guide
书刊简介:Elitech offers a high level of monitoring and maintenance in the refrigeration field, IoT technology, wirelessand smart tools, quality, and safety certificates. Our main goal is to always provide innovative alternatives toour customers to perform their work better and more conveniently. Our products and services serve manyindustries, from small to large corporations whether is related to life science, medical and pharmaceuticalindustry, food, and collection storage, to a whole logistic process from manufacturing, handling, storage, anddistribution. Our products also count on environmental testing technology, and local refrigeration systems,and many more. Over the years, we always have been focusing on innovation surrounding our customersneeds. Our wide range of products shows our company development and efforts to make our products moreefficient and convenient.
其他信息:《DigItal Temperature Controller Product Selection Guide》电子宣传画册作品由FLBOOK会员于2023-10-11制作并发布于FLBOOK电子杂志制作平台。FLBOOK是一款HTML5电子杂志、电子书刊、电子画册制作平台,使用FLBOOK可以快速制作和发布电子书刊作品。