





综合管理中心 General Management Depart

 Lorraine Mae /Filipino

Position: 前台文员 ReceptionistResponsibilities:负责公司的前台接待工作,人员进出登记,热情待客,展示公司良好形象。Responsible for the company's front desk reception, personnel in and out registration, hospitality, and display the company's good image.
Self Introduction:追求进步,不要苛求完美。Progress, not perfection.

审计及资金管理中心Audit and fund Department

Sia /Chinese

Position: 出纳 CashierResponsibilities:负责公司日常现金收支管理、资金流动登记,同时做好现金的管理,保证现金安全和准确。Responsible for the daily cash revenue and expenditure management and capital flow registration of the company,  cash management to ensure the safety and accuracy of cash.
Self Introduction:笑迎美好未来 马到万事成功。Welcome the bright future with a smile, and everything will be successful.

财务管理中心 Finance Department

Mark Lawrence /Filipino

Position:  财务专员 Finance SpecialistResponsibilities:协助主管处理部门的财务工作,以及相关报税缴税等工作。Handling the financial work of the department and related tax declaration and payment.
Self Introduction:勤能补拙。 Hard work beats talent when talent doesn't work hard.

财务管理中心 Finance Department

Sally Mae /Filipino

Position: 会计助理 Accounting AssistantResponsibilities:负责协助财务会计做好基础的账目工作,核对相关账目明细,确保账目正确Responsible for assisting the financial accountant to do the basic accounting work, check the relevant account details, and and ensure the records are accurate.
Self Introduction:梦想要付诸行动。 Dreams don't work unless you do.

工程管理事业部 Engineering Department

Bert/ Chinese

Position: 项目助理 Project AssistantResponsibilities:负责工程项目进度的跟和管理,整理日常文件,相关资金收款等。Responsible for following and managing the progress of engineering projects, organizing daily documents, related fund collection, etc.
Self Introduction:动心忍性,增益其所。By standing firm you will gain life.

物业管理事业部Property Department

Vela/ Chinese

Position: 总经理助理 Assistant General Manager Responsibilities:协助物业总经理处理日常事务,负责传达和跟进物业总经理交代的工作。Assist the property general manager to organize daily affairs, help to communicate and monitor the work assigned by property ganeral manager.
Self Introduction:独立,友善,自律。Independent, friendly, self - disciplined.


Position:物业行政Property administration
Responsibilities:负责物业大楼的日常行政管理工作,解决客户提出的问题,维护客户关系。Responsible for the daily administration of the property building, handling and solving problems raised by customers and maintaining customer relations.
Self Introduction:爱岗敬业,乐于助人。Love your job and be willing to help others.

物业管理事业部Property Department

物业管理事业部Property Department

 Ste Linc /Chinese

Position:物业行政Property administrationResponsibilities:负责物业大楼的日常行政管理工作,解决客户提出的问题,维护客户关系。Responsible for the daily administration of the property building, handling and solving problems raised by customers and maintaining customer relations.
Self Introduction:人生再苦,也有甘甜。宁可来过,不愿错过。No matter how bitter life is, it is also sweet. I'd rather have been here than miss it.

物业管理事业部Property Department

Lucas /Chinese

Position: 物业行政Property administrationResponsibilities:负责物业大楼的日常行政管理工作,解决客户提出的问题,维护客户关系。Responsible for the daily administration of the property building, handling and solving problems raised by customers and maintaining customer relations.
Self Introduction:欲速,则不达,见小利,则大事不成。If you want to speed up, you will not achieve. If you want small profits, you will not achieve great things.

物业管理事业部Property Department

Leah  /Filipino Chinese

Position: 签证行政专员Visa Admin officerResponsibilities:负责文件的登记和保管以及账单的整理与跟进。Responsible for managing and keeping of documentation and files, In charge of completing related records and billings.
Self Introduction:享受生活中的每一刻。Enjoy every moment of your life.

物业管理事业部Property Department

Shirley Maglangit/Filipino

Position: 物业行政助理 Property Admin AssistantResponsibilities:负责协助主管处理大楼的日常行政工作,完成主管交代的工作。Assist the supervisor to deal with the daily administrative work of the building and complete the work assigned by the supervisor.
Self Introduction:在沉默中努力,让成功自己发声。Work hard in silence. Let success make the noise.

物业管理事业部Property Department

Wendelyn Villarojo/Filipino

Position: 前台文员ReceptionistResponsibilities:负责物业大楼的前台接待工作,人员进出登记,热情待客,展示公司良好形象。Responsible for the property building's front desk reception, personnel in and out registration, hospitality, to display a good impression of property office.
Self Introduction:顺其自然。 It’s not a big deal.

物业管理事业部Property Department

Christine Salcedo /Filipino

Position: 前台文员ReceptionistResponsibilities:负责物业大楼的前台接待工作,人员进出登记,热情待客,展示公司良好形象。Responsible for the property building's front desk reception, personnel in and out registration, hospitality, to display a good impression of property office.
Self Introduction:让每一天都意义!To Make Each Day Count!

物业管理事业部Property Department

Kevin Endaya /Filipino

Position:工程师Building EngineerResponsibilities:负责大楼的基础工程维护,确保大楼的所有设施和设备始终处于良好的状态。To ensure all facilities and equipment of the building are always in good working condition.
Self Introduction:努力生活,让生活变得轻松Live in a hard way to make life easy.

酒店管理事业部Hotel Department

Diana Marie /Filipino

Position: 自助餐收银Buffet CashierResponsibilities:负责酒店自助餐前台的收银工作,确保现金的收支平衡。esponsible for the cashier work of the hotel buffet , ensure the accuracy of bills processed.
Self Introduction:我们可能会失败,但决不能被打败。We may encounter many defeats but we must not be defeated.

酒店管理事业部Hotel Department

Dianne Sales/Filipino

Position: 前台收银Front desk cashierResponsibilities:负责酒店前台收银工作,接待入住客人,协助客人办理入住和退房手续等,展示良好服务精神。Responsible for cashier work of the hotel front desk,handing the check in and check out of hotel guests.
Self Introduction:坚持是非常重要的。Consistency is the key.

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