





Enjoy Global Food,

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1. 文化影响(Influencing Factors of Food Culture):
The food in India is always rich in spices. For example, curry is famous all over the world. Its main ingredients are vegetables because there are many vegetarians in India.
Indian culture has a long history, and it is the birthplace of Buddhism. As a result, most Indians are vegetarians. This preference further leads to a major presence of vegetarian dishes in Indian cuisine. India is located in the tropics, where the hot climate and abundant rainfall promote the growth of aromatic plants. Indians use a lot of spices in their dishes, which not only makes use of local resources but also helps to dispel moisture.







2. 成因分析:
  India is located in the tropics, which provides a favorable climate for the growth of aromatic plants. Because of this, Indians often add a generous amount of spices to their dishes. The spices not only enhance the flavor but also help to dispel moisture, and they are beneficial to our health.
On the other hand, Indian food is often served in a soft and mushy state. This is to accommodate local dining habits, such as eating with hands. Indians use their hands to eat food for two main reasons. On one hand, it is due to India's caste culture. On the other hand, the hot climate also influences this practice.

3. 美食制作食谱
1. Food Name: Curry Rice
2. Ingredients: A piece of curry powder, carrots, potatoes, rice, beef, and cornstarch.
3. Steps:First, cut the carrots and potatoes into cubes and cut the beef into small pieces.
Next, clean the beef and add some cornstarch, salt, and chicken essence. Then mix them well.
After that, put the curry powder in a pot. Boil it with a bit of water until it forms a paste, then add the carrots, potatoes, and beef.
Finally, pour the curry sauce over the cooked rice. Your curry rice is ready to serve.

          The hamburger industry has created numerous jobs in the restaurant sector, spurred the growth of fast-food chains, and become an integral part of the global food market. It not only meets people's demand for quick, tasty meals but also showcases the unique contributions of different regions and cultures to food innovation and localization, making it an essential part of the culinary world.

                                 Hamburgers have evolved and been innovated over time. What began as a simple combination of bread and grilled meat has grown to include a variety of toppings and condiments, such as lettuce, tomatoes, cheeses, sauces, and pickles. Additionally, different regions and cultures have added their own unique flavors to the burgers, like the New Orleans-style burger and the Japanese teriyaki burger.
    With the development of globalization, hamburgers have become a common delicacy around the world. In various countries and regions, people have made localized improvements and innovations to the hamburger. As a global food, hamburgers have had a significant impact on food culture and play an important role in economic and social development.

1. 文化影响


2.**地理与食材**:Agriculture in the United States is highly developed, leading to an abundance of vegetables, fruits, and meats. These ingredients are a vital part of the American diet. Additionally, the climate in the United States is quite diverse. For instance, the southern region's tropical climate is ideal for growing corn, beans, beets, and tomatoes..
**营养与健康**:Foods in the United States tend to be high in sugar and calories. Take hamburgers as an example; they contain carbohydrates, sugars, fats, and proteins, all of which are necessary for our nutrition. Sugar is the primary source of energy, and protein significantly aids our growth during adolescence. Although fat is also an energy source, consuming too many high-fat foods may lead to obesity and digestive issues.
**社会与饮食习俗**:Hamburgers became a special food in America because they fit the need for fast food, show the culture of personal choice and diversity in food, and have changed to be healthier. They are also loved in popular culture and are a part of many social activities in the United States. All these things have helped make hamburgers popular in America.

(2) 成因分析
1.**历史与饮食**:Hamburgers have their origins in Hamburg, Germany. Later on, they were introduced to the United States. The American version of the hamburger, which was enhanced by the Americans, became popular worldwide and turned into a staple in modern Western fast food.

1.Food Name: hamburger
2.Ingredient:Hamburger patty, bun, vegetables (such as lettuce and tomato), tomato sauce (or salad dressing), oil, butter.
First, pour a bit of oil into a frying pan and heat it up. Gently place the hamburger patty into the pan and press it down slightly to ensure even cooking. Fry it and check if the meat is cooked on the bottom every half minute.
Second, once the underside is cooked, carefully flip the patty over with a spatula. Continue cooking until the patty is thoroughly done.
Next, split the bun into two halves and set aside. In the same pan, put a piece of butter and let it melt. When the butter is almost completely melted, gently place the cut sides of the two bun halves into the pan. Use your hands to quickly move the buns around to coat them evenly with butter.
Then, while the buns are toasting, carefully cut your favorite vegetables into thin slices using a knife. Lettuce and tomatoes are popular choices.
After that, remove the patty and buns from the pan. Place the cooked patty on the bottom half of the bun.
Finally, stack the ingredients in the order you prefer on the patty within the bun. Add a generous squeeze of your favorite sauce on top. Now you've got a delicious homemade hamburger!


1.文化影响(Influencing Factors of Food Culture):
    There are various opinions about the origins of sushi. Long ago, in Southeast Asia and along the coast of China, there were products that had a similar production process to sushi, but they looked different.
    Japanese sushi typically consists of vinegared rice combined with ingredients such as raw fish (sashimi), cucumber, and sometimes meat floss or pickled onions. It is often served with condiments like wasabi, horseradish, soy sauce, and vinegar.
During the post-Han period in China, small dishes made from rice, raw fish, and sauces began to appear in Japan. These early versions are considered the ancestors of modern Japanese sushi.
    In the year 700 AD, during the Nara period in Japan, these early Japanese snacks were called "sushi" and were eaten during special occasions. Sushi's popularity grew as a type of Japanese cuisine, especially when fishermen started to use pickled rice balls with seafood or meat, pressing them into small pieces and neatly arranging them in small wooden boxes for their meals on the go. By the time of the Kamakura shogunate, sushi had become a common food item and a symbol of Japanese food culture.


2. 成因分析
     The origins of sushi date back to around the 1st century, where it started as a method for storing and preserving fish. In ancient times, without the benefit of refrigeration, people would place slices of fish on rice that had turned acidic to ferment, thus preserving the fish. This preservation technique was commonly used in fishing villages in Japan.
    As time passed, sushi has transformed into a tasty and visually appealing dish. During the Edo period, sushi artisans were dedicated to enhancing the quality and crafting techniques of sushi, preserving many traditional methods that are still in use today.
In the late 19th and early 20th centuries, with Japan's modernization, sushi transitioned from a simple street food to a sophisticated cuisine. It has since become a symbol of Japanese culinary art, recognized around the world.‌


3. 美食制作食谱

1.Food Name: Sushi
2.Ingredient:Rice, eggs, carrots, cucumbers, ham, and meat floss.
3.Step:First, we need to beat the eggs in a bowl and stir them evenly. After that, pour the egg mixture into the pot. Second, cut the cooked eggs into strips one by one. Do the same with cucumbers and carrots. Next, cut the sausage into strips as well. Third, put the sausages and carrots into the pan and stir-fry them for a while. Fourth, put the steamed rice into a bowl. Fifth, spread the rice evenly on the seaweed. Then, place all the prepared ingredients on top of the rice. Finally, roll up the sushi carefully.



    Shortbread is an ancient traditional delicacy that dates back to the Tang dynasty in ancient China. In its long history, shortbread has become a part of traditional Chinese cuisine, known as one of the“Four famous delights.”.
    The variety of shortbread is unique in every part of China. For example, Beijing's "Bean Paste Shortcake" is made with bean paste and maltose as fillings, which are then baked together in the crust; "Shandong Shortcake"from Yanggu County is a savoury mixture of lard, eggs, and baking soda at a precise temperature, while Fujian's “Tea Shortcake" is made with green tea and red beans, with a filling that is unique and tastes delicious.
    In addition to being a food, shortbread is also a part of Chinese culture. Traditional festivals, such as the Spring Festival, mid-autumn Festival, Lantern Festival, all feature shortbread shortbread. In the old days, when people went hiking, they would bring some shortbread as a gift to commemorate the journey..
    In a word, as a traditional food, the historical and cultural value of shortbread is self-evident. It not only embodies Chinese food culture, but also represents Chinese People's pursuit and love of food, is an indispensable part of the food culture.

文化影响(Influencing Factors of Food Culture):

2. 成因分析
     Throughout the ages, our ancestors have often used cherry blossoms as a poetic symbol of spring. They admire the blossoms for their resilience against the cold wind and rain, their beauty similar to that of peaches and plums, and their ability to withstand the cold like winter jasmine. Such characteristics can truly be called the heroism of flowers. Therefore, giving someone cherry blossoms not only represents love and hope but also serves as a tribute to a brave and persistent friend. However, cherry blossoms, despite their beauty, are fleeting. Those who miss them can only try to find reminders of their presence and keep them close, so Cherry Shortbread comes into being.

3. 美食制作食谱
1.Food Name: Cherry Shortbread
2.Ingredient:Water and oil skin: gluten flour, sugar, water, lard;
pastry: low-gluten flour, lard;
fillings: Bean paste filling and purple potato filling
3.Step:First, mix the butter with sugar. Then, add the flour and mix it with the butter and sugar. Add some lard and keep mixing until you see small lumps. Pour in warm water and mix everything together until you get a dough. Put the dough in a bowl, cover it with plastic wrap, and let it rest for 30 minutes.
After the dough has rested, knead it until it's smooth. You want the dough to be stretchy enough to make a thin film with your hands. Now you're ready to make the pastry. Take out some lard and mix it with a little flour until you get a smooth paste. Divide the pastry into small pieces, each weighing about 21 grams.
Next, take each piece of pastry and divide it into two parts, one about 15 grams for the outer layer and the other for the filling. Wrap the filling in the pastry, pinching the edges together to seal it. Cover all the filled pastries with a cloth to keep them from drying out.
Roll out the pastry to flatten it a bit, then let it rest for 15 minutes. Roll it out again, and this time, roll it up like a scroll with the rough side facing in. Let it rest for another 15 minutes. After that, roll it out one more time and place the filling in the middle.
For the decoration, divide the remaining dough into small pieces, each about 8 grams. Roll out a piece of dough and use a mould to press out a flower shape. Cut out a small piece with a knife, then cut the larger piece in half. Finally, use a knife to make lines on each half to create the petals.
Finally, preheat the oven to 180 degrees Celsius, then reduce the temperature to 160 degrees Celsius and bake the pastries for 15 minute minutes.



 2. ** “闽菜风味”:

3. ** “经典闽菜”:

**The Process of Making Buddha Jumps Over the Wall**:
1. **First**, gather the ingredients: dried sea cucumber, shark fin threads, dried abalone, fish maw, dried scallops, Jinhua ham, dried tendons, dried mushrooms, pigeon eggs, free-range chicken, old duck, pork ribs, Shaoxing cooking wine, pig's trotters, chicken powder, dried lotus leaves, salt, green onions, and ginger.
2. **Second**, soak the sea cucumber and abalone: Soak the abalone for two days in advance and the sea cucumber for one day.
3. **Then**, make the broth: Put the chicken, ribs, trotters, and duck in cold water, bring to a boil, remove the foam, and simmer for at least 5 to 6 hours on low heat.
4. **After that**, prepare the fish maw and other ingredients: Soak the fish maw in cold water overnight, then blanch it in boiling water with cooking wine and ginger to remove the fishy smell. Also, soak the dried scallops and other seafood.
5. **Finally**, stew the dish: Place all the ingredients in a stew pot, pour in the cooking wine, seal with lotus leaves, and stew for two hours. After that, add salt and chicken powder to finish the dish.

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