
Ligustri Lucidi Fructus Polysaccharides


Lucidi Fructus Polysaccharides




In recent years, the aquaculture industry, as well as the meat and egg poultry industry, have experienced significant losses due to liver swelling, bleeding, brittle texture, ascites, and necrosis. There are various opinions on the reasons behind it, including viral, bacterial, and genetic... After years of repeated research, our company has found that the main causes are environmental factors (high temperature and humidity) and nutritional factors (high energy and fat), which are consistent with traditional Chinese medicine theory and liver physiological characteristics. Based on the theory of traditional Chinese medicine and the physiological characteristics of the liver, a liver and gallbladder protection product called Ligustri Lucidi Frucus Polysaccharides has been prepared for this type of liver problem.       
Intrahepatic fat deposition is a state characterized by insulin resistance and chronic inflammation, which are mutually causal. Causing intermittent hypoxia of liver cells; Intrahepatic fat deposition can accelerate the production of lipopolysaccharides and endotoxin mediated inflammatory responses by enterogenic bacteria.The inflammatory response mediated by lipopolysaccharides and endotoxins produced by intestinal bacteria can exacerbate the development of hepatic steatosis.

Ligustri  Lucidi  FrucTus  Polysaccharides (LLFP)

1. Oxidative stress and lipid peroxidation damage:
There are multiple sources of oxidative stress in fatty liver:
a. Cytochrome enzyme P450CYP2E1;
b. Peroxisome β Oxidative action;
c. A large amount of free iron ions;
d. Some drugs  inhibit the respiratory chain.
These oxidative stressors can generate a large amount of free radicals, initiating lipid peroxidation reactions. One of the products of lipid peroxidation, malondialdehyde, can stimulate hepatic stellate cells to synthesize collagen, ultimately leading to fibrosis; Mallory bodies can also be formed; Activate NF-KB to increase the expression of pro-inflammatory factor genes.

2. Hypoxia and microcirculation disorders:
Long term and severe hepatic steatosis and fat accumulation can cause liver cells to compress the hepatic sinuses, leading to ischemia, hypoxia, and necrosis of liver cells, which can then develop into liver fibrosis and cirrhosis.

3. Malnutrition:
Due to the lack of methionine and choline required for the synthesis of apolipoprotein in food intake, VLDL synthesis is disrupted, and triglycerides cannot be transported out of the liver; Excessive intake of carbohydrates and lipids simultaneously can cause disturbances in fat metabolism.

4. Immune factors:
The liver, mainly composed of Kupffer cells, natural killer cells (NK), dendritic cells (DC), natural killer T cells (NKT), T lymphocytes, and hepatic sinusoidal endothelial cells, is an important immune organ that mediates its own natural and adaptive immune response processes through these cells. At the same time, the liver is also a target organ for immune damage, maintaining and mediating a series of pathological processes that are the main factors causing liver damage, repair, fibrosis, and so on. In addition, the high blood flow perfusion, dual blood supply, and porous dynamic endothelium of the liver greatly increase its exposure to pathogens and foreign antigens, facilitating the natural and adaptive immune responses of the liver.

5. Endotoxins:
Under normal circumstances, Kupffer cells phagocytose and clear a small amount of intestinal derived endotoxins that enter the liver through the portal vein, maintaining their internal environment stability. However, during the occurrence of liver disease, due to various factors such as impaired Kupffer cell function, intestinal dysfunction, and collateral circulation formation, the production of endotoxins increases, and the concentration of toxins in the systemic circulation increases, ultimately leading to intestinal endotoxemia. On the one hand, endotoxins directly induce cell necrosis and apoptosis through cytotoxic effects; On the other hand, the binding of lipopolysaccharides to receptors accelerates the induction of Kupffer cell activation, releasing excessive inflammatory factors such as IL-6, IL-8, TNF-a, as well as active products such as nitric oxide and oxygen free radicals, promoting the occurrence and development of hepatic steatosis.

The causes of fatty liver disease

1. Repair Liver Fibrosis, Cirrhosis, and Ascites: Ligustri Lucidi Fructus Polysaccharides (LLFP) can restore liver glycogen cells, repair damaged liver cells, restore pancreatic function, reduce insulin resistance, inhibit the proliferation and activation of hepatic stellate cells, and promote liver cell regeneration.

2. Growth Promoting Effect: Rich in tonifying ingredients to stimulate animal growth, coordinate body health, enhance immunity, and fully utilize and enhance the body's potential for disease prevention.

3. Improving the Body's Antioxidant Function: The oleanolic acid and salidroside in the crude extract of Ligustri Lucidi Fructus can effectively eliminate free radicals, inhibit the generation of lipid peroxide malondialdehyde, and improve the body's lipid stability. Reduce serum transaminase activity, significantly protect the liver, alleviate hepatic steatosis, hepatocyte degeneration, and necrosis.

4. Improving Meat Quality and Flavor: The crude extract of Ligustri Lucidi Fructus can provide protein content in muscles, improve fatty acid composition, make meat quality and taste fresh, tender, and mellow, and change the fishy and light taste.

Main ingredients: cellulase, crude extract of Ligustri Lucidi Fructus
Main functions: 
Promoting liver cell regeneration, nourishing the liver and protecting the gallbladder;
Reduce hepatic steatosis and inhibit the development of liver fibrosis;
Improve the body's immune system and stress resistance, promote muscles.
And bone growth.

Conclusion: LLFP significantly reduced the number of deaths in heat stressed mice, resulting in a mortality rate reduction of over 50%.

The effect of LLFP on the mortality rate of acute heat stress mices

NC group





mechanism of action
  AND efficiency

The effect of LLFP on pathological changes 
in liver tissue of heat stressed mice

Sharing of application cases of LLFP on sows

A certain one-stop enterprise has a high elimination rate of sows. The technical team of the factory has found that it is caused by liver disease, and its apparent symptoms include tear spots, dead skin, etc. Adding 1kg of LLFP and 1kg of plant mannan oligosaccharides to each ton of feed resulted in the disappearance of tear spots and shedding of dead skin after three days of use, thereby extending the lifespan of sows.

Heat stress group

llfp GROUP

Select a 32 year old female volunteer with congenital jaundice to take 3g of food grade LLFP orally every day for 35 consecutive days. On the 22nd day, all jaundice disappeared, and on the 35th day, total bilirubin, direct bilirubin(D-BIL), and indirect bilirubin(I-BIL) were detected to be normal.

Select a 58 year old male volunteer who suffers from alcoholic steatohepatitis(NASH) to orally take 3g of food grade LLFP daily for 50 consecutive days. On the 52nd day, all  glutamic-pyruvic transaminase(ALT) and glutamic oxaloacetic transaminase(AST) were detected to return to normal, and glutamyl transaminase(TGase) recovered from 410% exceeding the limit to the critical value. NASH were basically cured.

Select a 44 year old male volunteer with mild fatty liver hepatitis to take 3g of food grade LLFP orally for 30 consecutive days. On the 31st day, all levels of TGase and I-BIL were tested and returned to normal.

Select a 67 year old male volunteer with early liver cancer to orally take 3g of food grade LLFP twice a day. After taking it for a week, their face will turn from gray black to dry yellow, and after about a month, their face will turn red and plump. Take it continuously for 48 days to check liver serum biochemical indicators. alkaline phosphatase(AKP),α- L-fucosylase(FUCA).

The Effect of LLFP on Bilirubin

The Effect of LLFP on Alcoholic Lver and Fatty Liver

The Effect of LLFP on Steatohepatitis

The Effect of LLFP on Early Liver Cancer

The high-quality three yellow chicken formula feed was supplemented with 1000g LLFP per ton throughout the entire process, and fed continuously for 64 days. The experimental group  had a significant impact on the serum antioxidant indicators, immunity, and liver protection..

Case 1: When the California perch died in batches, the autopsy found that the cause of death was liver necrosis. Each ton of feed was fed with 5000g of LLFP for seven days. On the third day, there was basically no dead fish. On the the fourth day day and the seventh day, live fish were sampled for autopsy, and the liver was basically normal on the seventh day.

Conclusion: LLFP can significantly increase the levels of IgA, IgM, and IgG in the serum of laying hens, thereby significantly enhancing immune function. Zhen polysaccharide can significantly reduce the levels of serum TG, serum TC, and serum LDLC in laying hens, increase the levels of serum HDLC, and thus significantly improve body fat metabolism.

Case 2: When sea bass died in batches, autopsy revealed that the cause of death was all liver necrosis. After urgently adding 5000g of LLFP per ton of feed for six days, the liver basically returned to normal.

The Effect of LLFP on Liver Necrosis in California Bass

The effect of LLFP on serum antioxidant indicators in broiler chickens

The effect of LLFP on immune function and serum lipid metabolism in laying hens

Attention: This product can withstand high temperature use, and slight color differences between batches are normal phenomena; This product is prone to moisture absorption. Please seal it tightly and prevent moisture before use.
Usage and Dosage: Add 500g-1000g of this product to each ton of feed for aquatic animals (double the dosage during high temperature seasons), 300g-1000g for poultry, and 300g-1000g for breeding pigs; When acute liver injury occurs, this product should be used in large quantities of 3000-5000g/ton.                                                                                               Specification: 20kg








Manufacturer: Hebei Jinong Jiuyuan Biotechnology Co., Ltd
Production/Registration Address: North Industrial Park, Wangweitun Village, Machang Town, Qing County, Cangzhou City, Hebei Province, China
Phone: 0317-4196677 Postal Code: 062650




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