



单词连连看 Vocabulary


1.2 标准通讯用语 Standard communication


1.1 航前协同准备 Briefing


1.4 信息单据确认 Information document


1.3 服务保障沟通 Service communication


2.1 起飞前 Before Take-off


飞行必备语句 Must-have Sentences


2.2 空中飞行阶段 During Flight


2.3 落地后 Landing


2.4 应急撤离 Emergency Evacuation 




实用对话 Conversations


3.1.1 座位安排 Seat Arrangement


3.1.2 行李安排 Baggage Arrangement


3.1.3 引导入座 Guide to the seat


3.2挂衣服务 Hang up clothes


3.3.1 报纸杂志服务 Newspapers, magazines




3.4 迎宾毛巾&迎宾饮料


3.3.2毛毯/拖鞋/毛巾/枕头服务 Blanket/slippers/towel/pillow


3.6 安全检查 Safety check 


3.5 餐饮服务




3.7.1超值经济舱 Premium-economy Class


3.7.2询问 Destination


3.7.3 中转 Transfer


Introduce /ˌɪntrəˈdjuːs/ 介绍; Honor /ˈɒnə(r)/ 荣幸;Purser/ˈpɜːsə(r)/ 乘务长; Credential /krəˈdenʃl/ 证件;Normal/ˈnɔːml/ 正常; Enter/ˈentə(r)/ 进入;Hijacking/ˈhaɪdʒækɪŋ/ 劫机; Code word /kəʊd/暗号;Involve/ɪnˈvɒlv/ 涉及;
cross- water 跨水Slight turbulence /slaɪt/ /ˈtɜːbjələns/ 轻度颠簸Moderate turbulence /ˈmɒdərət/ /ˈtɜːbjələns/ 中度颠簸Severe turbulence /sɪˈvɪə(r)/ /ˈtɜːbjələns/ 重度颠簸captain/ˈkæptɪn/机长 
cabin crew 乘务组purser/ˈpɜːsə(r)/ 乘务长
flight attendant乘务员security officer 安全员
trainee/ˌtreɪˈniː/学员passenger /ˈpæsɪndʒə(r)/ 乘客
pregnant/ˈpreɡnənt/孕妇infant /ˈɪnfənt/ 婴儿; adult /ˈædʌlt/ 成人

一、 单词连连看(Vocabulary)

(1)航前协同 Briefing 

wheelchair passenger轮椅旅客
sick passenger 生病乘客
hash key/hæʃ/ #号键
escort[ɪˈskɔːt] 押解 repatriate[ˌriːˈpeɪtrieɪt]遣返
Early warning personnel预警人员
drug-related[drʌɡ rɪˈleɪtɪd] 涉毒

equipment /ɪˈkwɪpmənt/ 设备; due to /djuː/ 由于;
standby /ˈstændbaɪ/待用; condition /kənˈdɪʃn/ 状态;
request to /rɪˈkwest/ 请求
Evacuation warning 撤离警告
due to /djuː/ 由于; confirm /kənˈfɜːm/ 确认;
documents /ˈdɒkjuments/文件; report /rɪˈpɔːt/ 报告;
outsiders /ˌaʊtˈsaɪdəz/外来人员
inspection /ɪnˈspekʃn/ 检查; 
Emergency lights /iˈmɜːdʒənsi/ 应急灯光 ;

2)标准通讯用语Standard communication

Inform /ɪnˈfɔːm/ 通知; clean /kliːn/ 清理
Drain /dreɪn/ 排污; catering /ˈkeɪtərɪŋ/餐饮
Temperature /ˈtemprətʃə(r)/温度
dinner /ˈdɪnə(r)/ 晚餐
ready /ˈredi/ 完成
Turn /tɜːn/ up调高

3) 服务保障沟通 Service communication

A. Food and Beverages食品和饮料
breakfast早餐; lunch 午餐;
supper 晚餐 brunch 早午餐;
afternoon tea下午茶; dinner 正餐、晚宴;
snack 小吃; Chinese food 中餐;
western food 西餐; fast food 快餐;
menu 菜单; starter 头盘;
soup 汤; salad 沙拉;
dessert 甜点; appetizer前菜;
main course 主菜;
B. vegetables 蔬菜
cabbage 白菜; cucumber 黄瓜; tomato 番茄;
potato 土豆; pumpkin 南瓜 mushroom 蘑菇;
lettuce 生菜;celery 芹菜;bean 豆;
corn 玉米; garlic 蒜; chive 葱;
pepper 辣椒; ginger 姜; pepper 辣椒
pickle 榨菜; onion 洋葱; tofu 豆腐;
C. Fruit and Nut 水果与坚果
apple 苹果; orange 橙子 ; lemon 柠檬;
pear 梨; peach 桃; pineapple 菠萝;
 mango芒果; watermelon 西瓜; coconut 椰子;
star fruit 杨桃; kiwi 猕猴桃; 
 honeydew melon哈密瓜;
 papaya 木瓜; peanut 花生; chestnut 板栗;
date 枣;hazel 榛子; almond 杏仁; fig 无花果;

D.Meat 肉类
pork 猪肉; mutton/lamb 羊肉; beef 牛肉;
steak 牛排; chicken 鸡肉; fish 鱼肉;
lobster 龙虾; salmon 三文鱼; bacon 熏肉;
sausage 香肠 shrimp 虾; Roast meat烤肉;
E.Drinks and Beverages 酒水饮料
mineral water 矿泉水; orange juice 橙汁;
apple juice 苹果汁; tomato juice 番茄汁;
bayberry Juice 杨梅汁; coconut milk 椰汁;
milk 牛奶; yoghourt['joɡət]酸奶;
Coca Cola 可口可乐;Sparkling water气泡水
Soda water 苏打水;Pepsi cola 百世可乐
seven up七喜
diet 低脂低糖 
Starbucks canned coffee 星巴克灌装咖啡
Nescafe 雀巢咖啡; Iced Americano 冰美式;
Budweiser百威啤酒; red wine 红酒
White wine白葡萄酒
latte 拿铁; cappuccino卡布奇诺;

black tea 红茶
green tea 绿茶
jasmine tea 茉莉花茶
longjing tea 龙井茶
Pu 'er tea普洱茶
Osmanthus tea桂花龙井
Lychee black tea 荔枝茶
scented tea 花茶

F.餐饮 Beverage
porridge 粥; noodles 面条;
fried rice/noodles 炒饭/面; dumpling 饺子;
bread 面包; moon cake 月饼;
cake 蛋糕; pasta['pæstə]意面;hamburger 汉堡; pizza['pitsə]披萨;
butter黄油; cream 奶油;
chili sauce辣椒酱; sugar 糖;
soy sauce 酱油; vinegar 醋; curry 咖喱;
G.Cooking and Taste 烹饪
steamed 蒸的; fried 炸的; stewed炖的/焖的;
roast 烤的; salty 咸的; fresh 鲜的; sour 酸的; 
sweet 甜的;bitter 苦的;
hot 辣的;crisp 脆的;delicious/tasty 美味的;
light 清淡;spicy 辣的
H.Tableware['teblw:r] 餐具
chopsticks/ˈtʃɒpstɪks/筷子; tray 托盘; spoon 勺; cup 杯子; knife 餐刀; toothpick 牙签; 
handkerchief 纸巾; tablecloth 桌布

I.Equipment 客舱设备
cockpit 驾驶舱; first class 头等舱;
business class 公务舱;
economy class 经济舱;
premium economy class 超级经济舱;
window seat靠窗座位; middle seat 中间座位; aisle seat 过道;
galley /ˈgæri/ 厨房; trolley 手推餐车;
life vest 救生衣;
oxygen mask 氧气面罩; blanket 毛毯;
pillow 枕头;
eye shade 眼罩; airsickness bag 呕吐袋; headset耳机;
plug/plʌɡ/插头; oven/'Λvn/ 烤箱;
water heater热水器;

A. list 文件
cabin list /lɪst/舱单; manifest/ˈmænɪfest/货单;
arrived /əˈraɪvd/到达; temperature /ˈtemprətʃə(r)/温度;
transit /ˈtrænzɪt/ 转机; passenger /ˈpæsɪndʒə(r)/旅客;
flight document 飞行文件; stopover /ˈstɒpəʊvə(r)/过站;
belonging /bɪˈlɒŋɪŋ/所属物品;
B.Airport 机场
control tower 管制塔台; terminal building 候机楼;
quarantine 检疫; customs 海关;
transfer counter 中转柜台; air bridge 登机廊桥;
baggage claim area 行李提取处; departure card 出境卡;
arrival card 入境卡; passenger list 旅客名单;
general declaration总申报单; plus['plΛs]加;
minus/ˈmaɪnəs/减; head count 点客;

(4)信息单据确认 Information document

1. 早上好/下午好/晚上好 ,女士(先生)。欢迎登机!
Good morning/afternoon/evening, madam (sir). Welcome
2. 对不起 ,能看一下您的登机牌吗?
Excuse me. May I see your boarding pass?/Your boarding pass,
3. 请跟我来 ,您的座位在客舱前方/中部/后方,为靠走廊/中间/靠窗
Follow me/this way/come with me, please. Your seat is in the front/middle/rear of the cabin. It’s the aisle/middle/window
4. 您坐错位子了。
I’m afraid you are in the wrong seat.
5. 请将行李放您前排的座椅下面或者行李架上。
I'm afraid you'll have to stow your bag in the overhead
compartment or under the seat in front of you.
6. 飞机马上要起飞了 ,请不要在客舱内走动。
The plane is about to take off. Please don’t walk about in the
7. 您可以通过座椅扶手的按钮来调节座椅靠背。
You may adjust your seat back by pressing the button on the
arm of your seat.
8. 您不能把行李放在这儿,过道不能堵塞。
You may not leave the baggage here. The aisle shouldn’t be blocked.

二、飞行必备语句 Must-have Sentences

2.1 起飞前 Before Take-off

1. 为了使飞机在起飞时保持配载平衡 ,请您按指定的座位入座。
You should take your assigned seat, for the plane must keep
its balance when it takes off.
2. 盥洗室/厕所有人用/没人。
The lavatory is occupied/ vacant.
3. 您可放下遮阳板 ,关掉阅读灯 ,系好安全带 ,这样您能好好休息一下。
You could draw down the window-shade and turn the reading
light off and fasten your seat-belt so that you can take a good
4. 对不起 ,请您们几位谈话声音小些 ,以免影响其他客人休息。 Excuse me, but could you talk softly to avoid disturbing the others.
5. 您想喝点什么饮料吗?我们有矿泉水 ,橙汁 ,可口可乐 ,雪碧等 ,您喜欢哪一种?
Would you like something to drink? We have mineral water, orange concentrate juice, Coca Cola, Sprite and so on. Which
do you prefer?
6. 咖啡还未冲好,你想要喝点其他的吗?
Coffee isn't ready yet. Would you like something else?
7. 对不起 ,我们服务时您睡着了 ,没有叫醒您 ,现在您想喝些什么? Sorry, you were sleeping while we served. I didn’t want to
interrupt you. Now, what would you like to drink?
8. 您要不要再添些饮料?
Would you like me to refill your drink?

2.2 空中飞行阶段 During Flight

9. 对不起先生,我恐怕我没有您要的那种饮料,您想要喝点其他的吗?
Sorry, Sir. I’m afraid we don't have what you want on board. Would you like something else?
10. 抱歉,鱼肉没有了,你愿意尝试些其他菜品吗?
I'm sorry. I’m afraid we have run out of fish. Would you like to try something else?
11. 您可以就如何提高机上服务质量给我们提些建议吗?
Could you give us some advices on how to improve our service?
12. 如果您感到恶心,请使用清洁袋。它就放在您前面座位的椅袋里。
If you feel sick, please use the airsickness bag which is in the seat pocket in front of you.
13. 别担心,我现在就广播寻找医生,并在着陆后寻求救护。
Don’t worry, I’ll now find a doctor and ask for an ambulance after landing.
14. 女士,您是何时在哪里丢的手提包?您确定在客舱吗?
I’m sorry to hear that, Ma’am. When and where do you think you lost handbag? Are you sure you lost it in the cabin?
15. 对不起,我没听懂您的话,请再说一遍好吗?
I’m sorry, I couldn't catch your point .Could you repeat that, please?

1. 在这稍候。您要等到登机桥被接上才能走。
Have a seat please. You will have to wait until the air bridge has put in its position.
2. 女士,请小心,外面在下雨,路面很滑
Please watch your step, Ma'am. it's rainning and very slippery outside.
3. 对不起,先生。可以让这位老先生/老太太先走吗?
 Excuse me, Sir. Would you please let this old man go first?
4. 这儿有位孕妇。请让她先走行吗?
There is a pregnant. Would you please let her get off first?
5. 您到达地面后,请坐机场专用车,它将直接把您送到进港厅
Please take the shuttle bus when you get on the ground and it'll carry you right to the arrival hall.
You may claim your checked baggage at the Baggage Claim Area.
7. 最好去大厅问询处问一下,他们会帮助您的。
You'd better inquire at the Information Counter in the Arrival Lobby. They'll be able to help you.
8. 中国比日本早一个小时。
China is one hour ahead of Japan.

2.3 落地后 Landing

1. 系好安全带!用力拉面罩!戴上面罩呼吸!先大人、后小孩!
Fasten seat belt! Put the mask on! Breathe! Adult first
2. 保持镇静!低头弯腰!用衣物捂住口鼻!
Keep calm, Bend over, Cover your nose and mouth.
Remove sharp objects in the baggage.
Put your clothes on, put the baggage in the overhead locker.
5. 低下头,全身紧迫用力!
Heads down, brace.
6. 客舱共有六/八个紧急出口,分布在客舱的前部、中部、后部。
There are six/eight emergency exits in the cabin,distributed in the front ,middle and rear.
Take out the safetyinstruction card from the seat pocket in front of you, and read itcarefully.
Please remove glasses, denture, hearing-aid, and putthem in your sock or pocket.
Take out the safety instruction card, and read it carefully.
Remove glasses/ denture/ hearing-aid, put them in your pocket.

2.4 应急撤离 Emergency evacuation 

FA: Good morning/afternoon/evening. Welcome aboard!
PAX: Good morning/afternoon/evening. Could you tell me where my seat is?
FA: May I see your boarding pass please?/ Would you mind showing me your boarding pass? What’s your seat number?
PAX: Here you are.
乘客: 给你。
FA: Your seat number is___, in the front/middle/rear of the cabin. The window/aisle/middle seat. This way please. / Follow me, please. The seat number is on the edge of the overhead compartment.
乘务员: 您的座位是 ——。您的座位在客舱前部/中部/后部,靠窗/过道/中间座位。请跟我来。座位号位于行李架的边缘。
PAX: Thank you!
FA:You are welcome!


3. 1引导入座

PAX 1:Excuse me, Miss?
FA: What can I do for you?
乘务员: 我能为您做点什么吗?
PAX1: I think my seat number is 18B, but it’s been taken.
乘客1: 我的座位号是18B。但是已经有人坐在那里了。
FA: May I see your boarding pass, please?
乘务员: 能看一下您的登机牌吗?
PAX1: Here you are.
乘客 1: 给你。
FA: I am afraid the lady might be in the wrong seat. Wait a moment, please.
乘务员: 恐怕那位女士坐错座位了。请在这里稍等片刻。
FA: Excuse me, madam. May I see your boarding pass?
乘务员: 不好意思,女士。我可以看看您的登机牌吗?
PAX2: Here you are.
乘客2: 给你。
FA: Miss, I am afraid you are in the wrong seat. 20C is just two rows behind. Could you please take the seat according to your seat number?
乘务员:女士,很抱歉,您坐错位置了。 麻烦您按照登机牌上座位号就坐。
PAX2: Oh. I’m sorry. I’ll move.
乘客2: 哦,对不起。我立刻就换。
FA: Thank you very much!


PAX:Excuse me, Madame. My friend and I got separate seats but we want to sit together.
FA: Would you please take the assigned seat right now?I’ll try to arrange it later.
PAX: Thank you very much.
① 有旅客愿意换座
FA: There are some vacant seats in the rear. Follow me, please.
乘务员:好了,后舱有空座位,请跟我来, 先生/女士/小姐。
PAX: It’s so kind of you. 乘客: 谢谢!
FA: My pleasure. 乘务员: 很乐意为您服务。
② 无人愿意换座
FA: I ’ m sorry, Sir/ Madam/Miss. The economy class is full now.
乘务员: 不好意思,先生/女士/小姐。经济舱全满了。
PAX: Thanks anyway.
乘客: 没事。还是谢谢你。


① FA: Excuse me. May I help you with your baggage/ Need a hand with your baggage, Miss?
乘务员: 需要我帮您放行李吗?
PAX: Yes, the overhead locker here is full.
乘客: 好的,您看,行李架已 经满了。
FA: Would you mind if I put it in the front/rear of the cabin?
乘务员: 您不介意我帮您把行李放到前舱/后舱吧?
PAX: No. But there is something I will need during the flight. May I take it out?
乘客:谢谢你, 但包里有些东西我要用。我可以取出来吗?
FA: You may take it out and stow it under the seat in front of you.
乘务员: 哦,您可以取出来放在您前排座位下面。
②PAX: No ,I don ’ t want to put my baggage to other places.
FA: Ok. Then I’ll try my best to make room for you soon. We are very sorry for the inconvenience.
乘务员: 好吧!我尽量给您腾出地方帮您放,很抱歉为您带来了不便。
PAX: That’s ok.
乘客: 没关系

3.2 Baggage Arrangement 行李安排

FA:Exucuse me,Would you like to hang up the clothes for you.
PAX:Yes,thank you.
FAX:Do you have anything valuable to take out .
PAX:No, thank you.

3.2 挂衣服务 Hang up clothes

3.3自我介绍 &拖鞋服务& 报纸服务 

3.3.1 Introduce自我介绍
Hello,Mr. Wang,nice to meet you. I am a attendant at your service. Please contact me if you need anything during the flight.
PAX: ok,thank you.

3.3.2 Newspapers, magazines 拖鞋报纸杂志服务
FAX :Here are the slippers for you. May I help you open them
PAX: No,thank you.
PAX: Excuse me. Can I get anything to read?
乘客: 不好意思,请问有什么可供阅读的吗?
FA: Yes, we have some magazines and newspapers.
乘务员: 是的,我们有一些杂志和报纸。
PAX: Do you have The Times?
乘客: 请问有《中国日报》吗?
FA: I’m sorry, sir. I’m afraid we don’t have that on board. Would you like to read Qiangjiang Evening News?
乘务员: 对不起,先生。我们机上没有《中国日报》。您想来一份《钱江晚报》吗?
PAX: All right. 乘客: 好吧。
FA: Here you are. 乘务员: 给您。
PAX: Thank you. 乘客: 谢谢你。
PAX: It’s very cold. Can I have a glass of hot water and a blanket.
FA: Sure, I’ll bring them to you right away.
乘务员: 当然,我马上给您拿来。
FA: Here you are.
FA:Sir, do you feel better, now?
PAX:Yes, thank you very much.
 FA: My pleasure!

FA: Excuse me, Here are the towel for you.
PAX:Thank you.
Here are drinks for you, orange juice and lemonade, which one would you like.
PAX: orange juice, thank you .
FA:Have you finished? May I take it away?
PAX: Yes,please.  


3.5 餐饮服务 Meal Service

FA: Good morning, sir/madam! We are going to serve the snacks. Would you put down your tray table?
乘务员: 女士/先生,早上好!我们现在为您提供餐饮服务。可以为您把小桌板
PAX: Sure.
旅客: 好啊。
FA: We have prepared chestnut for you. Here you are.
乘务员: 我们为您准备了板栗。请慢用。
PAX: Thank you.
旅客: 谢谢。

FA: And what would you like to drink? /What kind of drinks do you prefer? We serve orange juice and mineral water for you.
乘务员: 请你想喝点什么饮料? 短航线我们只提小包橙汁以及矿泉水。
PAX: Just water, please. 旅客: 水就好了。

(2) 正餐
FA: Good morning, sir/madam! We are going to serve the meals. Would you put down your tray table?
乘务员: 女士/先生,早上好!我们现在为您提供餐饮服务。可以为您把小桌板放下来吗?
PAX: Sure. 旅客: 好啊。
FA:We have chicken and rice and beef noodles. Which would you like to eat?
PAX:Chick and rice, please.

3.6 Safety Check 安全检查

FA: Excuse me, sir. We’ll be taking off soon. Would you please turn off your mobile phone.
乘务员: 打扰一下,先生。我们的飞机就要起飞了,请关闭手机电源。
乘客: 为什么?
FA: Because it will interfere with the flight navigation system.
乘务员: 因为手机信号会干扰飞行导航系统。
PAX: My mobile phone is in flight-mode.
乘客: 我的手机现在是飞行模式。
FA: It’s also against CAAC regulations.
乘务员: 根据中国民航总局的规定,这是不允许的。

FA: Excuse me, sir! We’ll be taking off soon. Would you please put your seat back to the upright position?
乘务员: 先生,我们的飞机就要起飞了,请您将座椅靠背调直。
PAX: Oh, I’m sorry. But how can I put it back?
乘客: 哦,对不起。但怎么调直呢?
FA: Just press the button on your armrest.
乘务员: 只需要按一下座椅扶手上的按钮就可以了。
PAX: Is that right?
乘客: 这样就可以了么?
FA: Thank you.
3) 乘客未系好安全带
FA: Excuse me, ma’am! We’ll be taking off soon. For your safety, would you please fasten your seat belt?
乘务员: 女士,我们的飞机就要起飞了。为了您的安全,请您系好安全带。
FA:Thank you, ma’am.

PAX:Excuse me Miss, could you tell me where is my seat.
FA:Follow me, please. Your seat is the 2rd row in the premium economy class.
PAX:Premium economy class? What is the difference from economy class?
FA :It’s a wide seat for you in the premium economy class, and you can get some special service. At present, we have more new services to premium passengers, such as a bottle of water, newspaper, a pillow, a blanket and a pair of slippers.
FA:We hope you can enjoy the best service. Have a good journey!
乘务员: 我们竭诚为您提供最好的服务。祝您旅途愉快!
PAX: Thank you.
 FA: You’re welcome.

3.7.1 超值经济舱 Premium-economy Class

PAX: Excuse me, when will we arrive in Hangzhou and what is the temperature today?
乘客: 请问我们什么时候能到杭州, 杭州的地面温度是多少?
FA : Oh, we will arrive in about 35 minutes. And the temperature is __ degrees centigrade /__ degrees Fahrenheit.
乘务员: 我们大概 35 分钟后到,地面温度是__摄氏度/ 华氏度。
PAX: Then how far is the city from the airport?
乘客: 机场离市区有多远?
FA: Twenty five kilometers, sir/madam/ miss.
乘务员:40 公里,先生/女士/小姐。
PAX: Where can I take a shuttle bus?
FA: I’m not sure. You may consult the information counter. They'll be able to help you.
乘务员: 我也不太清楚,您可以咨询机场问讯处。他们会帮您的。
PAX: Thanks. By the way, how much it will cost if I take a taxi?
乘客: 谢谢,顺便问一下,打车大概多少钱?
FA: The taxifare will be about 100 RMB.
乘务员: 车费大约要100 元。
PAX: That’s too expensive. Is bargaining possible?
乘客: 能还价吗?
FA: I’m afraid not.
乘务员: 恐怕不能。
PAX: Thank you very much.
乘客: 非常感谢。
FA: My pleasure.
乘务员: 不客气。

3.7.2 Destination 目的地询问

1) 旅客下机等候
PAX: How long shall we have to wait in the terminal and why?
乘客: 我们需要在候机楼等多久?为什么要下去等呢?
FA: About 20 minutes. That’s because the aircraft needs cleaning and refueling.
乘务员: 大概需要等待20 分钟的时间。因为飞机需要清洁和加油。
PAX: Oh, I see. And shall I take everything with me?
乘客: 哦,我知道了。所有的东西都要带下去吗?
FA: No. You can leave your luggage on board and please put it into the overhead locker. Please take your boarding pass and valuables with you.
乘务员: 不用的。您可以把行李留在飞机上,但请把它们放到行李架内。登机牌和贵重物品请您一定随身携带。
PAX: Ok. Thanks.
乘客: 好的,谢谢。
FA: You are welcome. And please pay attention to the re-boarding broadcast.
乘务员: 不客气。请您留意再次登机的广播。

3.7.3 Transfer 中转

2) 联程航班延误
PAX: Excuse me, Sir. When will we arrive at Hangzhou?
乘客: 请问我们什么时候能到广州?
FA: Around 13:20.
乘务员: 大概在13:20 左右。
PAX: Oh, I am afraid I cannot catch my transfer flight.
乘客: 我恐怕会赶不上我的中转航班了。
FA: What’s the departure time and flight number of that flight?
乘务员: 您的中转航班何时起飞,航班号是多少?
PAX: The flight number is GJ7345, which will take off at 14:00
乘客: 航班号是GJ7345 ,14:00 起飞。
FA: I am sorry to hear that. But please don’t worry, miss. We will contact our ground staff to help you..
乘客: 很抱歉。但请不用担心,我们会联系地面人员来帮助您。
PAX: Oh, thank you very much, indeed.
乘客: 实在太感谢了。
FA: It’s my pleasure.

FA: Hello,Captain. It's an honor to fly with you. I am the purser of this flight. I’d like to introduce the crew members. xxx, xxx and xxx. The crew's credentials have been checked.
CAP:Under normal situation, if you wanna enter the cockpit, knock on the door on the ground and make a call/ press # key(pound /hash key)in the air.
If the interphone fails, the purser/security guard should knock on the door and give a thumb-up.
In case of hijacking ,The code word is XX.
I will ring the bell for 1/2 times for slight turbulence, 3/4 times for moderate, and 5/6 times for servere. Protect yourselves and suspend the service for moderate and severe turbulence.
Today's flight involves/does not involve minimum visibility and cross- water operation.
And just call us when doors are disarmed. No need for arming.

3.8 机组协同

FA:OK,thank you captain. Shall we go now?
CAP:Sure. Let’s go./Just a moment.

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