
Molex Shanghai E-newsletter Volume 5



November 2023 | ISSUE 5 OF 6

Synergy with advantages,
Growth Against Headwinds!

Internal Use Only



Shanghai Fusion M&O Project Updates

Business Newsletter
Bimonthly in 2023
6 Issues in total | Issue 5

Shanghai MOS Project Updates

Shanghai Fusion PD Project Updates


PBM Workshop Highlights







2024 Campus Recruitment

 Career Interview | Results Award Series

Core Capability Team | Materials Team






Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (FMEA) Training 

Molex Shanghai Supervisor Development Program Kick-off



Internal Use Only

PBM Culture Onsite Activity to Production Employees

How to Become a Lifelong Learner



总6期 | 第1期


“One Molex”  Benchmark Learning

Low-Carbon Month


Award-Winning Quiz

Call for Articles 






MXSH & MXV Team Collaboration

Highlights of Labor Union Activities


Zero Defect Project Updates


Q3 Office Employee Communication Meeting


September-October Long Service Award

Employee Club Activities




Business Newsletter
Bimonthly in 2023
6 Issues in total | Issue 5

Internal Use Only



Shanghai Fusion PD Project Updates

By: Shanghai Fusion PD Project Team


Meet Nicolas Zhang, Site Deployment Lead of Fusion PD

As key stakeholders in Fusion PD deployment, the Super Users and Trainers play an important role in the upcoming SIT (System Integration Testing), UAT (User Acceptance Testing) and EUT (End User Training). As the major plant for training in Mandarin, Shanghai will include the entire CCS end users who need to be trained in Mandarin. After close communication with other plants, 15 Super Users from Shanghai, 2 from Dongguan and 2 from Chengdu are selected to join the project deployment.

On October 20th, Super User and Trainer On-boarding Session was arranged by the CCS Fusion PD team, all super users and trainers were introduced to their roles, responsibilities, and expectations, together with the project timeline and next training tasks: to complete the Intrepid self-paced training based on Fusion roles assigned.

Nicolas Zhang joined the deployment team as a PD SME (Subject Matter Expert) when Fusion project kicked off in early 2020;
He participated in Molex Global CRP1 (Conference Room Pilot) ~CPR3 and SIT1 (System Integration Testing) ~SIT2 workshops remotely and provided feedback.
In May 2023, Fusion PD project was officially kicked off in Shanghai plant and he joined as the E-BOM capability lead. He actively participated in the "End-to-End Process Walk", "Capability Integration Workshop " and "Fit Gap Sessions", meanwhile he worked with division Fusion PD team to develop a To-Be process.
Since October 2023, he worked as Shanghai Site Deployment Lead of Fusion PD, leading other capability representatives to continue to study and understand TeamCenter and Polarion systems. He will continue to lead Shanghai Fusion PD team to ensure a smooth go-live.

PD Team
Nicolas Zhang

Shanghai Fusion M&O Project Updates

Fusion M&O project was officially kicked off in September 2022 (starting with Design Localization) and it took 14 months to eventually complete the final production system switch by the end of this October, with a total of 286 workcenters in Shanghai plant going live with OpCenter system.
The past September and October were the sprint stage of Shang "High" Speed. With the close collaboration between the deployment team and the production departments, the OpCenter system was launched on 125 workcenters (Stamping - 7, Plating - 2, Molding - 67, Assembly - 49) in 4 production departments in 6 weeks. The new system release also brought 19 enhancement, including Traceability Assurance, Identify Sort/No Sort, Fool Proofing on Real Time Printing, "Complete Order“ UI Optimize, which also helped to improve the work efficiency of relevant departments.
The End User Training of each department was also carried out in full swing to match the final deployment of the project, in which more and more front-line employees mastered the skills of operating the OpCenter. It is also worth mentioning that Assembly Department organized its own Opcenter training and assessment for the front-line leaders, helping them to consolidate the application of the new production system in their processes and deal with problems on their own.


By: Molex Shanghai Fusion OCM Team 

As the first plant in CCS to deploy the Fusion transformation, we have experienced the phases of Readiness Assessment, Design Localization, System Integration Testing, User Acceptance Testing, Pilot Go-live, and two rounds of Deployment, overcoming every challenge to get to the "last stop" finally. The focus of the project will then shift to "Value Realization", ensuring that each system release is implemented smoothly in the production process and proactively exploring opportunities to realize the long-term value of the digital transformation. We are still on our way to achieve Shang "High" Speed as always...



Flow Kaizen is an important phase in the implementation of MOS, among which Value Stream Management is the main activity in this phase. Currently, the Shanghai plant is in the process of planning the Value Stream Management of Mirror Mezz (MM). In order to enhance the team members' understanding of the principles of Value Stream Design, we organized an interesting role-playing game – Lego Workshop. In addition, we invited representatives from the GOE (Global Operational Excellence) team to provide on-site guidance on Value Stream Design and share their implementation experience. Through a series of activities, all the members involved in MM Value Stream Management gained a new understanding of Value Stream Management, and used the combination of FIFO (Fast-in-Fast-out) LANE and Peacemaker to control less WIP (Work in Progress) inventory and complete MM Value Stream Management.

Shanghai MOS Project Updates


After the above two rounds of activities, we have also determined the design and future implementation direction of MM value stream. At present, the design of FIFO lane has been completed under the cooperation of many parties, which involves a series of design concepts, such as logistics layout, FIFO lane size, work order control, etc. The improvement activities of MM Value Stream will be carried out in an orderly manner, so let's look forward to a leaner production in MM under the new lean concept.

✔ Completion of time stacking charts
✔ Problem solving needs to be combined with daily management
✔ Improvement of 2.5F material storage area
✔ Communicate with APS responsible person on scheduling issues
✔ Value Stream Design concept FIFO lane with supermarket size / single point meter

At the end of September, the MOS team and MOS coach, Justus Wang, organized an unique Lego Workshop, where each MM Value Stream member participated in different roles, and through three rounds of carefully designed games, they were able to apply the principles of the Value Stream Design step by step, and gained a deeper understanding of the principles used.



In mid-October, we invited representatives from the GOE team (Nikhil Kavadia, Marco Garibay, Marcus Lee, Jerrie Li) to share with MM Value Stream members their experiences in implementing the Value Stream and to give them technical guidance on Value Stream Design. The 3-day workshop was tightly scheduled, with different participants in each session to complete the Q&A and experience sharing more efficiently, and brought us the following takeaways:

 By: Shanghai MOS Project Team 

PBM Workshop Highlights

 By: Molex Shanghai Emlpoyees


In this October, I was honored to participate in a PMB workshop facilitated by Tim Zhou from Site Supply Planner Team and Stephen Yin from Supply Base Management Team, with the topic of " Virtuous Cycles of Mutual Benefit". Through the warm-up game "Paper Standing" and the group discussion and experience sharing on mutual benefit, I learnt that mutual benefit = group foundation + forming a closed loop.
The principle of mutual benefit is a wise way of dealing with people. By giving others favors first and letting them feel your goodwill and sincerity, they will take the initiative to offer assistance when you are in need of help, thus forming a Virtuous Cycles of Mutual Benefit.
Mutual benefit is not just for personal relationships, it can also play an important role in the workplace. Whether we are dealing with colleagues, partners, or potential customers, it can help us build strong relationships and gain support and opportunities. However, mutual benefit does not mean that you expect something in return, but rather that you show kindness and help others on the basis of equality and sincerity. While not every favor we give will be immediately rewarded, it will certainly lead to positive rewards and benefits in the long run.
So, if you want to benefit from interpersonal relationships, start by doing favors for others. Making mutual benefit a part of your life will provide you the way to success and happiness.

Supply Chain Cross-Team
PBM Workshop
Participant: Sanny Huang

From September to October, there were 7 PBM workshops (Production -2, ME-2, PD & Model Shop-1, Supply Chain-1, BLT-1) with 209 participants. The topics of the workshops included "Principled Entrepreneurship", "Five Dimensions", "Virtuous Cycles of Mutual Benefit", "Transformation", "Supervisor Responsibilities – Creating the Right Environment". We selected some of the participants to express their insights and positive impact on their work and life after attending the PBM workshop:






On October 26th, more than 20 members from Molex Shanghai & Kunshan Management Team attended the "Supervisor Responsibilities –Creating the Right Environment" PBM Workshop. Through case sharing, group discussion, Lego game and other interesting ways, everyone learnt and explored how a supervisor should represent the company to provide a professional way to solve the problems of the employees; create an inclusive culture to help the employees to contribute to the company; and cultivate and practice the PBM culture within the team so that the employees and the company can achieve long- term success. In the part of Lego game, the management team was divided into 3 groups, and the team members overcame the communication barriers and challenges to successfully complete the game of "Dumb People Building Towers". Through the game, everyone felt the importance of communication, challenge, and the courage to make trial and error when creating a right environment, and at the same time, they also connected these insights to their actual work and applied what they learnt to their work. 

The MSBU PD team always concentrates on practicing the PBM culture. I facilitated Q3 PD PBM Workshop with our HR Business Partner - Kim Fu, and we discussed the principle of "Transformation" with the team members.
We were honored to invite MSBU R&D Engineering Director - Ryotaro Takeuchi to share his feelings and experiences during the session.
We started from the idea of "you are able to make differences and improvements", then discussed vision updates brought the transformation, and explored the importance of "creative destruction" thinking for design & and innovation. Through case studies, the participants had a deeper understanding of “transformation is not only about self-transformation, but also about driving the transformation of the company and others”. We will continue to explore, develop, and apply the vision, strategies, methods, and products that enable us to create the most value.

PD & Model Shop
PBM Workshop
Facilitator: Sivin Wang

BLT PBM Workshop
Facilitator: Liu Gang & Li Zhi Gang

We publicized the schedule of this activity on company WeChat and the bulletin board in the shopfloor, in which employees showed great interest. We adopted the method of voluntary participation and on-site registration. Employees who completed the PBM knowledge questionnaire correctly or the winner of the puzzle game were awarded an attractive gift.



PBM Culture Onsite Activity to Production Employees


In order to promote PBM among DL employees in production departments, a customized PBM culture onsite promotion activity was organized in Q3, aligning with the overall production department's annual PBM promotion plan. Considering the shift arrangement, three sessions of interesting activities were organized on September 21st , 22nd , and 25th during the lunch break to enrich the working life.

The three sessions attracted the participation of more than 200 DL employees, and we would like to thank every colleague and supervisor for organizing the activities!
The popularization and introduction of the PBM principles have positive significance for the future practice and application of the relevant principles in daily work. PBM culture is not only a valuable spiritual asset, but also an effective tool to help us solve practical problems. Let's get ready for the future, learn from each other, develop together, and better meet the challenges of the future.

 By: Jolin Zhou

I believe we have all have learnt about the PBM principle "Self-actualization". It is a never-ending process, not an end state, and becoming a "lifelong learner" can help us to better embody this principle. Lifelong learners are always seeking and creating learning opportunities to learn directly and indirectly from others. Each of us has opportunities to learn at work every day! Such as:




How to Become a Lifelong Learner

👉Learn from failure (missed opportunities, failed experiments); 
👉Learn to use new technology (smart devices, new software applications, trial and error); 
👉Learn from peers (observe how others are contributing, seeking feedback);
👉Learn on the job (projects, 1:1 conversations, problem-solving with others).

Every person has a different combination of aptitudes, experiences, skills and knowledge, so every individual has unique potential. We realize our potential by trying things, having success, making mistakes, receiving feedback and making adjustments. This is not about finding the one perfect role or job and being “done.” Rather, this is a lifelong journey of developing and contributing.
We embrace the opportunity to get better every day, being open to the learning opportunities all around us, and always remembering that success--but especially failure-- can provide us with powerful lessons that will help us gain a greater knowledge of ourselves and what is possible.
As we make growth choices more and more often, with decisions big and small, we are intentionally and actively engaging in the ongoing process of self-actualization. So today, and every day, make the growth choice and truly become a lifelong learner.

Supervisors play a critical role in an organization, not only in managing teams and driving the development of the company, but also in dealing with the complexities of the business environment. Supervisors need to motivate their employees, develop individual and team skills, and manage their teams effectively at all levels to ensure that every employee understands the vision of the company, and achieve success.
In this August, the management and HR team of Molex Shanghai started to plan a project to boost the growth of supervisors, the purpose was listed as follows



Molex Shanghai Supervisor Development Program Kick-off


✔Improve the competence of middle-level supervisors, overcome challenges and pain points in the application of supervisor’s responsibilities, and improve the overall leadership among supervisors in Shanghai plant.
✔Create a platform for cross-functional knowledge network and best practice sharing channels for supervisors.
✔Fully support and facilitate newly promoted supervisors to quickly adapt to their roles and achieve continuous development.

As a result, the project team sent out a questionnaire to 82 managers and supervisors, inviting them to provide feedback and learning needs for the Supervisor Development Program; and conducted face-to-face interviews with 5 of them to clarify needs and identify gaps in the original program. By the end of September, the project team had received a total of 43 valid responses, and we would like to thank them for active participation and honest feedback.
The overall framework was quickly designed after several rounds of brainstorming to meet the actual needs of all participants. The program will leverage online and offline resources: making full use of the PBM principles and the self-learning resources of the online EDU platform, which are the solid theoretical foundation and support for the program. Meanwhile, offline learning will be carried out through several diversified methods like sharing by internal trainers, benchmark learning external plants, and inviting senior managers to share stories of their personal career journeys, and so on. We will also discuss the top 5 hot topics collected from the questionnaire.
The first workshop of the Supervisor Development Program was finally held on October 31st with the sharing and discussion of the hot topic "Cross-Team Collaboration", which was attended by a total of 24 participants and 4 management members. Julia Huang, Operations Director of Shanghai plant, encouraged supervisors to actively participate in the program and emphasized that the participants would be the real leaders and beneficiaries of the program. To let the serious supervisors integrate into the program quickly, the first session started with an ice-breaking game to introduce the subject. Robin Wu, an experienced project manager, shared his story by dialogue with the facilitator, which was a refreshing experience for the participants. After a lively case discussion and sharing, all participants learnt about the characteristics of cross-team collaboration and the importance of unity of purpose and effective communication. Finally, Lucy Li, HR Director, summarized the first session and encouraged the participants to participate in the design of the program. HR team will continue to provide the most suitable and targeted resources for capacity enhancement in the subsequent development of the program to help participants achieve self-actualization.

 By: HR Team

 By: Julia Lu

Hello, everyone. I'm Lily Yang from the Manufacturing Engineering Department and I'm responsible for the overall process design of new projects. I am very excited to share my experience working at Molex.
I joined Molex in 2015 and spent my 8 years here. As a member of the new project development team, I have worked with many colleagues and participated in many new projects during these 8 years. The deeper I get into the project, the more I realize the importance of teamwork, and the more I rely on the mutual help and support from the team. Individual efforts can only come to fruition with the support of the team.



 Career Interview | CY22 Results Award Series


We set up cross functional teams every time we receive a new product development project. Each member of the project team is a professional in his or her field, with different knowledge backgrounds, different modes of thinking, and different perspectives and positions. We discuss, negotiate, and challenge each other in the project team to pursue the success together. In every project team, I learnt new knowledge and ideas from my colleagues and received their assistance.

Sometimes when I am stuck in a difficult thinking area, a little guidance from my colleagues can show me a new direction; sometimes we challenge each other to find new solutions; sometimes we work together to verify, screen samples, and do analysis. There are also senior colleagues who help me to complete the project by searching for the design drawings more than ten years ago. And even during the COVID-19 outbreak last year, some of my colleagues supported me in grouping samples and organizing tests. When we were faced with problems, there were colleagues who helped us to contact experts for advice. During my 8 years at Molex, I have had the pleasure of completing projects one by one with the support of my colleagues.
Working with all these lovely colleagues is the biggest obtain that I have from Molex and an experience I would like to share with you.
One person is so small as an individual, but a team is powerful and proud. Achieving ourselves is to achieve others, and achieving others are achieve ourselves too. Mutual encouragement with you!

 By: Lily Yang

The Materials Department of Molex Shanghai is led by Jasper Lei, a Senior Materials Manager who has been working at logistics and supply chain industrial for over 30 years, and consists of 71 employees, including the Purchasing Team, the Export Customer Service Team, and the Warehousing & Logistics Team. As a department that serves the entire production process, how is the Materials team meeting the challenges of the future and giving full play to its power and value? 



Core Capability Team | Materials Team


Warehouse and Logistics Team: 62 employees, including material handlers, packers and logistics specialist. How to ensure efficient operation of goods, such as workstations, FIFO and efficient packaging? How to quickly declare goods for shipment and reduce the transit at the plant? These are the missions and continuous pursuits of the Warehouse and Logistics team. The Warehouse team has been sorting out the process over and over during the transformation process, working closely with the production departments, and continuously simulating and optimizing in order to create an operation mode suitable for Fusion and MOS, as well as eliminating the non-value links in order to achieve a truly agile and efficient logistics chain! The Logistics team manages the import and export of each batch of goods. As an enterprise at the bonded zone, we have to shorten the customs declaration time, save tariffs, reduce logistics costs and improve competitiveness under the premise of absolute legality and compliance.

Purchasing Team: 6 employees. After the GS&OP & Fusion project officially being launched, the traditional ERP material supply and demand model has changed dramatically from supply driven to demand driven. The Purchasing team will communicate more closely with the front-end demand strategy plan and site plan, and change the mindset and purchasing strategy to manage and control the inventory to meet the customer and production demand. 

Export Customer Service Team: 3 employees. With more and more short-term, high-frequency and small-volume orders, how to achieve on-time delivery has become the new mission of the team. In the face of customers' constant urgent requirements, how to coordinate internal and external resources, carry out efficient communication, and improve customer satisfaction is the highest goal of the colleagues in the Customer Service team. They are always in the best condition, coordinating the delivery with different customers externally and linking up with various supply departments internally to shorten the lead time and make shipment in advance to enhance customer satisfaction!

This is our Materials Department, with high degree of unity, close cooperation and the courage to transform and actively create value; a team consisting of more than 80% senior employees but still full of vitality. We have higher mission, bigger dreams and more expectations in 2024! Let's work together to create a brilliant future! 

 By: Materials Team

2024 Internship Program launched in October this year! The Internship Program will combine with the government's "Employment Internship Base" Program. In addition to the normal internship salary, interns who meet the internship conditions can also get the subsidy provided by the government, which will greatly enhance the competitive advantage of Molex in the talent market, allowing Molex to better attract and retain high potential talents, as well as solving the problem of financial difficulties of interns in the transition to the formal position.



2024 Campus Recruitment


As a well-known company in the industry, Molex has always been consistent with the same goal and pace in talent development and cultivation. At the beginning of this year, Molex Shanghai declared to the Shanghai Municipal Government Employment Promotion Centre for the build-up of an employment internship base, which was finally approved by the third-party organization after a series of on-site qualification assessment and review. As a qualified employment internship base, while getting government subsidies and policy guidance, we are also subject to the government's supervision, including the assessment of the operation of the base, the reasonableness of internship positions, the situation of instructors, the implementation of the internship program, the attendance of interns at work, and the satisfaction of interns, etc., which will help us to better run our internship training and management system.

Shanghai plant plans to recruit 6 interns for the production departments in this program. The relevant departments and HR department have screened a number of excellent interns through various channels such as internet, campus recruitment, social job fair etc. The first batch of 3 interns have joined us in the middle of November, and the rest of the vacancies are in the process of recruiting and interviewing. We look forward to more high-quality talents joining our family and breathing new energies into the development of the company.


 By: Angel Yan

AIAG VDA FMEA is a new version of the Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (FMEA) standard developed by the Automotive Industry Action Group (AIAG) in collaboration with OEM and Tier 1 supplier members of the German Association of the Automotive Industry (VDA), which was officially released in June 2019 to replace the 4th edition of FMEA to meet customer needs and expectations. To comply with the requirements of the new AIAG VDA FMEA standard, Molex, together with its partners, has developed the E1ns software as a tool for Molex's global FMEA implementation.
To improve the utilization of AIAG VDA FMEA and E1ns software by Molex employees globally, the Molex Global FMEA Leadership Team coordinated with external training resources to launch the Molex Global AIAG VDA FMEA training in early 2023. Since the beginning of the year, Shanghai and Kunshan plants have been in communication with the global FMEA team, coordinating external training resources and developing training plans and implementation. Meanwhile, we conducted a training demand survey in Shanghai and Kunshan plants, communicated with the plant leadership team to confirm the list of participants, and officially implemented the global AIAG VDA FMEA training in September and October 2023 in Shanghai and Kunshan plants.



Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (FMEA) Training 


 By: HR Team

The AIAG VDA FMEA training includes:
1) Self-study of E1ns software, FMEA basics, etc. through the EDU system;
2) P&D FMEA training guided by Dr. Zhang, a trainer from a professional FMEA training organization, including:

👉Management team training
👉P&D FMEA basics, methodology, group discussion and practice, group work inspection, etc.

The training lasted for 2 months and was attended by 48 colleagues from Product Design, Engineering and Manufacturing, and Quality Departments. Through this training, the value of FMEA was made clear to the employees: DFEMA can be used to prevent problems that originally occurred during the validation stage and minimize problems in the field; PFMEA can prevent production problems, scrap, rework and problems in the field. In addition, the training also explained the seven-step methodology of FMEA and how to implement FMEA in the Plato E1ns system, and helped the participants to further master the use of FMEA tools through hands-on workshops and feedback.


🔈Participant Insights to FMEA Training - Alice Chen

FMEA is a preventive quality tool that aims to identify and slove potential problems in advance by predicting, evaluating and prioritizing failure modes that may occur during product design or process control, so as to improve the reliability and safety of products and processes.
Recently, I attended a FMEA training, and I got a lot through it. Here are some of my insights:
1) Prevention is better than cure: FMEA emphasizes the importance of preventing potential failure modes in the early stages of product or process design, rather than waiting for failures to occur and then repairing them. By identifying and fixing failures early, greater losses and risks can be avoided later on, which reinforces the need to focus on preventing problems from occurring in the workplace, rather than waiting for them to occur before dealing with them.
2) Think systematically: FMEA requires a comprehensive analysis and assessment of the entire system, not just individual components or process steps. This means that we must learn to look at the problem from a global perspective, understand the interrelationships and impacts of each component, and solve the problem with a more comprehensive and holistic solution.
3) Cross-functional collaboration: FMEA involves many departments and teams, and requires cross-departmental collaboration and communication. It means that we need to break down the departmental barriers in our work, strengthen the communication and collaboration with other departments, solve problems together, and improve the overall efficiency and effectiveness.
4) Continuous improvement: FMEA is an ongoing process that requires continuous evaluation and improvement. Through this training, we understand the importance of continuous improvement, and only through continuous updating and optimization can we maintain our competitiveness and adaptability.
5) Details determine success or failure: FMEA emphasizes the attention to details and the fact that every small failure mode can lead to failure of the whole system. It emphasizes again that we must pay attention to details, and pay attention to every detail in our work to reduce potential risks and problems as much as possible.
In conclusion, this FMEA training has made me deeply understand the importance of problem prevention, systematic thinking, cross-departmental collaboration, continuous improvement and attention to details. I hope that these insights are not only for me, but also for everyone who participated in the training, and that they can be applied in practice to make the training more valuable.

FMEA will be more widely used in all stages of product design and manufacturing in Shanghai and Kunshan plants, ranging from product design, process design to final mass production, to comprehensively assess and analyze various potential risks, avoid risks in advance, solve problems in time, reduce waste of resources, and effectively control costs. Since then, we hope that FMEA is no longer just a form of customer documentation, but an opportunity to utilize past experience and knowledge to reduce the recurrence of repetitive problems, improve the information base of product and process knowledge, and truly create more value for Molex!

There is a group of employees who have been working diligently for decades in Molex Shanghai. They are dedicated to their duties and responsibilities and work hard. They have dedicated their wonderful years to the success of Molex.
It is a great honor to announce the list of Molex Long Service Awards for September-October 2023 to all of you. There are 30 employees from different departments. We invited two employees as the representatives to share their experience of working in Molex Shanghai.

September-October Long Service Award

By: Li Zhu Liu & Stephen Yin


Time flies, I have been working with Molex for 15 years, and I still remember clearly the scene when I first joined the company....
During the 15 years of working, you can feel the changes in every aspect of the company with healthy and right direction; you can get the respect from all colleagues, even if you are a junior employee; you can learn everything you want from others, because Molex Shanghai employees are very kind, selfless, and willing to share, even if you are an external supplier of Molex. You can get the recognition you want here as long as you work hard; you can get warmth by company prepared birthday gift, so that you can feel from all aspects. If I can only use one word to summarize my long journey over these 15 years, it is undoubtedly "gratitude".
I am grateful to the company for providing a platform for me to fully express myself. What can a great dancer do without a stage? I am grateful to my supervisor for cultivating me and recognizing my value. I am grateful for the positive cooperation of my colleagues, which makes my work more efficient.

Li Zhu Liu

How time flies. It's been 25 years since I joined Molex, and I have witnessed the rapid development and transformation of Molex: from the surprise of seeing five Starmping machines when I first entered the company to the orderly running of 69 machines now; from the production of simple and single FIT products to the manufacture of high-precision 0.35B/B products and more than 300 other series products now. I have witnessed the improvement of the automated production equipment, such as the FIT products receiving from a single tray to fully automated packing machine, with the efficiency increasing from 60% to 90%. Not only company has the undergone massive changes, but I have also experienced diversified challenges over the past 25 years. To face these challenges, I have tried my best to study and improve my own ability. The guidance and encouragement of my leaders, and the understanding and support of my colleagues have constantly inspired me to give full play to my maximum potential, and to continue to move forward on the road of professional growth. Only by constantly changing myself can I catch up with the pace of the times, and I will hold myself to a higher standard.

Supply Base Management

Stephen Yin







“One Molex” Benchmark Learning

By: Ange Yang

The vision of "One Molex" has gradually blossomed in every Molex plant under the strong promotion by Global Operations Capability Team. Adhering to the attitude of learning from each other and achieving mutual benefits, we have welcomed visits from other sites. Since this April, we have received no less than 15 visits with colleagues from other Molex plants, and we are also willing to take the initiative to go out of our plant to learn and understand the best practices of others in various aspects.

On October 23rd, a group of about 20 people from Molex Europe led by GG Lee, Supply Chain Vice President of TIS, visited Shanghai plant. Prior to the visit, the European team had already learnt about the transformation practices and capabilities of the Shanghai plant through information sharing, so after arriving in Shanghai, they went directly to the production shopfloor to see the effectiveness and examples of transformation in Shanghai; moreover, the two teams also exchanged views on the deployment and implementation of the digital transformation project in Shanghai. Although the visit lasted only half a day, both the European and Shanghai teams gained quite a lot from the visit: the European team was impressed by the layout of the production lines and the Plating process in the Shanghai plant, while the Polish plant's experience in Value Stream Management was also a good reference for the Shanghai team.

♦  Molex Europe plant representatives led by GG Lee, Supply Chain Vice President of TIS, visited Shanghai plant on October 23rd.

Phillips – Medisize Technology(Suzhou) Limited is a legendary plant started in 2021. The design and logistics of the entire plant and the layout of the equipment all incorporate lean concepts, similar to the MOS 5S standardization, tools and forms of tiered huddles and key performance management, and a two-way management model, top-down and bottom-up, which gives the whole company a strong cohesive force. During our visit on October 27th, we learnt the following valuable lessons:
• The combination of PBM culture and technology makes the PBM culture and story penetrate into people's hearts more quickly; 

♦ Molex Shanghai management team visited Phillips – Medisize Technology (Suzhou) Limited on October 27th.


CVS is the closest Molex manufacturing site to Shanghai plant. During the implementation of MOS, they have learnt from other plants' experiences and reflections, and have created a series of unique standard processes through continuous improvement and deep exploration. Representatives from the Shanghai management team, cell leaders, OCM and supporting departments visited the CVS plant on September 12th and October 13th and were impressed by the innovative Gemba Walk process and the atmosphere of mutual respect and participation of all employees.

♦ Molex Shanghai visited CVS plant twice in September & October.

♦ Molex Shanghai production team visited Molex Chengdu plant in mid-October. 

The operations team plans to leverage the resources of the line supervisors and improve the efficiency of the workflow through the new operation structure. In mid-October, Murphy Miao, Manager of the Assembly Department, led the Organizational Transformation project team to Molex Chengdu plant. In addition to the production supervisor, a technician, a shift leader, and BHR participated in the project, and the team members returned to share their experiences in Chengdu with the rest of the operations team. In November, discussions will be organized in each production department for brainstorming and risk assessment. After that, we will plan our actions, in particular the development of RREs according to the new team structure.

CVS has truly achieved the goal of improving the performance of the cell and the competence of the cell leaders, from the clarification of the purpose of Gemba by the production supervisor, to the introduction of the cell leaders to the performance of the cell and the application of PBM, to the proactive identification of areas of improvement by the representatives of the supporting departments, and to the final recommendations for the whole cell and cell leaders. The Shanghai team returned and organized two workshops with a wealth of knowledge to summarize and refine what they had learnt, and to set action plans and targets for the future. The department supervisors and representatives of the supporting departments responded quickly to reorganize the Gemba Walk process in a way that best suited them and to try it out again. We believe we can do even better!





• Unique microbiological cleaning greatly improves the cleaning efficiency and quality of jigs;
• The processing water system makes the plant layout highly visualized;
• The advanced spare parts management system rationalizes the use of space while greatly reducing VOH costs. We will keep thinking about, evaluating and applying these innovative plans and methods to improve our operational performance.
With the vision of "One Molex", we have had the opportunity to learn new ideas and methods. Let's keep going, keep sharing, and keep transforming together. 


MXSH & MXV Team Collaboration

By: ME Team

Based on the demand for ENDS products, Molex Shanghai and Molex Vietnam have teamed up to form a working group to meet the rapid production needs of customers. This working group gives full play to the comparative advantages of the Shanghai plant in machine design, commissioning, project management, etc. Under the "One Molex" vision, the two plants worked together to ensure that the assembly, commissioning and test run of the machine was completed smoothly and on time, and that the Shanghai team's ability to collaborate and communicate with each other on global projects was improved to meet the needs of more global projects in the future and to create more value for Molex.
We invited two members of the Vietnam Manufacturing Engineering team to share their thoughts on working together with the Shanghai team to create the mutual benefit with the "One Molex" mindset:

Bui Van Nghiem
Machine Design Engineer

Trung Trinh Xuan
Vision Engineer

I would like to thank Molex Shanghai for inviting me to come to Shanghai to take care of the commissioning of the machines in the ENDS assembly line. During my time here, the engineers at Molex Shanghai have been a great mentor and friend to us, which has made the cooperation very efficient and smooth. We benefited a lot from this experience and it will be a model for us to follow when we go back to Vietnam.
I am very impressed with the impressive performance that digital transformation has brought to Shanghai. With an increasing number of global projects in the future, I wish Molex Shanghai and Molex Vietnam a steady increase in their design and manufacturing capabilities!

During the visit, I was impressed by the "Effectiveness" of the Molex Shanghai team. When we encountered problems, we would discuss them quickly, and complex problems would be discussed and solved in the huddles, which is a very good way to solve problems.
I believe that the mutually beneficial collaboration will provide support for the ENDS project, ensuring the smooth operation of the project and making greater contributions to Molex!


Zero Defect Project Updates

By: Jason Fu

With the development of the times and the advancement of science and technology, the customer demand for quality is also increasing, which is from the previous stage of quality inspection, statistical quality control, and total quality management to the current stage of “Zero Defect”. Molex Shanghai has experienced the customer's high quality demand of zero defect from the past few years of development and mass production of e-cigarettes/Mirro Mezz projects, as well as from the customer service and other aspects. Under the leadership of Molex Shanghai management team, our project team has continuously applied the PBM culture, faced challenges, utilized our comparative advantages, and overcome difficulties to achieve the high-quality requirements of our customers, creating excellent value for our company, and laying a solid foundation for winning the trust of our customers and receiving more and more orders in the future.
The success of these projects also inspired us to think about how to add value to quality and maximize our contribution to the company. At the end of August, the Quality Department started a brainstorming session on how to reduce the COPQ and the customer complaints, and how to achieve the goal of zero defect and value-added quality, and thus the "Zero Defect-Quality Value-added" project came into being, which is also a powerful action to fulfil our quality policy.

Objectives of "Zero Defect - Quality Value-Added" Project:

✔ All employees participate and contribute to reduce the quality waste, and finally achieve the goal of quality value-added and zero defect. 
✔ Achieve 30% reduction of QN/COQ in CY24.

Action Plan and Execution:

✔ Project planning and PBM questionnaire (completed)
✔ Project promotion and employee survey (completed)






Evaluation and analysis of survey results are in progress. Based on the preliminary analysis of the survey results, the main problems and effective solutions are as follows which need to be further analyzed and a detailed improvement plan needs to be formulated.
👉Process deficiencies: Enhance the risk assessment of process design and selection
👉Process implementation irregularities: Training/promotion/supervision/audit 
👉Low quality awareness: Training/promotion/ lesson & learn sharing/starting from myself/implementing reward and punishment system 
👉Incoming material abnormality and equipment abnormalityEnhance supplier quality management and equipment preventive maintenance

We have also realized through our questionnaire promotion activities that quality improvement assurance cannot be based on inspection alone, but should be strengthened from the perspectives of design, production, prevention and habit. Every employee is the first person responsible for the quality of work, and should apply the quality concepts of "I must do things right at the first time", "I can prevent problems from occurring", "The next process is my customer" and "No defective products leak out" to the actual work. We believe that the quality of Molex Shanghai will get better and better with the promotion of our projects and the contribution of all our colleagues.

Finally, "Zero Defect" is not just a slogan, but our corporate culture. Molex Shanghai is always on the way to provide reliable and high-quality products and solutions to our customers and to create sustainable and excellent value for our company by focusing on our employees, applying PBM culture, making continuous improvements, and pursuing perfect quality!


Q3 Office Employee Communication Meeting

By: HR Department

CY23 Q3 Employee Communication Meeting – office employee session was successfully held on October17th, with more than 250 employees attending the meeting.
We started the meeting by watching a video on Molex's CY23 first-half-year business review by Molex CEO Joe Nelligan. Followed by Q3 business updates of Molex Shanghai as well as the challenges and opportunities from Julia Huang, Operations Director of Molex Shanghai; Nicolas Zhang from PD team, Peter Li from ME team and Loucts Zhang from Opex team, as the representatives of plant digital transformation team, shared the progress of plant digitalization projects and reviewed the follow-up plan; Jason Fu from MQA shared the plant quality Zero Defect project; HR Department introduced the deployment of the PBM Culture Advancing in each department.

After the meeting, the participants gave a lot of positive feedback on the Employee Communication Meeting as an important communication tool and looked forward to the next communication activity!






Low-Carbon Month

By: Rachel Zhang

The 3rd weekend of every September is World Cleanup Day, promoting to protect the world by changing human behaviors, reducing energy pollution, and maintaining a clean planet. Protecting the natural environment is to protect ourselves, and all Molex employees are duty-bound.
More than 200 Molex Shanghai colleagues participated in the “Low-Carbon Month” activity, and the purpose of the activity is to let all employees involved in the low-carbon sustainability program, learn some energy conservation and pollution reduction skills.
To better encourage employees to participate in the activity, we leverage different channels to organize the activities, so that everyone can experience low-carbon life while getting rewards.

Online Daily Attendance: HR team utilized the WeChat to let employees scan the QR code to attend the activity to earn scores. Record to share their daily low-carbon travel ways, eat-up lunch, and health exercise. 
Online EHS Mini Classroom: Share knowledge of “Reduce Our Carbon Emissions from All Aspects’’ through company WeChat, and different points are awarded according to the score.
Health Lecture: Invite doctors to share basic health knowledge with employees and carry out one-to-one examinations to answer employees’ health questions.

Sports Challenge:Raise people's health awareness by actively participating in daily exercise. Employees attend the core challenge to have self-challenge, different points are awarded based on the core challenge results.
Healthy Diet Day:HR Team co-worked with the General Affairs team to develop the healthy beef soba meal, aiming to promote health and low-carbon eating habits.
Flea Market:Encourage colleagues to exchange second-hand items at home with colleagues, so that "old things" can be revitalized. Green, low carbon, and recycling are the main purposes. If the goods were sold, they can earn the scores accordingly.
Coffee Grounds Distribution: The GA team collects the coffee grounds from coffee machine, and after drying and simple packaging, makes coffee grounds packages as gifts and distributes them to colleagues for free, so that colleagues can aware and implement the concept of "low carbon" everywhere.

After the event, the colleagues who actively participated in the activity received a pot of succulent plants that represented low-carbon green. The top 30 colleagues in the event also got an extra gift!

More than 30 children of Molex Shanghai employees participated in the college entrance examination this year and were successfully admitted to colleges. While we feel happy about this, we also realize that a person with good academic performance is not only a result of one's own talent but also a result of parents' devoted teachings. To thank our employees for serving the company and creating value for the company, as well as educating their children and cultivating future pillars of society, Molex Shanghai distributed special incentives to those employees whose children took the college entrance examination in 2023 and were successfully admitted to the college.


Highlights of Labor Union Activities

By: Molex Shanghai Union

On the evening of October 18th, 2023 Shanghai Waigaoqiao FTZ Kingston Cup Football Tournament came to an end. After nearly a month's competition among 6 teams from FTZ trade unions, Molex Shanghai finally won with a good score of 3:1!
Though they are not professional players, members of team Molex have made great efforts in controlling the ball, defending, attacking, and shooting... They ignited the passion of the whole audience and fixed the result of the match at an excellent 3 points!

Thanks again to the football players: Huang Xuanzhou, Liu Yun, Ye Fei, Li Ren, Fan Shenggang, Zheng Yi, Liu Bin, Fu Xiaoliang, Chen Dong.

♥ Molex Shanghai Labor Union's Incentive for the College Entrance Examination

♥ Molex Shanghai Labor Union Football Match






Employee Club Activities

On October 14th, Molex Shanghai Table Tennis Club in the 2023 Pudong New District Caolu Town Table Tennis Tournament. There were 23 teams from Pudong with more than 100 players participating in the tournament, which included group competition with 3 players, men's singles, and women's singles.

♦ Molex Shanghai Table Tennis Club

♦ Molex Shanghai Cycling Club

By: Employee Clubs

Chen Jianyu (ME), leader of the table tennis club, led the members Wu Rui (Operations), Xu Hui (ME) and Yu Zhenying (Quality), to participate in all the three tournaments. Although our team unfortunately lost in the group stage, we demonstrated the spirit of Molex Shanghai employees who are unafraid of difficulties and have the courage to fight during the competition. After the tournament, Chen Jianyu expressed that although we lost the tournament, our table tennis club has learnt from the experience and will be more active in the future to carry out activities and accumulate experience in tournaments, and we also hope that more employees will join the club.

Cycling is a fashionable and environmentally friendly way to exercise, which attracts more and more cycling enthusiasts as it strengthens the body and have mental pleasure at the same time. Since the establishment of Molex Shanghai Cycling Club, we have been actively organizing and participating in all kinds of cycling activities. On September 24, club leader Gao Guanqiang (QA) led 11 members from various departments of Molex Shanghai, including Liu Zhenxing (ME), Zheng Yi (Operations), Sun Jiawei (Operations), Yang Yunfang (PD), Fan Shenggang (Quality), and other members to form the "Molex Cycling Team", which participated in the Phoenix Cup 2023 Shanghai Riding Festival. The riding activity started from Chongming Dongtan Wetland Park, passing through Chongming Avenue, Guangming Field and other natural attractions, with a full distance of 100 kilometers. The team members persevered throughout the whole process, and finally all 11 team members successfully completed the 100km challenge within the stipulated time! Let's congratulate all the team members and thank them for honoring the spirit of challenge and showing the style of Molex Shanghai employees.


• Shanghai Outlook / Award-winning Quiz •

A. "I must do things right the first time"           B. "I can prevent problems from occurring"
C. "The next process is my customer"            D. "No defective products"

 A.186       B.286       C.386            D.486

How many workcenters in Shanghai plant have been launched OpCenter 
system after fully deployment?

Which of the following quality concepts can be applied to actual work?

Which value stream management is being planned in Shanghai plant?

What teams are parts for Materials Department of Molex Shanghai?

A. Purchasing Team                                        B. Export Customer Service Team
C. Warehousing and Logistics Team               D. Packaging Team

A.Type-C     B.Micro-Fit      C.Mini-Fit        D.Mirror Mezz

Dear Readers,
The answers to these four questions can be found in the above text. You can surely get full marks! We prepare a gift for 20 readers who get full marks. Scan the QR code and answer the questions now!

Your support is the biggest motivation for us to run the newsletter. We look forward to your suggestions and reply.
Scan the QR code below, choose three articles that impress you most, and give your comments.




Editorial Team Introduction:

Final Reviewer: Lucy Li

Editor: Rachel Zhang


Notice of contributions:
Topics: "Application of PBM Culture", "Plant Transformation Insights", "Job Skills Sharing"... but not limited to these. Any topics related to the company, work, and colleagues are welcomed.
The Editorial team is preparing the new edition of the Business Newsletter with great effort.
We are always looking forward to your contributions. If your article is selected for Business Newsletter, the editorial team will provide the prize for you.
Contact Person:
E-mail: rachel.zhang@molex.com
Office Address: HR Team (Rachel Zhang), 3/F, Administrative Building.
All manuscripts shall be original. Please leave your contact information.
Thank you for your reading.
Looking forward to meeting you in the next edition!


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