





在22年5月至6月期间的几次SKU变更当中,SKU变更就小范围门店的交付效果不错,整体方案交付的结果达到预期。但美中不足的点是数据备份的时间太长了,几家门店的SKU变更的速度可以控制在10几分钟之内,但是数据库备份时长却长达40多分钟。虽然“备份重于泰山”,但长时间的运维窗口增加了客户系统不可用时长,也增加运维人员的压力,因此需要继续优化。在X同学和J同学的测试和调优之后,备份和还原逻辑可以更加精准的作用于变更门店和SKU,效率和等待时长大幅削减。在9月至 10月份的大批次门店变更中,即使变更门店散落在不同数据库上,备份时间大幅缩减至10分钟以内,交付效率明显提升。

















Spread the charm of light and shadow and share emotional exchanges

There is no lack of beauty in the world, but a lack of eyes to find beauty.
Light: There are two kinds of light in the world. One is the same as natural light and the other is the same as artificial light.
Natural light is sun light. Artificial light includes electric lamp, fluorescent lamp, LED lamp, etc. All light sources made by human beings are called artificial light.
Photography: It is the combination of light and shadow. If the contrast between light and dark can be properly handled, it can create amazing images. Therefore, mastering the changes of light and shadow is an indispensable and important condition for taking good photos.
The charm of photography is to prove that some facts that we can't touch everyday can also be realized through camera records.


Spread the charm of light and shadow and share emotional exchanges

There is no lack of beauty in the world, but a lack of eyes to find beauty.
Light: There are two kinds of light in the world. One is the same as natural light and the other is the same as artificial light.
Natural light is sun light. Artificial light includes electric lamp, fluorescent lamp, LED lamp, etc. All light sources made by human beings are called artificial light.Photography: It is the combination of light and shadow. If the contrast between light and dark can be properly handled, it can create amazing images. Therefore, mastering the changes of light and shadow is an indispensable and important condition for taking good photos.

Spread the charm of light and shadow and share emotional exchanges

There is no lack of beauty in the world, but a lack of eyes to find beauty.
Light: There are two kinds of light in the world. One is the same as natural light and the other is the same as artificial light.
Natural light is sun light. Artificial light includes electric lamp, fluorescent lamp, LED lamp, etc. All light sources made by human beings are called artificial light.Photography: It is the combination of light and shadow. If the contrast between light and dark can be properly handled, it can create amazing images. Therefore, mastering the changes of light and shadow is an indispensable and important condition for taking good photos.

There is no lack of beauty in the world, but a lack of eyes to find beauty.
Light: There are two kinds of light in the world. One is the same as natural light and the other is the same as artificial light.
Natural light is sun light. Artificial light includes electric lamp, fluorescent lamp, LED lamp, etc. All light sources made by human beings are called artificial light.Photography: It is the combination of light and shadow. If the contrast between light and dark can be properly handled, it can create amazing images. Therefore, mastering the changes of light and shadow is an indispensable and important condition for taking good photos.

Spread the charm of light and shadow

Spread the charm of light and shadow and share emotional exchanges

Spread the charm of light and shadow and share emotional exchanges

There is no lack of beauty in the world, but a lack of eyes to find beauty.Light: There are two kinds of light in the world. One is the same as natural light and the other is the same as artificial light.Natural light is sun light. Artificial light includes electric lamp, fluorescent lamp, LED lamp, etc. All light sources made by human beings are called artificial light.Photography: It is the combination of light and shadow. If the contrast between light and dark can be properly handled, it can create amazing images. Therefore, mastering the changes of light and shadow is an indispensable and important condition for taking good photos.

Spread the charm of light and shadow and share emotional exchanges

There is no lack of beauty in the world, but a lack of eyes to find beauty.Light: There are two kinds of light in the world. One is the same as natural light and the other is the same as artificial light.Natural light is sun light. Artificial light includes electric lamp, fluorescent lamp, LED lamp, etc. All light sources made by human beings are called artificial light.Photography: It is the combination of light and shadow. If the contrast between light and dark can be properly handled, it can create amazing images. Therefore, mastering the changes of light and shadow is an indispensable and important condition for taking good photos.


There is no lack of beauty in the world, but a lack of eyes to find beauty.
Light: There are two kinds of light in the world. One is the same as natural light and the other is the same as artificial light.

Spread the charm of light and shadow


Spread the charm of light and shadow and share emotional exchanges

There is no lack of beauty in the world, but a lack of eyes to find beauty.
Light: There are two kinds of light in the world. One is the same as natural light and the other is the same as artificial light.
Natural light is sun light. Artificial light includes electric lamp, fluorescent lamp, LED lamp, etc. All light sources made by human beings are called artificial light.Photography: It is the combination of light and shadow. If the contrast between light and dark can be properly handled, it can create amazing images. Therefore, mastering the changes of light and shadow is an indispensable and important condition for taking good photos.



There is no lack of beauty in the world, but a lack of eyes to find beauty.
Light: There are two kinds of light in the world. One is the same as natural light and the other is the same as artificial light.Natural light is sun light. Artificial light includes electric lamp, fluorescent lamp, LED lamp, etc. All light sources made by human beings are called artificial light.Photography: It is the combination of light and shadow. If the contrast between light and dark can be properly handled, it can create amazing images. Therefore, mastering the changes of light and shadow is an indispensable and important condition for taking good photos.

Spread the charm of light and shadow and share emotional exchanges

Spread the charm of light and shadow and share emotional exchanges

There is no lack of beauty in the world, but a lack of eyes to find beauty.
Light: There are two kinds of light in the world. One is the same as natural light and the other is the same as artificial light.
Natural light is sun light. Artificial light includes electric lamp, fluorescent lamp, LED lamp, etc. All light sources made by human beings are called artificial light.Photography: It is the combination of light and shadow. If the contrast between light and dark can be properly handled, it can create amazing images. Therefore, mastering the changes of light and shadow is an indispensable and important condition for taking good photos.


Spread the charm of light and shadow


Spread the charm of light and shadow and share emotional exchanges

There is no lack of beauty in the world, but a lack of eyes to find beauty.
Light: There are two kinds of light in the world. One is the same as natural light and the other is the same as artificial light.
Natural light is sun light. Artificial light includes electric lamp, fluorescent lamp, LED lamp, etc. All light sources made by human beings are called artificial light.Photography: It is the combination of light and shadow. If the contrast between light and dark can be properly handled, it can create amazing images. Therefore, mastering the changes of light and shadow is an indispensable and important condition for taking good photos.

Spread the charm of light and shadow

Spread the charm of light and shadow

Spread the charm of light and shadow


There is no lack of beauty in the world, but a lack of eyes to find beauty.
Light: There are two kinds of light in the world. One is the same as natural light and the other is the same as artificial light.
Natural light is sun light. Artificial light includes electric lamp, fluorescent lamp, LED lamp, etc. All light sources made by human beings are called artificial light.Photography: It is the combination of light and shadow. If the contrast between light and dark can be properly handled, it can create amazing images. Therefore, mastering the changes of light and shadow is an indispensable and important condition for taking good photos.

Spread the charm of light and shadow

There is no lack of beauty in the world, but a lack of eyes to find beauty.
Light: There are two kinds of light in the world. One is the same as natural light and the other is the same as artificial light.
Natural light is sun light. Artificial light includes electric lamp, fluorescent lamp, LED lamp, etc. All light sources made by human beings are called artificial light.Photography: It is the combination of light and shadow. If the contrast between light and dark can be properly handled, it can create amazing images. Therefore, mastering the changes of light and shadow is an indispensable and important condition for taking good photos.

Spread the charm of light and shadow

There is no lack of beauty in the world, but a lack of eyes to find beauty.
Light: There are two kinds of light in the world. One is the same as natural light and the other is the same as artificial light.
Natural light is sun light. Artificial light includes electric lamp, fluorescent lamp, LED lamp, etc. All light sources made by human beings are called artificial light.Photography: It is the combination of light and shadow. If the contrast between light and dark can be properly handled, it can create amazing images. Therefore, mastering the changes of light and shadow is an indispensable and important condition for taking good photos.

Spread the charm of light and shadow


Spread the charm of light and shadow and share emotional exchanges

There is no lack of beauty in the world, but a lack of eyes to find beauty.
Light: There are two kinds of light in the world. One is the same as natural light and the other is the same as artificial light.
Natural light is sun light. Artificial light includes electric lamp, fluorescent lamp, LED lamp, etc. All light sources made by human beings are called artificial light.Photography: It is the combination of light and shadow. If the contrast between light and dark can be properly handled, it can create amazing images. Therefore, mastering the changes of light and shadow is an indispensable and important condition for taking good photos.

Spread the charm of light and shadow and share emotional exchanges

There is no lack of beauty in the world, but a lack of eyes to find beauty.
Light: There are two kinds of light in the world. One is the same as natural light and the other is the same as artificial light.
Natural light is sun light. Artificial light includes electric lamp, fluorescent lamp, LED lamp, etc. All light sources made by human beings are called artificial light.Photography: It is the combination of light and shadow. If the contrast between light and dark can be properly handled, it can create amazing images. Therefore, mastering the changes of light and shadow is an indispensable and important condition for taking good photos.


Spread the charm of light and shadow and share emotional exchanges

There is no lack of beauty in the world, but a lack of eyes to find beauty.
Light: There are two kinds of light in the world. One is the same as natural light and the other is the same as artificial light.
Natural light is sun light. Artificial light includes electric lamp, fluorescent lamp, LED lamp, etc. All light sources made by human beings are called artificial light.Photography: It is the combination of light and shadow. If the contrast between light and dark can be properly handled, it can create amazing images. Therefore, mastering the changes of light and shadow is an indispensable and important condition for taking good photos.

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