
2022-2023 THISDL ASA课程回顾第一期







THISDL ASA are designed and carried out based on the THIS DL mission, vision and core values of school. Schools carry out a variety of ASA to provide students with a platform and opportunities to fully explore, participate, contact and understand diverse cultures, and cultivate students' independent thinking ability and team spirit. ASA are mainly divided into the following four directions: academic and quality development, STEAM courses, creative performance and art activities, and sports activities and school sports team.
2022-2023 THISDL primary has opened 63 activities and clubs for students. This review provides parents with first period of 2022-2023 THISDL after school activity. 


During this ASA class the students get the opportunity to experience other countries and learn about these other places around the world. In each lesson, as a class we will go to a new location and learn about this place through books, pictures, videos, games, etc. We have done some general travel-based classes where the students have learned about the world map, seven continents, travel vocabulary and about the enjoyment of travelling.
Besides those general based travel classes, every class we do get the chance to travel to a new location. At the beginning of a class, we will review where we traveled the week before and think about a new place to travel. Then as a class, we will do some introductory activity (pas the ball, sing a song, word jumble, etc.) to get the students interested in the new location. Then the teacher will share about the new location. Main items that are usually shared include: location, flag, food, animals, sports, holidays, locations, etc. All these things are specific to that new country for the day. Sometimes we do watch a short cartoon that shows more about this location. Next students are given a handout that is usually in the form of a small book. In this book the students can read about the new country and color in different parts of it.
Here is a list of the locations that we have already visited and learned so far this semester: China/Ecuador/Egypt/Unites States of America/Italy/New Zealand.Besides those locations we have also had a couple general travel classes that included the following items:
• How to travel (travel transportation, passport, airport procedures, etc.)
• The world map (including learning the seven continents)
我们本学期已经参观和学习过的地方有中国、厄瓜多、埃及、美国、意大利、新西兰。除了这些地点,我们还开设了一些与旅行相关的主题,包括以下项目: 如何旅行(旅行交通工具,护照,机场手续等)和世界地图(包括学习七大洲)。

任课老师 Teacher: Zachary Wayne Keiser

World Traveler's Club

Rubik's Cube


First, students learned the restoration method of the pyramid cube.  There are 5 steps to restore the pyramid cube. Second, we also learned the third-order Rubik's cube restoration method. Learn a rubik's cube need to practice more at ordinary times, enhance proficiency and speed of recovery, At home, parents need to urge the children to take time to practice the method of Rubik's cube restoration, which has improved the speed of Rubik's cube restoration.After learning the recovery of the third-order Rubik's cube, we will learn the second-order Rubik's cube and mirror's cube.

任课老师 Teacher: 刘建蕾
联系方式 Contacts: tracyliu@thisdl.cn

People and city in Beijing 


In the first period of this asa, we talked about Beijing as the capital, to learn about its glorious history. On the basis of the historical map, it is found that Beijing has attached great importance to the construction of the "Imperial City" and the "central axis" since the "Jin Zhong Capital". The imperial palaces of the Forbidden City, with yellow tiles and red walls, gold walls and jacaranda walls, stand tall and spectacular, highlighting the royal atmosphere. The Confucian temple, Imperial college and other ancient buildings are a clever combination of ritual and aesthetics, showing solemn in the magnificent, showing solemn in the beautiful. These imperial buildings are an important carrier of Beijing culture. We also began to discuss the cultural connotation of "Beijing Axis" and how to embody the cultural value of Chinese cultural characteristics. Through the comparison of the pictures, the students found that the cultural landscape on the axis was integrated with the natural environment. They understood that the original meaning of "feng shui" was the yearning for the best life of the ancients. To integrate with nature, living comfortably is the key. Coupled with its own cultural implication, it presents a beautiful and mysterious feeling. As Liang Sicheng said, "Beijing's unique and magnificent order was created by the establishment of this central axis. The symmetrical shape or the distribution of space is based on this axis. 

任课老师 Teacher:陈晓琳
联系方式 Contacts: xiaolinchen@thisdl.cn

Reading of Classic Picture Books


Reading is at the core of learning skills and is the basis for learning in all disciplines. And clear self-awareness and critical reading are important ways to activate children's writing skills. During these eight weeks, we stimulated the children's interest with reading the picture book "I Hate Books". After that, we read a book each week. In the process of listening to the story, we designed some main questions to help children understand the story and encourage them to discuss and express themselves in relation to their own life experiences. After reading the text in depth, we also ask children to retell the story, continue to write the story, write illustrated expressions, make crafts, read  classic words and phrases, etc. so that to enhance language literacy while laying the foundation for writing in the upper grades.

任课老师 Teachers:廖丹丹
联系方式 Contacts: dandanliao@thisdl.cn

Chinese History


China has a long history. Pupils are in the stage of rapidly absorbing knowledge, and they are also full of curiosity about unknown things and want to explore the mysteries. Our after-school history activity helps children stick together fragmented historical knowledge and gradually establish a complete historical chain in the learning process. At the same time, we will also lead the children to briefly analyze and explain the major events that affect the history process, inspire thinking, so that learning history is no longer just mechanical memory and recitation.Being active is another characteristic of primary school students. Therefore, in addition to inserting some interesting and attractive videos or pictures, we also irregularly carry out some historical related practical activities in the class, such as understanding the bronze culture of Xia, Shang and Zhou through archaeological excavation; The similarities and differences between the Qin Great Wall and the Ming Great Wall are distinguished through small handmade Great Wall. These rich and interesting contents can also hold children's interests, making them look forward to coming to the history lecture class every week to explore the origin and inheritance of Chinese civilization with teachers.The function of the history lecture course is to stimulate children's interest and lead them to start the exploration journey of history learning voluntarily. I wish the children a full harvest and happiness in the learning process.

任课老师 Teacher:焦宇
联系方式 Contacts: henryjiao@thisdl.cn

Fantastic beasts and where to find them


In the first part of the Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them, students and teachers experienced the rearing of hermit crabs. Shell-changing, bathing, bedding-cleaning, climbing wood-rinsing, etc. Taking care of these ten-legged crawlers is not as easy as you thought. Students make observations on their hermit crabs regularly and take notes on their report notebook to be shared at weekly meetings. When the growing conditions were non-ideal, everyone worked together to figure out the solution, including raising the indoor temperature, changing to fluffier beddings, hearing from professional hermit crab keepers, etc. Students have tried their best to take care of the crabs. Nevertheless, some weak ones still did not make it. Teachers took the body out of the shell for students to observe the crabs’ soft and must-be-protected-by-a-shell abdomen, to count the total number of legs they possess and to observe the gill structure that permits their terrestrial lifestyle. After observation, teachers placed the processed body of hermit crabs into epoxy for permanent preservation. A mini life education is thus accomplished.

任课老师 Teacher:李治飞、梁赛
联系方式 Contacts: allenli@thisdl.cn

Pen and Ink


Pen and ink asa aims to help lower grade students better control the pen and grasp the rules of structure. The practicability of pen and ink can improve students' concentration and self-confidence, and students can get a sense of accomplishment in the practice.
The main contents of the hard pen course are:
1. Pen training and writing in sitting position. 
2. Basic stroke and word training. 
3. Training of new words after class.
Through training, students have a new understanding of pen and ink and realize the difference between calligraphy and writing. Pen and ink is not only practical, but also artistic.

任课老师 Teachers:魏田雨

Soft pen calligraphy


Soft pen calligraphy, as a traditional calligraphy art, is mainly aimed at students above the third grade. First of all, students should be familiar with the four treasures of the study -- pen, ink, paper and inkstone. Through the teacher's introduction, students can be interested in soft brush calligraphy without conflict. Then the teacher introduces the "five-finger writing method", and the students train repeatedly. Then the teacher introduces the basic strokes of regular script writing and its examples. Different examples of the same strokes will have different writing methods. The teacher will lead the students to analyze the structure of the glyphs in depth. Finally, students are able to write basic strokes and calligraphic works.
The main contents of the soft pen course are:
1. Sitting posture and writing, the use of the four treasures of the study. 
2. Basic strokes and example words. Different processing methods for different example words of the same stroke. 
3. Chapter introduction, signature writing and completion of the work. 

任课老师 Teachers:魏田雨

Pottery Club


Students started their pottery journey this year by painting pots that the teacher had created. The students were simply told to paint these pots using an underglaze paint. The purpose of this assignment was two-fold; the teacher wanted to gauge the student’s level and skills of creativity, and to give the students a success for their first project.
In ceramic studies the initial failure rate is quite high. As such, this first project was designed to motivate them through any future failures.
Once students had had their first success, they had more confidence to try their hand at creating their own pieces.
Our first few projects used clay slabs to make small flat vessels, name-plates and boxes. All of these are a good way to get to learn the basics of clay work. Understanding the tensile strengths and weaknesses of clay will determine what is possible, and even though initially seeming impossible, there are way in which students are able to apply strengths and limitations of the medium to their own advantage to achieve their desired outcome.
One of the big projects which we have undertaken this quarter is to make hexagonal wall tiles. These tiles we embellished with flowers, leaves and butterflies. The students were encouraged to add their names to their tiles. We did this so that students take ownership of their own studies, and makes the pottery studio a part of their world, and not just a place that they go to study pottery.
Students have excelled in creating works of a high quality, and have taken great joy in being allowed to express themselves in a medium which they are unfamiliar with.
I look forward to seeing what they will do in the upcoming months, as we go further into exploring this amazing medium, and learning more skills.

任课老师 Teacher: Andries Fourie
联系方式 Contacts: andriesfourie@thisdl.cn

Games that make you think:
from board games to song


Our students got a chance to explore a variety of different types of board games during the first term. Some of the games included Chess, Oshello, Scrabble, Chinese Checkers, Checkers, Sushi Go, Bananagrams, Uno and a new class favorite - Taco Cat Goat Cheese Pizza.  Some of the games were specifically focused on strategy, such as Chess, Oshello, and Checkers. Others integrated some probability and group interaction, such as, Sushi Go, Uno, and Taco Cat Goat Cheese Pizza. Most recently several students have been playing Monopoly and learned about money, created different amounts of currency for rent, or determed how much they needed to in order to purchase a property. Additionally, some students learned Chinese Chess and Go as part of our strategy game series. As we begin our new term, we will be digging deeper into each of the different games to learn various strategies and techniques. We look forward to helping your kids grow their critical thinking and have fun at our Board Game ASA! 
在第一阶段的课程里,学生探索了各种不同类型的桌游,包括国际象棋,Oshello, Scrabble,中国跳棋,跳棋,寿司围棋,香蕉agrams, Uno和一个新的班级最爱——塔可猫山羊奶酪披萨。有些游戏特别注重策略,如象棋、Oshello和跳棋。还有一些游戏是概率和群体的互动游戏,如Sushi Go, Uno和Taco Cat Goat Cheese Pizza。学生们还玩了大富翁游戏,学习了金钱,创造了不同数量的货币来支付。此外,一些学生学习中国象棋和围棋。我们深入挖掘每一个不同的游戏,学习各种策略和技术。在这个俱乐部,我们希望通过游戏,帮助孩子们培养批判性思维,并找到乐趣。

任课老师 Teachers:Allen Chin
联系方式 Contacts: allenchin@thisdl.cn

Into Spanish


We had a great time together in our the most amazing Spanish class every Thursday! In this period of learning, we learn from the Hispanic culture, learning likes "how many countries in the world consider the Spanish as their official language", "what is the famous street food in Mexico ", "what is Mexico's festival ‘Day of the Dead’", "what are the interesting inventions by Spanish people", "What is the Spanish cuisine and eating habits”, and other funny topics. From culture to language, we picked our Spanish name, learned how to great in Spanish, how to express our emotions, and how to pronounce any Spanish word -- because the rules of Spanish pronunciation are just like learning pinyin, it’s easy and fun! There are also many children who can already say the most difficult sound "RRR" trill voice in Spanish. Now, the kids in our class we already had a rapport to greet each one loudly in Spanish whenever we meet each other in the hallway --
It’s definitely a really GOOD start!

任课老师 Teacher: 刘格扬
联系方式 Contact: yeniliu@thisdl.cn

In the first session of Voice and Speech course, students grasped more systematic knowledge and experiences of bilingual oral expression. Every lesson begins with warm-up exercises including breathing, bilingual pronunciation, tongue twister and acting training. Students will be better able to pronounce clearly and perform confidently. A good speech is the perfect combination of voice and gestures. Thus, letting students to act as daily objects improves their imagination, expressive power and creativity.
for the main content of the course, students have completed self-introduction and English poem reading. Through the exercises of one-minute, three-sentence, and one-sentence introduction, students manage to learn how to attract audience with great first impression. By practicing using mouth to speak, eyes to observe, ears to listen, hands to show, and heart to feel, students read the poems sensitively. Their cooperation skills and stage confidence were also development through individual and small-group activities.

任课老师 Teacher:邢圣涵
联系方式 Contacts: henniexing@thisdl.cn

Voice and Speech

In the first period of learning, we’ve learned the basic syntax of C++ programming language, and learned about input & output, variables, precision control, mathematical formulas, data types, ASCII codes, conditional judgments, branch nesting, logical operations, trinomial operations, switch statements, etc. As a competition course, the depth and width of learning content is much greater than the regular programming class. And the questions of the programming exercises are all available at http://oj.thisdlit.cn. Students who complete each class exercise carefully and with high quality are sure to make great progress. Teacher is very impressed by the positive thinking and serious attitude these students showed in class. 

任课老师 Teacher: 刘丹
联系方式 Contact: danielliu@thisdl.cn

Programming Camp

Mathematics thinking


For grade 1-2, in the first seven classes, students learned three aspects of math: calculation, number sequence and number graph. Vertical calculation of two-digit addition and subtraction. Rounding calculation, move with sign, find the benchmark number, group calculation and other calculation methods. And students also learn the rules of sequence. Let the children know the natural sequence, odd number sequence, even number sequence, double number sequence, etc.Counting geometric figures, to the children initially establish the concept of figure counting, teach children to count the regular figure method, such as counting line segments, counting angles, triangles, rectangles, began to cultivate classification thinking, orderly thinking.
G1-G2的课程,第一阶段学习了计算,数列,数图形三方面内容。 两位数加减法的竖式计算。凑整计算,带符号搬家,找基准数,分组计算等计算方法。培养孩子计算能力,提高孩子计算速度。 学习了数列规律,让孩子认识的自然数列,奇数数列,偶数数列,双重数列等,给孩子建立数列的概念,并根据数列的变化找规律。 数几何图形,给孩子初步建立图形计数的概念,教孩子数规则图形的方法,如数线段,数角数三角形,数长方形,开始培养分类思想,有序思考。

任课老师 Teacher: 张兆斌
联系方式 Contact: 240366453@qq.com

For grade 3-5, students learned calculation, difference problems, chicken and rabbit with the cage problem. Students learn the basic concept of arithmetic sequence. calculation, and difference problems, chicken and rabbit with the cage problem, the basic concept of arithmetic sequence. Calculation with multiplication and division clever calculation, multiplication distributive law, extracting common factors, grouping and pairing methods to solid calculation rules, improve the calculation speed and calculation. ability. Chicken rabbit with cage word problem to learn the hypothesis, grouping method. There are two ways to solve math problems. Arithmetic series, learned the general term formula, sum formula, term number formula and its application. Sum-difference multiplication problems include sum-multiplication problems, difference multiplication problems, and sum-difference problems are basic mathematical word problems.
G3-G5克课程,第一阶段学习的内容有计算,和差倍问题 ,鸡兔同笼问题,等差数列的基本概念。 计算以乘除巧算,乘法分配律, 提取公因数,分组配对等方法扎实计算规则,提高计算速度,提升计算能力。 鸡兔同笼应用题学习了假设发,分组法。运用两种方法解决数学问题。 等差数列,学习了通项公式,求和公式,项数公式及其应用。 和差倍问题包括和倍问题,差倍问题,和差问题是基本的数学应用题。 中年级的内容对培养学生数学素养,打好数学基础至关重要。

 Bubbling Math


In this first semester, students started from geometry, calculation, and game strategies to let children practice their mathematical thinking in an all-round way. In the study of geometry, we have known the Chinese and English names of plane figures, and we have played our imagination to create interesting figures in the process of putting them together, understanding the concept of axial symmetry in the process of putting them together and folding them, and creating our own axisymmetric paper-cut. In the learning of calculation, we started from knowing the larger numbers, let the children know the relationship between numbers and digits, know the way to read multi digit numbers, carry out carry in and retreat exercises, and improve their proficiency through calculation coloring and calculation games. On this basis, we also learned about RMB and opened a colorful small shop in the classroom, allowing children to practice summation in the actual shopping scene and further master the application of computing. In terms of game strategies, we first let children further practice their knowledge of graphics and geometry in drawing and calculating by finding regular games, and let children understand the importance of rules in Sudoku and Gobang games, understand and apply rules, experience the joy of the game, and summarize strategies to win the game. In the rich first course, children gradually strengthened their interest in mathematics, and also carried out a lot of mathematical exercises in interesting activities. In the future, we will continue to go deep into geometry, calculation and game strategies, and add statistics and measurement modules, so that children can experience the interest of mathematics in actual operations.

任课老师 Teacher:祝晚秋
联系方式 Contact: adelazhu@thisdl.cn

Math Basic G3-G5


In this course, first of all, ask students learn to observe, the arrangement rules of observation numbers, the parity of observation numbers, and then use the observed rules to further explore, explore the unknown items, and explore a stroke of the figure. Each knowledge is displayed and communicated through interesting topics, which not only improves the students' interest in learning, but also exercises their ability to analyze and solve problems.

任课老师 Teacher: 谢淑清
联系方式 Contact: shuqingxie@thisdl.cn

International Math Competition Tutoring 


The activities of the Math Club mainly focus on the exercises and explanations of the British Commonwealth and American Math Challenge (Including but not limited to AMC, CML, UKMT, Canadian Waterloo, ), and will expand mathematician stories, mathematical documentaries including cipher, geometric equations plus challenges and other activities to enhance everyone's interest in mathematics. In the activities of the International Math Competition Tutoring group, it feels more like a club where students and teachers show the camaraderie that winning is not everything plus how to have the right attitudes to face both win and losses. Every student is full of the spirit of inquiry and challenge, starting from a variety of interesting and in-depth topics, and climbing the peak of knowledge. The practice meeting of the math club focuses on geometry, algebra, statistics and game strategies, and comprehensively exercises children's thinking ability and English ability. Not only is math knowledge gradually improving, but also children's English comprehensions abilities are increasing, stress-reducing abilities and English expressions are gradually improving. In terms of topic explanation, the course adopts hierarchical teaching. The teacher will use a variety of explanation methods to let children understand the steps, and use life plus STEAM scenes to help children understand and apply. Let children at different levels have the corresponding sense of harvest and achievement. In the future study, we will go deep into different types of topics, let children summarize strategies and rules, and continue to use interesting and rich activities to let children understand the mystery and diversity of the mathematical world.

任课老师 Teacher:魏甲清
联系方式 Contact: willwei@thisdl.cn

Spelling bee


English Spelling Bee, very popular in North America, is a child-centered spelling competition game. Schools or learning institutions use this method to help students memorize a large number of vocabulary, thereby improving English literacy skills. The earliest Spelling Bee appeared in 1825. The basic rule of the competition is that the host says a word, and the contestants need to quickly write or spell out the word, and if they say it wrong, they lose the game directly. In recent years, the rules of the game have to some extent changed, for example, people could participate the competition as a team, and the game has also adopted a points system instead of a knockout system. The spelling bee is a challenging activity, which greatly exercises the children's anti-pressure ability, and also greatly tests the children's English vocabulary accumulation.
In the first-grade Spelling Bee class, children learn the basic rules of natural spelling to become familiar with the rules of spelling. The goal is to be able to read and write when they see or hear words. During these 8 weeks, the students learned 5 spelling rules, memorized more than 50 basic vocabulary, and exercised their ability to spell fast through games and competitions. In the intense but interesting classroom, the children continue to accumulate and gain.
Every week, the children will receive an email with the theme of "This Week's Content Summary", which contains the key content of what they have learned and the student's learning status, in order to facilitate future review.

任课老师 Teacher: 姚洁
联系方式 Contact:carolineyao@thisdl.cn

Spelling bee


The first term of Spelling ASA has already come to a close. The first session have provided students with plenty of fun and learning opportunities! After getting to know all of the new faces and wonderful personalities, our little spelling family is really hitting its stride!
In the first few weeks, the students learned what the SPBCN Team Competition is like. Veteran spellers from last year shared their experiences with newcomers to give them a sense of what to expect. Students learned the rules of each game that is played at the national tournament both by listening to stories from experienced players and through practicing the games themselves.
After playing modified versions of each official competition game, students were in for a real treat. They honed their spelling skills and expanded their vocabularies by playing other super fun spelling games. They learned how to play Scrabble with cards, competing with (and helping) each other to build veritable mazes of words! Bananagrams helped students to work on their speed-spelling skills, not to mention fine motor skills. And they busted ear drums with the crowd favorite Boggle, shaking out words from a 4x4 grid of letters that changes every round.
Over the past few weeks, a typical Spelling ASA looks like this. First, we gather and settle in with a spelling warm-up, usually a word-search and a vocabulary building exercise. Then we spend about 30 minutes practicing one of the competition games as a whole group. For the remainder of our time together, we break into small groups to play spelling-related games that students choose for themselves.
Our format will continue to evolve as we move through the school year and begin to approach competition time. Next, we will work more in small groups dedicated both to spelling and in-game strategy. I hope that I speak for everyone by saying no one can wait until our next session!

任课老师 Teacher: UTZ Andrew/Emma GOU/Denika J/Nic Anderson
联系方式 Contact:andrewutz@thisdl.edu.cn

Academic English Improvement Course


The Academic English Improvement Course (AEIC) aims to help students adapt to an all-English classroom environment, improve their basic vocabulary, cultivate their interest in reading, and thus comprehensively improve their English learning ability. The course is divided into five levels as a whole, corresponding to the five grades of primary school. According to students' reading ability and average English level, appropriate English learning methods and learning content are selected.
In the past several weeks, the first grade children focused on learning the basic pronunciation of 26 English letters, 5 short vowels and 5 long vowel combinations with magic e, and accumulated more than 120 basic vocabulary. They also mastered 2 types of reading comprehension strategies.
The second graders reviewed the basic pronunciation of 26 letters, learned 5 short vowel combinations, 2 long vowel combinations with the letter e, and 4 key consonant combinations. They accumulated more than 100 basic English vocabulary and more than 70 high-frequency words, through short text reading. They mastered 3 types of reading comprehension strategies.
The third grade students have learned short vowel combinations and long vowel combinations, and are familiar with key grammar points related to nouns and verbs. Through reading, students have accumulated nearly a hundred high-frequency words, and have mastered 2 types of reading comprehension strategies.
Grade 4 students reviewed the pronunciation of short vowels and consonant letter combinations, and learned five types of irregular long vowel pronunciations. Through the learning of phonics, students accumulated more than 100 phonics vocabulary. And through the analysis of long articles, they have memorized more than 50 reading vocabulary, learned 4 types of reading comprehension strategies, and learned about 4 literary genres.
The fifth-grade students reviewed 5 short vowel combinations, learned 5 long vowel combinations and 4 key consonant combinations, and accumulated more than 180 basic phonics vocabulary and more than 20 high-frequency vocabulary. Students have read 4 articles, mastered 4 types of reading comprehension strategies, and finished 1 writing task.
Academic English courses are implemented. In this course, students will learn the rules of phonics, reading comprehension strategies and writing skills. From four aspects of listening, speaking, reading and writing, language supporters will help children build up their English literacy and develop their English ability. 

第一期课程中,一年级的孩子们重点学习了英文26个字母的基础发音、5个短元音和5个带有字母e的长元音组合,积累了120 多个基础词汇,通过短文阅读,掌握了2类阅读理解策略。

Academic English Improvement Course


联系方式 Contact: purdyran@thisdl.cn



Cartoon asa is to open up children's imagination, preserve the beautiful innocence, and let children know the world with a broader vision and embrace the future. In the teaching, a large number of model pictures and slide show examples are used to help children learn the basic knowledge of comic modeling, the use of comic tools, the unique performance techniques of comic, the design of comic characters, the performance of situations, and create favorite comic images to express life with comic books. On the other hand, children under the guidance of teachers, improve their aesthetic ability of animation appreciation and learn more about the world's cartoon images and cartoonists. Mastered a variety of comic creation techniques and styles, and comprehensively improved the level of creation and artistic accomplishment.Under the careful guidance of teachers, children can create their own unique works every class.

联系方式:微信/wechat  q345041266

The Play of Art


This course is based on the art history at home and abroad, and the art development history runs through the entire curriculum system. In the past courses, the teacher took the children on a wonderful art trip. During the trip, children saw how primitive cave dwellers lived and worked, and learned about Chinese murals - nine color deer, tribal conflicts, Greek and Roman architectural styles, strange murals in ancient Egypt and other arts.
By learning prehistoric murals, the children used Kraft linerboard and pencil for the first time to create works with narrative mural style, and better understood the creation method and style of pencil paintings. Make materials with different colors by learning the collocation and characteristics of colors. Next, learn the application and characteristics of various lines, and combine the basic materials of color matching to decorate the lines, creating unique works.
In the following course, the teacher led the children to learn Kandinsky's painting style in depth, and tried to combine with rich points, lines and surfaces. He also appreciated the paintings and architectural design style of the Viennese architect Mr. Friedrich Hundertwasser. Children are encouraged to take A Wonderful World as the theme and draw imaginary cities according to their own associations. Under the guidance of teachers, children create a colorful world with different styles.

联系方式:微信/wechat  q345041266

Art House Studio


Painting is a comprehensive ability with a high degree of combination of mind, eye and hand. We should first solve the problem of the head, and then solve the problem of the hand, which is often referred to as "thinking driven techniques" in the course content. If you observe the world from different angles, you will think differently. We have designed a whole series of ASA courses based on the curriculum concept and the students' own characteristics of school. In the content of the first seven weeks, we mainly led students to study the creation method, which is also the most important section in our curriculum system. Through the superposition method, replacement method, deep creativity, breadth creativity, etc., we first ask students open their minds, bringing more possibilities for the later art creation, and interspersed with the explanation of color theory, color perception, composition form and other creative content. In the second session of the semester, more complete and in-depth picture creation will be taken as the main content of the course to solve the common problems such as simple pictures without details and matchmaker.

任课老师 Teacher:第三方
联系方式 Contact: 微信wechat: liuchang199031



The Weiqi club mainly teach basic knowledge and rules, and cultivate the awareness of obeying the rules; through the development of group activities, children are stimulated observation ability, positive thinking, and the ability to challenge.In the first stage of study,  students first learned the origin and rules of Weiqi, as well as the etiquette of Weiqi. Combined with the story of Danzhu, the godson of Yaozao Weiqi, students elaborated the history of Weiqi and explained the benefits of learning Weiqi. The curriculum introduces the basic rules of Weiqi in combination with the children's favorite animation plots: black comes first, white comes later, the falling piece takes root, the piece 9 falls on the crossing point, Qi out and so on. Through actual combat practice, let the children in the actual combat to explore, master the method of eating and fun, encourage careful observation.

任课老师 Teacher: 第三方
联系方式 Contact: 微信号: zhangyanpei900412

MAD Science

MAD 神奇科学家

In the first stage of the course, we used different topics in each lesson to let children learn different scientific knowledge, and everyone enjoyed exploring in the sea of knowledge.
"Dry Ice",  is mainly about what is dry ice, which is a solid form of carbon dioxide gas!
"Dinosaur" , we learned the period when the dinosaurs lived, dig dinosaur fossils,classify dinosaurs.
"Mission Nutrition",kids explored why we eat food. 
“All about Animals”,kids learned that animals are creatures that move like us and need to eat.
“Energy burst”,passing the flying butterfly,explore the causes of butterflies flying and lead to the theme of this lesson - energy
“Wacky water', through the experiment of comparing the density of water, oil and saturated salt water, it is known that the liquid with high density will be under the liquid with low density. 
"Bugs", this lesson mainly focuses on insect, kids observe "Mr. Mantis" to summarize the characteristics of insects 
1. 课程主题干冰,这节课主要了解什么是干冰,干冰由二氧化碳气体构成的固态形态!

任课老师 Teacher: 第三方
联系方式 Contact: wechat:manuginobili05



Steam science aims to make students understand the use of simple experimental tools, learn basic scientific knowledge, improve their practical ability, cultivate the spirit of teamwork, uncover the scientific mysteries behind life phenomena through scientific experiments.
1.Topic: The Genetics of Life —Extracting DNA from Fruit
2.Topic:New Energy Vehicle—Gravity Vehicle
3.Topic: Boyle's Law——DIY Gas Rockets
4.Topic:Skin Care Expert——Homemade Hand Cream
5.Topic: New Energy Vehicle—Air-powered Vehicle 
6. Topic: Moving Hot Air—Merry-Go-Round Lantern
7 Topic: Sewage Transformation—Water Purification
1. 课程主题<生命的遗传——提取水果DNA>,了解什么是遗传现象,认识生活中关于遗传的外形特征,比如单眼皮和有无耳垂等,进一步加深对遗传现象的认识。
2. 课程主题《新能源小车——重力车》,通过实验了解什么是重力势能,以及能量之间的转换现象。
3. 课程主题《波义尔定律——制作气火箭》,了解空气是有力量的,通过实验认识什么是反冲现象。
4. 课程主题《护肤能手——自制护手霜》,了解生活中护肤品的主要成分以及它们的作用,掌握制作简易护手霜的方法。

任课老师 Teacher: 第三方
联系方式 Contact: 微信/wechat:zhaiwolf



In the first stage of the course, we used different topics in each lesson to let children learn different scientific knowledge, and students enjoyed exploring in the asa class.
"Dry Ice",  is mainly about what is dry ice, which is a solid form of carbon dioxide gas!
"Dinosaur" , we learned the period when the dinosaurs lived, dig dinosaur fossils,classify dinosaurs.
"Mission Nutrition",kids explored why we eat food. 
“All about Animals”,kids learned that animals are creatures that move like us and need to eat.
“Energy burst”,passing the flying butterfly,explore the causes of butterflies flying and lead to the theme of this lesson - energy
“Wacky water', through the experiment of comparing the density of water, oil and saturated salt water, it is known that the liquid with high density will be under the liquid with low density. 
"Bugs", this lesson mainly focuses on insect, kids observe "Mr. Mantis" to summarize the characteristics of insects 

任课老师 Teacher: 第三方
联系方式 Contact: 微信/wechat:zhaiwolf

Programming UAV


The programming UAV community integrates technology and competition, and is mainly committed to popularizing UAV system knowledge, control technology and programming control technology. In each course, the students were full of passion, flying around obstacles and programming mazes, which stimulated the students' love of aerospace knowledge. In the first stage of learning, the teaching content mainly includes: Introduction of RoboMaster TT UAV, programming of single machine (upload mode), UAV dancing, smiling flying robot, programming of real-time mode, programming practice of autonomous return flight in real-time upload mode, etc. After the first stage of learning, the students have basically mastered the use of UAV extension module. Can do programming exercises on upload mode and live mode. Most students can write some creative programming code.
编程无人机社团融科技和竞技为一体,主要致力于普及无人机系统知识,操控技术及编程控制技术。每一次课程,学生们都激情满满,操控绕障碍飞行,编程控制迷宫飞行,激发了同学们对航空航天知识的热爱。第一阶段的学习中,教学内容主要有: RoboMaster TT 无人机简介、单机的编程(上传模式)、无人机跳舞、微笑飞行机器人、实时模式的编程、实时上传模式下的自主返航的编程练习等,经过第一阶段的学习,同学们基本掌握了无人机扩展模块的使用,能就上传模式和实时模式进行编程练习。大部分同学能编写一些有创意的编程代码。

任课老师 Teacher: 第三方
联系方式 Contact: 微信/wechat:vicky_yingying

Aerospace Maker


Aerospace Maker is a popular science and technology activity for the majority of students. It can provide the teenagers with the desire of knowledge and creation with the opportunity to practice the wonderful imagination from nothing. Through the study of aviation maker course, complex things are gradually simplified, and then from simple to complex combination or reorganization to reproduce their true colors. From reading pictures, hands-on production to the completion of each work, master the use of a variety of tools, cultivate hands-on ability, to develop the habit of learning science. In the first stage of learning, mainly explained: what is the aviation model, through the production of the model to understand the principle of flight Bernoulli's law, aviation model classification, the five components of the aircraft, the development history of world aerospace, J-15 carrier-borne fighter and China's three aircraft carriers, etc.

任课老师 Teacher: 第三方
联系方式 Contact: 微信/wechat:vicky_yingying



As one of the frontiers of information technology, artificial intelligence has been applied more and more widely in various fields of human society. As a very challenging and extensive science, it is difficult for primary school children to learn it. In the first stage of learning, children are first allowed to understand what artificial intelligence is and the development process of artificial intelligence, so that students can realize the importance of future artificial intelligence technology to human development, so as to guide students to become interested in artificial intelligence. The second class began to gradually enter the basic knowledge learning and practical ability training. The students learned the use of Mixly graphical programming tools, understood the basic structure and principle of Arduino electronic development platform and the pin function of Arduino controller, and also learned simple circuit knowledge. In addition, the students learned the basic structure and circuit principle of the unmanned vehicle. On this basis, the students practiced the motor rotation experiment, carried out the hardware assembly and circuit connection of the unmanned transport vehicle, and combined with this hardware platform, carried out the motor rotation program, the unmanned transport vehicle in situ rotation program, forward, backward, left, right turn, rectangular line driving program.

任课老师 Teacher: 第三方
联系方式 Contact: 微信/wechat:vicky_yingying

Jazz Drum


The main content of ASA Jazz Class this semester includes systematic learning of snare drum and jazz drum.
1. Master the correct croquet holding posture and sitting posture, know the whole note, the half note, the quarter note, the eighth note, and the half rest, the quarter rest, and the eighth rest, and be able to beat these notes on the snare drum. Learn to sing and knock at the same time, learn Articles 1-10 of the Rhythmic Complete Works, and learn various rhythmic combination exercises of each note.
2. Know the structure of the jazz drum and the names of each component, learn the basic rhythm of the jazz drum, the decomposition of hands and feet, and the combination of hands and feet.
3. Monday class learned the jazz drum music "Panama", Tuesday class learned the jazz drum music "Listen to me say thank you", and Thursday class learned the jazz drum music "Sugar".

任课老师 Teacher: 第三方
联系方式 Contact: 微信 typ113866315



Flute asa opened on Monday and Tuesday afternoon, according to the different levels of students to set up the different learning content, zero basis of children learn the flute, and according to the progress of how to study the fingering and the practice scales. Students who have basic level, they learn and practice flute grading test content (scale etudes) orchestra rehearsal repertoire and flute lessons outside the school homework practice. In the following courses, students will focus on the study of music while practicing basic skills, so as to prepare for the children to perform the works in the school performance. 
长笛课的开展分别在星期一和星期二下午,课程采用集体一对多的形式,根据不同程度的学生制定不同的学习内容,零基础的孩子学习了吹笛头,并根据进度的快慢学习了指法并练习了音阶,有基础的孩子根据自身的水平和要求,有教学长笛考级内容(音阶 练习曲 曲子)乐团排练曲目和学校外的长笛课回课作业陪练。在接下来的课程中将在练好基本功的同时重心放在乐曲的学习,为孩子在学校的展演上有可以演出的作品而做准备。

任课老师 Teacher: 管群
联系方式 Contact:aronguan@thisdl.cn



This semester we mainly study the training content of King's Primary Ballet, combined with a certain degree of stretching training. The training focus on the primary course is to exercise the balance, expression, the transfer of the center of gravity, the softness of the arm and so on.
The necessary stretching and warm-up before the beginning of the course can effectively open the joints and muscles in various parts of the body to ensure that it is not easy to get injured in the later training. The main focus of stretching is the stretching of the posterior leg ligament and the stretching of the crotch. Then through the strong sense of rhythm music to lead the child to jump up, in the movement of the body joint at the same time let the child's attention quickly focus on the dance classroom. Then we move on to the King's set of course combinations, legs and feet, arms and head, weight shift, knees and trots, progress, knees and points, and jumps. The second half of the semester will continue with other combinations from the beginning. Depending on the time situation and acceptance, learning and training small dance.

任课老师 Teacher: 第三方
联系方式:  微信/wechat: yinzi2411

Rhythmic gymnastics


In the first period, students learned a lot of body skills of rhythmic gymnastics: forward roll, backward roll, cartwheel, Barcelona turn, shoulder and elbow handstand, and it was assessed as a mid-term test. The overall performance was pretty good! At first, the children found it difficult to do somersaults. With the help of the teacher, they gradually mastered the skills and could basically complete them independently. Every class has basic skills (endurance, strength, flexibility) training, which can increase children's activity and improve their physical fitness. Improving basic skills is more conducive to completing more physical skills and is also beneficial to children's health.Class time is limited, I hope children can also increase physical exercise in peacetime.

任课老师 Teacher: 第三方
联系方式 Contact: 微信/wechat:yupidou512

Martial arts


ASA course start from the first quarter to seven weeks now, among the seven weeks of the course,Students have learned the basic skills of Chinese martial arts, such as: Hand Forms (fist, palm, hook hand), Hand techniques (punch,push palm,hook grasp), Stance(horse-riding stance,bow stance,crouch stance),Foot work(forward step,backward step),Leg techniques(Front Kick)pliable and tough, coordination, flexibility and other exercises.
At first in the class, the children in the aspect of self management is not very good, relatively short attention span of time in class, after weeks of practice, the participation of the whole class now are so high, and master the action faster and a lot of Chinese Martial Arts, now the children have been preliminary mastered all learning course content. In order to enable children to better learn Chinese martial arts, the following courses will standardize the movements that children have already learned and gradually add new learning content.




Basic dribbling, two-person basic passing, medium-long passing, one-on-one defence, and football sensory training are all included in the ASA football course curriculum. Students have a positive attitude on life and a keen interest in education. However, segmented instruction and differentiated standards are used when students' levels are different. Systematic and systematic instruction has produced fruitful results for the kids. Students in the interest class have a good training attitude, everyone fits in well with the group, and they have enhanced their ball awareness via training. Students on the football school team have made significant progress in their knowledge of important and challenging abilities and have progressively discovered their correct roles in the training, which has helped to lay a solid foundation for the competition between the school teams.



The primary school team members have consistently maintained a high level of training, and they may continue to approach the energy-intensive training material with good will. Each member is advanced to some level through rigorous training, and the basic skills instruction does not fear becoming boring. Through group passing, the students in the primary school interest class thoroughly experienced the importance of teamwork and mutual aid in team sports. They also developed a keen interest in baseball by attending baseball games. 




Students in primary schools begin their training with the fundamental ball and work their way up to standing shots, passing in advance, four dribbles in place, and four dribbles ahead. Students can attempt using the fundamentals of sphericity in actual battle now that they have essentially mastered them. Middle schoolers are essentially capable of using simple combat manoeuvres. Following practise, students start to work on advanced moves like turning and dribbling, turning to layups, and dribbling against the hoop to quicken emergency stops. Students are able to use it intelligently and effectively.




The fencing course covers everything from the actual combat stance and initial offensive and defensive movements through advanced offensive shots, offensive footwork, and lunges, and finally a sparse number of defensive counterattacks. There are quick changes for all pupils, regardless of grade. While the upper grade of primary school has a stronger feeling of passion and participation, the lower grade of primary school has gradually adapted to this strange endeavour. Students in junior middle school have demonstrated strong performance in realistic combat training. In general, the effectiveness of classroom instruction has progressively increased, student generality and uniqueness issues are becoming less of an issue, venue infrastructure building is getting better and better, and the fencing project is progressing quickly.

Outdoor sports


Students in lessons with an outdoor theme have made good academic improvement. They had primarily played rugby with waist flags up to this point. Primary school students in the upper and lower grades practise in groups in each lesson due to disparities in their acceptance and physical condition. They currently know how to pass and catch the ball, pull out the waist flag, change direction and run, among other tactics and competition regulations. Students can effectively apply the skills they have learned during the competition to score points with their teammates, set up clear ground rules, and fully feel the power of teamwork. Future outdoor courses will teach kids how to play games like frisbee to improve their physical health and develop their sports-related interests and habits.




All of the participants in the first ASA course essentially mastered the 36 fundamental cheerleading postures and were able to perform the primary school group's (the third set) cheerleading campus flower ball demonstration routine to music. In the classroom, kids are highly engaged, capable of studying under the direction and directives of teachers, and quick to take the appropriate actions in accordance with passwords, enhancing their capacity to handle emergencies. Individual pupils display poor academic performance, poor physical condition, and a lack of exercise participation; these issues should be addressed as soon as possible. Practice more physical skills, work to improve kids' physical skills, and employ physical education's unique traits along with targeted lessons to help children develop their awareness, organisation, discipline, and sense of civic duty.
第一期的ASA课程中全部队员基本掌握啦啦操36个基础手位,能够在音乐的伴随下完成啦啦操校园 花球示范套路小学组(第三套)。在上课时,学生上课积极性较高,能够在老师的指导和要求下进行学习,能按照口令迅速做出相应的动作,强化学生的应变能力。个别学生出现上课注意力不集中,身体素质较弱,锻炼不积极的状况,针对学生存在的问题及时纠正。多进行身体素质的练习,努力提高学生的身体素质,利用体育教学的特点结合具体内容,培养学生的自觉性、组织性、纪律性,集体荣誉感。



Six Zumba routines were taught to the students in the first Zumba ASA course, and the most of these could be performed entirely without the need of music. The body's sensitivity and coordination are enhanced during the learning process. Senior students can maintain their concentration in the class and follow the teacher's instructions to finish the course material. On the original foundation, the kids have further improved, which encourages them to enjoy their education and form a habit of exercising. Some lower-grade kids get distracted during class, failing to pay attention to the teacher's explanations and acting erratically. Due to this, they have adjusted how they interact with kids, strictly enforced the development of good habits, provided more support and praise, boosted their resolve to overcome challenges, and also developed their hard-working and tenacious sportsmanship.


Water polo


Swimming serves as the foundation for water polo. At the same time, because water polo players must rely on teammate cooperation to score efficiently, it teaches pupils the value of teamwork. In the after-class water polo lesson, students acquired new water polo abilities such as treading water, passing the ball in the water, hitting the door, and other unique water polo talents. The children' sense of teamwork, struggle, and confrontation are strong in the after-school water polo program.



Members of the badminton squad have consistently kept up their training. Each class demonstrates strong will by diligently completing the assigned activities, engaging in some ball and new pace training, and being willing to attempt new things and practise on their own without being afraid of failing. The majority of the students are really driven to learn, and team members actively support and encourage one another so that they can enjoy the confidence and fun that has been introduced to them in class. The players are skilled enough to handle the front and back fields' tempos as well as the flat draw, high ball, forehand, and backhand pick-up. They are able to carry out the specifics of the action in a consistent and reasonable manner, as well as actively monitor and address any action-related issues that may arise. The children in the middle school's badminton interest class have made significant advances in their face-to-face skills over the previous seven weeks, as well as in the degree and specifics of their motions. The majority of pupils' motions have reached the differentiation stage through multi-ball and regular exercise; further practise is required to reach the objective of reaching the automation stage in the common single-ball-to-play in the competition. The children are upbeat and happy in class, and they can thoughtfully consider movement strategies while enjoying the game of badminton.




Our course has focused on teaching water safety and freestyle swimming for the past seven weeks. Since they were initially terrified of the water, many students have mastered one swimming stroke, and some students have started learning the second swimming stroke (backstroke). Since the start of the school year until the present, the key components of the primary and secondary school teams' training have been the development of general technology and cardiovascular exercise. Everyone on the new team was unfamiliar with the school team's training schedule and rules, and they failed to adjust to them. Every training session is now uniform and runs according to the coach's directions, which is an improvement for the entire team. Everyone, including the "veteran players," is practising joyfully and actively preparing for the upcoming match.




Indoor surfing is a new extreme activity, and none of the pupils are terrified of the pain produced by mistakes and falls during practise. To develop this skill, everyone demonstrated the exceptional characteristic of facing problems and not being scared of hardship. Students in primary school grades one, two, and three are still learning and consolidating the method of lying on the board. Some pupils are already learning to stand on the board, but they are only at the beginning. At the moment, the fourth-grade pupils are learning to stand together on the board. It takes time for the pupils to stand firmly on the waves because they are still little and have a poor sense of balance. 

Table tennis


The players in the primary school table tennis interest group have improved their physical fitness and skills after seven weeks of training. They have also formed strong friendships and have significantly increased their level of discipline. The elementary school table tennis team worked extremely hard to develop its players' forehand attacking abilities and two-point running technique. The students in the middle school interest class put in a lot of work, learnt how to forehand attack for the first time, and significantly improved their ball sense and rhythm. 


Fitness training


Our purpose for physical training is to provide some training concepts, provide students with training experience, and rectify their actions. Ensure that students can train autonomously, rationally, and scientifically in the future. The physical training content is rich and varied, beginning with the strength foundation that everyone needs at this stage and progressing to whole-body strength and power training, which most young athletes lack, and long-distance cardiopulmonary endurance running, which everyone both loves and despises.



The first seven weeks of Taekwondo training are over.In the first period of training, we first standardized the classroom requirements of the students. In Taekwondo, we should primarily "know the etiquette and understand the etiquette", salute to the teacher before class, pay attention to the action essentials of the teacher in class, and subtly let the students know how to respect, respect the teacher in class, and respect their parents and elders at ordinary times. Secondly, we practiced some basic skills of Taekwondo, including kicking, clutch and swing. Flexibility exercises include: lunge leg press, side leg press, cross fork, vertical fork, etc. Leg exercises include: front kick, cross kick. Finally, we held the actual combat training, students were surprisingly brave and many students fell in love with the actual combat class.
前七周的跆拳道训练结束了,我们首先规范了同学们的课堂要求,在跆拳道中我们要首先要‘知礼 懂礼’,上课前要对老师行礼,上课中要注意听老师讲的动作要领,潜移默化的让学生懂得尊重,上课尊重老师,平时尊重家长和长辈。其次,我们主要练习了一些跆拳道的基本功,其中包括:正踢腿,离合腿,外摆腿。柔韧性练习有:弓步压腿,侧压腿,横叉,竖叉等。腿法练习有:前踢腿,横踢腿。最后,还进行了实战训练,同学们都出乎意料的勇敢,很多同学都爱上了实战课。




The shooting ASA interest course has been divided into three stages in the past seven weeks, gradually improving shooting knowledge, shooting skills, and pressure resistance.
The most fundamental three-point and one-line aiming is supported by shooting training in the initial stage of shooting technology, with an emphasis on firing aiming. The kids' age and physical quality were trained by shooting without depending on conventional movements in the second stage, which transitioned from over-relying training to shooting without relying on. The third stage; In the classroom, the primary lines should be fired targeting and naturally firing trigger, and specific forces should be introduced to improve gun stability. The training effect of senior high school students has greatly enhanced.Primary school kids concentrate on developing interests and progressively mastering shooting skills.

Fitness training


Up to now, the ASA course progress of DanceSport this semester includes three parts: theoretical knowledge of DanceSport, basic movement techniques of Latin dance and special quality of Latin dance. To be specific, the theoretical knowledge includes the concept of DanceSport, dance categories, dance style, music rhythm learning and mastering; The basic movement techniques of Latin dance include the learning and mastering of basic standing posture, basic hand position, cha-cha changing hand position, cha-cha changing center of gravity in place, cha-cha time step, and detailed processing and correction of feet movement , hands gesture, body position and music rhythm; Special quality includes personal balance, coordination and speed quality training; In addition, the course gradually added pairs of training, through the practice with their partners, it can effectively improve the students' cooperation ability, help them consolidate the movement skills, and further perceive the characteristics of DanceSport.



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第二周 Week 2

第三周 Week 3

第四周 Week 4

第五周 Week 5

第六周 Week 6

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